- Publicity: Public Only All
Procs for the list builder.
- Location:
- packages/acs-templating/tcl/list-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2003-05-16
- Author:
- Lars Pind <lars@collaboraid.biz>
- CVS Identification:
$Id: list-procs.tcl,v 1.100 2024/11/06 12:59:29 antoniop Exp $
Procedures in this file
- template::list::create (public)
- template::list::csv_quote (public, deprecated)
- template::list::element::create (public)
- template::list::element::get_property (public)
- template::list::element::get_reference (public)
- template::list::element::get_refname (public)
- template::list::element::render (public)
- template::list::element::set_properties (public)
- template::list::element::set_property (public)
- template::list::element_select_clauses (public)
- template::list::element_where_clauses (public)
- template::list::filter::create (public)
- template::list::filter::exists_p (public)
- template::list::filter::get_property (public)
- template::list::filter::get_reference (public)
- template::list::filter::get_refname (public)
- template::list::filter::set_properties (public)
- template::list::filter::set_property (public)
- template::list::filter_from_clauses (public)
- template::list::filter_select_clauses (public)
- template::list::filter_where_clauses (public)
- template::list::format::create (public)
- template::list::from_clauses (public)
- template::list::get_reference (public)
- template::list::get_refname (public)
- template::list::get_rowcount (public)
- template::list::multirow_cols (public)
- template::list::orderby::create (public)
- template::list::orderby::get_property (public)
- template::list::orderby::get_reference (public)
- template::list::orderby::get_refname (public)
- template::list::orderby::set_properties (public)
- template::list::orderby::set_property (public)
- template::list::orderby_clause (public)
- template::list::page_get_ids (public)
- template::list::page_get_rowcount (public)
- template::list::page_where_clause (public)
- template::list::prepare (public)
- template::list::render (public)
- template::list::render_filters (public)
- template::list::set_elements_property (public)
- template::list::util_html_to_attributes_string (public)
- template::list::write_csv (public)
- template::list::write_output (public)
Detailed information
template::list::create (public)
template::list::create -name name [ -multirow multirow ] [ -key key ] \ [ -pass_properties pass_properties ] [ -actions actions ] \ [ -bulk_actions bulk_actions ] \ [ -bulk_action_method bulk_action_method ] \ [ -bulk_action_export_vars bulk_action_export_vars ] \ [ -selected_format selected_format ] [ -has_checkboxes ] \ [ -checkbox_name checkbox_name ] [ -orderby_name orderby_name ] \ [ -row_pretty_plural row_pretty_plural ] [ -no_data no_data ] \ [ -main_class main_class ] [ -sub_class sub_class ] \ [ -class class ] [ -html html ] [ -caption caption ] \ [ -page_size page_size ] \ [ -page_size_variable_p page_size_variable_p ] \ [ -page_groupsize page_groupsize ] [ -page_query page_query ] \ [ -page_query_name page_query_name ] \ [ -page_flush_p page_flush_p ] [ -ulevel ulevel ] \ -elements elements [ -filters filters ] [ -groupby groupby ] \ [ -orderby orderby ] [ -formats formats ] \ [ -filter_form filter_form ] \ [ -bulk_action_click_function bulk_action_click_function ] \ [ -aggregation_format aggregation_format ]
Defines a list to be displayed in a template. The list works in conjunction with a multirow, which contains the data for the list. The list is output using the <listtemplate> and <listfilters> templating tags, with the help of <listelement> and <listrow>.
Here's an example of a fairly simple standard list.
template::list::create -name order_lines -multirow order_lines -key item_id -actions [list "Add item" [export_vars -base item-add {order_id}] "Add item to this order"] -bulk_actions { "Remove" "item-remove" "Remove checked items" "Copy" "item-copy" "Copy checked items to clipboard" } -bulk_action_method post -bulk_action_export_vars { order_id } -row_pretty_plural "order items" -elements { quantity { label "Quantity" } item_id { label "Item" display_col item_name link_url_col item_url link_html { title "View this item" } } item_price { label "Price" display_eval {[lc_sepfmt $item_price]} } extended_price { label "Extended Price" display_eval {[lc_sepfmt [expr {$quantity $item_price}]]} } } db_multirow -extend { item_url } order_lines select_order_lines { select l.item_id, l.quantity, i.name as item_name, i.price as item_price from order_lines l, items i where l.order_id = :order_id and i.item_id = l.item_id } { set item_url [export_vars -base "item" { item_id }] }And the ADP template would include this:<listtemplate name="order_lines"></listtemplate>
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- The name of the list you want to build.
- -multirow (optional)
- The name of the multirow which you want to loop over. Defaults to name of the list.
- -key (optional)
- The name of the column holding the primary key/unique identifier for each row. Must be a single column, which must be present in the multirow. This switch is required to have bulk actions.
- -pass_properties (optional)
- A list of variables in the caller's namespace, which should be available to the display_template of elements.
- -actions (optional)
- A list of action buttons to display at the top of the list in the form (label1 url1 title1 label2 url2 title2 ...). The action button will be a simple link to the url.
- -bulk_actions (optional)
- A list of bulk action buttons, operating on the checked rows, to display at the bottom of the list. The format is (label1 url1 title1 label2 url2 title2 ...). A form will be submitted to the url, containing a list of the key values of the checked rows. For example, if 'key' is 'message_id', and rows with message_id 2 4 and 9 are checked, the page will get variables message_id=2&message_id=4&message_id=9. The receiving page should declare message_id:naturalnum,multiple in its ad_page_contract. Note that the 'message_id' local variable will the be a Tcl list.
- -bulk_action_method (optional, defaults to
)- should a bulk action be a "get" or "post"
- -bulk_action_export_vars (optional)
- A list of additional variables to pass to the receiving page, along with the other variables for the selected keys. This is typically useful if the rows in this list are all hanging off of one row in a parent table. For example, if this list contains the order lines of one particular order, and the primary key of the order lines table is 'order_id, item_id', the key would be 'item_id', and bulk_action_export_vars would be 'order_id', so together they constitute the primary key.
- -selected_format (optional)
- The currently selected display format. See the 'formats' option.
- -has_checkboxes (optional, boolean)
- Set this flag if your table already includes the checkboxes for the bulk actions. If not, and your list has bulk actions, we will add a checkbox column for you as the first column.
- -checkbox_name (optional, defaults to
)- You can explicitly name the checkbox column here, so you can refer to it and place it where you want it when you specify display formats. Defaults to 'checkbox'. See the 'formats' option.
- -orderby_name (optional, defaults to
)- The page query variable name for the selected orderby is normally named 'orderby', but if you want to, you can override it here.
- -row_pretty_plural (optional, defaults to
)- The pretty name of the rows in plural. For example 'items' or 'forum postings'. This is used to auto-generate the 'no_data' message to say "No (row_pretty_plural)." Defaults to 'data'. See 'no_data' below.
- -no_data (optional)
- The message to display when the multirow has no rows. Defaults to 'No data.'.
- -main_class (optional, defaults to
)- The main CSS class to be used in the output. The CSS class is constructed by combining the main_class and the sub_class with a dash in between. E.g., main_class could be 'list', and sub_class could be 'narrow', in which case the resulting CSS class used would be 'list-narrow'.
- -sub_class (optional)
- The sub-part of the CSS class to use. See 'main_class' option.
- -class (optional)
- Alternatively, you can specify the CSS class directly. If specified, this overrides main_class/sub_class.
- -html (optional)
- HTML attributes to be output for the table tag, e.g. { align right style "background-color: yellow;" }. Value should be a Tcl list with { name value name value }
- -caption (optional)
- Caption tag that appears right below the table tag. Required for AA. Added 2/27/2007
- -page_size (optional)
- The number of rows to display on each page. If specified, the list will be paginated.
- -page_size_variable_p (optional, defaults to
)- Displays a selectbox to let the user change the number of rows to display on each page. If specified, the list will be paginated.
- -page_groupsize (optional, defaults to
)- The page group size for the paginator. See template::paginator::create for more details.
- -page_query (optional)
- The query to get the row IDs and contexts for the entire result set. See template::paginator::create for details.
- -page_query_name (optional)
- Alternatively, you can specify a query name. See template::paginator::create for details.
- -page_flush_p (optional, defaults to
)- -ulevel (optional, defaults to
)- The number of levels to uplevel when doing subst on values for elements, filters, groupbys, orderbys and formats below. Defaults to one level up, which means the caller of template::list::create's scope.
- -elements (required)
- The list elements (columns). The value should be an array-list of (element-name, spec) pairs, like in the example above. Each spec, in turn, is an array-list of property-name/value pairs, where the value is 'subst'ed in the caller's environment, except for the *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed in the multirow context. See template::list::element::create for details.
- -filters (optional)
- Filters for the list. Typically used to slice the data, for example to see only rows by a particular user. Array-list of (filter-name, spec) pairs, like elements. Each spec, in turn, is an array-list of property-name/value pairs, where the value is 'subst'ed in the caller's environment, except for the *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed in the multirow context. In order for filters to work, you have to specify them in your page's ad_page_contract, typically as filter_name:optional. The list builder will find them from there, by grabbing them from your page's local variables. See template::list::filter::create for details. filters are also the mechanism to export state variables which need to be preserved. If for example you needed user_id to be maintained for the filter and sorting links you would add -filters {user_id {}}
- -groupby (optional)
- Things you can group by, e.g. day, week, user, etc. Automatically creates a filter called 'groupby'. Single array-list of property-name/value pairs, where the value is 'subst'ed in the caller's environment. Groupby is really just a filter with a fixed name, so see above for more details. See template::list::filter::create for details.
- -orderby (optional)
- Things you can order by. You can also specify ordering directly in the elements. Automatically creates a filter called 'orderby'. Array-list of (orderby-name, spec) pairs, like elements. Each spec, in turn, is an array-list of property-name/value pairs, where the value is 'subst'ed in the caller's environment, except for the *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed in the multirow context. If the name of your orderby is the same as the name of an element, that element's header will be made a link to sort by that column. See template::list::orderby::create for details.
- -formats (optional)
- If no formats are specified, a default format is created. Automatically creates a filter called 'format'. Array-list of (format-name, spec) pairs, like elements. Each spec, in turn, is an array-list of property-name/value pairs, where the value is 'subst'ed in the caller's environment. See template::list::format::create for details.
- -filter_form (optional, defaults to
)- Whether or not we create the form data structure for the listfilters-form tag to dynamically generate a form to specify filter criteria. Default 0 will not generate form. Set to 1 to generate form to use listfilters-form tag.
- -bulk_action_click_function (optional, defaults to
)- JavaScript function name to call when bulk action buttons are clicked.
- -aggregation_format (optional)
- An option to format the result (number) of an aggregation operation. Default is empty string (result is not formatted). See the Tcl built-in command format for details on the different formatting options.
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::csv_quote (public, deprecated)
template::list::csv_quote string
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.
Quote a string for inclusion as a csv element Obsolete when one uses tcllib csv package.
- Parameters:
- string (required)
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::element::create (public)
template::list::element::create -list_name list_name \ -element_name element_name -spec spec [ -ulevel ulevel ]
Adds an element to a list builder list.
This proc shouldn't be called directly, only through template::list::create.
These are the available properties in the spec:
- label: The label to use in the header.
- hide_p: 1 to hide the element from the default display, 0 (default) to show it.
- aggregate: Aggregate function to use on this column. Can be 'sum', 'average', or 'count'. The aggregate will be displayed at the bottom of the table. If groupby is used, aggregates for each group will also be displayed.
- aggregate_label: The label to use for the aggregate, e.g. "Total".
- aggregate_group_label: The label to use for the group aggregate, e.g. "Subtotal".
- html: HTML attributes to be output for the table element, e.g. { align right style "background-color: yellow;" }. Value should be a Tcl list with { name value name value }
- display_col: The column to display for this element, if not the column with the same name as the element.
- display_template: An ADP chunk used to display the element. This overrides all other display options. You can use @multirow_name.column_name@ to get values of the multirow, and you can directly use the variables specified in the 'pass_properties' argument to the template::list::create.
- display_template_name: theme-able template. If a display_template_name is specified, and a file with this name is available from the resource directory in the display_templates section, then take its countent as display_template. The resource directory is taken from the ResourceDir of the theme (parameter of acs-sub-site) or from the "resources" directory in acs-templating. The display_template_name acts similar to the query names in the database interface: When display_template_name is specified and the file is available, it overrules display_template, which acts as a default.
- link_url_col: Name of column in the multirow which contains the URL to which the cell contents should point. If either link_url_col or link_url_eval is specified, the cell's contents will be made a link to the specified URL, if that URL is nonempty.
- link_url_eval: A chunk of Tcl code which will be evaluated in the context of a template::multirow foreach looping over the dataset multirow, to return the URL to link this cell to. This means that it will have all the columns of the multirow available as local variables. Example: link_url_eval {[acs_community_member_url -user_id $creation_user]}.
- link_html: Attributes to be set on the <a> tag of the link generated as a result of link_url_col or link_url_eval. For example link_html { title "View this user" style "background-color: yellow;" }. Value should be a Tcl list with { name value name value }
- csv_col: The column to return in CSV output.
- sub_class: The second half of the CSS class name. Will be combined with the list's 'main_class' property to form the full CSS class name with a dash in-between, as in 'main-sub'.
- class: Alternatively, you can specify full class here, in which case this will override the sub_class property.
- orderby: The column to use in the order by clause of the query, when sorting by this column. Specifying either this, or 'orderby_asc' and 'orderby_desc' will cause the table's header to become a hyperlink to sort by that column.
- orderby_asc: If you want to be able to sort by this column, but sorting ascending and descending is not just a matter of appending 'asc' or 'desc', you can specify the asc and desc orderby clauses directly. This is useful when you're actually sorting by two database columns.
- orderby_desc: The reverse ordering from 'orderby_asc'.
- default_direction: The default order direction when ordering by this column, 'asc' or 'desc'.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- Name of list.
- -element_name (required)
- Name of the element.
- -spec (required)
- The spec for this filter. This is an array list of property/value pairs, where the right hand side is 'subst'ed in the caller's namespace, except for *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed inside the multirow.
- -ulevel (optional, defaults to
)- Where we should uplevel to when doing the subst's. Defaults to '1', meaning the caller's scope.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::element::get_property (public)
template::list::element::get_property -list_name list_name \ -element_name element_name -property property
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -element_name (required)
- -property (required)
- Returns:
- the element property in the named list.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::element::get_reference (public)
template::list::element::get_reference -list_name list_name \ -element_name element_name [ -local_name local_name ] [ -create ]
upvar the list element to the callers scope as $local_name
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -element_name (required)
- -local_name (optional, defaults to
)- -create (optional, boolean)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::element::get_refname (public)
template::list::element::get_refname -list_name list_name \ -element_name element_name
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -element_name (required)
- Returns:
- the name used for the list element properties array.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::element::render (public)
template::list::element::render -list_name list_name \ -element_name element_name
Returns an ADP chunk, which must be evaluated
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -element_name (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::element::set_properties (public)
template::list::element::set_properties -list_name list_name \ -element_name element_name -spec spec [ -ulevel ulevel ]
Set a list of properties in array get format for the given list template.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -element_name (required)
- -spec (required)
- -ulevel (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::element::set_property (public)
template::list::element::set_property -list_name list_name \ -element_name element_name -property property -value value \ [ -ulevel ulevel ]
Set a property in the named list template.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -element_name (required)
- -property (required)
- -value (required)
- -ulevel (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::element_select_clauses (public)
template::list::element_select_clauses -name name [ -comma ]
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- -comma (optional, boolean)
- Set this flag if you want the result to start with a ',' if the list of select clauses returned is nonempty.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::element_where_clauses (public)
template::list::element_where_clauses -name name [ -and ]
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- -and (optional, boolean)
- Set this flag if you want the result to start with an 'and' if the list of where clauses returned is nonempty.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::filter::create (public)
template::list::filter::create -list_name list_name \ -filter_name filter_name -spec spec [ -ulevel ulevel ]
Adds a filter to a list builder list.
This proc shouldn't be called directly, only through template::list::create.
These are the available properties in the spec:
- label: The label of the filter.
- hide_p: Set to 1 to hide this filter from default rendering.
- type: The type of values this filter sets. Also see 'values' below. Valid options are: 'singleval', meaning that the value is a single value of a query variable with the name of the filter; 'multival', meaning the value is really a Tcl list of values, sent to a :multiple page variable; and 'multivar', meaning that the value is a list of (key value) lists, as in { { var1 value1 } { var2 value 2 } }. 'multival' is useful when you're filtering on, say, a date range, in which case you'd send two values, namely the start and end date. 'multivar' is useful when you want the selection of one filter to change the value of another filter, for example when selecting groupby, you also want to order by the grouped by column, otherwise the groupby won't work properly (you'll get a new group each time the value changes, but it's not sorted by that column, so you'll get more than one group per value over the entire list).
- add_url_eval: An expression which will be uplevel subst'ed with a magic variable __filter_value set to the value of the given filter.
- values: A list of lists of possible filter values, as in { { label1 value1 count1 } { label2 value2 count2 } ... }. The 'label' is what's displayed when showing the available filter values. 'value' is what changes filter values, and, depending on 'type' above, can either be a single value, a list of values, or a list of ( name value ) pairs. 'count' is optional, and is the number of rows that match the given filter value.
- has_default_p: If set to 1, it means that this filter has a default value, and thus cannot be cleared. If not set, the list builder will automatically provide a link to clear the currently selected value of this filter. You only need to set this if you specify a default value in your page's ad_page_contract, instead of through the 'default_value' property below.
- default_value: The default value to use when no value is selected for this filter. Automatically sets has_default_p to 1.
- where_clause: What should go in the where clause of your query when filtering on this filter. For example "l.project_id = :project_id".
- where_clause_eval: Same as where_clause, except this gets evaluated in the caller's context.
- other_label: If your values above do not carry all possible values, we can display a special 'other' value when some other value is selected for this filter. You specify here what label should be used for that element.
- form_element_properties: If you are using filter form, additional properties to override the form element declaration. Any valid form properties can be passed using the same names are template::element::create. A list of name value pairs.
In order for filters to work, you have to specify them in your page's ad_page_contract, typically as filter_name:optional. The list builder will find them from there, by grabbing them from your page's local variables.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- Name of list.
- -filter_name (required)
- Name of the filter.
- -spec (required)
- The spec for this filter. This is an array list of property/value pairs, where the right hand side is 'subst'ed in the caller's namespace, except for *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed inside the multirow.
- -ulevel (optional, defaults to
)- Where we should uplevel to when doing the subst's. Defaults to '1', meaning the caller's scope.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::filter::exists_p (public)
template::list::filter::exists_p -list_name list_name \ -filter_name filter_name
Determine if a given filter exists for a given list template.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- The name of the list template.
- -filter_name (required)
- The filter name.
- Returns:
- True (1) if the filter exists, false (0) if not.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::filter::get_property (public)
template::list::filter::get_property -list_name list_name \ -filter_name filter_name -property property
Return a property from a given list and filter.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -filter_name (required)
- -property (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::filter::get_reference (public)
template::list::filter::get_reference -list_name list_name \ -filter_name filter_name [ -local_name local_name ] [ -create ]
Build a reference to the given filter for the given list template.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -filter_name (required)
- -local_name (optional, defaults to
)- -create (optional, boolean)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::filter::get_refname (public)
template::list::filter::get_refname -list_name list_name \ -filter_name filter_name
Build a canonical name from a list and filter name.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- List name.
- -filter_name (required)
- Filter name.
- Returns:
- Canonical name built from list_name and filter_name.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::filter::set_properties (public)
template::list::filter::set_properties -list_name list_name \ -filter_name filter_name -spec spec [ -ulevel ulevel ]
Set multiple properties for the given list and filter from a list in array get format.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -filter_name (required)
- -spec (required)
- -ulevel (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::filter::set_property (public)
template::list::filter::set_property -list_name list_name \ -filter_name filter_name -property property -value value \ [ -ulevel ulevel ]
Set a property for the given list and filter.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -filter_name (required)
- -property (required)
- -value (required)
- -ulevel (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::filter_from_clauses (public)
template::list::filter_from_clauses -name name [ -comma ]
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- -comma (optional, boolean)
- Set this flag if you want the result to start with an ',' if the list of from clauses returned is nonempty.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::filter_select_clauses (public)
template::list::filter_select_clauses -name name [ -comma ]
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- -comma (optional, boolean)
- Set this flag if you want the result to start with a ',' if the list of select clauses returned is nonempty.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::filter_where_clauses (public)
template::list::filter_where_clauses -name name [ -and ]
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- -and (optional, boolean)
- Set this flag if you want the result to start with an 'and' if the list of where clauses returned is nonempty.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::format::create (public)
template::list::format::create -list_name list_name \ -format_name format_name [ -selected_format selected_format ] \ -spec spec [ -ulevel ulevel ]
Adds a format to a list builder list.
This proc shouldn't be called directly, only through template::list::create.
These are the available properties in the spec:
- label: The label.
- layout: The layout, can be 'table' or 'list'.
- style: The name of the template to used to render this format. Defaults to the name of the layout, and can be overridden in the ADP file.
- output: Output format, can be either 'template' or 'csv'. If 'csv'. then the output is streamed directly to the browser and not through the templating system, but you have to call template::list::write_output from your page to make this work.
- page_size: The page size for this format. Leave blank to use the list's page size.
- elements: 'table' layout: An ordered list of elements to display in this format.
- row: 'table' layout: For more complex table layout, you can specify each row individually. The value is an array-list of ( element_name spec ) pairs. You can have more than one 'row' property, in which case your output table will have more than one HTML table row per row in the data set. In the 'spec' part of each element listed in the row, you can specify properties that override the properties defined in the -elements section of template::list::create, thus changing the label, link, display_col, etc.
- template: 'list' layout: An ADP chunk to be used for display of each row of the list. Use <listelement name="element_name"> to output a list element in your template.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- Name of list.
- -format_name (required)
- Name of the format.
- -selected_format (optional)
- -spec (required)
- The spec for this format. This is an array list of property/value pairs, where the right hand side is 'subst'ed in the caller's namespace, except for *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed inside the multirow.
- -ulevel (optional, defaults to
)- Where we should uplevel to when doing the subst's. Defaults to '1', meaning the caller's scope.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::from_clauses (public)
template::list::from_clauses -name name [ -comma ]
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- -comma (optional, boolean)
- Set this flag if you want the result to start with an ',' if the list of from clauses returned is nonempty.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::get_reference (public)
template::list::get_reference -name name [ -local_name local_name ] \ [ -create ]
Bind an upvar reference to a variable at the template parse level to a local variable, optionally giving an error message if it doesn't exist.
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- Name of the variable at the template parse level.
- -local_name (optional, defaults to
)- Name of the local variable to bind the reference to, default "list_properties".
- -create (optional, boolean)
- Boolean which if true suppresses the "not found" error return, for instance when you're building the reference in order to create a new list.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::get_refname (public)
template::list::get_refname -name name
Return a canonical name for the given list template.
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::get_rowcount (public)
template::list::get_rowcount -name name
Gets the full number of rows retrieved from this template::list. This number can exceed number_of_pages * rows_per_page. If list is not paginated, size of the multirow will be returned. Multirow must exist for count to succeed on a not paginated list.
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- Name of the list builder list for which you want the full number of rows.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::multirow_cols (public)
template::list::multirow_cols -name name
Get the list of columns to order by, if ordering in web server. Otherwise returns empty string.
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- List name
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::orderby::create (public)
template::list::orderby::create -list_name list_name \ -orderby_name orderby_name -spec spec [ -ulevel ulevel ]
Adds an orderby to a list builder list.
This proc shouldn't be called directly, only through template::list::create.
These are the available properties in the spec:
It is difficult, but you can sort hierarchical queries.
- label: The label for the orderby.
- orderby: The column to use in the order by clause of the query. If it's not as simple as that, you can also specify 'orderby_asc' and 'orderby_desc' separately.
- orderby_asc: The orderby clause when sorting ascending. This is useful when you're actually sorting by two database columns.
- orderby_desc: The reverse ordering from 'orderby_asc'.
- orderby_name: The name of a named query, same functionality as orderby property.
- orderby_asc_name: The name of a named query, same functionality as orderby_asc property.
- orderby_desc_name: The name of a named query, same functionality as orderby_desc property.
- default_direction: The default order direction, 'asc' or 'desc'. Defaults to 'asc'.
- multirow_cols: If specified, we will sort the multirow in the webserver layer by the given cols.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- Name of list.
- -orderby_name (required)
- Name of the orderby.
- -spec (required)
- The spec for this orderby. This is an array list of property/value pairs, where the right hand side is 'subst'ed in the caller's namespace, except for *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed inside the multirow.
- -ulevel (optional, defaults to
)- Where we should uplevel to when doing the subst's. Defaults to '1', meaning the caller's scope.
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::orderby::get_property (public)
template::list::orderby::get_property -list_name list_name \ -orderby_name orderby_name -property property
Get a property from an orderby filter for a list template.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -orderby_name (required)
- -property (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::orderby::get_reference (public)
template::list::orderby::get_reference -list_name list_name \ -orderby_name orderby_name [ -local_name local_name ] [ -create ]
Build a local reference to an orderby filter for a named list template.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -orderby_name (required)
- -local_name (optional, defaults to
)- -create (optional, boolean)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::orderby::get_refname (public)
template::list::orderby::get_refname -list_name list_name \ -orderby_name orderby_name
Build a canonical name from a list and orderby filter.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -orderby_name (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::orderby::set_properties (public)
template::list::orderby::set_properties -list_name list_name \ -orderby_name orderby_name -spec spec [ -ulevel ulevel ]
Set multiple properties for the given orderby filter in the given list template from a list in array get format.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -orderby_name (required)
- -spec (required)
- -ulevel (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::orderby::set_property (public)
template::list::orderby::set_property -list_name list_name \ -orderby_name orderby_name -property property -value value \ [ -ulevel ulevel ]
Set a property for an orderby filter in the given list template.
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- -orderby_name (required)
- -property (required)
- -value (required)
- -ulevel (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::orderby_clause (public)
template::list::orderby_clause -name name [ -orderby ]
Get the order by clause for use in your DB query, or returns the empty string if not sorting in the DB.
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- List name
- -orderby (optional, boolean)
- If this is specified, this proc will also spit out the "order by" part, so it can be used directly in the query without saying 'order by' yourself.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::page_get_ids (public)
template::list::page_get_ids -name name [ -tcl_list ]
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- Name of the list builder list for which you want the IDs of the current page.
- -tcl_list (optional, boolean)
- Set this option if you want the IDs as a Tcl list. Otherwise, they'll be returned as a quoted SQL list, ready to be included in an "where foo_id in (...)" expression.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::page_get_rowcount (public)
template::list::page_get_rowcount -name name
Gets the number of rows across all pages in a paginated result set.
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- Name of the list builder list for which you want the number of rows in the result set.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::page_where_clause (public)
template::list::page_where_clause -name name [ -and ] [ -key key ]
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- -and (optional, boolean)
- Set this flag if you want the result to start with an 'and' if the list of where clauses returned is nonempty.
- -key (optional)
- Specify the name of the primary key to be used in the query's where clause, if different from the list builder's key.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::prepare (public)
template::list::prepare -name name [ -ulevel ulevel ]
Prepare list for rendering
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- -ulevel (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::render (public)
template::list::render -name name [ -style style ]
Simple procedure to render HTML from a list template (That's a lame joke, Don)
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- The name of the list template.
- -style (optional)
- Style template used to render this list template.
- Returns:
- HTML suitable for display by your favorite browser.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::render_filters (public)
template::list::render_filters -name name [ -style style ]
Render template list filters
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- Name
- -style (optional)
- List filter style
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::set_elements_property (public)
template::list::set_elements_property -list_name list_name \ -element_names element_names -property property -value value
Sets a property on multiple list elements
- Switches:
- -list_name (required)
- Name of the list
- -element_names (required)
- List of element names
- -property (required)
- Which property to set
- -value (required)
- Value to set, all elements in element_names get this value
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::util_html_to_attributes_string (public)
template::list::util_html_to_attributes_string html \ [ default_summary_p ]
Takes a list in array get format and builds HTML attributes from them.
- Parameters:
- html (required)
- A misnomer? The input isn't HTML, the output is HTML.
- default_summary_p (optional, defaults to
)- Include a default summary if one does not exist
- Returns:
- HTML attributes built from the list in array get format 2/28/2007 - Project Zen - Modifying to handle a default value for summary if default_summary_p = 1
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::write_csv (public)
template::list::write_csv -name name [ -label_headers ] \ [ -delimiter delimiter ]
Writes a CSV to the connection
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- template::list name
- -label_headers (optional, boolean, defaults to
)- -delimiter (optional, defaults to
)- CSV delimiter
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::list::write_output (public)
template::list::write_output -name name
Writes the output to the connection if output isn't set to template. Will automatically issue an ad_script_abort, if the output has been written directly to the connection instead of through the templating system.
- Switches:
- -name (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Procs for the list builder. @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz) @creation-date 2003-05-16 @cvs-id $Id: list-procs.tcl,v 1.100 2024/11/06 12:59:29 antoniop Exp $ } namespace eval template {} namespace eval template::list {} namespace eval template::list::element {} namespace eval template::list::filter {} namespace eval template::list::format {} namespace eval template::list::orderby {} ##### # # template::list namespace # ##### d_proc -public template::list::create { {-name:required} {-multirow ""} {-key ""} {-pass_properties ""} {-actions ""} {-bulk_actions ""} {-bulk_action_method "get"} {-bulk_action_export_vars ""} {-selected_format ""} {-has_checkboxes:boolean} {-checkbox_name "checkbox"} {-orderby_name "orderby"} {-row_pretty_plural "#acs-templating.data#"} {-no_data ""} {-main_class "list-table"} {-sub_class ""} {-class ""} {-html ""} {-caption ""} {-page_size ""} {-page_size_variable_p 0} {-page_groupsize 10} {-page_query ""} {-page_query_name ""} {-page_flush_p 0} {-ulevel 1} {-elements:required} {-filters ""} {-groupby ""} {-orderby ""} {-formats ""} {-filter_form 0} {-bulk_action_click_function "acs_ListBulkActionClick"} {-aggregation_format ""} } { Defines a list to be displayed in a template. The list works in conjunction with a multirow, which contains the data for the list. The list is output using the <listtemplate> and <listfilters> templating tags, with the help of <listelement> and <listrow>. <p> Here's an example of a fairly simple standard list. <pre> template::list::create \ -name order_lines \ -multirow order_lines \ -key item_id \ -actions [list "Add item" [export_vars -base item-add {order_id}] "Add item to this order"] \ -bulk_actions { "Remove" "item-remove" "Remove checked items" "Copy" "item-copy" "Copy checked items to clipboard" } \ -bulk_action_method post \ -bulk_action_export_vars { order_id } \ -row_pretty_plural "order items" \ -elements { quantity { label "Quantity" } item_id { label "Item" display_col item_name link_url_col item_url link_html { title "View this item" } } item_price { label "Price" display_eval {[lc_sepfmt $item_price]} } extended_price { label "Extended Price" display_eval {[lc_sepfmt [expr {$quantity $item_price}]]} } } db_multirow -extend { item_url } order_lines select_order_lines { select l.item_id, l.quantity, i.name as item_name, i.price as item_price from order_lines l, items i where l.order_id = :order_id and i.item_id = l.item_id } { set item_url [export_vars -base "item" { item_id }] } </pre> And the ADP template would include this: <pre> <listtemplate name="order_lines"></listtemplate> </pre> @param name The name of the list you want to build. @param multirow The name of the multirow which you want to loop over. Defaults to name of the list. @param key The name of the column holding the primary key/unique identifier for each row. Must be a single column, which must be present in the multirow. This switch is required to have bulk actions. @param pass_properties A list of variables in the caller's namespace, which should be available to the display_template of elements. @param actions A list of action buttons to display at the top of the list in the form (label1 url1 title1 label2 url2 title2 ...). The action button will be a simple link to the url. @param bulk_actions A list of bulk action buttons, operating on the checked rows, to display at the bottom of the list. The format is (label1 url1 title1 label2 url2 title2 ...). A form will be submitted to the url, containing a list of the key values of the checked rows. For example, if 'key' is 'message_id', and rows with message_id 2 4 and 9 are checked, the page will get variables message_id=2&message_id=4&message_id=9. The receiving page should declare message_id:naturalnum,multiple in its ad_page_contract. Note that the 'message_id' local variable will the be a Tcl list. @param bulk_action_method should a bulk action be a "get" or "post" @param bulk_action_export_vars A list of additional variables to pass to the receiving page, along with the other variables for the selected keys. This is typically useful if the rows in this list are all hanging off of one row in a parent table. For example, if this list contains the order lines of one particular order, and the primary key of the order lines table is 'order_id, item_id', the key would be 'item_id', and bulk_action_export_vars would be 'order_id', so together they constitute the primary key. @param selected_format The currently selected display format. See the 'formats' option. @param has_checkboxes Set this flag if your table already includes the checkboxes for the bulk actions. If not, and your list has bulk actions, we will add a checkbox column for you as the first column. @param checkbox_name You can explicitly name the checkbox column here, so you can refer to it and place it where you want it when you specify display formats. Defaults to 'checkbox'. See the 'formats' option. @param row_pretty_plural The pretty name of the rows in plural. For example 'items' or 'forum postings'. This is used to auto-generate the 'no_data' message to say "No (row_pretty_plural)." Defaults to 'data'. See 'no_data' below. @param no_data The message to display when the multirow has no rows. Defaults to 'No data.'. @param main_class The main CSS class to be used in the output. The CSS class is constructed by combining the main_class and the sub_class with a dash in between. E.g., main_class could be 'list', and sub_class could be 'narrow', in which case the resulting CSS class used would be 'list-narrow'. @param sub_class The sub-part of the CSS class to use. See 'main_class' option. @param class Alternatively, you can specify the CSS class directly. If specified, this overrides main_class/sub_class. @param html HTML attributes to be output for the table tag, e.g. { align right style "background-color: yellow;" }. Value should be a Tcl list with { name value name value } @param caption Caption tag that appears right below the table tag. Required for AA. Added 2/27/2007 @param page_size The number of rows to display on each page. If specified, the list will be paginated. @param page_size_variable_p Displays a selectbox to let the user change the number of rows to display on each page. If specified, the list will be paginated. @param page_groupsize The page group size for the paginator. See template::paginator::create for more details. @param page_query The query to get the row IDs and contexts for the entire result set. See template::paginator::create for details. @param page_query_name Alternatively, you can specify a query name. See template::paginator::create for details. @param ulevel The number of levels to uplevel when doing subst on values for elements, filters, groupbys, orderbys and formats below. Defaults to one level up, which means the caller of template::list::create's scope. @param elements The list elements (columns). The value should be an array-list of (element-name, spec) pairs, like in the example above. Each spec, in turn, is an array-list of property-name/value pairs, where the value is 'subst'ed in the caller's environment, except for the *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed in the multirow context. See <a href="/api-doc/proc-view?proc=template::list::element::create">template::list::element::create</a> for details. @param filters Filters for the list. Typically used to slice the data, for example to see only rows by a particular user. Array-list of (filter-name, spec) pairs, like elements. Each spec, in turn, is an array-list of property-name/value pairs, where the value is 'subst'ed in the caller's environment, except for the *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed in the multirow context. In order for filters to work, you have to specify them in your page's ad_page_contract, typically as filter_name:optional. The list builder will find them from there, by grabbing them from your page's local variables. See <a href="/api-doc/proc-view?proc=template::list::filter::create">template::list::filter::create</a> for details. filters are also the mechanism to export state variables which need to be preserved. If for example you needed user_id to be maintained for the filter and sorting links you would add -filters {user_id {}} @param groupby Things you can group by, e.g. day, week, user, etc. Automatically creates a filter called 'groupby'. Single array-list of property-name/value pairs, where the value is 'subst'ed in the caller's environment. Groupby is really just a filter with a fixed name, so see above for more details. See <a href="/api-doc/proc-view?proc=template::list::filter::create">template::list::filter::create</a> for details. @param orderby Things you can order by. You can also specify ordering directly in the elements. Automatically creates a filter called 'orderby'. Array-list of (orderby-name, spec) pairs, like elements. Each spec, in turn, is an array-list of property-name/value pairs, where the value is 'subst'ed in the caller's environment, except for the *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed in the multirow context. If the name of your orderby is the same as the name of an element, that element's header will be made a link to sort by that column. See <a href="/api-doc/proc-view?proc=template::list::orderby::create">template::list::orderby::create</a> for details. @param orderby_name The page query variable name for the selected orderby is normally named 'orderby', but if you want to, you can override it here. @param formats If no formats are specified, a default format is created. Automatically creates a filter called 'format'. Array-list of (format-name, spec) pairs, like elements. Each spec, in turn, is an array-list of property-name/value pairs, where the value is 'subst'ed in the caller's environment. See <a href="/api-doc/proc-view?proc=template::list::format::create">template::list::format::create</a> for details. @param filter_form Whether or not we create the form data structure for the listfilters-form tag to dynamically generate a form to specify filter criteria. Default 0 will not generate form. Set to 1 to generate form to use listfilters-form tag. @param bulk_action_click_function JavaScript function name to call when bulk action buttons are clicked. @param aggregation_format An option to format the result (number) of an aggregation operation. Default is empty string (result is not formatted). See the Tcl built-in command <a href="https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TclCmd/format.htm">format</a> for details on the different formatting options. @see template::list::element::create @see template::list::filter::create @see template::list::orderby::create @see template::list::format::create } { set level [template::adp_level] # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -create -name $name # Setup some list defaults array set list_properties { actions {} bulk_action_click_function {} bulk_action_export_vars {} bulk_actions {} caption {} class {} html {} key {} main_class {list} multirow {} orderby_name {orderby} page_flush_p {} page_groupsize {} page_query {} page_query_name {} page_size {} page_size_variable_p {} style {} sub_class {} } # These are defaults for internally maintained properties array set list_properties { aggregates_p 0 aggregation_format {} bulk_action_export_chunk {} display_elements {} dynamic_cols_p 0 element_refs {} element_select_clauses {} element_where_clauses {} elements {} filter_refs {} filter_select_clauses {} filter_where_clauses {} filters {} filters_export {} format_refs {} from_clauses {} groupby {} groupby_label {} orderby_refs {} orderby_selected_direction {} orderby_selected_name {} output {} page_size_export_chunk {} row_template {} ulevel {} url {} } # Set default for no_data set row_pretty_plural [lang::util::localize $row_pretty_plural] set no_data [expr {$no_data eq "" ? "[_ acs-templating.No_row_pretty_plural]" : $no_data}] # Set ulevel to the level of the page, so we can access it later set list_properties(ulevel) "\#[expr {[info level] - $ulevel}]" # Set properties from the parameters passed foreach elm { actions aggregation_format bulk_action_click_function bulk_action_export_vars bulk_action_method bulk_actions caption class html key main_class multirow name no_data orderby_name page_flush_p page_groupsize page_query page_query_name page_size page_size_variable_p pass_properties row_pretty_plural sub_class } { set list_properties($elm) [set $elm] } # Default 'class' to 'main_class' if { $list_properties(class) eq "" } { set list_properties(class) $list_properties(main_class) } # Default 'multirow' to list name if { $list_properties(multirow) eq "" } { set list_properties(multirow) $name } # Set up automatic 'checkbox' element as the first element if { !$has_checkboxes_p && [llength $bulk_actions] > 0 } { if { $key eq "" } { error "You cannot have bulk_actions without providing a key for list '$name'" } # Create the checkbox element set label [subst { <input type="checkbox" name="_dummy" id="$name-bulkaction-control" title="[_ acs-templating.lt_Checkuncheck_all_rows]"> }] template::add_event_listener \ -id $name-bulkaction-control \ -preventdefault=false \ -script [subst {acs_ListCheckAll('[ns_quotehtml $name]', this.checked);}] template::add_event_listener \ -id $name-bulkaction-control \ -event keypress \ -preventdefault=false \ -script [subst {acs_ListCheckAll('[ns_quotehtml $name]', this.checked);}] if {[info exists ::__csrf_token]} { append label [subst {<input type="hidden" name="__csrf_token" value="$::__csrf_token">}] } # We only ulevel 1 here, because we want the subst to be done in this namespace template::list::element::create \ -list_name $name \ -element_name $checkbox_name \ -spec { label $label display_template {<input type="checkbox" name="$key" value="@$list_properties(multirow).$key@" id="$name.@$list_properties(multirow).$key@" title="[_ acs-templating.lt_Checkuncheck_this_row]">} sub_class {narrow} html { align center } } } # Define the elements foreach { elm_name elm_spec } $elements { # Create the element # Need to uplevel 2 the subst command to get to our caller's namespace template::list::element::create \ -list_name $name \ -element_name $elm_name \ -spec $elm_spec \ -ulevel 2 } set reserved_filter_names { groupby orderby format page } # Handle filters foreach { dim_name dim_spec } $filters { if { $dim_name in $reserved_filter_names } { error "The name '$dim_name' is a reserved filter name, list '$name'. Reserved names are [join $reserved_filter_names ", "]." } template::list::filter::create \ -list_name $name \ -filter_name $dim_name \ -spec $dim_spec \ -ulevel 2 } # Groupby (this is also a filter, but a special one) if { [llength $groupby] > 0 } { template::list::filter::create \ -list_name $name \ -filter_name "groupby" \ -spec $groupby \ -ulevel 2 } # Orderby if { [llength $orderby] > 0 } { set filter_default {} foreach { orderby_name orderby_spec } $orderby { if {$orderby_name eq "default_value"} { set filter_default $orderby_spec } else { template::list::orderby::create \ -list_name $name \ -orderby_name $orderby_name \ -spec $orderby_spec \ -ulevel 2 } } template::list::filter::set_property \ -list_name $name \ -filter_name $list_properties(orderby_name) \ -property default_value \ -value $filter_default \ -ulevel 2 } # Formats if { [llength $formats] > 0 } { set filter_values {} foreach { format_name format_spec } $formats { lappend filter_values [template::list::format::create \ -list_name $name \ -format_name $format_name \ -selected_format $selected_format \ -spec $format_spec \ -ulevel 2] } set filter_spec [list label [_ acs-templating.Formats] values $filter_values has_default_p 1] template::list::filter::create \ -list_name $name \ -filter_name "format" \ -spec $filter_spec \ -ulevel 2 } # Pagination if { $list_properties(page_size_variable_p) == 1 } { # Create a filter for the variable page size template::list::filter::create \ -list_name $name \ -filter_name "page_size" \ -spec [list label "[_ acs-templating.Page_Size]" default_value 20 hide_p t] } if { ($list_properties(page_size) ne "" && $list_properties(page_size) != 0) || $list_properties(page_size_variable_p) == 1 } { # Check that we have either page_query or page_query_name if { $list_properties(page_query) eq "" && $list_properties(page_query_name) eq "" } { error "[_ acs-templating.lt_When_specifying_a_non]" } # We create the selected page as a filter, so we get the filter,page thing out template::list::filter::create \ -list_name $name \ -filter_name "page" \ -spec [list label "[_ acs-templating.Page]" default_value 1 hide_p t] } # Done, prepare the list. This has to be done while we still have access to the caller's scope prepare \ -name $name \ -ulevel 2 } d_proc -public template::list::prepare { {-name:required} {-ulevel 1} } { Prepare list for rendering } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name # Default the display_elements property to be all elements if { [llength $list_properties(display_elements)] == 0 } { set list_properties(display_elements) $list_properties(elements) } # Set the bulk_action_export_chunk if { $list_properties(bulk_action_export_vars) ne "" } { set list_properties(bulk_action_export_chunk) [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) \ [list export_vars -form $list_properties(bulk_action_export_vars)]] } # This sets urls, selected_p, etc., for filters, plus sets the (filter,name) var in list_properties upvar filter_form filter_form if {$filter_form} { prepare_filter_form -name $name } prepare_filters \ -name $name # Split the current ordering info into name and direction # name is the string before the comma, order (asc/desc) is what's after if { [info exists list_properties(filter,$list_properties(orderby_name))] } { lassign [lrange [split $list_properties(filter,$list_properties(orderby_name)) ","] 0 1] orderby_name orderby_direction set list_properties(orderby_selected_name) $orderby_name if { $orderby_direction eq "" } { ad_try { template::list::orderby::get_reference \ -list_name $name \ -orderby_name $orderby_name } on error {errorMsg} { ad_page_contract_handle_datasource_error $errorMsg ad_script_abort } set orderby_direction $orderby_properties(default_direction) } set list_properties(orderby_selected_direction) $orderby_direction } # This sets orderby, etc., for filters prepare_elements \ -name $name \ -ulevel [expr {$ulevel + 1}] # Make group_by information available to templates if { [info exists list_properties(filter,groupby)] && $list_properties(filter,groupby) ne "" } { set list_properties(groupby) $list_properties(filter,groupby) } if { [info exists list_properties(filter_label,groupby)] && $list_properties(filter_label,groupby) ne "" } { set list_properties(groupby_label) $list_properties(filter_label,groupby) } # Create the paginator if { $list_properties(page_size_variable_p) == 1 } { set list_properties(page_size) $list_properties(filter,page_size) set list_properties(url) [ad_conn url] set list_properties(page_size_export_chunk) \ [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) [list export_vars -form -exclude {page_size page} $list_properties(filters_export)]] } if { $list_properties(page_size) ne "" && $list_properties(page_size) != 0 } { if {$list_properties(page_query) eq ""} { # We need to uplevel db_map it to get the query from the right context set list_properties(page_query_substed) \ [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) [list db_map $list_properties(page_query_name)]] } else { # We need to uplevel subst it so we get the filters evaluated set list_properties(page_query_substed) \ [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) \ [list subst -nobackslashes $list_properties(page_query)]] } # Use some short variable names to make the expr readable set page $list_properties(filter,page) set groupsize $list_properties(page_groupsize) set page_size $list_properties(page_size) set page_group [expr {($page - 1 - (($page - 1) % $groupsize)) / $groupsize + 1}] set first_row [expr {($page_group - 1) * $groupsize * $page_size + 1}] set last_row [expr {$first_row + ($groupsize + 1) * $page_size - 1}] set page_offset [expr {($page_group - 1) * $groupsize}] # Antonio Pisano 2015-11-17: From now on, the original query # will be tampered with the limit information, so this is our # last chance to save it and use it to get the full row count in # the paginator. set list_properties(page_query_original) $list_properties(page_query_substed) # Now wrap the provided query with the limit information set list_properties(page_query_substed) [subst { $list_properties(page_query_substed) offset [expr {$first_row - 1}] fetch first [expr {$last_row - $first_row + 1}] rows only }] # Generate a paginator name which includes the page group we're in # and all the filter values, so the paginator caching works properly # Antonio Pisano 2015-11-17: it is important that the paginator_name starts with the list's # name, because we count on this in template::paginator::create to retrieve the count_query set paginator_name $list_properties(name) foreach filter $list_properties(filters) { if { $filter ne "page" && [info exists list_properties(filter,$filter)] } { append paginator_name ",$filter=$list_properties(filter,$filter)" } } append paginator_name ",page_group=$page_group" set list_properties(paginator_name) $paginator_name set flush_p f if { [string is true -strict $list_properties(page_flush_p)] } { set flush_p t } # We need this uplevel so that the bind variables in the query # will get bound at the caller's level # we pass in a dummy query name because the query text was # already retrieved previously with db_map so this call # always passes the full query text and not the query name # this was failing if the template::list call contained a # page_query with an empty page_query_name uplevel $ulevel [list template::paginator create \ templating-paginator-$name \ $list_properties(paginator_name) \ $list_properties(page_query_substed) \ -pagesize $list_properties(page_size) \ -groupsize $list_properties(page_groupsize) \ -page_offset $page_offset \ -flush_p $flush_p \ -contextual] if { $list_properties(filter,page) > [template::paginator get_page_count $list_properties(paginator_name)] } { set list_properties(filter,page) [template::paginator get_page_count $list_properties(paginator_name)] } } } d_proc -public template::list::get_refname { {-name:required} } { Return a canonical name for the given list template. } { return "$name:properties" } d_proc -public template::list::get_reference { {-name:required} {-local_name "list_properties"} {-create:boolean} } { Bind an upvar reference to a variable at the template parse level to a local variable, optionally giving an error message if it doesn't exist. @param name Name of the variable at the template parse level. @param local_name Name of the local variable to bind the reference to, default "list_properties". @param create Boolean which if true suppresses the "not found" error return, for instance when you're building the reference in order to create a new list. } { if {$name eq ""} { error "Attempt to get reference to an empty name." } set refname [get_refname -name $name] if { !$create_p && ![uplevel \#[template::adp_level] [list info exists $refname]] } { error "List '$name' not found" } uplevel upvar #[template::adp_level] $refname $local_name } d_proc -private template::list::get_url { {-name:required} {-override ""} {-exclude ""} } { Build a URL for the current page with query variables set for the various filters active for the named list. @param name The name of the list @param override Values that export_vars should override @param exclude Values that export_vars should not put in the query string @return The current page's URL decorated with the computed query string } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name return [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) \ [list export_vars \ -base [ad_conn url] \ -exclude $exclude \ -override $override \ $list_properties(filters_export)]] } d_proc -public template::list::filter_from_clauses { -name:required -comma:boolean } { @param comma Set this flag if you want the result to start with an ',' if the list of from clauses returned is nonempty. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name if { [llength $list_properties(filter_from_clauses)] == 0 } { return {} } set result {} if { $comma_p } { append result ", " } append result [join $list_properties(filter_from_clauses) "\n , "] return $result } d_proc -public template::list::filter_select_clauses { -name:required -comma:boolean } { @param comma Set this flag if you want the result to start with a ',' if the list of select clauses returned is nonempty. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name if { [llength $list_properties(filter_select_clauses)] == 0 } { return {} } set result {} if { $comma_p } { append result ", " } append result [join $list_properties(filter_select_clauses) "\n , "] return $result } d_proc -public template::list::from_clauses { -name:required -comma:boolean } { @param comma Set this flag if you want the result to start with an ',' if the list of from clauses returned is nonempty. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name if { [llength $list_properties(from_clauses)] == 0 } { return {} } set trimmed_from_clauses [list] set result {} if { ![string is space [lindex $list_properties(from_clauses) 0]] && $comma_p && ![string match "left*" [string trim [lindex $list_properties(from_clauses) 0]]]} { append result ", " } set i 0 foreach elm $list_properties(from_clauses) { if {(![string is space $elm] && ![string match "left*" [string trim $elm]]) && ($comma_p || $i > 0)} { append results "," } append result " $elm" incr i } # append result [join $list_properties(from_clauses) "\n , "] return $result } d_proc -public template::list::element_select_clauses { -name:required -comma:boolean } { @param comma Set this flag if you want the result to start with a ',' if the list of select clauses returned is nonempty. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name if { [llength $list_properties(element_select_clauses)] == 0 } { return {} } set result {} if { $comma_p } { append result ", " } append result [join $list_properties(element_select_clauses) "\n , "] return $result } d_proc -public template::list::filter_where_clauses { -name:required -and:boolean } { @param and Set this flag if you want the result to start with an 'and' if the list of where clauses returned is nonempty. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name if { [llength $list_properties(filter_where_clauses)] == 0 } { return {} } set result {} if { $and_p } { append result "and " } append result [join $list_properties(filter_where_clauses) "\n and "] return $result } d_proc -public template::list::element_where_clauses { -name:required -and:boolean } { @param and Set this flag if you want the result to start with an 'and' if the list of where clauses returned is nonempty. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name if { [llength $list_properties(element_where_clauses)] == 0 } { return {} } set result {} if { $and_p } { append result "and " } append result [join $list_properties(element_where_clauses) "\n and "] return $result } d_proc -public template::list::page_where_clause { -name:required -and:boolean {-key ""} } { @param and Set this flag if you want the result to start with an 'and' if the list of where clauses returned is nonempty. @param key Specify the name of the primary key to be used in the query's where clause, if different from the list builder's key. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name if { $list_properties(page_size) eq "" || $list_properties(page_size) == 0 } { return {} } set result {} if { $and_p } { append result "and " } if { $key eq "" } { set key $list_properties(key) } append result "$key in ([page_get_ids -name $name])" return $result } d_proc -public template::list::write_output { -name:required } { Writes the output to the connection if output isn't set to template. Will automatically issue an ad_script_abort, if the output has been written directly to the connection instead of through the templating system. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name switch -- $list_properties(output) { csv { write_csv -name $name ad_script_abort } } } d_proc -deprecated template::list::csv_quote { string } { Quote a string for inclusion as a csv element Obsolete when one uses tcllib csv package. @see https://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib/doc/trunk/embedded/md/tcllib/files/modules/csv/csv.md } { regsub -all -- {\"} $string {""} result return $result } d_proc -public template::list::write_csv { -name:required {-label_headers:boolean true} {-delimiter ","} } { Writes a CSV to the connection @param name template::list name @param lable_headers When set, element labels, typically human readable, will be used as column headers. When not set, the column names will be used, which is useful when e.g. importing the CSV somewhere. @param delimiter CSV delimiter } { # Creates the '_eval' columns and aggregates template::list::prepare_for_rendering -name $name get_reference -name $name set __list_name $name set __output {} set __groupby $list_properties(groupby) # Output header row set __cols [list] set __csv_cols [list] set __csv_labels [list] foreach __element_name $list_properties(display_elements) { template::list::element::get_reference -list_name $name -element_name $__element_name if {!$element_properties(hide_p)} { lappend __csv_cols $__element_name lappend __csv_labels $element_properties(label) } } lappend __output [expr {$label_headers_p ? $__csv_labels : $__csv_cols}] set __rowcount [template::multirow size $list_properties(multirow)] set __rownum 0 # Output rows template::multirow foreach $list_properties(multirow) { set group_lastnum_p 0 if {$__groupby ne ""} { if {$__rownum < $__rowcount} { # check if the next row's group column is the same as this one set next_group [template::multirow get $list_properties(multirow) [expr {$__rownum + 1}] $__groupby] if {[set $__groupby] ne $next_group} { set group_lastnum_p 1 } } else { set group_lastnum_p 1 } incr __rownum } if {$__groupby eq "" || $group_lastnum_p} { set __cols [list] foreach __element_name $__csv_cols { if {![string match "*___*_group" $__element_name]} { template::list::element::get_reference \ -list_name $__list_name \ -element_name $__element_name \ -local_name __element_properties if { [info exists $__element_properties(csv_col)] } { lappend __cols [set $__element_properties(csv_col)] } else { lappend __cols [set $__element_name] } } { lappend __cols [set $__element_name] } } lappend __output $__cols } } package require csv set __output [::csv::joinlist $__output $delimiter] set oh [ns_conn outputheaders] ns_set put $oh Content-Disposition "attachment; filename=${__list_name}.csv" ns_return 200 text/csv $__output ad_script_abort } d_proc -public template::list::page_get_ids { -name:required -tcl_list:boolean } { @param name Name of the list builder list for which you want the IDs of the current page. @param tcl_list Set this option if you want the IDs as a Tcl list. Otherwise, they'll be returned as a quoted SQL list, ready to be included in an "where foo_id in (...)" expression. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name if { $list_properties(page_size) eq "" || $list_properties(page_size) == 0 } { return {} } set ids [template::paginator get_row_ids $list_properties(paginator_name) $list_properties(filter,page)] if { $tcl_list_p } { return $ids } else { if { [llength $ids] == 0 } { return NULL } return [::ns_dbquotelist $ids] } } d_proc -public template::list::page_get_rowcount { -name:required } { Gets the number of rows across all pages in a paginated result set. @param name Name of the list builder list for which you want the number of rows in the result set. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name if { $list_properties(page_size) eq "" || $list_properties(page_size) == 0 } { return {} } return [template::paginator get_row_count $list_properties(paginator_name)] } d_proc -public template::list::get_rowcount { -name:required } { Gets the full number of rows retrieved from this template::list. This number can exceed number_of_pages * rows_per_page. If list is not paginated, size of the multirow will be returned. Multirow must exist for count to succeed on a not paginated list. @param name Name of the list builder list for which you want the full number of rows. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name if { $list_properties(page_size) eq "" || $list_properties(page_size) == 0 } { if {![template::multirow exists {*}$list_properties(multirow)]} { return {} } return [template::multirow size {*}$list_properties(multirow)] } return [template::paginator get_full_row_count $list_properties(paginator_name)] } d_proc -public template::list::orderby_clause { -name:required -orderby:boolean } { Get the order by clause for use in your DB query, or returns the empty string if not sorting in the DB. @param name List name @param orderby If this is specified, this proc will also spit out the "order by" part, so it can be used directly in the query without saying 'order by' yourself. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name if { $list_properties(orderby_selected_name) eq "" } { return {} } set result {} template::list::orderby::get_reference -list_name $name -orderby_name $list_properties(orderby_selected_name) if {![info exists orderby_properties(orderby_$list_properties(orderby_selected_direction))]} { ad_page_contract_handle_datasource_error "invalid value for orderby: $list_properties(orderby_selected_direction)" ad_script_abort } set result $orderby_properties(orderby_$list_properties(orderby_selected_direction)) if { $orderby_p && $result ne "" } { set result "order by $result" } return $result } d_proc -public template::list::multirow_cols { -name:required } { Get the list of columns to order by, if ordering in web server. Otherwise returns empty string. @param name List name } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name if { $list_properties(orderby_selected_name) eq "" } { return {} } template::list::orderby::get_reference -list_name $name -orderby_name $list_properties(orderby_selected_name) set result [list] if {$list_properties(orderby_selected_direction) eq "desc"} { lappend result "-decreasing" } lappend result {*}$orderby_properties(multirow_cols) return $result } d_proc -private template::list::template { {-name:required} {-style ""} } { Process a list template with the special hacks into becoming a 'real' ADP template, as if it was included directly in the page. Will provide that template with a multirow named 'elements'. } { set level [template::adp_level] # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name # # Create 'actions' and 'bulk_actions' multirows # # Manually construct a multirow by setting the relevant variables foreach type { actions bulk_actions } { set ${type}:rowcount 0 foreach { label url title } $list_properties(${type}) { incr ${type}:rowcount set "${type}:[set "${type}:rowcount"](label)" $label set "${type}:[set "${type}:rowcount"](url)" $url set "${type}:[set "${type}:rowcount"](title)" $title set "${type}:[set "${type}:rowcount"](rownum)" [set "${type}:rowcount"] } } # # Create 'elements' multirow # # Manually construct a multirow by upvar'ing each of the element refs set elements:rowcount 0 foreach element_name $list_properties(display_elements) { set element_ref [template::list::element::get_refname \ -list_name $name \ -element_name $element_name] upvar #$level $element_ref element_properties if { ![string is true -strict $element_properties(hide_p)] } { incr elements:rowcount # get a reference by index for the multirow data source upvar #$level $element_ref elements:${elements:rowcount} # Also set the rownum pseudocolumn set "elements:${elements:rowcount}(rownum)" ${elements:rowcount} } } # Table tag HTML attributes set list_properties(table_attributes) [template::list::util_html_to_attributes_string $list_properties(html) 1] # # Find the list template # if {$style eq ""} { set style $list_properties(style) } if {$style eq ""} { set style [parameter::get \ -package_id [ad_conn subsite_id] \ -parameter DefaultListStyle \ -default [parameter::get \ -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key "acs-templating"] \ -parameter DefaultListStyle \ -default "table"]] } set file_stub [template::resource_path -type lists -style $style] # # Ensure that the ADP template has been compiled and is # up-to-date, and execute it to update __adp_output. The only data # source on which this template depends is the "elements" multirow # data source. The output of this procedure will be placed in # __adp_output in this stack frame. # [template::adp_init adp $file_stub] return $__adp_output } d_proc -private template::list::prepare_for_rendering { {-name:required} } { Build all the variable references that are required when rendering a list template. @param name The name of the list template we hope to be able to render eventually. } { set __level [template::adp_level] # Provide a reference to the list properties for use by the list template # This one is named __list_properties to avoid getting scrambled by below multirow get_reference -name $name -local_name __list_properties # Sort in webserver layer, if requested to do so set __multirow_cols [template::list::multirow_cols -name $__list_properties(name)] if { $__multirow_cols ne "" } { template::multirow sort {*}$__list_properties(multirow) {*}$__multirow_cols } # Upvar other variables passed in through the pass_properties property foreach var $__list_properties(pass_properties) { upvar #$__level $var $var } # # Dynamic columns: display_eval, link_url_eval, aggregate # # TODO: If we want to be able to sort by display_eval'd element values, # we'll have to do those in a separate run from doing the aggregates. if { $__list_properties(dynamic_cols_p) || $__list_properties(aggregates_p) } { foreach __element_ref $__list_properties(element_refs) { # We don't need to prefix it with __ to become __element_properties here # because we're not doing the multirow foreach loop yet. upvar #$__level $__element_ref element_properties # display_eval, link_url_eval foreach __eval_property { display link_url } { if { [info exists element_properties(${__eval_property}_eval)] && $element_properties(${__eval_property}_eval) ne "" } { # Set the display col to the name of the new, dynamic column set element_properties(${__eval_property}_col) "$element_properties(name)___$__eval_property" # And add that column to the multirow template::multirow extend $__list_properties(multirow) $element_properties(${__eval_property}_col) } } # aggregate if { [info exists element_properties(aggregate)] && $element_properties(aggregate) ne "" } { # Set the aggregate_col to the name of the new, dynamic column set element_properties(aggregate_col) "$element_properties(name)___$element_properties(aggregate)" set element_properties(aggregate_group_col) "$element_properties(name)___$element_properties(aggregate)_group" # Add that column to the multirow template::multirow extend $__list_properties(multirow) $element_properties(aggregate_col) template::multirow extend $__list_properties(multirow) $element_properties(aggregate_group_col) # Initialize our counters to 0 set __agg_counter($element_properties(name)) 0 set __agg_sum($element_properties(name)) 0 # Just in case, we also initialize our group counters to 0 set __agg_group_counter($element_properties(name)) 0 set __agg_group_sum($element_properties(name)) 0 } } set __have_groupby [expr { [info exists $__list_properties(groupby)] && [set $__list_properties(groupby)] ne "" }] # This keeps track of the value of the group-by column for sub-totals set __last_group_val {} template::multirow foreach $__list_properties(multirow) { foreach __element_ref $__list_properties(element_refs) { # We do need to prefix it with __ to become __element_properties here # because we are inside the multirow foreach loop yet. # LARS: That means we should probably also __-prefix element_ref, eval_property, and others. upvar #$__level $__element_ref __element_properties # display_eval, link_url_eval foreach __eval_property { display link_url } { if { [info exists __element_properties(${__eval_property}_eval)] && $__element_properties(${__eval_property}_eval) ne "" } { set $__element_properties(${__eval_property}_col) [subst $__element_properties(${__eval_property}_eval)] } } # aggregate if { [info exists __element_properties(aggregate)] && $__element_properties(aggregate) ne "" } { # Update totals incr __agg_counter($__element_properties(name)) if {$__element_properties(aggregate) eq "sum" } { set __agg_sum($__element_properties(name)) \ [expr {$__agg_sum($__element_properties(name)) + ([set $__element_properties(name)] ne "" ? [set $__element_properties(name)] : 0)} ] if {$__list_properties(aggregation_format) ne ""} { set __agg_sum($__element_properties(name)) [format $__list_properties(aggregation_format) $__agg_sum($__element_properties(name))] } } # Check if the value of the groupby column has changed if { $__have_groupby } { if { $__last_group_val ne [set $__list_properties(groupby)] } { # Initialize our group counters to 0 set __agg_group_counter($__element_properties(name)) 0 set __agg_group_sum($__element_properties(name)) 0 } # Update subtotals incr __agg_group_counter($__element_properties(name)) set __agg_group_sum($__element_properties(name)) \ [expr {$__agg_group_sum($__element_properties(name)) + ([string is double [set $__element_properties(name)]] ? [set $__element_properties(name)] : 0)}] if {$__list_properties(aggregation_format) ne ""} { set __agg_group_sum($__element_properties(name)) [format $__list_properties(aggregation_format) $__agg_group_sum($__element_properties(name))] } } switch -- $__element_properties(aggregate) { sum { set $__element_properties(aggregate_col) $__agg_sum($__element_properties(name)) if { $__have_groupby } { set $__element_properties(aggregate_group_col) $__agg_group_sum($__element_properties(name)) } } average { set $__element_properties(aggregate_col) \ [expr {$__agg_sum($__element_properties(name)) / $__agg_counter($__element_properties(name))}] if { $__have_groupby } { set $__element_properties(aggregate_group_col) \ [expr {$__agg_sum($__element_properties(name)) / $__agg_group_counter($__element_properties(name))}] } } count { set $__element_properties(aggregate_col) [expr {$__agg_counter($__element_properties(name))}] if { $__have_groupby } { set $__element_properties(aggregate_group_col) \ [expr {$__agg_group_counter($__element_properties(name))}] } } default { error "Unknown aggregate function '$__element_properties(aggregate)'" } } set $__element_properties(aggregate_group_col) [lc_numeric [set $__element_properties(aggregate_group_col)]] set $__element_properties(aggregate_col) [lc_numeric [set $__element_properties(aggregate_col)]] } } # Remember this value of the groupby column if { $__have_groupby } { set __last_group_val [set $__list_properties(groupby)] } } } } d_proc -public template::list::render { {-name:required} {-style ""} } { Simple procedure to render HTML from a list template (That's a lame joke, Don) @param name The name of the list template. @param style Style template used to render this list template. @return HTML suitable for display by your favorite browser. } { set level [template::adp_level] # Creates the '_eval' columns and aggregates template::list::prepare_for_rendering -name $name # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name # This gets and actually compiles the dynamic template into the template to use for the output # Thus, we need to do the dynamic columns above before this step set __adp_output [template -name $name -style $style] # set __adp_stub so includes work. Only fully qualified includes will work with this set __list_code { set __adp_stub "" } # compile the template (this is the second compilation, if we're using a dynamic template -- I think) append __list_code [template::adp_compile -string $__adp_output] # Paginator if { $list_properties(page_size_variable_p) == 1 } { template::util::list_to_multirow page_sizes {{name 10 value 10} {name 20 value 20} {name 50 value 50} {name 100 value 100}} } if { $list_properties(page_size) ne "" && $list_properties(page_size) != 0 } { set current_page $list_properties(filter,page) template::paginator get_display_info $list_properties(paginator_name) paginator $current_page # Set the URLs which the next/prev page/group links should point to foreach elm { next_page previous_page next_group previous_group } { if { [info exists paginator($elm)] && $paginator($elm) ne "" } { set paginator(${elm}_url) [get_url \ -name $list_properties(name) \ -override [list [list page $paginator($elm)]]] } } # LARS HACK: # Use this if you want to display the pages around the currently selected page, # with num_pages pages before and num_pages after the currently selected page. # This is an alternative to 'groups' of pages, and should eventually be built # into paginator, should we decide that this is a nicer way to do things # (I stole the idea from Google). # However, for now, it's just commented out with an if 0 ... block. if 0 { set num_pages 11 set pages [list] for { set i [expr {$current_page - $num_pages}] } { $i < $current_page + $num_pages } { incr i } { if { $i > 0 && $i <= $paginator(page_count) } { lappend pages $i } } } set pages [template::paginator get_pages \ $list_properties(paginator_name) \ $paginator(current_group)] template::paginator get_context \ $list_properties(paginator_name) \ paginator_pages \ $pages # Add URL to the pages template::multirow -local extend paginator_pages url template::multirow -local foreach paginator_pages { set url [get_url -name $list_properties(name) -override [list [list page $page]]] } # LARS HACK: # This gets info for all the groups, in case you want to display all the groups available # We don't currently do this, so I've commented it out with an if 0 ... block if 0 { template::paginator get_context \ $list_properties(paginator_name) \ paginator_groups \ [template::paginator get_groups activities $paginator(current_group) $list_properties(page_groupsize)] } } # Get the multirow upvar'd to this namespace template::multirow upvar $list_properties(multirow) # Upvar other variables passed in through the pass_properties property foreach var $list_properties(pass_properties) { upvar #$level $var $var } # evaluate the code and return the rendered HTML for the list set __output [template::adp_eval __list_code] return $__output } d_proc -private template::list::render_row { {-name:required} } { Render one row of a list template. } { set level [template::adp_level] # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name set __adp_output $list_properties(row_template) # compile the template (this is the second compilation, if we're using a dynamic template -- I think) set __list_code [template::adp_compile -string $__adp_output] # Get the multirow upvar'd to this namespace template::multirow upvar $list_properties(multirow) # Upvar other variables passed in through the pass_properties property foreach var $list_properties(pass_properties) { upvar #$level $var $var } # Get the list definition upvar'd to this namespace upvar #$level [get_refname -name $name] [get_refname -name $name] foreach element_ref $list_properties(element_refs) { upvar #$level $element_ref $element_ref } # evaluate the code and return the rendered HTML for the list set output [template::adp_eval __list_code] return $output } d_proc -private template::list::prepare_elements { {-name:required} {-ulevel 1} {-elements} } { Builds urls, selected_p, etc., for filters } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name if {![info exists elements]} { set elements $list_properties(elements) } foreach element_name $elements { template::list::element::get_reference -list_name $name -element_name $element_name if { $element_properties(default_direction) ne "" } { if {$list_properties(orderby_selected_name) eq $element_name} { # We're currently ordering on this column set direction [expr {$list_properties(orderby_selected_direction) eq "asc" ? "desc" : "asc"}] set element_properties(orderby_url) [get_url \ -name $name \ -override [list [list $list_properties(orderby_name) "${element_name},$direction"]]] set element_properties(orderby_html_title) \ [_ acs-templating.reverse_sort_order_of_label [list label $element_properties(label)]] set element_properties(ordering_p) "t" set element_properties(orderby_direction) $list_properties(orderby_selected_direction) } else { # We're not currently ordering on this column set element_properties(orderby_url) [get_url \ -name $name \ -override [list [list $list_properties(orderby_name) "${element_name},$element_properties(default_direction)"]]] set element_properties(orderby_html_title) [_ acs-templating.sort_the_list_by_label [list label $element_properties(label)]] } } # support dynamic columns if {!$element_properties(hide_p)} { if {$element_properties(from_clause_eval) ne ""} { set evaluated_from_clause [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) $element_properties($property)] if {$evaluated_from_clause ni $list_properties(from_clauses)} { lappend list_properties(from_clauses) $evaluated_from_clause } } elseif {$element_properties(from_clause) ne "" && $element_properties(from_clause) ni $list_properties(from_clauses)} { lappend list_properties(from_clauses) $element_properties(from_clause) } # get the select clause if {$element_properties(select_clause_eval) ne "" && [lsearch $list_properties(element_select_clauses) [string trim [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) $element_properties(select_clause_eval)]]] < 0} { lappend list_properties(element_select_clauses) \ [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) $element_properties(select_clause_eval)] } elseif {$element_properties(select_clause) ne "" && [lsearch $list_properties(element_select_clauses) [string trim $element_properties(select_clause)]] < 0} { lappend list_properties(element_select_clauses) $element_properties(select_clause) } # get the where clause if {$element_properties(where_clause_eval) ne "" && [lsearch $list_properties(element_where_clauses) [string trim [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) $element_properties(where_clause_eval)]]] < 0} { lappend list_properties(element_where_clauses) \ [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) $element_properties(where_clause_eval)] } elseif {$element_properties(where_clause) ne "" && [lsearch $list_properties(element_where_clauses) [string trim $element_properties(where_clause)]] < 0} { lappend list_properties(element_where_clauses) $element_properties(where_clause) } } } } d_proc -private template::list::prepare_filters { {-name:required} {-filter_names} } { Builds urls, selected_p, etc., for filters } { set level [template::adp_level] # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name if {[info exists filter_names]} { set filter_refs [list] foreach filter_name $filter_names { lappend filter_refs ${name}:filter:${filter_name}:properties } } else { set filter_refs $list_properties(filter_refs) } # Construct URLs for the filters now, while we still have access to the caller's namespace foreach filter_ref $list_properties(filter_refs) { upvar #$level $filter_ref filter_properties upvar $list_properties(ulevel) $filter_properties(name) current_filter_value # Set to default value if undefined if { (![info exists current_filter_value] || $current_filter_value eq "") && $filter_properties(default_value) ne "" } { set current_filter_value $filter_properties(default_value) } # Does the filter have a current value? if { [info exists current_filter_value] } { # Get the where clause if { $current_filter_value eq "" } { set search_order { null_where_clause_eval null_where_clause where_clause_eval where_clause } } else { set search_order { where_clause_eval where_clause } } foreach property $search_order { if { $filter_properties($property) ne "" } { # We've found a where_clause to include if { [string match "*_eval" $property] } { # It's an _eval, subst it now lappend list_properties(filter_where_clauses) \ [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) $filter_properties($property)] } else { # Not an eval, just add it straight lappend list_properties(filter_where_clauses) $filter_properties($property) } break } } # Get the clear_url if { ![string is true -strict $filter_properties(has_default_p)] }\ { set filter_properties(clear_url) [get_url \ -name $name \ -exclude [list $filter_properties(name)]] } # Remember the filter value set list_properties(filter,$filter_properties(name)) $current_filter_value # get the from clause # check if there is a dynamic column # see if we have an element with the same name if {[lsearch $list_properties(elements) $filter_properties(name)] > -1} { template::list::element::get_reference -list_name $name -element_name $filter_properties(name) if {[info exists element_properties(from_clause_eval)] && $element_properties(from_clause_eval) ne "" && [lsearch $list_properties [string trim [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) $filter_properties($property)]]] < 0} { lappend list_properties(from_clauses) \ [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) $filter_properties($property)] } elseif {[info exists element_properties(from_clause)] && $element_properties(from_clause) ne "" && [lsearch $list_properties(from_clauses) [string trim $element_properties(from_clause)]] < 0} { lappend list_properties(from_clauses) [string trim $filter_properties(from_clause)] } } # get the select clause if {$filter_properties(select_clause_eval) ne "" && [lsearch $list_properties(element_select_clauses) $filter_properties(select_clause_eval)] < 0} { lappend list_properties(filter_select_clauses) \ [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) $filter_properties(select_clause_eval)] } elseif {$filter_properties(select_clause) ne "" && [lsearch $list_properties(element_select_clauses) $filter_properties(select_clause)] < 0} { lappend list_properties(filter_select_clauses) $filter_properties(select_clause) } } # If none was found, we may need to provide an 'other' entry below set found_selected_p 0 # Now generate selected_p, urls, add_urls foreach elm $filter_properties(values) { # Set label, value and count from the list element lassign $elm label value count if { [string is space $label] } { set label $filter_properties(null_label) } switch -- $filter_properties(type) { singleval { set selected_p [expr {[info exists current_filter_value] && $current_filter_value eq $value}] } multival { if { ![info exists current_filter_value] || $current_filter_value eq "" } { set selected_p 0 } else { # Since here we have multiple values # we set as selected_p the value that match any # of the values present in the list set selected_p 0 foreach val $current_filter_value { if { [util_sets_equal_p $val $value] } { set selected_p 1 break } } } } multivar { # Value is a list of { key value } lists # We only check the value whose key matches the filter name set selected_p 0 foreach elm $value { foreach { elm_key elm_value } [lrange $elm 0 1] {} if {$elm_key eq $filter_properties(name)} { set selected_p [expr {[info exists current_filter_value] && $current_filter_value eq $elm_value}] } } } } # DAVEB Make multivar actually DO something # set the other vars according to the settings if {$selected_p && $filter_properties(type) eq "multivar"} { foreach elm $value { foreach { elm_key elm_value } [lrange $elm 0 1] {} if {$elm_key ne $filter_properties(name)} { set list_properties(filter,$elm_key) $elm_value } } } lappend filter_properties(selected_p) $selected_p set found_selected_p [expr {$found_selected_p || $selected_p}] if { $selected_p } { # Remember the filter label set list_properties(filter_label,$filter_properties(name)) $label } # Generate url and add to filter(urls) switch -- $filter_properties(type) { singleval - multival { lappend filter_properties(urls) [get_url \ -name $name \ -override [list [list $filter_properties(var_spec) $value]]] } multivar { # We just use the value-list directly lappend filter_properties(urls) [get_url \ -name $name \ -override $value] } } # Generate add_url, and add to filter(add_urls) if { [info exists filter_properties(add_url_eval)] && $filter_properties(add_url_eval) ne "" } { upvar $list_properties(ulevel) __filter_value __filter_value set __filter_value $value lappend filter_properties(add_urls) [uplevel $list_properties(ulevel) subst $filter_properties(add_url_eval)] } # Handle 'other_label' if { [info exists current_filter_value] && $current_filter_value ne "" && !$found_selected_p && $filter_properties(other_label) ne "" } { # Add filter entry with the 'other_label'. lappend filter_properties(values) [list $filter_properties(other_label) {}] lappend filter_properties(urls) {} lappend filter_properties(selected_p) 1 } } } } d_proc -public template::list::render_filters { {-name:required} {-style ""} } { Render template list filters @param name Name @param style List filter style } { set level [template::adp_level] # Provide a reference to the list properties for use by the list # template Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name # # Create 'filters' multirow # # Manually construct a multirow by setting the relevant variables set filters:rowcount 0 template::multirow -local create filters \ filter_name \ filter_label \ filter_clear_url \ label \ key_value \ url \ url_html_title \ count \ add_url \ selected_p \ type foreach filter_ref $list_properties(filter_refs) { upvar #$level $filter_ref filter_properties if { ![string is true -strict $filter_properties(hide_p)] } { # Loop over 'values' and 'url' simultaneously foreach \ elm $filter_properties(values) \ url $filter_properties(urls) \ selected_p $filter_properties(selected_p) \ add_url $filter_properties(add_urls) { # 'label' is the first element, 'value' the # second. We do an lrange here, otherwise values # would be set wrong in case someone accidentally # supplies a list with too many elements, because # then the foreach loop would run more than once foreach { label value count } [lrange $elm 0 2] {} if { [string is space $label] } { set label $filter_properties(null_label) } if {$filter_properties(type) eq "multival"} { # We need to ns_urlencode the name to work set filter_properties_name [ns_urlencode $filter_properties(name)] } else { set filter_properties_name $filter_properties(name) } template::multirow -local append filters \ $filter_properties_name \ $filter_properties(label) \ $filter_properties(clear_url) \ [ad_string_truncate -len 25 -- $label] \ $value \ $url \ $label \ $count \ $add_url \ $selected_p \ $filter_properties(type) } } } if {$style eq {}} { set style [parameter::get \ -package_id [ad_conn subsite_id] \ -parameter DefaultListFilterStyle \ -default [parameter::get \ -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key "acs-templating"] \ -parameter DefaultListFilterStyle \ -default "filters"]] } set file_stub [template::resource_path -type lists -style $style] # # Ensure that the ADP template has been compiled and is # up-to-date, and execute it to update __adp_output. The only data # source on which this template depends is the "elements" multirow # data source. The output of this procedure will be placed in # __adp_output in this stack frame. # [template::adp_init adp $file_stub] return $__adp_output } d_proc -public template::list::util_html_to_attributes_string { html {default_summary_p "0"} } { Takes a list in array get format and builds HTML attributes from them. @param html A misnomer? The input isn't HTML, the output is HTML. @param default_summary_p Include a default summary if one does not exist @return HTML attributes built from the list in array get format 2/28/2007 - Project Zen - Modifying to handle a default value for summary if default_summary_p = 1 } { set output {} set summary_exists_p 0 foreach { key value } $html { if { $key eq "summary" } { if { $value ne "" } { set summary_exists_p 1 append output " summary=\"[ns_quotehtml $value]\"" } } else { if { $value ne "" } { append output " [ns_quotehtml $key]=\"[ns_quotehtml $value]\"" } else { append output " [ns_quotehtml $key]" } } } if {$default_summary_p && !$summary_exists_p} { append output " summary=\"[_ acs-templating.DefaultSummary [list list_name \@list_properties.name\@]]\"" } return $output } ##### # # template::list::element namespace # ##### d_proc -public template::list::element::create { {-list_name:required} {-element_name:required} {-spec:required} {-ulevel 1} } { Adds an element to a list builder list. <p> This proc shouldn't be called directly, only through <a href="/api-doc/proc-view?proc=template::list::create">template::list::create</a>. <p> These are the available properties in the spec: <p> <ul> <li> <b>label</b>: The label to use in the header. </li> <li> <b>hide_p</b>: 1 to hide the element from the default display, 0 (default) to show it. </li> <li> <b>aggregate</b>: Aggregate function to use on this column. Can be 'sum', 'average', or 'count'. The aggregate will be displayed at the bottom of the table. If groupby is used, aggregates for each group will also be displayed. </li> <li> <b>aggregate_label</b>: The label to use for the aggregate, e.g. "Total". </li> <li> <b>aggregate_group_label</b>: The label to use for the group aggregate, e.g. "Subtotal". </li> <li> <b>html</b>: HTML attributes to be output for the table element, e.g. { align right style "background-color: yellow;" }. Value should be a Tcl list with { name value name value } </li> <li> <b>display_col</b>: The column to display for this element, if not the column with the same name as the element. </li> <li> <b>display_template</b>: An ADP chunk used to display the element. This overrides all other display options. You can use @multirow_name.column_name@ to get values of the multirow, and you can directly use the variables specified in the 'pass_properties' argument to the template::list::create. </li> <li> <b>display_template_name</b>: theme-able template. If a display_template_name is specified, and a file with this name is available from the resource directory in the display_templates section, then take its countent as display_template. The resource directory is taken from the ResourceDir of the theme (parameter of acs-sub-site) or from the "resources" directory in acs-templating. The display_template_name acts similar to the query names in the database interface: When display_template_name is specified and the file is available, it overrules display_template, which acts as a default. </li> <li> <b>link_url_col</b>: Name of column in the multirow which contains the URL to which the cell contents should point. If either link_url_col or link_url_eval is specified, the cell's contents will be made a link to the specified URL, if that URL is nonempty. </li> <li> <b>link_url_eval</b>: A chunk of Tcl code which will be evaluated in the context of a template::multirow foreach looping over the dataset multirow, to return the URL to link this cell to. This means that it will have all the columns of the multirow available as local variables. Example: link_url_eval {[acs_community_member_url -user_id $creation_user]}. </li> <li> <b>link_html</b>: Attributes to be set on the <a> tag of the link generated as a result of link_url_col or link_url_eval. For example link_html { title "View this user" style "background-color: yellow;" }. Value should be a Tcl list with { name value name value } </li> <li> <b>csv_col</b>: The column to return in CSV output. </li> <li> <b>sub_class</b>: The second half of the CSS class name. Will be combined with the list's 'main_class' property to form the full CSS class name with a dash in-between, as in 'main-sub'. </li> <li> <b>class</b>: Alternatively, you can specify full class here, in which case this will override the sub_class property. </li> <li> <b>orderby</b>: The column to use in the order by clause of the query, when sorting by this column. Specifying either this, or 'orderby_asc' and 'orderby_desc' will cause the table's header to become a hyperlink to sort by that column. </li> <li> <b>orderby_asc</b>: If you want to be able to sort by this column, but sorting ascending and descending is not just a matter of appending 'asc' or 'desc', you can specify the asc and desc orderby clauses directly. This is useful when you're actually sorting by two database columns. </li> <li> <b>orderby_desc</b>: The reverse ordering from 'orderby_asc'. </li> <li> <b>default_direction</b>: The default order direction when ordering by this column, 'asc' or 'desc'. </li> </ul> @param list_name Name of list. @param element_name Name of the element. @param spec The spec for this filter. This is an array list of property/value pairs, where the right hand side is 'subst'ed in the caller's namespace, except for *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed inside the multirow. @param ulevel Where we should uplevel to when doing the subst's. Defaults to '1', meaning the caller's scope. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties template::list::get_reference -name $list_name # Get the list properties lappend list_properties(elements) $element_name # We store the full element ref name, so its easy to find later lappend list_properties(element_refs) [get_refname -list_name $list_name -element_name $element_name] # Create the element properties array get_reference -create -list_name $list_name -element_name $element_name # Setup element defaults array set element_properties { label {} hide_p 0 aggregate {} aggregate_label {} aggregate_group_label {} html {} display_col {} display_template {} display_template_name {} link_url_col {} link_url_eval {} link_html {} csv_col {} sub_class {} class {} orderby {} orderby_asc {} orderby_desc {} default_direction {} select_clause {} select_clause_eval {} from_clause {} from_clause_eval {} where_clause {} where_clause_eval {} } # These attributes are internal listbuilder attributes array set element_properties { subrownum 0 aggregate_col {} aggregate_group_col {} cell_attributes {} orderby_asc {} orderby_desc {} default_direction {} orderby_url {} orderby_direction {} orderby_html_title {} ordering_p "f" class {} } # Let the element know its own name set element_properties(name) $element_name # Let the element know its owner's name set element_properties(list_name) $list_name incr ulevel set_properties \ -list_name $list_name \ -element_name $element_name \ -spec $spec \ -ulevel $ulevel # Default display_col to element name if { $element_properties(display_col) eq "" } { set element_properties(display_col) $element_properties(name) } # Default csv_col to display_col if { $element_properties(csv_col) eq "" } { set element_properties(csv_col) $element_properties(display_col) } # Default sub_class to list:sub_class if { $element_properties(sub_class) eq "" } { set element_properties(sub_class) $list_properties(sub_class) } # Default class to (list:main_class)-(element:sub_class) if { $element_properties(class) eq "" } { set element_properties(class) [join [concat $list_properties(main_class) $element_properties(sub_class)] "-"] } # Create the orderby filter, if specified if { $element_properties(orderby) ne "" || $element_properties(orderby_asc) ne "" || $element_properties(orderby_desc) ne "" } { set orderby_spec [list] foreach elm { orderby orderby_asc orderby_desc default_direction label } { if { $element_properties($elm) ne "" } { lappend orderby_spec $elm $element_properties($elm) } } template::list::orderby::create \ -list_name $list_name \ -orderby_name $element_properties(name) \ -ulevel [expr {$ulevel + 1}] \ -spec $orderby_spec } } d_proc -public template::list::element::get_refname { {-list_name:required} {-element_name:required} } { @return the name used for the list element properties array. } { return "$list_name:element:$element_name:properties" } d_proc -public template::list::element::get_reference { {-list_name:required} {-element_name:required} {-local_name "element_properties"} {-create:boolean} } { upvar the list element to the callers scope as $local_name } { # Check that the list exists template::list::get_reference -name $list_name set refname [get_refname -list_name $list_name -element_name $element_name] if { !$create_p && ![uplevel \#[template::adp_level] [list info exists $refname]] } { error "Element '$element_name' not found in list '$list_name'" } uplevel upvar #[template::adp_level] $refname $local_name } d_proc -public template::list::element::get_property { {-list_name:required} {-element_name:required} {-property:required} } { @return the element property in the named list. } { get_reference \ -list_name $list_name \ -element_name $element_name return $element_properties($property) } d_proc -public template::list::element::set_property { {-list_name:required} {-element_name:required} {-property:required} {-value:required} {-ulevel 1} } { Set a property in the named list template. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties template::list::get_reference -name $list_name get_reference \ -list_name $list_name \ -element_name $element_name switch -- $property { display_eval - link_url_eval { # This is a chunk of Tcl code, which should be executed later, not now set element_properties($property) $value # Remember that we'll have to do dynamic columns set list_properties(dynamic_cols_p) 1 } aggregate { # Remember that we'll have to do aggregation set list_properties(aggregates_p) 1 # do an uplevel subst on the value now set element_properties($property) [uplevel $ulevel [list subst $value]] } html { # All other vars, do an uplevel subst on the value now set element_properties($property) [uplevel $ulevel [list subst $value]] set element_properties(cell_attributes) \ [template::list::util_html_to_attributes_string $element_properties(html)] } default { # We require all properties to be initialized to the empty # string in the array, otherwise they're illegal. if { ![info exists element_properties($property)] } { error "Unknown element property '$property' for element '$element_name' in list '$list_name'. Allowed properties are [join [array names element_properties] ", "]." } # All other vars, do an uplevel subst on the value now set element_properties($property) [uplevel $ulevel [list subst $value]] } } } d_proc -public template::list::element::set_properties { {-list_name:required} {-element_name:required} {-spec:required} {-ulevel 1} } { Set a list of properties in array get format for the given list template. } { incr ulevel foreach { property value } $spec { set_property \ -list_name $list_name \ -element_name $element_name \ -property $property \ -value $value \ -ulevel $ulevel } } d_proc -public template::list::element::render { {-list_name:required} {-element_name:required} } { Returns an ADP chunk, which must be evaluated } { set level [template::adp_level] # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties template::list::get_reference -name $list_name set multirow $list_properties(multirow) # Get the element properties # # We ignore if the element doesn't exist, 'cause then we'll just # hope it exists in the multirow and display the value directly get_reference -create -list_name $list_name -element_name $element_name if { [info exists element_properties(display_template_name)] && $element_properties(display_template_name) ne "" } { set stub [template::resource_path -type display_templates -style $element_properties(display_template_name)] if {[file readable $stub.adp]} { set output [template::util::read_file $stub.adp] } } if { ![info exists output] } { if { [info exists element_properties(display_template)] && $element_properties(display_template) ne "" } { set output $element_properties(display_template) } elseif { [info exists element_properties(display_col)] && $element_properties(display_col) ne "" } { set output "@$multirow.$element_properties(display_col)@" } else { set output "@$multirow.$element_name@" } } # We have support for making the cell contents a hyperlink right here, because it's so common set link_url {} set link_html {} if { [info exists element_properties(link_url_col)] && $element_properties(link_url_col) ne "" } { set link_url "@$multirow.$element_properties(link_url_col)@" } elseif { [info exists element_properties(link_url)] && $element_properties(link_url) ne "" } { set link_url $element_properties(link_url) } if { [info exists element_properties(link_html_col)] && $element_properties(link_html_col) ne "" } { set link_html "@$multirow.$element_properties(link_html_col)@" } elseif { [info exists element_properties(link_html)] && $element_properties(link_html) ne "" } { set link_html $element_properties(link_html) } if { $link_url ne "" } { set old_output $output set output [subst {<if "$link_url" not nil><a href="$link_url"[template::list::util_html_to_attributes_string $link_html]>$old_output</a></if><else>$old_output</else>}] } return $output } ##### # # template::list::filter namespace # ##### d_proc -public template::list::filter::create { {-list_name:required} {-filter_name:required} {-spec:required} {-ulevel 1} } { Adds a filter to a list builder list. <p> This proc shouldn't be called directly, only through <a href="/api-doc/proc-view?proc=template::list::create">template::list::create</a>. <p> These are the available properties in the spec: <p> <ul> <li> <b>label</b>: The label of the filter. </li> <li> <b>hide_p</b>: Set to 1 to hide this filter from default rendering. </li> <li> <b>type</b>: The type of values this filter sets. Also see 'values' below. Valid options are: 'singleval', meaning that the value is a single value of a query variable with the name of the filter; 'multival', meaning the value is really a Tcl list of values, sent to a :multiple page variable; and 'multivar', meaning that the value is a list of (key value) lists, as in { { var1 value1 } { var2 value 2 } }. 'multival' is useful when you're filtering on, say, a date range, in which case you'd send two values, namely the start and end date. 'multivar' is useful when you want the selection of one filter to change the value of another filter, for example when selecting groupby, you also want to order by the grouped by column, otherwise the groupby won't work properly (you'll get a new group each time the value changes, but it's not sorted by that column, so you'll get more than one group per value over the entire list). </li> <li> <b>add_url_eval</b>: An expression which will be uplevel subst'ed with a magic variable __filter_value set to the value of the given filter. </li> <li> <b>values</b>: A list of lists of possible filter values, as in { { label1 value1 count1 } { label2 value2 count2 } ... }. The 'label' is what's displayed when showing the available filter values. 'value' is what changes filter values, and, depending on 'type' above, can either be a single value, a list of values, or a list of ( name value ) pairs. 'count' is optional, and is the number of rows that match the given filter value. </li> <li> <b>has_default_p</b>: If set to 1, it means that this filter has a default value, and thus cannot be cleared. If not set, the list builder will automatically provide a link to clear the currently selected value of this filter. You only need to set this if you specify a default value in your page's ad_page_contract, instead of through the 'default_value' property below. </li> <li> <b>default_value</b>: The default value to use when no value is selected for this filter. Automatically sets has_default_p to 1. </li> <li> <b>where_clause</b>: What should go in the where clause of your query when filtering on this filter. For example "l.project_id = :project_id". </li> <li> <b>where_clause_eval</b>: Same as where_clause, except this gets evaluated in the caller's context. </li> <li> <b>other_label</b>: If your values above do not carry all possible values, we can display a special 'other' value when some other value is selected for this filter. You specify here what label should be used for that element. </li> <li> <b>form_element_properties</b>: If you are using filter form, additional properties to override the form element declaration. Any valid form properties can be passed using the same names are template::element::create. A list of name value pairs. </li> </ul> <p> In order for filters to work, you have to specify them in your page's ad_page_contract, typically as filter_name:optional. The list builder will find them from there, by grabbing them from your page's local variables. @param list_name Name of list. @param filter_name Name of the filter. @param spec The spec for this filter. This is an array list of property/value pairs, where the right hand side is 'subst'ed in the caller's namespace, except for *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed inside the multirow. @param ulevel Where we should uplevel to when doing the subst's. Defaults to '1', meaning the caller's scope. } { set level [template::adp_level] # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties template::list::get_reference -name $list_name # Remember the filters and their order lappend list_properties(filters) $filter_name # Properties are going to be stored in an array named 'list-name:filter:filter-name:properties' if {$filter_name eq ""} { error "Invalid filter name for list '$list_name', spec: $spec" } set filter_ref "$list_name:filter:$filter_name:properties" # We also store the full filter array name, so its easy to find < lappend list_properties(filter_refs) $filter_ref # Upvar the filter properties array upvar #$level $filter_ref filter_properties # Setup filter defaults array set filter_properties { label {} hide_p 0 type singleval add_url_eval {} values {} has_default_p 0 default_value {} where_clause {} where_clause_eval {} null_where_clause {} null_where_clause_eval {} from_clause {} from_clause_eval {} select_clause {} select_clause_eval {} other_label {} null_label {} form_element_properties {} } # Prepopulate some automatically generated values array set filter_properties { clear_url {} urls {} add_urls {} selected_p {} } # Let the filter know its own name set filter_properties(name) $filter_name # Let the filter know its owner's name set filter_properties(list_name) $list_name set_properties \ -list_name $list_name \ -filter_name $filter_name \ -spec $spec \ -ulevel [expr {$ulevel + 1}] # This is to be used by the export_vars function switch -- $filter_properties(type) { singleval - multivar { set filter_properties(var_spec) $filter_name } multival { set filter_properties(var_spec) "${filter_name}:multiple" } } lappend list_properties(filters_export) $filter_properties(var_spec) } d_proc -public template::list::filter::get_refname { {-list_name:required} {-filter_name:required} } { Build a canonical name from a list and filter name. @param list_name List name. @param filter_name Filter name. @return Canonical name built from list_name and filter_name. } { return "$list_name:filter:$filter_name:properties" } d_proc -public template::list::filter::get_reference { {-list_name:required} {-filter_name:required} {-local_name "filter_properties"} {-create:boolean} } { Build a reference to the given filter for the given list template. } { set refname [get_refname -list_name $list_name -filter_name $filter_name] if { !$create_p && ![uplevel \#[template::adp_level] [list info exists $refname]] } { error "Filter '$filter_name' not found" } uplevel upvar #[template::adp_level] $refname $local_name } d_proc -public template::list::filter::set_property { {-list_name:required} {-filter_name:required} {-property:required} {-value:required} {-ulevel 1} } { Set a property for the given list and filter. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties template::list::get_reference -name $list_name get_reference \ -list_name $list_name \ -filter_name $filter_name switch -- $property { where_clause_eval - add_url_eval { # Eval's shouldn't be subst'ed here, will be later set filter_properties($property) $value } default_value { set value [uplevel $ulevel [list subst $value]] set filter_properties($property) $value if { $value ne "" } { set filter_properties(has_default_p) 1 } } default { # We require all properties to be initialized to the empty string in the array, otherwise they're illegal. if { ![info exists filter_properties($property)] } { error "Unknown filter property '$property' for filter '$filter_name' in list '$list_name'. Allowed properties are [join [array names filter_properties] ", "]." } # All other vars, do an uplevel subst on the value now set value [uplevel $ulevel [list subst $value]] set filter_properties($property) $value } } } d_proc -public template::list::filter::set_properties { {-list_name:required} {-filter_name:required} {-spec:required} {-ulevel 1} } { Set multiple properties for the given list and filter from a list in array get format. } { incr ulevel foreach { property value } $spec { set_property \ -list_name $list_name \ -filter_name $filter_name \ -property $property \ -value $value \ -ulevel $ulevel } } d_proc -public template::list::filter::get_property { {-list_name:required} {-filter_name:required} {-property:required} } { Return a property from a given list and filter. } { get_reference \ -list_name $list_name \ -filter_name $filter_name return $filter_properties($property) } d_proc -public template::list::filter::exists_p { {-list_name:required} {-filter_name:required} } { Determine if a given filter exists for a given list template. @param list_name The name of the list template. @param filter_name The filter name. @return True (1) if the filter exists, false (0) if not. } { set refname [get_refname -list_name $list_name -filter_name $filter_name] return [uplevel \#[template::adp_level] [list info exists $refname]] } ##### # # template::list::format namespace # ##### d_proc -public template::list::format::create { {-list_name:required} {-format_name:required} {-selected_format ""} {-spec:required} {-ulevel 1} } { Adds a format to a list builder list. <p> This proc shouldn't be called directly, only through <a href="/api-doc/proc-view?proc=template::list::create">template::list::create</a>. <p> These are the available properties in the spec: <p> <ul> <li> <b>label</b>: The label. </li> <li> <b>layout</b>: The layout, can be 'table' or 'list'. </li> <li> <b>style</b>: The name of the template to used to render this format. Defaults to the name of the layout, and can be overridden in the ADP file. </li> <li> <b>output</b>: Output format, can be either 'template' or 'csv'. If 'csv'. then the output is streamed directly to the browser and not through the templating system, but you have to call <a href="/api-doc/proc-view?proc=template::list::write_output">template::list::write_output</a> from your page to make this work. </li> <li> <b>page_size</b>: The page size for this format. Leave blank to use the list's page size. </li> <li> <b>elements</b>: 'table' layout: An ordered list of elements to display in this format. </li> <li> <b>row</b>: 'table' layout: For more complex table layout, you can specify each row individually. The value is an array-list of ( element_name spec ) pairs. You can have more than one 'row' property, in which case your output table will have more than one HTML table row per row in the data set. In the 'spec' part of each element listed in the row, you can specify properties that override the properties defined in the -elements section of template::list::create, thus changing the label, link, display_col, etc. </li> <li> <b>template</b>: 'list' layout: An ADP chunk to be used for display of each row of the list. Use <listelement name="<i>element_name</i>"> to output a list element in your template. </li> </ul> @param list_name Name of list. @param format_name Name of the format. @param spec The spec for this format. This is an array list of property/value pairs, where the right hand side is 'subst'ed in the caller's namespace, except for *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed inside the multirow. @param ulevel Where we should uplevel to when doing the subst's. Defaults to '1', meaning the caller's scope. } { set level [template::adp_level] # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties template::list::get_reference -name $list_name # Remember the formats and their order lappend list_properties(formats) $format_name # Properties are going to be stored in an array named 'list-name:format:format-name:properties' set format_ref "$list_name:format:$format_name:properties" # We also store the full format array name, so its easy to find < lappend list_properties(format_refs) $format_ref # Upvar the format properties array upvar #$level $format_ref format_properties # Setup format defaults array set format_properties { label {} layout table style {} output template page_size {} elements {} row {} template {} } # Let the format know its own name set format_properties(name) $format_name # Let the format know its owner's name set format_properties(list_name) $list_name # Counting the row number within one row of the dataset set subrownum 0 set elementnum 0 foreach { key value } $spec { switch -- $key { row { # We only care about this for the currently selected format if {$format_name eq $selected_format} { # This is the layout specification for table layouts set value [uplevel $ulevel [list subst $value]] incr subrownum foreach { element_name spec } $value { incr elementnum template::list::element::get_reference \ -list_name $list_name \ -element_name $element_name # Set elementnum and subrownum set element_properties(elementnum) $elementnum set element_properties(subrownum) $subrownum # Set/override additional element properties from the spec template::list::element::set_properties \ -list_name $list_name \ -element_name $element_name \ -spec $spec \ -ulevel [expr {$ulevel + 1}] # Remember the display order lappend list_properties(display_elements) $element_name } } } template { # We only care about this for the currently selected format if {$format_name eq $selected_format} { # All other vars, do an uplevel subst on the value now set value [uplevel $ulevel [list subst $value]] set format_properties($key) $value set list_properties(row_template) $value } } default { # We require all properties to be initialized to the empty string in the array, otherwise they're illegal. if { ![info exists format_properties($key)] } { error "Unknown format property '$key' for element '$format_name' in list '$list_name'. Allowed properties are [join [array names format_properties] ", "]." } # All other vars, do an uplevel subst on the value now set format_properties($key) [uplevel $ulevel [list subst $value]] } } } # For the currently selected format, copy some things over to the list properties if {$format_name eq $selected_format} { if { $format_properties(style) eq "" } { set format_properties(style) $format_properties(layout) } # Move style up to the list_properties if { $format_properties(style) ne "" } { set list_properties(style) $format_properties(style) } # Move output up to the list_properties if { $format_properties(output) ne "" } { set list_properties(output) $format_properties(output) } # Move page_size up to the list_properties if { $format_properties(page_size) ne "" } { set list_properties(page_size) $format_properties(page_size) } # Move elements up to the list_properties as display_elements if { $format_properties(elements) ne "" } { set list_properties(display_elements) $format_properties(elements) } } return [list $format_properties(label) $format_name] } ##### # # template::list::orderby namespace # ##### d_proc -public template::list::orderby::create { {-list_name:required} {-orderby_name:required} {-spec:required} {-ulevel 1} } { Adds an orderby to a list builder list. <p> This proc shouldn't be called directly, only through <a href="/api-doc/proc-view?proc=template::list::create">template::list::create</a>. <p> These are the available properties in the spec: <p> <ul> <li> <b>label</b>: The label for the orderby. </li> <li> <b>orderby</b>: The column to use in the order by clause of the query. If it's not as simple as that, you can also specify 'orderby_asc' and 'orderby_desc' separately. </li> <li> <b>orderby_asc</b>: The orderby clause when sorting ascending. This is useful when you're actually sorting by two database columns. </li> <li> <b>orderby_desc</b>: The reverse ordering from 'orderby_asc'. </li> <li> <b>orderby_name</b>: The name of a named query, same functionality as orderby property. </li> <li> <b>orderby_asc_name</b>: The name of a named query, same functionality as orderby_asc property. </li> <li> <b>orderby_desc_name</b>: The name of a named query, same functionality as orderby_desc property. </li> <li> <b>default_direction</b>: The default order direction, 'asc' or 'desc'. Defaults to 'asc'. </li> <li> <b>multirow_cols</b>: If specified, we will sort the multirow in the webserver layer by the given cols. </li> </ul> It is difficult, but you can <a href="http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=213344">sort hierarchical queries</a>. @param list_name Name of list. @param orderby_name Name of the orderby. @param spec The spec for this orderby. This is an array list of property/value pairs, where the right hand side is 'subst'ed in the caller's namespace, except for *_eval properties, which are 'subst'ed inside the multirow. @param ulevel Where we should uplevel to when doing the subst's. Defaults to '1', meaning the caller's scope. @see template::list::orderby_clause } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties template::list::get_reference -name $list_name # Get the list properties lappend list_properties(orderbys) $orderby_name # We store the full element ref name, so its easy to find later lappend list_properties(orderby_refs) [get_refname -list_name $list_name -orderby_name $orderby_name] # Create the orderby properties array if {$orderby_name eq ""} { error "Invalid orderby field or spec for list '$list_name', spec: $spec" } get_reference -create -list_name $list_name -orderby_name $orderby_name # Setup element defaults array set orderby_properties { label {} orderby_desc {} orderby_asc {} multirow_cols {} orderby {} default_direction asc } # These attributes are internal listbuilder attributes array set orderby_properties { } # Let the orderby know its own name set orderby_properties(name) $orderby_name # Let the orderby know its owner's name set orderby_properties(list_name) $list_name incr ulevel set_properties \ -list_name $list_name \ -orderby_name $orderby_name \ -spec $spec \ -ulevel $ulevel # Set the orderby properties of the element with the same name, if any template::list::element::get_reference -create -list_name $list_name -element_name $orderby_name if { [info exists element_properties] } { set element_properties(orderby_asc) $orderby_properties(orderby_asc) set element_properties(orderby_desc) $orderby_properties(orderby_desc) set element_properties(multirow_cols) $orderby_properties(multirow_cols) set element_properties(default_direction) $orderby_properties(default_direction) } # Create the 'orderby' filter if it doesn't already exist if { ![template::list::filter::exists_p \ -list_name $list_name \ -filter_name $list_properties(orderby_name)] } { template::list::filter::create \ -list_name $list_name \ -filter_name $list_properties(orderby_name) \ -spec [list label [_ acs-templating.Sort_order]] \ -ulevel 2 } template::list::filter::get_reference \ -list_name $list_name \ -filter_name $list_properties(orderby_name) lappend filter_properties(values) \ [list $orderby_properties(label) "${orderby_name},$orderby_properties(default_direction)"] # Return an element which can be put into the 'values' property of a filter return [list $orderby_properties(label) "${orderby_name},$orderby_properties(default_direction)"] } d_proc -public template::list::orderby::get_refname { {-list_name:required} {-orderby_name:required} } { Build a canonical name from a list and orderby filter. } { return "$list_name:orderby:$orderby_name:properties" } d_proc -public template::list::orderby::get_reference { {-list_name:required} {-orderby_name:required} {-local_name "orderby_properties"} {-create:boolean} } { Build a local reference to an orderby filter for a named list template. } { # Check that the list exists template::list::get_reference -name $list_name set refname [get_refname -list_name $list_name -orderby_name $orderby_name] if { !$create_p && ![uplevel #[template::adp_level] [list info exists $refname]] } { error "Orderby '$orderby_name' not found in list '$list_name'" } uplevel upvar #[template::adp_level] $refname $local_name } d_proc -public template::list::orderby::get_property { {-list_name:required} {-orderby_name:required} {-property:required} } { Get a property from an orderby filter for a list template. } { get_reference \ -list_name $list_name \ -orderby_name $orderby_name return $orderby_properties($property) } d_proc -public template::list::orderby::set_property { {-list_name:required} {-orderby_name:required} {-property:required} {-value:required} {-ulevel 1} } { Set a property for an orderby filter in the given list template. } { # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties template::list::get_reference -name $list_name get_reference \ -list_name $list_name \ -orderby_name $orderby_name switch -- $property { orderby { set value [uplevel $ulevel [list subst $value]] set orderby_properties($property) $value set orderby_properties(orderby_asc) "$value asc" set orderby_properties(orderby_desc) "$value desc" } orderby_asc_name { set orderby_properties($property) $value set value [uplevel $ulevel [list db_map $value]] set orderby_properties(orderby_asc) $value } orderby_desc_name { set orderby_properties($property) $value set value [uplevel $ulevel [list db_map $value]] set orderby_properties(orderby_desc) $value } orderby_name { set orderby_properties($property) $value set value [uplevel $ulevel [list db_map $value]] set orderby_properties(orderby_asc) "$value asc" set orderby_properties(orderby_desc) "$value desc" } default { # We require all properties to be initialized to the empty # string in the array, otherwise they're illegal. if { ![info exists orderby_properties($property)] } { error "Unknown orderby property '$property' for column '$orderby_name' in list '$list_name'. Allowed properties are [join [array names orderby_properties] ", "]." } # All other vars, do an uplevel subst on the value now set orderby_properties($property) [uplevel $ulevel [list subst $value]] } } } d_proc -public template::list::orderby::set_properties { {-list_name:required} {-orderby_name:required} {-spec:required} {-ulevel 1} } { Set multiple properties for the given orderby filter in the given list template from a list in array get format. } { incr ulevel foreach { property value } $spec { set_property \ -list_name $list_name \ -orderby_name $orderby_name \ -property $property \ -value $value \ -ulevel $ulevel } } ##### # # Templating system ADP tags # ##### template::tag listtemplate { chunk params } { set level [template::adp_level] set list_name [template::get_attribute listtemplate $params name] set style [ns_set iget $params style] template::adp_append_code "set list_properties(name) [list $list_name]" template::adp_append_string \ "\[template::list::render -name \"$list_name\" -style \"$style\"\]" } template::tag listelement { params } { set element_name [template::get_attribute listelement $params name] # list_properties will be available, because template::adp_append_string \ "\[template::list::element::render -list_name \${list_properties(name)} -element_name $element_name\]" } template::tag listrow { params } { set level [template::adp_level] template::adp_append_string \ "\[template::list::render_row -name \${list_properties(name)}\]" } template::tag listfilters { chunk params } { set level [template::adp_level] set list_name [template::get_attribute listfilters $params name] set style [ns_set iget $params style] template::adp_append_string \ "\[template::list::render_filters -name \"$list_name\" -style \"$style\"\]" } template::tag listfilters-form { chunk params } { set level [template::adp_level] set list_name [template::get_attribute listfilters-form $params name] set style [ns_set iget $params style] template::adp_append_string \ "\[template::list::render_form_filters -name \"$list_name\" -style \"$style\"\]" } d_proc -private template::list::render_form_filters { {-name:required} {-style ""} } { set level [template::adp_level] # Provide a reference to the list properties for use by the list template # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name # # Create 'filters' multirow # # Manually construct a multirow by setting the relevant variables set filters:rowcount 0 template::multirow -local create filters \ filter_name \ filter_label \ filter_clear_url \ selected_p \ clear_one_url \ widget foreach filter_ref $list_properties(filter_refs) { upvar #$level $filter_ref filter_properties if { ![string is true -strict $filter_properties(hide_p)] } { foreach \ elm $filter_properties(values) \ url $filter_properties(urls) \ selected_p $filter_properties(selected_p) \ add_url $filter_properties(add_urls) { if {![info exists filter_properties(clear_one_url)]} { set filter_properties(clear_one_url) "" } if {[string is true $selected_p]} { template::multirow -local append filters \ $filter_properties(name) \ $filter_properties(label) \ $filter_properties(clear_url) \ $selected_p \ $filter_properties(clear_one_url) \ [expr {[info exists filter_properties(widget)] ? $filter_properties(widget) : ""}] } } } } ############################################################ ############################################################ if {$style eq ""} { set style [parameter::get \ -package_id [ad_conn subsite_id] \ -parameter DefaultListFilterStyle \ -default [parameter::get \ -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key "acs-templating"] \ -parameter DefaultListFilterStyle \ -default "filters"]] } set file_stub [template::resource_path -type lists -style $style] # # Ensure that the ADP template has been compiled and is # up-to-date, and execute it to update __adp_output. The only data # source on which this template depends is the "elements" multirow # data source. The output of this procedure will be placed in # __adp_output in this stack frame. # [template::adp_init adp $file_stub] return $__adp_output } d_proc -private template::list::prepare_filter_form { -name {-filter_exclude_from_key_extra {}} } { Documentation goes here } { set level [template::adp_level] # Provide a reference to the list properties for use by the list template # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties get_reference -name $name set filter_names_options_tmp [list] set filter_names_options [list] set filter_hidden_filters [list] set filter_key_filters [list] set filter_exclude_from_key [list orderby groupby format page __list_view] if {[llength $filter_exclude_from_key_extra]} { lappend filter_exclude_from_key {*}$filter_exclude_from_key_extra } set filter_hidden_filters_url_vars [list] # loop through all the filters in this list foreach filter_ref $list_properties(filter_refs) { upvar #$level $filter_ref filter_properties if {$filter_properties(label) ne "" && $filter_properties(name) ni $filter_exclude_from_key} { # filters with a label will be added to the form for the user # to choose from lappend filter_names_options_tmp [list $filter_properties(label) $filter_properties(name)] } # filters without a label are added as hidden elements # to the form so that quer params for the list # and group by/order by are preserved when the filter # form is used # Grab the current value of the filter out of the list if # it exists. upvar $list_properties(ulevel) $filter_properties(name) current_filter_value if {[info exists current_filter_value] && $current_filter_value ne ""} { if {[lsearch $filter_exclude_from_key $filter_properties(name)] > -1} { lappend filter_hidden_filters $filter_properties(name) } else { lappend filter_key_filters $filter_properties(name) $current_filter_value } } } upvar #[template::adp_level] __list_filter_form_client_property_key list_filter_form_client_property_key # To save the client property name, it is hashed with ns_sha1 hash # to fit it into toe attribute. We don't extract the data from the # property name so this should work fine. set list_filter_form_client_property_key [ns_sha1 [list [ad_conn url] $name]] upvar \#[template::adp_level] __client_property_filters client_property_filters set client_property_filters [ad_get_client_property acs-templating $list_filter_form_client_property_key] # take out filters we already applied... set i 0 foreach option_list $filter_names_options_tmp { lassign $option_list option_label option_name if {"${name}:filter:${option_name}:properties" ni $client_property_filters} { lappend filter_names_options [list $option_label $option_name] } } # build an ad_form form based on the chosen filters set filters_form_name list-filters-$name set add_filter_form_name list-filter-add-$name ad_form -name $add_filter_form_name -form { {choose_filter:text(select) {label "Add Filter"} {options {$filter_names_options}} } {name:text(hidden) {value $name}} {add_filter:text(submit) {label "Add"}} {clear_all:text(submit) {label "Clear All"}} {clear_one:text(hidden),optional} } foreach fhf $filter_hidden_filters { ad_form -extend -name $add_filter_form_name -form { {$fhf:text(hidden),optional} } } ad_form -extend -name $add_filter_form_name -on_request { # setup little Xs to click to clear one field # pass the name of the field in the clear_one variable set clear_one [ns_queryget clear_one] if {$clear_one ne ""} { # # Loop through the saved filters and remove the filter # from the client property if its specified in clear_one. # set __old_client_property_filters [ad_get_client_property acs-templating $__list_filter_form_client_property_key] set __client_property_filters [list] foreach {__ref __value} $__old_client_property_filters { if {[set ${__ref}(name)] ne $clear_one} { lappend __client_property_filters $__ref $__value } } # # If we changed the list of filters, save it in the # client property, we read it later on to build the # form of selected filters # set client_property_filters $__client_property_filters ad_set_client_property acs-templating $__list_filter_form_client_property_key $__client_property_filters # # Now reload the form, excluding variable clear_one. # set pattern [ns_urlencode "clear_one"]=[ns_urlencode "$clear_one"] regsub "${pattern}&?" [ad_return_url] {} url ad_returnredirect $url ad_script_abort } } -on_submit { if {[info exists clear_all] && $clear_all ne ""} { set __client_property_filters {} ad_set_client_property acs-templating $__list_filter_form_client_property_key $__client_property_filters break } template::list::get_reference -name $name foreach filter_ref $list_properties(filter_refs) { upvar \#[template::adp_level] $filter_ref filter_properties if {$filter_properties(name) eq $choose_filter} { lappend __client_property_filters $filter_ref "" } } ad_set_client_property acs-templating $__list_filter_form_client_property_key $__client_property_filters } # Create the form that holds the actual filter values ad_form -name $filters_form_name -has_submit 1 -form { {name:text(hidden) {value $name}} } # we need to pass the hidden list filters in this form too # since we need to preserve the other variables if either # the add filter or the apply filter form is submitted foreach fhf $filter_hidden_filters { ad_form -extend -name $filters_form_name -form { {$fhf:text(hidden),optional} } upvar \#[template::adp_level] $name:filter:${fhf}:properties filter_properties set filter_properties(widget) hidden set filter_properties(selected_p) t } # we need to extract the values of the hidden filters out of the # form elements, there is some magic here where ad_form # grabs the elements out of the form/url vars and # sets them, we want to pull them out of the form instead of # setting local variables to prevent collisions foreach fhf $filter_hidden_filters { lappend filter_hidden_filters_url_vars [list $fhf [template::element::get_value $add_filter_form_name $fhf]] } set visible_filters_p 0 # add a select box for filters with a list of valid values # otherwise add a regular text box foreach {f_ref f_value} $client_property_filters { upvar \#[template::adp_level] $f_ref filter_properties if {$filter_properties(label) ne "" && $filter_properties(hide_p) eq 0 && $filter_properties(name) ni $filter_exclude_from_key} { incr visible_filters_p } if {![template::element::exists $filters_form_name $filter_properties(name)]} { # extract options set options [list] foreach \ elm $filter_properties(values) \ url $filter_properties(urls) \ selected_p $filter_properties(selected_p) \ add_url $filter_properties(add_urls) { # Loop over 'values' and 'url' simultaneously # 'label' is the first element, 'value' the second # We do an lrange here, otherwise values would be set wrong # in case someone accidentally supplies a list with too many elements, # because then the foreach loop would run more than once foreach { label value count } [lrange $elm 0 2] {} if { [string is space $label] } { set label $filter_properties(null_label) } lappend options [list $label $value] } set clear_url_vars [concat [list [list clear_one $filter_properties(name)]] $filter_hidden_filters_url_vars] set filter_properties(clear_one_url) [export_vars -base [ad_conn url] $clear_url_vars] set form_element(element_name) $filter_properties(name) set form_element(widget) text set form_element(datatype) text if {[llength $options]} { set form_element(widget) select set form_element(options) $options } set form_element(label) "$filter_properties(label)" if {[info exists filter_properties(form_element_properties)]} { foreach {var value} $filter_properties(form_element_properties) { set form_element($var) $value } } set ad_form_element [list ${form_element(element_name)}:${form_element(datatype)}(${form_element(widget)}),optional] if {$filter_properties(type) eq "multival"} { set ad_form_element [list "[lindex $ad_form_element 0],multiple"] } foreach {var value} [array get form_element] { if {$var ni {name widget datatype}} { lappend ad_form_element [list $var $value] } } ad_form -extend -name $filters_form_name -form [list $ad_form_element] set filter_properties(widget) $form_element(widget) set filter_properties(selected_p) t unset -nocomplain form_element } } ad_form -extend -name $filters_form_name -on_request { foreach {f_ref f_value} $__client_property_filters { upvar \#[template::adp_level] $f_ref filter_properties set $filter_properties(name) $f_value } } -on_submit { # set the values of the filters, the creator of the list # still has to process the values to generate a valid # where clause template::list::get_reference -name $name set templist [list] foreach {f_ref f_value} $__client_property_filters { upvar \#[template::adp_level] $f_ref filter_properties set filter_properties(value) [set $filter_properties(name)] lappend templist $f_ref $filter_properties(value) # hack in elements?? if {$filter_properties(name) in [template::multirow columns $list_properties(multirow)]} { # FIXME Don't do this where, don't allow filters for # matching element/filter names if element does not exist # check if its a dynamic element...(has select_clause) list::element::create \ -list_name $name \ -element_name $filter_properties(name) \ -spec [list label $filter_properties(label)] } } set __client_property_filters $templist ad_set_client_property acs-templating $__list_filter_form_client_property_key $__client_property_filters } # only show the submit button for the apply filters form if # there are filters selected by the user if {$visible_filters_p} { ad_form -extend -name $filters_form_name -form { {submit:text(submit) {label "Apply Filters"}} } } else { # hard to figure out how to conditionally handle this in the # ad_form -extend -name $filters_form_name -form { {submit:text(hidden),optional} } } } d_proc template::list::set_elements_property { {-list_name:required} {-element_names:required} {-property:required} {-value:required} } { Sets a property on multiple list elements @param list_name Name of the list @param element_names List of element names @param property Which property to set @param value Value to set, all elements in element_names get this value } { foreach name $element_names { template::list::element::set_property \ -list_name $list_name \ -element_name $name \ -property $property \ -value $value } } # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: