- Publicity: Public Only All
Template style handling
- Location:
- packages/acs-templating/tcl/style-procs.tcl
- Author:
- Gustaf Neumann
Procedures in this file
- template::icon::name (public)
Detailed information
template::icon::name (public)
template::icon::name [ -iconset iconset ] name
Return for the provided generic name the name in the specified or current iconset the name mapping. This function is necessary in boundary cases, where e.g. a display_template passes the generic name of the icon via template variables which have to be
- Switches:
- -iconset (optional)
- Parameters:
- name (required)
- Returns:
- mapped icon name or the passed in generic name
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Template style handling @author Gustaf Neumann } ad_proc -private template::toolkit {-subsite_id} { Return the CSS toolkit or empty the current or given subsite. Potential result values are "" (undetermined) "bootstrap" (for Bootstrap 3), "bootstrap5" (for Bootstrap 5), or "w3css". } { if { ![info exists subsite_id] } { set subsite_id [ad_conn subsite_id] } set toolkit [parameter::get -parameter CSSToolkit -package_id $subsite_id] if {$toolkit eq ""} { # # Derive the toolkit from the subsite theme # set theme [subsite::get_theme -subsite_id $subsite_id] if {[string match *bootstrap5* $theme]} { set toolkit bootstrap5 } elseif {[string match *bootstrap3* $theme]} { set toolkit bootstrap } elseif {[string match *w3css* $theme]} { set toolkit w3css } } return $toolkit } namespace eval ::template { nx::Object create ::template::CSS { # # CSS property manager. This class is used for agnostic handling # of icons, CSS class names, or styling preferences of a # subsite/instance. # dict set :cssClasses w3css { btn-default "" btn-outline-secondary "w3-btn w3-white w3-border w3-border-grey w3-round" margin-form margin-form } dict set :cssClasses bootstrap5 { action "btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm m-1" btn-default btn-outline-secondary bulk-action "btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm" checkbox-inline form-check-inline close btn-close cog gear form-action "btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm m-1" margin-form "" navbar-default navbar-light navbar-right ms-auto print printer radio-inline form-check-inline } dict set :cssClasses bootstrap { action "btn btn-default" btn-default btn-default bulk-action "btn btn-default" card "panel panel-default" card-body panel-body card-header panel-heading d-none hidden form-action "btn btn-default" margin-form "" text-warning text-warn } dict set :cssClasses yui { card portlet-wrapper card-body portlet card-header portlet-header } dict set :cssClasses default { btn-default "" margin-form margin-form } :public object method clear {} { # # Clear the cached toolkit name, such that it is reloads the # settings on the next initialize call. # unset -nocomplain :preferredCSSToolkit } :public object method toolkit {} { # # Return the preferred CSS toolkit # return ${:preferredCSSToolkit} } :public object method toolkits {} { # # Return the list of known toolkits # return [dict keys ${:cssClasses}] } :public object method icon_name {filename} { # # Return an icon name for the proved filename # # Default icon name set iconName file if {${:iconset} eq "bootstrap-icons"} { switch [ad_file extension $filename] { .doc - .docx - .odt - .txt {set iconName "file-earmark-text"} .csv - .ods - .xls - .xlsx {set iconName "file-earmark-spreadsheet"} .odp - .ppt - .pptx {set iconName "file-earmark-spreadsheet"} .pdf {set iconName "file-earmark-pdf"} .c - .h - .tcl {set iconName "file-earmark-code"} .css - .html - .java - .js - .json - .py - .sql {set iconName "filetype-[string range [ad_file extension $filename] 1 end]"} default { switch -glob [ns_guesstype $filename] { image/* {set iconName "file-earmark-image"} video/* {set iconName "file-earmark-play"} audio/* {set iconName "file-earmark-slides"} default { ns_log notice "not handled '[ad_file extension $filename] / [ns_guesstype $filename] of <$filename>" } } } } } return $iconName } :public object method require_toolkit {{-css:switch} {-js:switch}} { # # Make sure that the preferred toolkit is loaded. Note that some # combination won't match nicely, since e.g. the toolbar of a # theme based on bootstrap5 is messed up, when the preferred # toolkit is bootstrap3. .... so, we should have some default # setting or fallbacks to handle such situations. # if {${:preferredCSSToolkit} eq "bootstrap5"} { if {$css} {::template::head::add_css -href urn:ad:css:bootstrap5} if {$js} {::template::head::add_javascript -src urn:ad:js:bootstrap5} } elseif {${:preferredCSSToolkit} eq "bootstrap"} { if {$css} {::template::head::add_css -href urn:ad:css:bootstrap3} if {$js} {::template::head::add_javascript -src urn:ad:js:bootstrap3} } else { # YUI has many simple files, let the application decide what # to be loaded. } } :public object method initialize {} { # # Initialize tailorization for CSS toolkits. The function reads # the global apm package parameter and sets/resets accordingly # (a) the default values (actually parameters) for the form # field and (b) defines the toolkit specific CSS class name # mapping. # # # Loading optional, but universally present header files has do # be performed per request... not sure this is the best place, # since packages are as well initialized in the background. # if {[ns_conn isconnected] && [apm_package_enabled_p "bootstrap-icons"]} { template::head::add_css -href urn:ad:css:bootstrap-icons } set paramValue [parameter::get_global_value -package_key acs-templating \ -parameter PreferredCSSToolkit \ -default [parameter::get_global_value -package_key xowiki \ -parameter PreferredCSSToolkit \ -default default]] # # Check, if parameter value is compatible with the theme. In # particular, a preferred toolkit of "bootstrap3" does not work # when the theme is based on Bootstrap 5 and vice versa. When necessary, # align the value. # if {$paramValue in {default bootstrap bootstrap5} && [ns_conn isconnected]} { set theme [subsite::get_theme] if {$paramValue in {bootstrap default} && [string match *bootstrap5* $theme]} { set paramValue bootstrap5 } elseif {$paramValue in {bootstrap5 default} && [string match *bootstrap3* $theme]} { set paramValue bootstrap } if {$paramValue eq "default"} { # For the time being, YUI is the default (deriving default # toolkit from theme did not work, we have to assume that # the fonts for Bootstrap 3 or 5 are not loaded for edit # buttons, etc. set paramValue yui } } # # Just do initialization once # if {[info exists :preferredCSSToolkit] && ${:preferredCSSToolkit} eq $paramValue } { return } #ns_log notice "template::CSS: initialize to <$paramValue>" # # The code below is executed only on first initialization of the # object or on changes of the preferredCSSToolkit. # set :preferredCSSToolkit $paramValue set :iconset [template::iconset] if {${:preferredCSSToolkit} eq "bootstrap"} { if {[info commands ::xowiki::formfield::FormField] ne ""} { ::xowiki::formfield::FormField parameter [subst { {CSSclass form-control} {form_item_wrapper_CSSclass form-group} {form_label_CSSclass ""} {form_widget_CSSclass ""} {form_button_CSSclass "[template::CSS class form-action]"} {form_button_wrapper_CSSclass ""} {form_help_text_CSSclass help-block} }] } } elseif {${:preferredCSSToolkit} eq "bootstrap5"} { if {[info commands ::xowiki::formfield::FormField] ne ""} { ::xowiki::formfield::FormField parameter [subst { {CSSclass form-control} {form_item_wrapper_CSSclass mb-3} {form_label_CSSclass "form-label me-1"} {form_widget_CSSclass ""} {form_button_CSSclass "[template::CSS class form-action]"} {form_button_wrapper_CSSclass ""} {form_help_text_CSSclass form-text} }] ::xowiki::formfield::select parameter { {CSSclass form-select} } ::xowiki::formfield::checkbox parameter { {CSSclass form-check} } ::xowiki::formfield::radio parameter { {CSSclass form-check} } ::xowiki::formfield::range parameter { {CSSclass form-range} } } } else { if {[info commands ::xowiki::formfield::FormField] ne ""} { ::xowiki::formfield::FormField parameter { {CSSclass} {form_label_CSSclass ""} {form_widget_CSSclass form-widget} {form_item_wrapper_CSSclass form-item-wrapper} {form_button_CSSclass ""} {form_button_wrapper_CSSclass form-button} {form_help_text_CSSclass form-help-text} } ::xowiki::Form requireFormCSS } } } :public object method registerCSSclasses {toolkit dict} { # # Register CSS class mapping for the provided framework # nsv_set acs_templating_cssClasses $toolkit $dict } # # Initialize acs_templating_cssClasses in case, nothing is # registered. # nsv_set acs_templating_cssClasses . . :public object method class {-toolkit name} { # # In case, a mapping for CSS classes is defined, return the # mapping for the provided class name. Otherwise return the # input class name unmodified. # if {![info exists toolkit]} { set toolkit ${:preferredCSSToolkit} if {$toolkit eq "default"} { set toolkit [template::toolkit] set :preferredCSSToolkit $toolkit ns_log notice "derived CSS toolkit '$toolkit'" } } if {[nsv_get acs_templating_cssClasses $toolkit dict]} { if {[dict exists $dict $name]} { return [dict get $dict $name] } } else { ns_log warning "template::CSS: no class mapping for" \ "toolkit $toolkit provided (should be in theme definition)" } if {[dict exists ${:cssClasses} $toolkit $name]} { return [dict get ${:cssClasses} $toolkit $name] } else { return $name } } :public object method classes {classNames} { # # Map a list of CSS class names # return [join [lmap class $classNames {:class $class}] " "] } } } ad_proc ::template::icon::name {-iconset name} { Return for the provided generic name the name in the specified or current iconset the name mapping. This function is necessary in boundary cases, where e.g. a display_template passes the generic name of the icon via template variables which have to be @-substituted before adp-tag resolution, which performs the regular icon name mapping. Otherwise, the tag resolver receives, e.g., ...name=@icon@... @param iconset @param name @return mapped icon name or the passed in generic name } { if {![info exists iconset]} { set iconset [template::iconset] } if {[dict exists $::template::icon::map $iconset $name]} { set name [dict get $::template::icon::map $iconset $name] } return $name } ad_proc -private template::iconset {-subsite_id} { Return the configured or derived icon set. Potential results are "classic" (old-style gif/png images), "glyphicons" (Part of Bootstrap 3), "fa-icons" (usable for all themes), and "bootstrap-icons" (usable for all themes). } { if { ![info exists subsite_id] } { set subsite_id [ad_conn subsite_id] } set default "" # set default "fa-icons" ;# just for testing set iconset [parameter::get -parameter IconSet -package_id $subsite_id -default $default] if {$iconset eq ""} { # # Derive the iconset from the template::toolkit. # if {[template::toolkit -subsite_id $subsite_id] eq "bootstrap"} { # # Bootstrap 3. Make this for backward compatibility the # first choice. # set iconset "glyphicons" } elseif {[apm_package_enabled_p "bootstrap-icons"]} { # # Bootstrap icons work with all toolkits # set iconset "bootstrap-icons" } elseif {[apm_package_enabled_p "fa-icons"]} { # # Awesome icons work with all toolkits # set iconset "fa-icons" } else { set iconset "classic" } } return $iconset } d_proc -private ::template::icon { -name:required {-alt ""} {-class ""} {-iconset ""} {-style ""} {-title ""} {-invisible:boolean f} } { Return a dict containing the HTML rendering and a potentially needed command for the ADP code. The latter are necessary for e.g. style loading. The target icon can be (1) a font glyph, (2) an image or (3) just a text. Method (1) is used for glyphicons and bootstrap icons, which is signaled by a value in the icon::map starting with a plain character. When the value starts with a slash "/", then an image will be used. When the name has no graphical counterpart (variant 3), this is signaled via an empty string. In this case, the resulting replacement will be the value of "alt" in text form. The configuration of this method is performed via the Tcl dict ::template::icon::map, which is set in tag-init.tcl @param alt used in classic images. When not specified, use 'title' attribute @param iconset force isage of this icon set @return dict containing 'HTML' and 'cmd' } { set styleAtt [expr {$style ne "" ? "style='$style'" : ""}] if {$iconset eq ""} { set iconset [::template::iconset] } if {[dict exists $::template::icon::map $iconset $name]} { set name [dict get $::template::icon::map $iconset $name] } set firstchar [string range $name 0 0] if {$firstchar eq "/"} { set iconset default } elseif {$name eq ""} { set iconset text } elseif {![string match {[a-z@]} $firstchar]} { set iconset text set alt $name } set _class [expr {$class ne "" ? " $class" : ""} ] set title [ns_quotehtml $title] set cmd "" switch $iconset { "glyphicons" { set template {<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-$name$_class' title='$title' aria-hidden='true' $styleAtt></span>} } "bootstrap-icons" { set cmd {template::head::add_css -href urn:ad:css:bootstrap-icons} set template {<i class='bi bi-$name$_class' title='$title' aria-hidden='true' $styleAtt></i>} } "fa-icons" { set cmd {template::head::add_css -href urn:ad:css:fa-icons} set template {<i class='$name$_class' title='$title' aria-hidden='true' $styleAtt></i>} } "text" { if {$alt eq ""} {set alt $title} set template {<span class='$class' title='$title' $styleAtt>$alt</span>} } default { # # When "title" is a message key, and it is used e.g. in # the "title" and "alt" fields, then the edit icon is # displayed twice in TRN mode, which look like a bug. So, # don't set alt per default to the message key, when it # looks like a message key... Or maybe better, force the # user to set the "alt" attribute. # #if {$alt eq "" && [string first "#" $title] == -1} {set alt $title} set template {<img class='$class' src='$name' height='16' width='16' title='$title' alt='$alt' style='border:0; $styleAtt'>} } } if {$invisible_p} { set template "<span style='visibility:hidden;'>$template</span>" } #ns_log notice "RETURN HTML [subst -nocommands $template] cmd $cmd]" return [list HTML [subst -nocommands $template] cmd $cmd] } namespace eval ::template::icon { set ::template::icon::map { bootstrap-icons { add-new-item plus-circle admin wrench-adjustable checkbox-checked check2-square checkbox-unchecked square check check-lg cog gear edit pencil-square eye-closed eye-slash eye-open eye file file-earmark filetype-csv filetype-csv folder-add folder-plus form-info-sign info-square list-alt card-heading mount arrow-up-circle next chevron-right permissions lock previous chevron-left radio-checked check2-circle radio-unchecked circle reload arrow-clockwise search search sitemap diagram-3 text file-earmark-text unmount eject user person warn exclamation-triangle-fill watch eye } fa-icons { add-new-item "fa-solid fa-plus" admin "fa-solid fa-wrench" arrow-down "fa-solid fa-arrow-down" arrow-left "fa-solid fa-arrow-left" arrow-right "fa-solid fa-arrow-right" arrow-up "fa-solid fa-arrow-up" check "fa-solid fa-check" checkbox-checked "fa-regular fa-square-check" checkbox-unchecked "fa-regular fa-square" cog "fa-solid fa-gear" download "fa-solid fa-download" edit "fa-regular fa-pen-to-square" eye-closed "fa-regular fa-eye-slash" eye-open "fa-regular fa-eye" file "fa-regular fa-file" filetype-csv "fa-solid fa-file-csv" folder "fa-regular fa-folder" folder-add "fa-solid fa-plus" form-info-sign "fa-solid fa-circle-info" link "fa-solid fa-link" list "fa-solid fa-list" list-alt "fa-regular fa-rectangle-list" mount "fa-regular fa-circle-up" next "fa-solid fa-chevron-right" paperclip "fa-light fa-paperclip" permissions "fa-solid fa-lock" previous "fa-solid fa-chevron-left" user "fa-solid fa-user" radio-checked "fa-regular fa-circle-check" radio-unchecked "fa-regular fa-circle" reload "fa-solid fa-arrows-rotate" search "fa-solid fa-magnifying-glass" sitemap "fa-solid fa-sitemap" text "fa-regular fa-file-lines" unmount "fa-solid fa-eject" trash "fa-regular fa-trash-can" warn "fa-solid fa-triangle-exclamation" watch "fa-regular fa-eye" } glyphicons { admin wrench add-new-item plus-sign checkbox-checked check checkbox-unchecked unchecked cog cog download download-alt edit pencil eye-closed eye-close eye-open eye-open file file filetype-csv "" folder folder-open folder-add plus-sign form-info-sign info-sign link link list-alt list-alt mount collapse-up next menu-right paperclip paperclip permissions lock previous menu-left radio-checked record radio-unchecked /shared/images/radio.gif reload refresh search search sitemap /resources/acs-subsite/sitemap.svg text file unmount eject user user warn alert watch eye-open } classic { add-new-item "+" admin "" arrow-down /resources/acs-subsite/arrow-down.gif arrow-left /resources/acs-subsite/arrow-left.png arrow-right /resources/acs-subsite/arrow-right.png arrow-up /resources/acs-subsite/arrow-up.gif checkbox-checked /shared/images/checkboxchecked.gif checkbox-unchecked /shared/images/checkbox.gif check /shared/images/checkboxchecked.gif cog " parameters" download /shared/images/download16.png edit /shared/images/Edit16.gif eye-closed /shared/images/eye-slash16.png eye-open /shared/images/eye16.png filetype-csv /shared/images/csv16.png file /shared/images/file.gif folder /resources/acs-subsite/Open16.gif folder-add "+" form-info-sign /shared/images/info.gif link /resources/acs-subsite/url-button.gif mount /resources/acs-subsite/up.gif list /shared/images/list16.png list-alt /resources/acs-subsite/Preferences16.gif next "»" paperclip /resources/acs-subsite/attach.png permissions "" previous "«" radio-checked /shared/images/radiochecked.gif radio-unchecked /shared/images/radio.gif text /shared/images/text16.png reload /shared/images/recylce16.png search /resources/acs-subsite/Zoom16.gif sitemap /resources/acs-subsite/sitemap.svg trash /shared/images/Delete16.gif unmount /resources/acs-subsite/down.gif user /resources/acs-subsite/profile-16.png warn /shared/images/diamond.gif watch /shared/images/eye16.png } } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: