• Publicity: Public Only All


Helper procedures for Edit This Page

31 May 2001
Luke Pond dlpond@pobox.com
CVS Identification:
$Id: etp-procs.tcl,v 1.35 2024/08/21 11:29:02 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

etp::check_write_access (public)

Luke Pond
2001-08-29 Designed to be used at the top of every ETP admin page. Returns an HTTP 403 Access Denied and aborts page processing if the user doesn't have "write" permission for the current package.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-create-2.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-create-2.tcl etp::check_write_access etp::check_write_access packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-create-2.tcl->etp::check_write_access packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-create.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-create.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-create.tcl->etp::check_write_access packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-delete.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-delete.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-delete.tcl->etp::check_write_access packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl->etp::check_write_access packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-extlink.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-extlink.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-extlink.tcl->etp::check_write_access ad_conn ad_conn (public) etp::check_write_access->ad_conn ad_return_forbidden ad_return_forbidden (public) etp::check_write_access->ad_return_forbidden ad_script_abort ad_script_abort (public) etp::check_write_access->ad_script_abort permission::permission_p permission::permission_p (public) etp::check_write_access->permission::permission_p

No testcase defined.

etp::define_application (public)

 etp::define_application name params

TODO: Need documentation TODO: Check the parameters passed in


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/edit-this-page/tcl/etp-init.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ tcl/etp-init.tcl etp::define_application etp::define_application packages/edit-this-page/tcl/etp-init.tcl->etp::define_application

No testcase defined.

etp::define_content_type (public)

 etp::define_content_type content_type pretty_name pretty_plural \

Call this at server startup time to register the extended page attributes for a particular content type. It ensures that there is a corresponding entry in acs_object_types for the content type, and that for each of the extended page attributes given there is an appropriate entry in acs_attributes. Also, a namespace variable stores all extended page attributes in memory data structure for quick retrieval.

Extended page attribute values are stored in the acs_attribute_values table (so-called "generic" storage) to prevent the necessity of creating a table for each content type. This is the reason we're not using the attribute procs defined in the acs-subsite package, as they only support type-specific storage.

NOTE: get the attribute metadata right the first time. If you decide to add a new attribute to an existing object type, the procedure will create it for you. But it won't process updates to existing attributes or remove them. You'll have to do that by hand.

content_type - The content type you're registering. This name must be unique across all pages that must store extended page attributes.
pretty_name - The display name for the content type
pretty_plural - The plural form of the display name
attribute_metadata - A list of records describing each extended page attribute. Each record is a list containing the following values (in sequence):
  • attribute_name
  • pretty_name
  • pretty_plural
  • datatype (must be one of the entries in acs_datatypes: string, boolean, number, integer, date, etc.)
  • html (a string containing html attributes for the input control. useful attributes are "size=X" to specify the size of standard input controls, and "rows=X cols=X" to specify the size of a textarea. Textareas will be used only if the datatype is string and html specifies rows or cols.)
  • default_value (can either be a string denoting a single default value, or the name of a callback function you've defined in the etp namespace which is used to provide values for select lists).
# TODO: other features are needed such as making an attribute optional # and also specifying options for select lists.
Luke Pond

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::make_content_type etp::make_content_type (public, deprecated) etp::define_content_type etp::define_content_type etp::make_content_type->etp::define_content_type packages/edit-this-page/tcl/etp-init.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ tcl/etp-init.tcl packages/edit-this-page/tcl/etp-init.tcl->etp::define_content_type db_0or1row db_0or1row (public) etp::define_content_type->db_0or1row db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) etp::define_content_type->db_exec_plsql etp::create_search_impl etp::create_search_impl (public) etp::define_content_type->etp::create_search_impl

No testcase defined.

etp::get_application_param (public)

 etp::get_application_param param_name [ app ]

NYI: Need documentation

app (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::get_attribute_pretty_name etp::get_attribute_pretty_name (public) etp::get_application_param etp::get_application_param etp::get_attribute_pretty_name->etp::get_application_param etp::get_content_items etp::get_content_items (public) etp::get_content_items->etp::get_application_param etp::get_content_type etp::get_content_type (public) etp::get_content_type->etp::get_application_param packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-create.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-create.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-create.tcl->etp::get_application_param packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl->etp::get_application_param etp::get_application_params etp::get_application_params (public) etp::get_application_param->etp::get_application_params

No testcase defined.

etp::get_application_params (public)

 etp::get_application_params [ app ]

NYI: Need documentation

app (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::get_application_param etp::get_application_param (public) etp::get_application_params etp::get_application_params etp::get_application_param->etp::get_application_params packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl->etp::get_application_params parameter::get parameter::get (public) etp::get_application_params->parameter::get

No testcase defined.

etp::get_attribute_data_type (public)

 etp::get_attribute_data_type attribute_desc

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-edit.tcl etp::get_attribute_data_type etp::get_attribute_data_type packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl->etp::get_attribute_data_type

No testcase defined.

etp::get_attribute_default (public)

 etp::get_attribute_default attribute_desc

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql (public) etp::get_attribute_default etp::get_attribute_default etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql->etp::get_attribute_default packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl->etp::get_attribute_default

No testcase defined.

etp::get_attribute_desc (public)

 etp::get_attribute_desc name content_type

returns the attribute descriptor for the given attribute. works for extended attributes defined by the given content_type as well as for the standard attributes (title, description, and content). (the documentation for etp_make_content_type explains what's in an attribute descriptor contains)


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::get_content_items etp::get_content_items (public) etp::get_attribute_desc etp::get_attribute_desc etp::get_content_items->etp::get_attribute_desc packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl->etp::get_attribute_desc

No testcase defined.

etp::get_attribute_descriptors (public)

 etp::get_attribute_descriptors content_type

returns a list of attribute descriptors for the given content_type. this includes standard attributes as well as extended attributes.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp.tcl etp::get_attribute_descriptors etp::get_attribute_descriptors packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl->etp::get_attribute_descriptors

No testcase defined.

etp::get_attribute_html (public)

 etp::get_attribute_html attribute_desc

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-edit.tcl etp::get_attribute_html etp::get_attribute_html packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl->etp::get_attribute_html

No testcase defined.

etp::get_attribute_id (public)

 etp::get_attribute_id attribute_desc

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql (public) etp::get_attribute_id etp::get_attribute_id etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql->etp::get_attribute_id packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl->etp::get_attribute_id

No testcase defined.

etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql (public)

 etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql attribute_desc

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::get_content_items etp::get_content_items (public) etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql etp::get_content_items->etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql etp::get_ext_attribute_columns etp::get_ext_attribute_columns (public) etp::get_ext_attribute_columns->etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql db_map db_map (public) etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql->db_map etp::get_attribute_default etp::get_attribute_default (public) etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql->etp::get_attribute_default etp::get_attribute_id etp::get_attribute_id (public) etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql->etp::get_attribute_id etp::get_attribute_name etp::get_attribute_name (public) etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql->etp::get_attribute_name

No testcase defined.

etp::get_attribute_name (public)

 etp::get_attribute_name attribute_desc

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql (public) etp::get_attribute_name etp::get_attribute_name etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql->etp::get_attribute_name packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl->etp::get_attribute_name

No testcase defined.

etp::get_attribute_pretty_name (public)

 etp::get_attribute_pretty_name attribute_desc [ page_name ]
page_name (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-edit.tcl etp::get_attribute_pretty_name etp::get_attribute_pretty_name packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl->etp::get_attribute_pretty_name packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl->etp::get_attribute_pretty_name etp::get_application_param etp::get_application_param (public) etp::get_attribute_pretty_name->etp::get_application_param

No testcase defined.

etp::get_content_items (public)

 etp::get_content_items [ -orderby orderby ] [ -limit limit ] \
    [ -where where ] [ -package_id package_id ] \
    [ -result_name result_name ] [ args... ]
(defaults to "content_items") (optional)
Luke Pond

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp.tcl etp::get_content_items etp::get_content_items packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl->etp::get_content_items ad_conn ad_conn (public) etp::get_content_items->ad_conn db_map db_map (public) etp::get_content_items->db_map db_multirow db_multirow (public) etp::get_content_items->db_multirow etp::get_application_param etp::get_application_param (public) etp::get_content_items->etp::get_application_param etp::get_attribute_desc etp::get_attribute_desc (public) etp::get_content_items->etp::get_attribute_desc

No testcase defined.

etp::get_content_type (public)

 etp::get_content_type [ name ]
name (optional) - specify "index" to get the index_content_type parameter. otherwise returns the content_type parameter. Returns the content_type specified in the package parameters.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::get_content_items etp::get_content_items (public) etp::get_content_type etp::get_content_type etp::get_content_items->etp::get_content_type etp::get_page_attributes etp::get_page_attributes (public) etp::get_page_attributes->etp::get_content_type etp::make_page etp::make_page (public) etp::make_page->etp::get_content_type irc::logger::update_log irc::logger::update_log (public) irc::logger::update_log->etp::get_content_type packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl->etp::get_content_type etp::get_application_param etp::get_application_param (public) etp::get_content_type->etp::get_application_param

No testcase defined.

etp::get_defined_applications (public)


returns a list of all defined applications

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-setup.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-setup.tcl etp::get_defined_applications etp::get_defined_applications packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-setup.tcl->etp::get_defined_applications

No testcase defined.

etp::get_etp_link (public)

Luke Pond
2001-05-31 If the current package is an instance of Edit This Page, and the user has write access, returns the html "Edit This Page" link which should be displayed at the bottom of the page.

This may be called either from your master template, or from individual pages that are used within an ETP package instance. It incurs 1 database hit to do the permissions check. The package type is acquired via the in-memory copy of the site-nodes layout.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/plain-master.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/plain-master.tcl etp::get_etp_link etp::get_etp_link packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/plain-master.tcl->etp::get_etp_link packages/acs-subsite/www/plain-master.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/plain-master.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/plain-master.tcl->etp::get_etp_link packages/acs-subsite/www/shared/plain-master.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/shared/plain-master.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/shared/plain-master.tcl->etp::get_etp_link packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-master.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-master.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-master.tcl->etp::get_etp_link etp::get_etp_url etp::get_etp_url (public) etp::get_etp_link->etp::get_etp_url

No testcase defined.

etp::get_etp_url (public)

Luke Pond
2001-05-31 If the current package is an instance of Edit This Page, and the user has write access, returns the URL to where you can edit the current page.

This may be called either from your master template, or from individual pages that are used within an ETP package instance. It incurs 1 database hit to do the permissions check. The package type is acquired via the in-memory copy of the site-nodes layout.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::get_etp_link etp::get_etp_link (public) etp::get_etp_url etp::get_etp_url etp::get_etp_link->etp::get_etp_url ad_conn ad_conn (public) etp::get_etp_url->ad_conn etp::get_name etp::get_name (public) etp::get_etp_url->etp::get_name export_vars export_vars (public) etp::get_etp_url->export_vars permission::permission_p permission::permission_p (public) etp::get_etp_url->permission::permission_p site_node::get site_node::get (public) etp::get_etp_url->site_node::get

No testcase defined.

etp::get_ext_attribute_columns (public)

 etp::get_ext_attribute_columns content_type

Constructs some dynamic SQL to get each of the extended page attributes. note that the attribute values are stored for each *revision*, so we look them up based on the live revision id, not on the item id.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::get_pa etp::get_pa (private) etp::get_ext_attribute_columns etp::get_ext_attribute_columns etp::get_pa->etp::get_ext_attribute_columns packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl->etp::get_ext_attribute_columns etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql (public) etp::get_ext_attribute_columns->etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql

No testcase defined.

etp::get_folder_id (public)

 etp::get_folder_id package_id
content folder associated with package_id etp package instance

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::get_content_items etp::get_content_items (public) etp::get_folder_id etp::get_folder_id etp::get_content_items->etp::get_folder_id packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-swap.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-swap.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-swap.tcl->etp::get_folder_id db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) etp::get_folder_id->db_exec_plsql

No testcase defined.

etp::get_latest_revision_id (public)

 etp::get_latest_revision_id package_id name
Luke Pond
2001-06-10 Returns the latest revision id for the given content item.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 irc::logger::update_log irc::logger::update_log (public) etp::get_latest_revision_id etp::get_latest_revision_id irc::logger::update_log->etp::get_latest_revision_id packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-edit.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-edit.tcl->etp::get_latest_revision_id packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-publish.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-publish.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-publish.tcl->etp::get_latest_revision_id packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl->etp::get_latest_revision_id db_1row db_1row (public) etp::get_latest_revision_id->db_1row

No testcase defined.

etp::get_live_revision_id (public)

 etp::get_live_revision_id package_id name
Luke Pond
2001-06-10 Returns the published ("live") revision id for the given content item.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 irc::logger::update_log irc::logger::update_log (public) etp::get_live_revision_id etp::get_live_revision_id irc::logger::update_log->etp::get_live_revision_id packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-history.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-history.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-history.tcl->etp::get_live_revision_id packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-publish.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-publish.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-publish.tcl->etp::get_live_revision_id db_1row db_1row (public) etp::get_live_revision_id->db_1row

No testcase defined.

etp::get_name (public)

Luke Pond
2001-06-10 Returns the canonical page name for the current request.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::get_etp_url etp::get_etp_url (public) etp::get_name etp::get_name etp::get_etp_url->etp::get_name etp::get_page_attributes etp::get_page_attributes (public) etp::get_page_attributes->etp::get_name ad_conn ad_conn (public) etp::get_name->ad_conn

No testcase defined.

etp::get_page_attributes (public)

 etp::get_page_attributes [ -package_id package_id ]
Creates the pa variable in the caller's context. Creates an array variable called pa in the caller's stack frame, containing all attributes necessary to render the current page. These attributes include the standard elements from the cr_revisions table such as title, description, and content. If the content_type parameter is provided, any extended page attributes that correspond to it will be included. See docs for etp::make_content_type to learn how this works.

Two database accesses are required to create the array variable. Once created, subsequent calls to this method will find the variable in a cache, unless a) any of the page attributes are changed, or b) the page has been flushed from the cache. (flush details TBD).

The complete list of standard attributes in the pa array is as follows:

  • item_id
  • name
  • revision_id
  • title
  • context_bar
  • context
  • description
  • publish_date
  • content
  • extended attributes, if any, defined by etp::make_content_type
Luke Pond

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_conn ad_conn (public) ad_log ad_log (public) ad_returnredirect ad_returnredirect (public) ad_script_abort ad_script_abort (public) etp::get_content_type etp::get_content_type (public) etp::get_page_attributes etp::get_page_attributes etp::get_page_attributes->ad_conn etp::get_page_attributes->ad_log etp::get_page_attributes->ad_returnredirect etp::get_page_attributes->ad_script_abort etp::get_page_attributes->etp::get_content_type

No testcase defined.

etp::get_subtopics (public)

Luke Pond
2001-06-13 Creates a variable named "subtopics" in the caller's context. This is a multirow result set suitable for passing to an index template, containing all the structured data necessary to present a list of links to subtopics. The columns in the "subtopics" query are:
  • name
  • title
  • description

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_conn ad_conn (public) db_multirow db_multirow (public) etp::get_subtopics etp::get_subtopics etp::get_subtopics->ad_conn etp::get_subtopics->db_multirow

No testcase defined.

etp::make_content_type (public, deprecated)

 etp::make_content_type content_type pretty_name pretty_plural \
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

See Also:
  • define_content_type

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) etp::define_content_type etp::define_content_type (public) etp::make_content_type etp::make_content_type etp::make_content_type->ad_log_deprecated etp::make_content_type->etp::define_content_type

No testcase defined.

etp::make_page (public)

 etp::make_page name [ title ] [ item_id ]
name - the name of the page you wish to create in the current package Creates a new page (content item) with the given name by inserting a row into the cr_items table, and creates an initial revision by inserting a row into the cr_revisions table.
title (defaults to "Untitled")
item_id (optional)
Luke Pond

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-create-2.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-create-2.tcl etp::make_page etp::make_page packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-create-2.tcl->etp::make_page packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-install-portlet.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-install-portlet.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-install-portlet.tcl->etp::make_page packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-setup-2.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp-setup-2.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp-setup-2.tcl->etp::make_page ad_conn ad_conn (public) etp::make_page->ad_conn db_0or1row db_0or1row (public) etp::make_page->db_0or1row db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) etp::make_page->db_exec_plsql etp::get_content_type etp::get_content_type (public) etp::make_page->etp::get_content_type

No testcase defined.

etp::modify_application (public)

 etp::modify_application name params

TODO: Need documentation TODO: Check the parameters passed in


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

ad_library {
    Helper procedures for Edit This Page

    @cvs-id $Id: etp-procs.tcl,v 1.35 2024/08/21 11:29:02 gustafn Exp $
    @author Luke Pond dlpond@pobox.com
    @creation-date 31 May 2001

namespace eval etp {

    set standard_attributes {
        {title Title Titles string {size="60""Untitled" -1}
        {description Description Descriptions string {rows=24 cols=80} "" -1}
        {content Content Content string {rows=24 cols=80} "" -1}

    ad_proc -deprecated make_content_type { content_type pretty_name pretty_plural attribute_metadata } {
        @see define_content_type
    } {
        return [define_content_type $content_type $pretty_name $pretty_plural $attribute_metadata]

    ad_proc -public define_content_type { content_type pretty_name pretty_plural attribute_metadata } {

        Call this at server startup time to register the
        extended page attributes for a particular content type.
        It ensures that there is a corresponding entry in
        acs_object_types for the content type, and that for
        each of the extended page attributes given there is
        an appropriate entry in acs_attributes.  Also, a
        namespace variable stores all extended page attributes
        in memory data structure for quick retrieval.
        Extended page attribute values are stored in
        the acs_attribute_values table (so-called "generic" storage)
        to prevent the necessity of creating a table for each
        content type.  This is the reason we're not using the
        attribute procs defined in the acs-subsite package, as
        they only support type-specific storage.
        NOTE: get the attribute metadata right the first time.
        If you decide to add a new attribute to an existing object type,
        the procedure will create it for you.  But it won't
        process updates to existing attributes or remove them.
        You'll have to do that by hand.

        @author Luke Pond
        @creation-date 2001-05-31

        @param content_type The content type you're registering.  This name
                            must be unique across all pages that must store
                            extended page attributes.
        @param pretty_name The display name for the content type
        @param pretty_plural The plural form of the display name
        @param attribute_metadata A list of records describing each extended
             page attribute.  Each record is a list containing the following
             values (in sequence):<ul>
              <li>datatype (must be one of the entries in acs_datatypes:
                  string, boolean, number, integer, date, etc.)
              <li>html (a string containing html attributes for the input
                        control.  useful attributes are "size=X" to specify
                        the size of standard input controls, and "rows=X cols=X"
                        to specify the size of a textarea.  Textareas will be
                        used only if the datatype is string and html specifies
                        rows or cols.)
              <li>default_value (can either be a string denoting a single default
                                 value, or the name of a callback function you've
                                 defined in the etp namespace which is used to
                                 provide values for select lists).
        # TODO: other features are needed such as making an attribute optional
        # and also specifying options for select lists.
    } {
        variable content_types
        if {![info exists content_types]} {
            array set content_types [list]

        # probably should use content_type functions instead
        # DaveB
        # anyway we make sure new types are children of etp_page_revision
        # ensure an entry in acs_object_types

        if { ![db_0or1row object_type_exists ""] } {
            db_exec_plsql object_type_create ""

        set attribute_metadata_with_ids [list]

        # for each attribute, ensure an entry in acs_attributes
        foreach attribute $attribute_metadata {
            if {[llength $attribute] != 6} {
                ns_log Error "etp::define_content_type ($content_type) failed:
                attribute_metadata record has incorrect format"

            lassign $attribute a_name a_pretty_name a_pretty_plural a_datatype a_html a_default

            if { ![db_0or1row attribute_exists ""] } {
                set attribute_id [db_exec_plsql attribute_create ""]
            lappend attribute $attribute_id
            lappend attribute_metadata_with_ids $attribute

        set content_types($content_type$attribute_metadata_with_ids
        # add service contract implementations for content_type if necessary
        # creates search service contract implementation if it doesn't
        # already exist
        etp::create_search_impl -content_type $content_type

    ad_proc -public define_application { name params } {
        TODO: Need documentation
        TODO: Check the parameters passed in
    } {
        variable application_params
        if {![info exists application_params]} {
            array set application_params [list]
        set application_params($name$params
        ns_log debug "ETP define_application name $name is $application_params($name)"

    ad_proc -public modify_application { name params } {
        TODO: Need documentation
        TODO: Check the parameters passed in
    } {
        variable application_params
        array set param_array $application_params($name)
        array set param_array $params
        set application_params($name) [array get param_array]
        ns_log debug "ETP modify_application application $name is modified to $application_params($name)"

    ad_proc -public get_defined_applications { } {
        returns a list of all defined applications
    } {
        variable application_params
        return [lsort [array names application_params]]

    ad_proc -public get_application_param { param_name {app ""} } {
        NYI: Need documentation
    } {
        array set params [get_application_params $app]

        if { [info exists params($param_name)] } {
            return $params($param_name)
        } else {
            return ""

    ad_proc -public get_application_params { {app ""} } {
        NYI: Need documentation
    } {
        variable application_params

        if { $app eq "" } {
            set app [parameter::get -parameter application -default "default"]

        array set params $application_params(default)

        if { [info exists application_params($app)] } {
            array set params $application_params($app)

        return [array get params]

    ad_proc -public make_page { name {title "Untitled"} {item_id ""}} {
        @author Luke Pond
        @creation-date 2001-05-31
        @param name the name of the page you wish to create
                    in the current package

        Creates a new page (content item) with the given name
        by inserting a row into the cr_items table, and creates
        an initial revision by inserting a row into the cr_revisions

    } {
        set package_id [ad_conn package_id]

        set content_type [etp::get_content_type $name]

        # ensure an entry in cr_items for this (package_id, name) combination

        if { ![db_0or1row page_exists ""] } {
            db_exec_plsql page_create ""

    ad_proc -public get_content_type { {name ""} } {
        @param name specify "index" to get the index_content_type parameter.
                    otherwise returns the content_type parameter.

        Returns the content_type specified in the package parameters.
    } {
        if { $name eq "index" } {
            set content_type [etp::get_application_param index_content_type]
        } else {
            set content_type [etp::get_application_param content_content_type]
        return $content_type

    d_proc -public get_page_attributes {
        {-package_id ""}
    } {
        @author Luke Pond
        @creation-date 2001-05-31
        @param Optionally may specify an object type containing
        extended page attributes to be returned.
        @return Creates the pa variable in the caller's context.

        Creates an array variable called pa in the caller's stack frame,
        containing all attributes necessary to render the current page.
        These attributes include the standard elements from the cr_revisions
        table such as title, description, and content.  If the content_type
        parameter is provided, any extended page attributes that
        correspond to it will be included.  See docs for etp::make_content_type
        to learn how this works.
        Two database accesses are required to create the array variable.
        Once created, subsequent calls to this method will find the variable
        in a cache, unless a) any of the page attributes are changed, or b)
        the page has been flushed from the cache. (flush details TBD).
        The complete list of standard attributes in the pa array is as follows:
        <li><i>extended attributes, if any, defined by etp::make_content_type</i>
    } {
        # TODO: I have no idea if ns_cache automatically flushes
        # items that are out of date.  Must find out or risk
        # running out of memory

        set max_age [parameter::get -parameter cache_max_age -default 600]

        if {$package_id eq ""} {
            set package_id [ad_conn package_id]
        if {![string is integer -strict $package_id]} {
           ad_log Warning "package_id <$package_id> is not an integer"
           # This might happen, when no package_id could be determined
           # via [ad_conn package_id]
        set name [etp::get_name]
        set content_type [etp::get_content_type $name]

        upvar pa pa

        if { [catch {
            if {[ad_conn -get revision_id] eq ""} {
                # asking for the live published revision
                array set pa [util_memoize \
                                  [list etp::get_pa $package_id $name $content_type] \
            } else {
                # an admin is browsing other revisions - do not use caching.
                array set pa [etp::get_pa [ad_conn package_id] $name $content_type]
        } errorMsg] } {
            # This part of the code is a weird construct: If the page
            # does not exist, an exception is raised. In practice,
            # requests for non-existing pages happens quite often and
            # should not raise exceptions. Since unfortunately, no
            # exception code is set, we check here for the error
            # message.
            if {$errorMsg ne "Query did not return any rows"} {
                ns_log warning "etp::get_pa revision_id '[ad_conn -get revision_id]'" \
                    "package_id '[ad_conn package_id]' raised exception:" $errorMsg

            # Page not found.  Redirect admins to setup page;
            # otherwise report 404 error.
            if { $name eq "index" &&
                 [permission::permission_p -object_id [ad_conn package_id] -privilege admin] } {
                # set up the new content section
                ad_returnredirect "etp-setup-2"
            } else {
            # we're done responding to this request, so do no
            # further processing on this page


    ad_proc -private get_pa { package_id name {content_type ""} } {
        @author Luke Pond
        @creation-date 2001-05-31
        @param package_id The package_id for the current request

        @param name The page name of the current request.
        @return The tcl array (in list form) of page attributes.

        Does the real work of setting up the page-attribute array,
        which is then fed to the cache. The (package_id name)
        combination uniquely identifies a page.
    } {

        set extended_attributes [get_ext_attribute_columns $content_type]

        set revision_id [ad_conn revision_id]
        if {$revision_id eq ""} {
            # this will throw an error if the page does not exist
            db_1row get_page_attributes "" -column_array pa
        } else {
            # revision_id was set by index.vuh
            db_1row get_page_attributes_other_revision "" -column_array pa

        if {$pa(mime_type) eq ""} {
            set pa(mime_type) "text/html"

        if {"text/html" ne $pa(mime_type) } {
            set pa(content) [template::util::richtext get_property html_value [list $pa(content) $pa(mime_type)]]
        # add in the context bar
        if { $name eq "index" } {
            set cb [ad_context_bar]
            set context [list]
        } else {
            set cb [ad_context_bar $pa(title)]
            set context [list $pa(title)]
        # remove the "Your Workspace" link, so we can cache this context
        # bar and it will work for everyone

        regsub {^<a href="/pvt/home">Your Workspace</a> : } $cb "" cb

        if {[lindex $cb 1] eq "Your Workspace"} {
            set cb [lreplace $cb 0 1]
        set pa(context_bar) $cb
        set pa(context) $context

        return [array get pa]

    ad_proc -public get_ext_attribute_columns { content_type } {
             Constructs some dynamic SQL to get each
             of the extended page attributes.  note
             that the attribute values are stored for
             each *revision*, so we look them up based
             on the live revision id, not on the item id.
    } {
        set extended_attributes ""
        if { $content_type ne "" &&
             $content_type ne "etp_page_revision" } {
            variable content_types

            set attributes $content_types($content_type)

            foreach attribute_desc $attributes {
                set lookup_sql [etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql $attribute_desc]
                append extended_attributes ",\n $lookup_sql"
        return $extended_attributes

    ad_proc -public get_attribute_descriptors { content_type } {
        returns a list of attribute descriptors for the given content_type.
        this includes standard attributes as well as extended attributes.
    } {
        variable standard_attributes
        variable content_types

        if {[info exists content_types($content_type)]} {
            return [concat $standard_attributes $content_types($content_type)]

        return $standard_attributes

    ad_proc -public get_attribute_desc { name content_type } {
        returns the attribute descriptor for the given attribute.
        works for extended attributes defined by the given content_type
        as well as for the standard attributes (title, description, and content).
        (the documentation for etp_make_content_type explains what's in an
        attribute descriptor contains)
    } {
        # check for standard attributes first

        variable standard_attributes

        foreach std_desc $standard_attributes {
            if { $name == [lindex $std_desc 0] } {
                return $std_desc

        variable content_types
        if {[info exists content_types($content_type)]} {
            set extended_attributes $content_types($content_type)
            foreach ext_desc $extended_attributes {
                if { $name == [lindex $ext_desc 0] } {
                    return $ext_desc

        return ""

    ad_proc -public get_attribute_id { attribute_desc } {
    } {
        return [lindex $attribute_desc end]

    ad_proc -public get_attribute_name { attribute_desc } {
    } {
        return [lindex $attribute_desc 0]

    ad_proc -public get_attribute_pretty_name { attribute_desc {page_name ""} } {
    } {
        set pretty_name [lindex $attribute_desc 1]

        # handle customized standard attribute names
        # which are set up with etp application parameters
        set attr_name [lindex $attribute_desc 0]
        if {$attr_name in { title description content }} {
            if { $page_name eq "index" } {
                set param_name "index_${attr_name}_attr_name"
            } else {
                set param_name "content_${attr_name}_attr_name"

            ns_log debug "get_attribute_pretty_name: Asking for $param_name"
            set pretty_name [etp::get_application_param $param_name]

        return $pretty_name

    ad_proc -public get_attribute_data_type { attribute_desc } {
    } {
        return [lindex $attribute_desc 3]

    ad_proc -public get_attribute_html { attribute_desc } {
    } {
        return [lindex $attribute_desc 4]

    ad_proc -public get_attribute_default { attribute_desc } {
    } {
        return [lindex $attribute_desc 5]

    ad_proc -public get_attribute_lookup_sql { attribute_desc } {
    } {
        set attribute_id [etp::get_attribute_id $attribute_desc]
        set attribute_name [etp::get_attribute_name $attribute_desc]
        set default [etp::get_attribute_default $attribute_desc]

        set lookup_sql [db_map lookup_sql_clause]

        # see if a select-list callback function was specified
        if { [info commands $default] ne "" } {
            set transformed_lookup_sql [eval $default transform_during_query $attribute_id {$lookup_sql}]

            if {$transformed_lookup_sql ne ""} {
                set lookup_sql $transformed_lookup_sql
        return "$lookup_sql as $attribute_name"

    ad_proc -public get_etp_url { } {
        @author Luke Pond
        @creation-date 2001-05-31

        If the current package is an instance of Edit This Page,
        and the user has write access, returns
        the URL to where you can edit the current page.
        This may be called either from your master template,
        or from individual pages that are used within an ETP
        package instance.  It incurs 1 database hit to
        do the permissions check.  The package type is acquired
        via the in-memory copy of the site-nodes layout.

    } {
        set url_stub [ns_conn url]
        array set site_node [site_node::get -url $url_stub]
        set urlc [regexp -all "/" $url_stub]
        if { ($site_node(package_key) eq "edit-this-page" ||
              $site_node(package_key) eq "acs-subsite") &&
             [permission::permission_p -object_id [ad_conn package_id] -privilege write] } {

            set name [etp::get_name]

            if { ![regexp "^etp" $name] } {
                return [export_vars -base etp { name }]

        return ""


    ad_proc -public get_etp_link { } {
        @author Luke Pond
        @creation-date 2001-05-31

        If the current package is an instance of Edit This Page,
        and the user has write access, returns
        the html "Edit This Page" link which should be
        displayed at the bottom of the page.
        This may be called either from your master template,
        or from individual pages that are used within an ETP
        package instance.  It incurs 1 database hit to
        do the permissions check.  The package type is acquired
        via the in-memory copy of the site-nodes layout.

    } {
        set etp_url [get_etp_url]
        if { $etp_url ne "" } {
            return [subst {<a href="[ns_quotehtml $etp_url]">Edit This Page</a>\n}]
        return {}

    ad_proc -public get_name { } {
        @author Luke Pond
        @creation-date 2001-06-10

        Returns the canonical page name for the current request.
    } {
        set url_stub [ad_conn url]
        if { [string index $url_stub end] eq "/" } {
            set name index
        } else {
            set name [file rootname [file tail $url_stub]]
        return $name

    ad_proc -public get_latest_revision_id { package_id name } {
        @author Luke Pond
        @creation-date 2001-06-10

        Returns the latest revision id for the given content item.
    } {
        db_1row get_latest_revision_id ""
        return $revision_id

    ad_proc -public get_live_revision_id { package_id name } {
        @author Luke Pond
        @creation-date 2001-06-10

        Returns the published ("live") revision id for the given content item.
    } {
        db_1row get_live_revision_id ""
        return $revision_id

    d_proc -public get_content_items {
        {-orderby ""}
        {-limit ""}
        {-where ""}
        {-package_id ""}
        {-result_name "content_items"}
     } {
        @author Luke Pond
        @creation-date 2001-06-10
        @param -orderby - what should appear in the ORDER BY clause
        @param -limit - number of items to return
        @param -where - additional query restrictions to follow the WHERE clause
        @param -package_id - package_id to use (by default uses [ad_conn package_id])
        @param -result_name - variable name to create in the caller's context (by default uses "content_items")
        @param args - all remaining parameters are taken to be additional page attributes to return
        Creates a variable named "content_items" in the caller's context.
        This is a multirow result set suitable for passing to an index template,
        containing all the structured data necessary to present a list of
        links to content pages/folders/extlinks/symlinks.

        Each row always contains values for the following page attributes:
        <li>url (use this to generate a link to this item)

        Additionally, you may name additional attributes that will be
        returned, either from the standard page attributes stored in
        cr_revisions, or extended page attributes defined with
        The content_items variable is created with a single db query,
        and currently is never cached.

    } {

        set content_type [etp::get_content_type]

        if {$orderby eq ""} {
            set orderby [db_map gci_orderby]

        if {$limit ne ""} {
            set limit_clause "limit $limit"
        } else {
            set limit_clause ""

        if {$where ne ""} {
            set extra_where_clauses $where
        } else {
            set extra_where_clauses [db_map gci_where_clause]

        if {$package_id eq ""} {
            set package_id [ad_conn package_id]
        } else {
            set app [parameter::get -package_id $package_id -parameter application -default default]
            set content_type [etp::get_application_param content_content_type $app]

        set columns [db_map gci_columns_clause]
        ns_log debug "get_content_items: columns: $columns"

        for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $args]} {incr i} {
            set arg [lindex $args i]

            if {$arg in { item_id revision_id content publish_date }} {
                append columns ",\n r.$arg"
            } else {
                ns_log debug "get_content_items: extended attribute named $arg"
                set attr_desc [etp::get_attribute_desc $arg $content_type]
                if { $attr_desc ne "" } {
                    ns_log debug "get_content_items: adding it"
                    set lookup_sql [etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql $attr_desc]
                    append columns ",\n $lookup_sql"

        upvar $result_name $result_name
        set folder_id [etp::get_folder_id $package_id]

        db_multirow $result_name get_content_items ""

    ad_proc -public get_subtopics {} {
        @author Luke Pond
        @creation-date 2001-06-13

        Creates a variable named "subtopics" in the caller's context.
        This is a multirow result set suitable for passing to an index template,
        containing all the structured data necessary to present a list of
        links to subtopics.

        The columns in the "subtopics" query are: <ul>

    } {
        set package_id [ad_conn package_id]
        upvar subtopics subtopics
        db_multirow subtopics get_subtopics ""

    ad_proc -public check_write_access {} {
        @author Luke Pond
        @creation-date 2001-08-29
        Designed to be used at the top of every ETP admin page.
        Returns an HTTP 403 Access Denied and aborts page processing
        if the user doesn't have "write" permission for the current
    } {
        if { ![permission::permission_p -object_id [ad_conn package_id] -privilege write] } {
            ad_return_forbidden "Access Denied" "Sorry, you haven't been
            given permission to work on this area of the website.  Please
            contact your webmaster if you believe this to be in error."

    ad_proc -public get_folder_id { package_id } {
        @param package_id
        @return content folder associated with package_id etp package instance
    } {
        return [db_exec_plsql get_folder_id ""]
