- Publicity: Public Only All
RRD-plugin-procs - defined plugins
- Location:
- packages/rrd-tool/tcl/rrd-plugin-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2015-11-01
- Author:
- Gustaf Neumann
- CVS Identification:
$Id: xowiki-procs.tcl,v 1.485.2.15 2015/10/22 08:28:42 gustafn Exp $
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::xo::library doc { RRD-plugin-procs - defined plugins @creation-date 2015-11-01 @author Gustaf Neumann @cvs-id $Id: xowiki-procs.tcl,v 1.485.2.15 2015/10/22 08:28:42 gustafn Exp $ } ::xo::library require rrd-procs #################################################################### # # Plugin instance for DB statistics with 12 data sources # #################################################################### ::rrd::Plugin create ::rrd::plugin::dbstats \ -rrdRoot ${::acs::rootdir}/www/rrd/localhost.localdomain \ -vars { pool1-statements pool1-gethandles pool1-sqltime pool1-waittime pool2-statements pool2-gethandles pool2-sqltime pool2-waittime pool3-statements pool3-gethandles pool3-sqltime pool3-waittime } ::rrd::plugin::dbstats public object method update {} { # # Get db-statistics from [ns_db stats] # set pairs [ns_db stats] foreach {p values} $pairs { foreach {key value} $values { set varName $p-$key if {$varName ni ${:vars}} continue if {![string is integer -strict $value]} { # assume floating point number in secs, compute ms set value [expr {round ($value*1000)}] } :updateDataSource $varName $value } } } #################################################################### # # Plugin instance for memsize with two datasources # #################################################################### ::rrd::Plugin create ::rrd::plugin::memsize \ -rrdRoot ${::acs::rootdir}/www/rrd/localhost.localdomain \ -vars { rss vsize } \ -type GAUGE \ -durations { "1 min" "1 day" "10 min" "8 days" "2 hours" "45 days" "1 day" "2 years" } ::rrd::plugin::memsize public object method update {} { set sizes [exec -ignorestderr /bin/ps -o vsize,rss [pid]] :updateDataSource vsize [expr {[lindex $sizes end-1]*1024}] :updateDataSource rss [expr {[lindex $sizes end]*1024}] } #################################################################### # # Plugin instance for response time with one datasource # #################################################################### ::rrd::Plugin create ::rrd::plugin::responsetime \ -rrdRoot ${::acs::rootdir}/www/rrd/localhost.localdomain \ -vars { responsetime } \ -type GAUGE \ -durations { "1 min" "1 day" "10 min" "8 days" "2 hours" "45 days" "1 day" "2 years" } ::rrd::plugin::responsetime public object method update {} { set tm [throttle trend response_time_minutes] :updateDataSource responsetime [expr {[lindex $tm end]/1000.0}] } #################################################################### # # Plugin instance for active users with one datasource # #################################################################### ::rrd::Plugin create ::rrd::plugin::users \ -rrdRoot ${::acs::rootdir}/www/rrd/localhost.localdomain \ -vars { anonymous authenticated } \ -type GAUGE \ -durations { "1 min" "1 day" "10 min" "8 days" "2 hours" "45 days" "1 day" "2 years" } ::rrd::plugin::users public object method update {} { set tm [throttle trend user_count_minutes] lassign [throttle users nr_users_time_window] ip auth :updateDataSource authenticated $auth :updateDataSource anonymous $ip } ::xo::library source_dependent # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: