- Publicity: Public Only All
Syndication callback and support routines.
- Location:
- packages/search/tcl/syndicate-procs.tcl
- Author:
- Jeff Davis <davis@xarg.net>
- CVS Identification:
$Id: syndicate-procs.tcl,v 2022/06/13 14:11:28 antoniop Exp $
Procedures in this file
Detailed information
callback::search::action::impl::syndicate (private)
create or replace the record in the syndication table for the given object_id See photo-album-search-procs for an example of what you need to do in the FtsContentProvider datasource proc to make something syndicable. JCD: to fix: should not just glue together XML this way, also assumes rss 2.0, no provision for alternate formats, assumes content:encoded will be defined in the wrapper.
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Syndication callback and support routines. @author Jeff Davis (davis@xarg.net) @cvs-id $Id: syndicate-procs.tcl,v 2022/06/13 14:11:28 antoniop Exp $ } d_proc -public -callback search::action -impl syndicate {} { create or replace the record in the syndication table for the given object_id See photo-album-search-procs for an example of what you need to do in the FtsContentProvider datasource proc to make something syndicable. JCD: to fix: should not just glue together XML this way, also assumes rss 2.0, no provision for alternate formats, assumes content:encoded will be defined in the wrapper. } { if {![parameter::get -boolean \ -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key search] \ -parameter Syndicate \ -default 0]} { return } if {$action eq "DELETE"} { db_dml nuke {delete from syndication where object_id = :object_id} } else { upvar $datasource d if {![info exists d(syndication)]} { return } array set syn { category {} author {} guid {} } array set syn $d(syndication) set object_id $d(object_id) set url $syn(link) set body $d(content) set published [lc_time_fmt $syn(pubDate) "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"] set xmlMap [list & "&" < "<" > ">" \" """ ' "'"] set rss_xml_frag " <item> <title>[string map $xmlMap $d(title)]</title> <link>[string map $xmlMap $url]</link> <guid isPermaLink=\"true\">[string map $xmlMap $syn(guid)]</guid> <description>[string map $xmlMap $syn(description)]</description> <author>[string map $xmlMap $syn(author)]</author> <content:encoded><!\[CDATA\[$body]]></content:encoded> <category>[string map $xmlMap $syn(category)]</category> <pubDate>$published</pubDate> </item>" db_dml nuke {delete from syndication where object_id = :object_id} # # Null character is forbidden in a database bind variable. We # replace it with the empty string when found. # set sanitized 0 incr sanitized [regsub -all \x00 $rss_xml_frag {} rss_xml_frag] incr sanitized [regsub -all \x00 $body {} body] # # If we had to sanitize the content, we complain in the server # log: probably one of the binary-to-text conversion is broken # or needs to be revised. # if {$sanitized > 0} { ad_log warning "Attempt to introduce forbidden characters in the syndication table by object ${object_id}" } db_dml insert {insert into syndication(object_id, rss_xml_frag, body, url) values (:object_id, :rss_xml_frag, :body, :url) } } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: