- Publicity: Public Only All
XoWiki - Utility procs
- Location:
- packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-utility-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2006-08-08
- Author:
- Gustaf Neumann
- CVS Identification:
$Id: xowiki-utility-procs.tcl,v 1.60 2024/09/11 06:15:56 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- callback::subsite::url::impl::apm_package (private)
- xowiki::add_ltree_order_column (private)
- xowiki::cr_thin_out (private)
- xowiki::filter_option_list (public)
- xowiki::fix_all_package_ids (private)
- xowiki::hstore::dict_as_hkey (public)
- xowiki::hstore::double_quote (public)
- xowiki::hstore::update_form_instance_item_index (private)
- xowiki::hstore::update_hstore (private)
- xowiki::randomized_index (public)
- xowiki::randomized_indices (public)
- xowiki::update_views (private)
Detailed information
callback::subsite::url::impl::apm_package (private)
callback::subsite::url::impl::apm_package -package_id package_id \ -object_id object_id [ -type type ]
return the page_url for an object of type tasks_task
- Switches:
- -package_id (required)
- -object_id (required)
- -type (optional)
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
xowiki::add_ltree_order_column (private)
Add page_order of type ltree, when ltree is configured (otherwise string)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
xowiki::cr_thin_out (private)
xowiki::cr_thin_out [ -doit ] [ -delete_orphans ] \ [ -delete_sequences ] [ -edit_interval edit_interval ] \ [ -older_than older_than ] [ -package_id package_id ] \ [ -item_id item_id ]
Delete supposedly unimportant items and revision from the content repository.
- Switches:
- -doit (optional, boolean, defaults to
)- if not true, then just write delete operation to the logfile
- -delete_orphans (optional, boolean, defaults to
)- if true, delete orphaned items
- -delete_sequences (optional, boolean, defaults to
)- if true, delete revisions from edit sequences lower than edit_interval
- -edit_interval (optional, defaults to
)- delete entries, which never become older than this interval (in seconds, default 300)
- -older_than (optional, defaults to
"1 month ago"
)- delete only entries, which were modified longer than the provided time ago
- -package_id (optional)
- if specified, perform operation just on the specified package
- -item_id (optional)
- if specified, perform operation just on the specified item
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
xowiki::filter_option_list (public)
xowiki::filter_option_list option_list except
Process an option list (pairs of label and id) suitable to be passed to several widgets and remove all entries having an id from the except list.
- Parameters:
- option_list (required)
- list of labels and ids
- except (required)
- list of internal ids
- Returns:
- filtered option list
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- api_filter_option_list
xowiki::fix_all_package_ids (private)
Earlier versions of OpenACS did not have the package_id set correctly in acs_objects; this proc updates the package_ids of all items and revisions in acs_objects
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
xowiki::hstore::dict_as_hkey (public)
xowiki::hstore::dict_as_hkey dict
- Parameters:
- dict (required)
- Returns:
- dict value in form of a hstore key.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- api_hstore
xowiki::hstore::double_quote (public)
xowiki::hstore::double_quote value
From hstore manual: "Double-quote keys and values that include whitespace, commas, =s or >s. To include a double quote or a backslash in a key or value, escape it with a backslash." https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/hstore.html
- Parameters:
- value (required)
- Returns:
- double_quoted value as appropriate for hstore
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- api_hstore, xowiki_test_cases
xowiki::hstore::update_form_instance_item_index (private)
xowiki::hstore::update_form_instance_item_index \ [ -package_id package_id ] [ -object_class object_class ] \ [ -initialize initialize ]
update all instance attributes in hstore
- Switches:
- -package_id (optional)
- -object_class (optional, defaults to
)- -initialize (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
xowiki::hstore::update_hstore (private)
xowiki::hstore::update_hstore package_id
Update all instance attributes in hstore. This proc can be used from ds/shell as follows: ::xo::Package initialize -url /xowiki ::xowiki::hstore::update_hstore $package_id
- Parameters:
- package_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
xowiki::randomized_index (public)
xowiki::randomized_index [ -seed seed ] length
Return a single randomized value between 0 and length-1.
- Switches:
- -seed (optional)
- Parameters:
- length (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- api_randomized
xowiki::randomized_indices (public)
xowiki::randomized_indices [ -seed seed ] length
Produce a list of "length" random numbers between 0 and length-1. Measure quality of randomization:
time {lappend _ [xowiki::randomized_indices -seed [clock microseconds] 3]} 1000 foreach t $_ { lassign $t a b c; dict incr stats "a $a"; dict incr stats "b $b"; dict incr stats "c $c" } set stats
- Switches:
- -seed (optional)
- Parameters:
- length (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- api_randomized
xowiki::update_views (private)
update all automatic views of xowiki
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
::xo::library doc { XoWiki - Utility procs @creation-date 2006-08-08 @author Gustaf Neumann @cvs-id $Id: xowiki-utility-procs.tcl,v 1.60 2024/09/11 06:15:56 gustafn Exp $ } namespace eval ::xowiki { # # Simple clipboard functionality # ::xotcl::Object create clipboard clipboard proc add {ids} { set clipboard [ad_get_client_property xowiki clipboard] lappend clipboard {*}$ids ad_set_client_property xowiki clipboard [lsort -unique $clipboard] } clipboard proc clear {} { ad_set_client_property xowiki clipboard "" } clipboard proc get {} { return [ad_get_client_property xowiki clipboard] } clipboard proc is_empty {} { expr {[:size] < 1} } clipboard proc size {} { set clipboard [ad_get_client_property xowiki clipboard] return [llength $clipboard] } # # Helper for tidying up HTML # ::xotcl::Object create tidy tidy proc clean {text} { if {[[::xo::cc package_id] get_parameter tidy:boolean 0] && [info commands ::util::which] ne ""} { set tidycmd [::util::which tidy] if {$tidycmd ne ""} { ::xo::write_tmp_file in_file $text catch {exec $tidycmd -q -w 0 -ashtml < $in_file 2> /dev/null} output file delete -- $in_file #:msg o=$output regexp <body>\n(.*)\n</body> $output _ text #:msg o=$text return $text } } return $text } ad_proc randomized_indices {-seed length} { Produce a list of "length" random numbers between 0 and length-1. Measure quality of randomization: <pre> time {lappend _ [xowiki::randomized_indices -seed [clock microseconds] 3]} 1000 foreach t $_ { lassign $t a b c; dict incr stats "a $a"; dict incr stats "b $b"; dict incr stats "c $c" } set stats </pre> } { # In case, the seed is specified, set the seed to this value to # achieve e.g. a stable bat random order for a user. # if {[info exists seed]} { expr {srand($seed)} } # # Produce shuffled indices between 0 and length-1. # set indices {} for {set i 0} {$i < $length} {incr i} { lappend indices $i } set shuffled {} incr length for {} {$length > 1} {incr length -1} { set r [expr {rand()}] set i [expr {int(($length-1) * $r)}] #ns_log notice "[list expr int([expr ($length-1)] * $r)] -> [expr {($length-1) * $r}] -> $i" lappend shuffled [lindex $indices $i] set indices [lreplace $indices $i $i] } return $shuffled } ad_proc randomized_index {-seed length} { Return a single randomized value between 0 and length-1. } { # In case, the seed is specified, set the seed to this value to # achieve e.g. a stable bat random order for a user. # if {[info exists seed]} { expr {srand($seed)} } return [expr {int(($length-1) * rand())}] } ad_proc filter_option_list {option_list except} { Process an option list (pairs of label and id) suitable to be passed to several widgets and remove all entries having an id from the except list. @param option_list list of labels and ids @param except list of internal ids @return filtered option list } { if {[llength $except] == 0} { return $option_list } return [lmap tuple $option_list { if {[lindex $tuple 1] in $except} { continue } set _ $tuple }] } # # # Helper for virus checks # # Install clamav daemon with # FC21: yum install clamav-scanner # Ubuntu: apt-get install clamav-daemon # ::xotcl::Object create virus virus proc check {fns} { if {0 && [[::xo::cc package_id] get_parameter:boolean clamav 1] && [info commands ::util::which] ne ""} { set clamscanCmd [::util::which clamdscan] foreach fn $fns { if {$clamscanCmd ne "" && [ad_file readable $fn]} { if {[catch {exec $clamscanCmd $fn 2>@1} result]} { ns_log warning "[self] virus found:\n$result" return 1 } } } } return 0 } } namespace eval ::xowiki::hstore { # # Some example hstore queries (over all revisions) # # select hkey from xowiki_page_instance where hkey is not null; # select hkey from xowiki_page_instance where defined(hkey, 'team_email'); # select hkey from xowiki_page_instance where exist(hkey, 'team_email'); # select hkey from xowiki_page_instance where 'team_email=>neumann@wu-wien.ac.at' <@ hkey; # select (each(hkey)).key, (each(hkey)).value from xowiki_page_instance; # select page_instance_id, (each(hkey)).key, (each(hkey)).value from xowiki_page_instance # where 'assignee=>539,priority=>1' <@ hkey; # select key, count(*) from (select (each(hkey)).key from xowiki_page_instance) as stat # group by key order by count desc, key; # # # Helper functions for hstore # set ::xowiki::hstore::max_value_size [parameter::get_global_value \ -package_key xowiki \ -parameter hstore_max_value_size \ -default 0] ad_proc double_quote {value} { From hstore manual: "Double-quote keys and values that include whitespace, commas, =s or >s. To include a double quote or a backslash in a key or value, escape it with a backslash." https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/hstore.html @return double_quoted value as appropriate for hstore } { if {[regexp {[\s,\"\'\\=>]} $value]} { return \"[string map [list \" \\\" \\ \\\\ ' ''] $value]\" } return $value } ad_proc dict_as_hkey {dict} { @return dict value in form of a hstore key. } { set keys {} variable ::xowiki::hstore::max_value_size foreach {key value} $dict { set v [double_quote $value] if {$v eq "" || ($max_value_size > 0 && [string length $v] >= $max_value_size) } { continue } lappend keys [double_quote $key]=>$v } return [join $keys ,] } d_proc -private ::xowiki::hstore::update_hstore { package_id } { Update all instance attributes in hstore. This proc can be used from ds/shell as follows: ::xo::Package initialize -url /xowiki ::xowiki::hstore::update_hstore $package_id } { if {![::xo::dc has_hstore] && [::$package_id get_parameter use_hstore:boolean 0] } { return 0 } # Check the result # # select hkey from xowiki_page_instance where hkey is not null; # ::xo::Package require $package_id # # We get all revisions, so use the lower level interface # set items [::xowiki::FormPage instantiate_objects \ -sql [subst { select * from xowiki_form_pagei bt,cr_items i \ where bt.object_package_id = [ns_dbquotevalue $package_id] \ and bt.item_id = i.item_id }] \ -object_class ::xowiki::FormPage] set count 0 foreach i [$items children] { #$i msg "working on [$i set xowiki_form_page_id]" $i save_in_hstore incr count } $items msg "fetched $count objects from parent_id [::$package_id folder_id]" return 1 } d_proc -private ::xowiki::hstore::update_form_instance_item_index { {-package_id} {-object_class ::xowiki::FormPage} {-initialize false} } { update all instance attributes in hstore } { # # This proc can be used from ds/shell as follows # # ::xowiki::hstore::update_form_instance_item_index -package_id $package_id # # Check the packages which do not have the hkey set: # # select hkey from xowiki_form_instance_item_index where hkey is null; # set t0 [clock clicks -milliseconds] ns_log notice "start to work on -package_id $package_id" ::xo::Package require $package_id set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds] ns_log notice "$package_id: ::xo::Package require took [expr {$t1-$t0}]ms" set t0 $t1 if {![::xo::dc has_hstore] && [::$package_id get_parameter use_hstore:boolean 0] } { return 0 } set sql { select * from xowiki_form_instance_item_view where package_id = :package_id } set items [::xowiki::FormPage instantiate_objects -sql $sql \ -object_class $object_class -initialize $initialize] set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds] ns_log notice "$package_id: obtaining [llength [$items children]] items took [expr {$t1-$t0}]ms" set t0 $t1 set count 0 foreach p [$items children] { set hkey [::xowiki::hstore::dict_as_hkey [$p hstore_attributes]] set item_id [$p item_id] set t0 [clock clicks -milliseconds] xo::dc dml update_hstore "update xowiki_form_instance_item_index \ set hkey = '$hkey' \ where item_id = :item_id" set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds] ns_log notice "$package_id $count: update took [expr {$t1-$t0}]ms" set t0 $t1 incr count } $items log "updated $count objects from package $package_id" return $count } proc ::xowiki::hstore::update_update_all_form_instances {} { #::xo::db::select_driver DB foreach package_id [lsort [::xowiki::Package instances -closure true]] { ::xo::Package require $package_id if {[::$package_id get_parameter use_hstore:boolean 0] == 0} { continue } ad_try { xowiki::hstore::update_form_instance_item_index -package_id $package_id } on error {errorMsg} { ns_log Warning "initializing package $package_id lead to error: $errorMsg" } db_release_unused_handles } } } namespace eval ::xowiki { # # Functions used by upgrade procs. # proc copy_parameter {parameter_old parameter_new} { foreach package_id [::xowiki::Package instances] { set value [parameter::get -package_id $package_id -parameter $parameter_old] parameter::set_value -package_id $package_id -parameter parameter $parameter_new -value $value } } proc delete_parameter {parameter} { apm_parameter_unregister -package_key xowiki $parameter } ad_proc -private fix_all_package_ids {} { Earlier versions of OpenACS did not have the package_id set correctly in acs_objects; this proc updates the package_ids of all items and revisions in acs_objects } { set folder_ids [list] set package_ids [list] foreach package_id [::xowiki::Package instances] { ns_log notice "checking package_id $package_id" set folder_id [::xo::dc list get_folder_id "select f.folder_id from cr_items c, cr_folders f \ where c.name = 'xowiki: :package_id' and c.item_id = f.folder_id"] if {$folder_id ne ""} { ::xo::dc dml update_package_id {update acs_objects set package_id = :package_id where object_id in (select item_id as object_id from cr_items where parent_id = :folder_id) and package_id is NULL} ::xo::dc dml update_package_id {update acs_objects set package_id = :package_id where object_id in (select r.revision_id as object_id from cr_revisions r, cr_items i where i.item_id = r.item_id and i.parent_id = :folder_id) and package_id is NULL} } } } ad_proc -private update_views {} { update all automatic views of xowiki } { foreach object_type [::xowiki::Page object_types] { ::xo::db::sql::content_type refresh_view -content_type $object_type } catch {::xo::dc dml drop_live_revision_view "drop view xowiki_page_live_revision"} if {[db_driverkey ""] eq "postgresql"} { set sortkeys ", ci.tree_sortkey, ci.max_child_sortkey " } else { set sortkeys "" } ::xo::db::require view xowiki_page_live_revision \ "select p.*, cr.*,ci.parent_id, ci.name, ci.locale, ci.live_revision, \ ci.latest_revision, ci.publish_status, ci.content_type, ci.storage_type, \ ci.storage_area_key $sortkeys \ from xowiki_page p, cr_items ci, cr_revisions cr \ where p.page_id = ci.live_revision \ and p.page_id = cr.revision_id \ and ci.publish_status <> 'production'" } ad_proc -private add_ltree_order_column {} { Add page_order of type ltree, when ltree is configured (otherwise string) } { # catch SQL statement to allow multiple runs catch {::xo::db::sql::content_type create_attribute \ -content_type ::xowiki::Page \ -attribute_name page_order \ -datatype text \ -pretty_name Order \ -column_spec [::xo::dc map_datatype ltree]} ::xo::db::require index -table xowiki_page -col page_order \ -using [expr {[::xo::dc has_ltree] ? "gist" : ""}] ::xowiki::update_views return 1 } d_proc -private cr_thin_out { {-doit:boolean false} {-delete_orphans:boolean false} {-delete_sequences:boolean false} {-edit_interval 300} {-older_than "1 month ago"} -package_id -item_id } { Delete supposedly unimportant items and revision from the content repository. @param doit if not true, then just write delete operation to the logfile @param delete_orphans if true, delete orphaned items @param delete_sequences if true, delete revisions from edit sequences lower than edit_interval @param edit_interval delete entries, which never become older than this interval (in seconds, default 300) @param older_than delete only entries, which were modified longer than the provided time ago @param package_id if specified, perform operation just on the specified package @param item_id if specified, perform operation just on the specified item } { set extra_clause "" if {[info exists package_id]} { append extra_clause " and o.package_id = :package_id" } if {[info exists item_id]} { append extra_clause " and i.item_id = :item_id" } # only delete revisions older than this date set older_than [clock scan $older_than] if {$delete_orphans} { # # Removes orphaned items, where a user pressed "new", but never # saved the page. We could check as well, if the item has # exactly one revision. # set sql " select i.name, o.package_id, i.item_id, r.revision_id, o.last_modified from acs_objects o, xowiki_page p, cr_revisions r, cr_items i where p.page_id = r.revision_id and r.item_id = i.item_id and o.object_id = r.revision_id and i.publish_status = 'production' and i.name = r.revision_id::varchar $extra_clause " foreach tuple [::xo::dc list_of_lists get_revisions $sql] { #::xotcl::Object msg "tuple = $tuple" lassign $tuple name package_id item_id revision_id last_modified set time [clock scan [::xo::db::tcl_date $last_modified tz_var]] if {$time > $older_than} continue ::xotcl::Object log "...will delete $name doit=$doit $last_modified" if {$doit} { ::xowiki::Package require $package_id ::$package_id delete -item_id $item_id -name $name } } } if {$delete_sequences} { # # The second query removes quick edits, where from a sequence of edits of the same user, # only the last edit is kept # set sql " select i.name, i.item_id, r.revision_id, o.last_modified, o.creation_user, o.package_id from acs_objects o, xowiki_page p, cr_revisions r, cr_items i where p.page_id = r.revision_id and r.item_id = i.item_id and o.object_id = r.revision_id $extra_clause order by item_id, revision_id asc " set last_item "" set last_time 0 set last_user "" set last_revision "" foreach tuple [::xo::dc list_of_lists get_revisions $sql] { #::xotcl::Object msg "tuple = $tuple" lassign $tuple name item_id revision_id last_modified user package_id set time [clock scan [::xo::db::tcl_date $last_modified tz_var]] if {$time > $older_than} continue #::xotcl::Object msg "compare time $time with $older_than => [expr {$time < $older_than}]" if {$last_user eq $user && $last_item == $item_id} { set timediff [expr {$time-$last_time}] #::xotcl::Object msg " timediff=[expr {$time-$last_time}]" if {$timediff < $edit_interval && $timediff >= 0} { ::xotcl::Object log "...will delete $name revision=$last_revision, doit=$doit $last_modified" if {$doit} { ::xowiki::Package require $package_id ::$package_id delete_revision -revision_id $last_revision -item_id $item_id } } } set last_user $user set last_time $time set last_item $item_id set last_revision $revision_id } } } proc unmounted_instances {} { return [::xo::dc list unmounted_instances { select package_id from apm_packages p where not exists (select 1 from site_nodes where object_id = p.package_id) and p.package_key = 'xowiki' }] } proc form_upgrade {} { ::xo::dc dml from_upgrade { update xowiki_form f set form = xowiki_formi.data from xowiki_formi where f.xowiki_form_id = xowiki_formi.revision_id } } proc read_file {fn} { ad_log_deprecated proc xowiki::read_file xo::read_file return [::xo::read_file $fn] } proc write_file {fn content} { ad_log_deprecated proc xowiki::write_file xo::write_file return [::xo::write_file $fn $content] } nsf::proc ::xowiki::get_raw_request_body {-as_string:switch -as_file:switch} { ad_log_deprecated proc xowiki::get_raw_request_body xo::get_raw_request_body return [::xo::get_raw_request_body -as_string $as_string_p -as_file $as_file_p] } proc ::xowiki::page_order_uses_ltree {} { if {[::xo::dc has_ltree]} { ::xo::xotcl_package_cache eval ::xowiki::page_order_uses_ltree { return [::xo::dc get_value check_po_ltree { select count(*) from pg_attribute a, pg_type t, pg_class c where attname = 'page_order' and a.atttypid = t.oid and c.oid = a.attrelid and relname = 'xowiki_page'}] } } else { return 0 } } proc ::xowiki::transform_root_folder {package_id} { ::xo::Package require $package_id set item_id [::$package_id folder_id] if {$item_id == 0} { # # In case we have to deal with very old installations, these # might have missed same earlier upgrade scripts. In case the # folder_id is 0, there was clearly something wrong and we have # to fetch the item. # set name "xowiki: $package_id" set item_id [xo::dc get_value refetch_item_id { select item_id from cr_items where name = :name and parent_id = -100 }] } xo::xotcl_object_type_cache flush -partition_key $item_id $item_id set form_id [::$package_id instantiate_forms -forms en:folder.form] if {[::xo::dc 0or1row check { select 1 from cr_items where content_type = '::xowiki::FormPage' and item_id = :item_id }]} { ns_log notice "folder $item_id is already converted" set f [FormPage get_instance_from_db -item_id $item_id] if {[$f page_template] != $form_id} { ns_log notice "... must change form_id from [$f page_template] to $form_id" set revision_id [$f revision_id] ::xo::dc dml chg0 { update xowiki_page_instance set page_template = :form_id where page_instance_id = :revision_id } } return } set revision_id [::xo::db::sql::content_revision new \ -title [::$package_id instance_name] -text "" \ -item_id $item_id -package_id $package_id] ::xo::dc dml chg1 "insert into xowiki_page (page_id) values (:revision_id)" ::xo::dc dml chg2 "insert into xowiki_page_instance (page_instance_id, page_template) values (:revision_id, :form_id)" ::xo::dc dml chg3 "insert into xowiki_form_page (xowiki_form_page_id) values (:revision_id)" ::xo::dc dml chg4 "update acs_objects set object_type = 'content_item' where object_id = :item_id" ::xo::dc dml chg5 "update acs_objects set object_type = '::xowiki::FormPage' where object_id = :revision_id" ::xo::dc dml chg6 "update cr_items set content_type = '::xowiki::FormPage', publish_status = 'ready', live_revision = :revision_id, latest_revision = :revision_id where item_id = :item_id" ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush $package_id ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush $item_id ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush $revision_id ::xo::xotcl_object_type_cache flush ::xo::xotcl_package_cache flush root-folder-$package_id ::xo::xotcl_object_type_cache flush -partition_key $item_id $item_id ::xo::xotcl_object_type_cache flush -partition_key $revision_id $revision_id } proc ::xowiki::refresh_id_column_fk_constraints {} { foreach cl [::xowiki::Page object_types] { set tn [$cl table_name] set cn ${tn}_fk set sc [$cl info superclass] set old_cn ${tn}_[$cl id_column]_fkey ::xo::dc dml drop_constraint "ALTER TABLE $tn DROP constraint IF EXISTS $old_cn" ::xo::dc dml drop_constraint "ALTER TABLE $tn DROP constraint IF EXISTS $cn" ::xo::dc dml add_constraint "ALTER TABLE $tn ADD constraint $cn FOREIGN KEY([$cl id_column]) \ REFERENCES [$sc table_name]([$sc id_column]) ON DELETE CASCADE" } } d_proc -public -callback subsite::url -impl apm_package { {-package_id:required} {-object_id:required} {-type ""} } { return the page_url for an object of type tasks_task } { ns_log notice "got package_id=$package_id, object_id=$object_id, type=$type" ::xowiki::Package require $package_id if {[nsf::is object ::$package_id]} { return [::$package_id package_url] } else { return "" } } } # # Some Date utilities # ::xo::Module create ::xowiki::utility -eval { set :age \ [list \ [expr {3600*24*365}] year years \ [expr {3600*24*30}] month months \ [expr {3600*24*7}] week weeks \ [expr {3600*24}] day days \ [expr {3600}] hour hours \ [expr {60}] minute minutes \ [expr {1}] second seconds \ ] :proc pretty_age { -timestamp:required -timestamp_base {-locale ""} {-levels 1} } { # # This is an internationalized pretty age functions, which prints # the rough date in a user friendly fashion. # #todo: caching? # outlook categories: # Unknown # Older # Last Month # Earlier This Month # Three Weeks Ago # Two Weeks Ago # Last Week # Yesterday # Today # This Week # Tomorrow # Next Week # Two Weeks Away # Three Weeks Away # Later This Month # Next Month # Beyond Next Month # Another possibility: not ago, but "Today 10:00", "Yesterday 10:00", within a # week: "Thursday 10:00", older than about 30 days "13 May 2005" and # if anything else (i.e. > 7 and < 30 days) it shows date and time "13-Oct 2005 10:00". if {![info exists timestamp_base]} {set timestamp_base [clock seconds]} set age_seconds [expr {$timestamp_base - $timestamp}] if {$age_seconds < 0} { set msg_key xowiki.future_interval set age_seconds [expr {0 - $age_seconds}] } else { set msg_key xowiki.ago } set pos 0 set msg "" foreach {interval unit unit_plural} ${:age} { set base [expr {int($age_seconds / $interval)}] if {$base > 0} { set label [expr {$base == 1 ? $unit : $unit_plural}] set localized_label [::lang::message::lookup $locale xowiki.$label] set msg "$base $localized_label" # $pos < 5: do not report details under a minute if {$pos < 5 && $levels > 1} { set remaining_age [expr {$age_seconds-$base*$interval}] set interval [lindex ${:age} [expr {($pos+1)*3}]] set unit [lindex ${:age} [expr {($pos+1)*3+1}]] set unit_plural [lindex ${:age} [expr {($pos+1)*3+2}]] set base [expr {int($remaining_age / $interval)}] if {$base > 0} { set label [expr {$base == 1 ? $unit : $unit_plural}] set localized_label [::lang::message::lookup $locale xowiki.$label] append msg " $base $localized_label" } } set time $msg set msg [::lang::message::lookup $locale $msg_key [list [list time $msg]]] break } incr pos } if {$msg eq ""} { set time "0 [::lang::message::lookup $locale xowiki.seconds]" set msg [::lang::message::lookup $locale xowiki.ago [list [list time $time]]] } return $msg } } # # utility functions for Page orders # ::xo::Module create ::xowiki::utility -eval { :proc incr_page_order {p} { lassign [list "" $p] prefix suffix regexp {^(.*[.])([^.]+)$} $p _ prefix suffix if {[string is integer -strict $suffix]} { incr suffix } elseif {[string is lower -strict $suffix]} { regexp {^(.*)(.)$} $suffix _ before last if {$last eq "z"} { set last "aa" } else { set last [format %c [expr {[scan $last %c] + 1}]] } set suffix $before$last } elseif {[string is upper -strict $suffix]} { regexp {^(.*)(.)$} $suffix _ before last if {$last eq "Z"} { set last "AA" } else { set last [format %c [expr {[scan $last %c] + 1}]] } set suffix $before$last } return $prefix$suffix } :proc page_order_compute_new_names {start page_orders} { lappend pairs [lindex $page_orders 0] $start foreach p [lrange $page_orders 1 end] { lappend pairs $p [set start [:incr_page_order $start]] } return $pairs } :proc get_page_order_items {-parent_id:integer {-publish_status "production"} page_orders} { set likes [list] foreach page_order $page_orders { if {[::xowiki::page_order_uses_ltree]} { lappend likes "p.page_order <@ [ns_dbquotevalue $page_order]" } else { lappend likes \ "p.page_order = [ns_dbquotevalue $page_order]" \ "p.page_order like [ns_dbquotevalue $page_order.%]" } } set sql "select p.page_order, p.page_id, cr.item_id, ci.name from xowiki_page p, cr_items ci, cr_revisions cr \ where p.page_id = ci.live_revision \ and p.page_id = cr.revision_id \ [::xowiki::Includelet publish_status_clause $publish_status] \ and ci.parent_id = $parent_id \ and ([join $likes { or }])" #:log $sql set pages [::xo::dc list_of_lists get_pages_with_page_order $sql] return $pages } ::xowiki::utility proc page_order_renames { -parent_id {-publish_status "production"} -start -from -to } { set pages [:get_page_order_items -parent_id $parent_id -publish_status $publish_status $to] #:log "pages=$pages" array set npo [::xowiki::utility page_order_compute_new_names $start $to] #:log npo=[array get npo]=>to='$to' set renames [list] foreach tuple $pages { lassign $tuple old_page_order page_id item_id name if {[info exists npo($old_page_order)]} { # # We have a name in the translation list # if {$npo($old_page_order) eq $old_page_order} { # Nothing to do #:log "--cpo name $old_page_order not changed" } else { #:log "--cpo name $old_page_order changed to '$npo($old_page_order)'" lappend renames $page_id $item_id $name $old_page_order $npo($old_page_order) } } else { # # We have no translation in the list. This must be an item # from a subtree of changed page_orders. # #:log "--cpo no translation for $old_page_order, check prefix" foreach new_name [array names npo] { if {[string match $new_name.* $old_page_order]} { # # The name matches. Add to the rename list if the prefix name actually changed. # if {$npo($new_name) ne $new_name} { set l [string length $new_name] set new_page_order "$npo($new_name)[string range $old_page_order $l end]" :log "--cpo tree name $old_page_order changed to '$new_page_order'" lappend renames $page_id $item_id $name $old_page_order $new_page_order } break } } } } return $renames } ::xowiki::utility ad_proc -private publish_status_next_state {publish_status} { Determine next publish status and return dict containing CSSclass and next state. } { if {$publish_status eq "ready"} { set CSSclass green set state "production" } elseif {$publish_status eq "expired"} { set CSSclass black set state "production" } else { set CSSclass red set state "ready" } return [list CSSclass $CSSclass state $state] } ::xowiki::utility ad_proc formCSSclass {form_name} { Obtain CSS class name for a form from its name } { set CSSname $form_name regexp {^..:(.*)$} $CSSname _ CSSname regsub {[.].*$} $CSSname "" CSSname return "Form-$CSSname" } ::xowiki::utility ad_proc change_page_order { -from:required -to:required {-clean ""} -folder_id:required -package_id:required {-publish_status "ready|live|expired"} } { Update page_order attributes for pages by renumbering and filling gaps. @param from list of page_orders before a move/insert operation @param to list of page_orders after a move/insert operation @param clean list of page_orders for insert operations, to update the hierarchy from where items were moved to the new hierarchy. } { #set from {1.2 1.3 1.4}; set to {1.3 1.4 1.2}; set clean {...} #set from {1.2 1.3 1.4}; set to {1.3 1.4 2.1 1.2}; set clean {2.1} #set from {1 2}; set to {1 1.2 2}; set clean {1.2 1.3 1.4} if {$from eq "" || $to eq "" || [llength $to]-[llength $from] > 1 || [llength $to]-[llength $from] < 0 } { ad_log warning "unreasonable request to change page_order from='$from', to='$to'" return } #ns_log notice "--cpo from=$from, to=$to, clean=$clean" set gap_renames [list] # # We distinguish two cases: # - pure reordering: length(to) == length(from) # - insert from another section: length(to) == length(from)+1 # if {[llength $to] == [llength $from]} { #ns_log notice "--cpo reorder" } elseif {[llength $clean] > 1} { #ns_log notice "--cpo insert" # # We have to fill the gap. First, find the newly inserted # element in $to. # foreach e $to { if {$e ni $from} { set inserted $e break } } if {![info exists inserted]} { error "invalid 'to' list (no inserted element detected)" } # # Compute the remaining list. # set remaining [list] foreach e $clean { if {$e ne $inserted} { lappend remaining $e } } # # Compute rename commands for it. # set gap_renames [::xowiki::utility page_order_renames -parent_id $folder_id \ -publish_status $publish_status \ -start [lindex $clean 0] -from $remaining -to $remaining] foreach {page_id item_id name old_page_order new_page_order} $gap_renames { ns_log notice "--cpo gap $page_id (name) rename $old_page_order to $new_page_order" } } # # Compute the rename commands for the drop target. # set drop_renames [::xowiki::utility page_order_renames -parent_id $folder_id \ -publish_status $publish_status \ -start [lindex $from 0] -from $from -to $to] #ns_log notice "--cpo drops l=[llength $drop_renames]" foreach {page_id item_id name old_page_order new_page_order} $drop_renames { #ns_log notice "--cpo drop $page_id ($name) rename $old_page_order to $new_page_order" } # # Perform the actual renames. # set temp_obj [::xowiki::Page new -name dummy -volatile] set slot [$temp_obj find_slot page_order] ::xo::dc transaction { foreach {page_id item_id name old_page_order new_page_order} [concat $drop_renames $gap_renames] { #ns_log notice "--cpo UPDATE $page_id new_page_order $new_page_order" $temp_obj item_id $item_id $temp_obj update_attribute_from_slot -revision_id $page_id $slot $new_page_order ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush $item_id ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush $page_id } } # # Flush the page fragment caches (page fragments based on # page_order might be sufficient). ::$package_id flush_page_fragment_cache -scope agg } # # The standard ns_urlencode of AOLserver is oversimplifying the # encoding, leading to names with too many percent-encodings. This # is not nice, but not a problem. A real problem with ns_encode in # AOLserver is that it encodes spaces in the url path as "+" which is # not backed by RFC 3986. The AOLserver coding does not harm as long # the code is just used with aolserver. However, NaviServer # implements an RFC-3986 compliant encoding, which distinguishes # between the various parts of the url (via parameter "-part # ..."). The problem occurs, when the url path is decoded according # to the RFC rules, which happens actually in the C implementation # within [ns_conn url] in NaviServer. NaviServer performs the # RFC-compliant handling of "+" in the "path" segment of the url, # namely no interpretation. # # Here an example, consider a URL path "a + b". The AOLserver # ns_encode yields "a+%2b+b", the AOLserver ns_decode maps it back # to "a + b", everything is fine. However, the NaviServer C-level # decode in [ns_conn url] converts "a+%2b+b" to "a+++b", which is # correct according to the RFC. # # The problem can be solved for xowiki by encoding spaces not as # "+", but as "%20", which is always correct. The tiny # implementation below fixes the problem at the Tcl level. A better # solution might be to backport ns_urlencode from NaviServer to # AOLserver or to provide a NaviServer compliant Tcl implementation # for AOLserver (but these options might break some existing # programs). # # -gustaf neumann (nov 2010) if {[ns_info name] eq "NaviServer"} { :proc urlencode {string} {ns_urlencode $string} } else { set ue_map [list] for {set i 0} {$i < 256} {incr i} { set c [format %c $i] set x %[format %02x $i] if {![string match {[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]} $c]} { lappend ue_map $c $x } } :proc urlencode {string} {string map ${:ue_map} $string} } :ad_proc user_is_active { {-asHTML:boolean false} uid } { Tell whether a user is active according to the Request Monitor. @param asHTML when true, the proc will return an HTML rendering of the user information. @param uid the user id @return boolean or HTML according to the 'asHTML' flag. } { if {[info commands ::throttle] ne "" && [::throttle info methods user_is_active] ne ""} { set active [throttle user_is_active $uid] if {$asHTML} { array set color {1 green 0 red} array set state {1 active 0 inactive} return "<span class='$state($active)' style='background: $color($active);'> </span>" } else { return $active } } else { ns_log notice "user_is_active requires xotcl-request monitor in a recent version" return 0 } } } proc util_jsquotevalue {value} { return '[::xowiki::Includelet js_encode $value]' } proc util_coalesce {args} { foreach value $args { if { $value ne {} } { return $value } } } ::xo::library source_dependent # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: