
Definitions for the APM administration interface.

29 September 2000
Bryan Quinn <bquinn@arsdigita.com>
CVS Identification:
$Id: apm-admin-procs.tcl,v 2023/04/21 12:27:29 antoniop Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

apm_build_repository (private)

 apm_build_repository [ -debug ] [ -channels channels ] \
    [ -head_channel head_channel ]

Rebuild the repository on the local machine. Only useful for the openacs.org site. Adapted from Lars' build-repository.tcl page.

(boolean) (defaults to "0") (optional)
Set to 1 to test with only a small subset of packages instead of the whole cvs tree.
(defaults to "*") (optional)
Generate apm files for the matching channels only
(defaults to "HEAD") (optional)
The artificial branch label to apply to HEAD. Should be one minor version past the current release.
0 for success. Also outputs debug messages to log.
Lars Pind <lars@collaboraid.biz>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_opentmpfile ad_opentmpfile (public) ad_try ad_try (public) apm_get_package_files apm_get_package_files (public) apm_gzip_cmd apm_gzip_cmd (public) apm_read_package_info_file apm_read_package_info_file (public) apm_build_repository apm_build_repository apm_build_repository->ad_opentmpfile apm_build_repository->ad_try apm_build_repository->apm_get_package_files apm_build_repository->apm_gzip_cmd apm_build_repository->apm_read_package_info_file

No testcase defined.

apm_header (public, deprecated)

 apm_header [ -form form ] [ args... ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Generates HTML for the header of a page (including context bar). Must only be used for APM admin pages (under /acs-admin/apm). We are adding the APM index page to the context bar so it doesn't have to be added on each page

Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 _ _ (public) ad_context_bar ad_context_bar (public) ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) apm_header apm_header apm_header->_ apm_header->ad_context_bar apm_header->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

apm_higher_version_installed_p (public)

 apm_higher_version_installed_p package_key version_name
package_key - The package in question.
version_name - The name of the currently installed version.
The return value of this procedure doesn't really fit with its name. What it returns is:
  • -1 if there's already a higher version of the given package installed than the version_name you gave it.
  • 0 if the same version is installed as the one you supplied.
  • 1 if the version you gave is higher than the highest version installed, or no version of this package is installed.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_higher_version_installed_p apm_higher_version_installed_p (test acs-admin) apm_higher_version_installed_p apm_higher_version_installed_p test_apm_higher_version_installed_p->apm_higher_version_installed_p apm_highest_version_name apm_highest_version_name (public) apm_higher_version_installed_p->apm_highest_version_name apm_version_names_compare apm_version_names_compare (public) apm_higher_version_installed_p->apm_version_names_compare apm_get_package_repository apm_get_package_repository (public) apm_get_package_repository->apm_higher_version_installed_p apm_package_selection_widget apm_package_selection_widget (private) apm_package_selection_widget->apm_higher_version_installed_p packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/packages-install.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install.tcl->apm_higher_version_installed_p


apm_package_selection_widget (private)

 apm_package_selection_widget pkg_info_list [ to_install ] \
    [ operation ] [ form ]

Provides a widget for selecting packages. Displays dependency information if available.

pkg_info_list - list of package infos for all packages to be listed
to_install (optional) - list of package_keys to install
operation (defaults to "all") - filter for added operations (all, upgrade, install)
form (defaults to "pkgsForm")

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install-2.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/packages-install-2.tcl apm_package_selection_widget apm_package_selection_widget packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install-2.tcl->apm_package_selection_widget packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/packages-install.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install.tcl->apm_package_selection_widget _ _ (public) apm_package_selection_widget->_ apm_higher_version_installed_p apm_higher_version_installed_p (public) apm_package_selection_widget->apm_higher_version_installed_p apm_package_registered_p apm_package_registered_p (public) apm_package_selection_widget->apm_package_registered_p apm_read_package_info_file apm_read_package_info_file (public) apm_package_selection_widget->apm_read_package_info_file pkg_info_comment pkg_info_comment (public) apm_package_selection_widget->pkg_info_comment

No testcase defined.

apm_parameter_section_slider (private)

 apm_parameter_section_slider package_key

Build a dynamic section dimensional slider.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_acs_admin_apm_parameter_section_slider acs_admin_apm_parameter_section_slider (test acs-admin) apm_parameter_section_slider apm_parameter_section_slider test_acs_admin_apm_parameter_section_slider->apm_parameter_section_slider db_list db_list (public) apm_parameter_section_slider->db_list packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-parameters.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/version-parameters.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-parameters.tcl->apm_parameter_section_slider


apm_shell_wrap (public, deprecated)

 apm_shell_wrap cmd
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

The value provided by this proc is unclear, quite hardcoded, and it is used nowhere in usptream code.

a command string, wrapped it shell-style (with backslashes) in case lines get too long.
See Also:
  • many possible plain tcl idioms

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) apm_shell_wrap apm_shell_wrap apm_shell_wrap->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ]

Content File Source

ad_library {

    Definitions for the APM administration interface.

    @creation-date 29 September 2000
    @author Bryan Quinn (bquinn@arsdigita.com)
    @cvs-id $Id: apm-admin-procs.tcl,v 2023/04/21 12:27:29 antoniop Exp $


ad_proc -private apm_parameter_section_slider {package_key} {
    Build a dynamic section dimensional slider.
} {
    set sections [db_list apm_parameter_sections {
        select distinct(section_name)
        from apm_parameters
        where package_key = :package_key

    if { [llength $sections] > 1 } {
        lappend section_list [list $package_key $package_key [list "where" "section_name is null"]]
        foreach section $sections {
            if { $section ne "" } {
                lappend section_list [list $section $section [list "where" "section_name = [ns_dbquotevalue $section]"]]
        lappend section_list [list all "All" [list]]
        return [list [list section_name "Section:" $package_key $section_list]]
    } else {
        return ""

ad_proc -deprecated apm_header { { -form "" } args } {
    Generates HTML for the header of a page (including context bar).
    Must only be used for APM admin pages (under /acs-admin/apm).

    We are adding the APM index page to the context bar
    so it doesn't have to be added on each page

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    set apm_title "Package Manager"
    set apm_url "/acs-admin/apm/"

    if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
        set title $apm_title
        set context_bar [ad_context_bar $title]
    } else {
        set title [lindex $args end]
        set context [concat [list [list $apm_url $apm_title]] $args]
        set cmd [list ad_context_bar --]
        foreach elem $context {
            lappend cmd $elem
        set context_bar [eval $cmd]
        # this is rather a hack, but just needed for streaming output
        # a more general solution can be provided at some later time...
        regsub "#acs-kernel.Main_Site#" $context_bar \
            [_ acs-kernel.Main_Site] context_bar

    append body [ad_header $title """\n"
    if {$form ne ""} {
        append body "<form $form>"

    return "$body\n

ad_proc -deprecated apm_shell_wrap { cmd } {
    The value provided by this proc is unclear, quite hardcoded, and
    it is used nowhere in usptream code.

    @see many possible plain tcl idioms

    @return a command string, wrapped it shell-style (with backslashes)
    in case lines get too long.
} {
    set out ""
    set line_length 0
    foreach element $cmd {
        if { $line_length + [string length $element] > 72 } {
            append out "\\\n    "
            set line_length 4
        append out "$element "
        incr line_length [expr { [string length $element] + 1 }]
    append out "\n"

d_proc -private apm_package_selection_widget {
    {to_install ""}
    {operation "all"}
    {form pkgsForm}
} {

    Provides a widget for selecting packages.  Displays dependency information if available.

    @param pkg_info_list list of package infos for all packages to be listed
    @param to_install list of package_keys to install
    @param operation filter for added operations (all, upgrade, install)
} {
    if {$pkg_info_list eq ""} {
        return ""

    set counter 0
    if {[llength $to_install] > 0} {
        set label [dict get {install Install upgrade Upgrade all Install/Update} $operation]
    } else {
        set label [subst {
            <input type="checkbox" name="_dummy" id="bulkaction-control" title="[_ acs-templating.lt_Checkuncheck_all_rows]">
        template::add_event_listener \
            -id bulkaction-control \
            -preventdefault=false \
            -script [subst {acs_ListCheckAll('$form', this.checked);}]

    set widget [subst {
        <blockquote><table class='list-table' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='5' summary="Available Packages">
        <tr class='list-header'><th>$label</th><th>Package</th><th>Package Key</th><th>Comment</th></tr>

    foreach pkg_info $pkg_info_list {

        incr counter
        set package_key [pkg_info_key $pkg_info]
        set package_path [pkg_info_path $pkg_info]
        set spec_file [pkg_info_spec $pkg_info]
        set package [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file]
        set package_name [dict get $package package-name]
        set version_name [dict get $package name]
        set id $form-$package_key
        ns_log Debug "Selection widget: $package_key, Dependency: [pkg_info_dependency_p $pkg_info]"

        if { [pkg_info_dependency_p $pkg_info] == "t" } {
            # Dependency passed.
            set checked [expr { $package_key in $to_install ? "checked " : "" }]
            append widget [subst {
                <tr class='[expr {$counter % 2 ? "odd" : "even"}]'>
                <td align='center'><input type='checkbox' $checked name='package_key' value='$package_key' id='$id'></td>
                <td>$package_name $version_name</td>
                <td><span style='color:green'>Dependencies satisfied.</span></td>
        } elseif { [pkg_info_dependency_p $pkg_info] == "f" } {
            # Dependency failed.
            append widget [subst {
                <tr class='[expr {$counter % 2 ? "odd" : "even"}]'>
                <td align='center'><input type='checkbox' name='package_key' value='$package_key' id='$id'></td>
                <td>$package_name $version_name</td>
                <td><span style='color:red'>
            foreach comment [pkg_info_comment $pkg_info] {
                append widget "$comment<br>"
            append widget \
                </span></td> \
        } else {
            # No dependency information.
            # See if the install is already installed with a higher version number.
            if {[apm_package_registered_p $package_key]} {
                set higher_version_p [apm_higher_version_installed_p $package_key $version_name]
            } else {
                set higher_version_p 2
            if {$higher_version_p == 2 } {
                if {$operation eq "upgrade"} {
                    incr counter -1
                set comment "New install."
            } elseif {$higher_version_p == 1 } {
                if {$operation eq "install"} {
                    incr counter -1
                set comment "Upgrade."
            } elseif {$higher_version_p == 0} {
                set comment "Package version already installed."
            } else {
                set comment "Installing older version of package."

            set install_checked [expr {$package_key in $to_install ? "checked" : ""}]
            append widget [subst {
                <tr class='[expr {$counter % 2 ? "odd" : "even"}]'>
                <td align='center'><input type='checkbox' $install_checked name='package_key' value='$package_key' id='$id'></td>
                <td>$package_name $version_name</td>
    if {$counter == 0} {
        set widget ""
    } else {
        append widget {</table></blockquote>}
    return $widget

d_proc -public apm_higher_version_installed_p {
} {
    @param package_key  The package in question.
    @param version_name The name of the currently installed version.

    @return The return value of this procedure doesn't really fit with its name.
    What it returns is:

    <li>-1 if there's already a higher version of the given package installed than the version_name you gave it.
    <li>0 if the same version is installed as the one you supplied.
    <li>1 if the version you gave is higher than the highest version installed, or no version of this package is installed.
} {
    set package_version_name [apm_highest_version_name $package_key]
    if {$package_version_name eq ""} {
        return 1
    return [apm_version_names_compare $version_name $package_version_name]

d_proc -private apm_build_repository {
    {-debug:boolean 0}
    {-channels *}
    {-head_channel HEAD}
} {

    Rebuild the repository on the local machine.
    Only useful for the openacs.org site.
    Adapted from Lars' build-repository.tcl page.
    @param debug Set to 1 to test with only a small subset of packages instead of the whole cvs tree.
    @param head_channel The artificial branch label to apply to HEAD.  Should be one minor version past the current release.
    @param channels Generate apm files for the matching channels only
    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
    @return 0 for success. Also outputs debug messages to log.

} {

    # Configuration Settings

    set cd_helper              [file join $::acs::rootdir bin cd-helper]

    set cvs_command            cvs
    set cvs_root               :pserver:anonymous@cvs.openacs.org:/cvsroot

    set work_dir               [file join $::acs::rootdir repository-builder][file separator]

    set repository_dir         [file join $::acs::rootdir www repository][file separator]
    set repository_url         https://openacs.org/repository/

    set exclude_package_list {}

    set channel_index_template [template::themed_template /packages/acs-admin/www/apm/repository-channel-index]
    set index_template         [template::themed_template /packages/acs-admin/www/apm/repository-index]

    # Prepare output

    ns_log Debug "Repository: Building Package Repository"

    # Find available channels

    # Prepare work dir
    file mkdir $work_dir

    cd $work_dir
    set msg [ exec $cd_helper $work_dir $cvs_command -d $cvs_root -z3 co openacs-4/readme.txt ]
    set output [ exec $cd_helper $work_dir $cvs_command -d $cvs_root -z3 log -h openacs-4/readme.txt ]

    set lines [split $output \n]
    for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $lines] } { incr i } {
        if { [string trim [lindex $lines $i]] eq "symbolic names:" } {
            incr i

    array set channel_tag [list]
    array set channel_bugfix_version [list]

    for { } { $i < [llength $lines] } { incr i } {
        # Tag lines have the form   tag: cvs-version
        #     openacs-5-0-0-final:

        if { ![regexp {^\s+([^:]+):\s+([0-9.]+)} [lindex $lines $i] match tag_name version_name] } {

        # Look for tags named 'openacs-x-y-compat'
        if { [regexp {^openacs-([1-9][0-9]*-[0-9]+)-compat$} $tag_name match oacs_version] } {
            lassign [split $oacs_version "-"] major_version minor_version
            if { $major_version >= 5 && $minor_version >= 3} {
                set channel "${major_version}-${minor_version}"
                ns_log Notice "Repository: Found channel $channel using tag $tag_name"
                set channel_tag($channel$tag_name
        } elseif { [regexp {^openacs-([1-9][0-9]*-[0-9]+-[0-9]+)-final$} $tag_name match oacs_version] } {
            lassign [split $oacs_version "-"] major_version minor_version patch_version
            #ns_log Notice "Repository: tag <$tag_name> oacs version <$oacs_version> split into /$major_version/$minor_version/$patch_version/"
            if { $major_version >= 5 && $minor_version >= 8} {
                set channel "${major_version}-${minor_version}-$patch_version"
                ns_log Notice "Repository: Found channel $channel using tag $tag_name"
                set channel_tag($channel$tag_name

    set channel_tag($head_channel) HEAD
    set channel_tag(5-10) oacs-5-10

    ns_log Notice "Repository: Channels are: [array get channel_tag]"

    # Read all package .info files, building manifest file

    # Wipe and re-create the working directory
    file delete -force -- $work_dir
    file mkdir ${work_dir}
    set update_pretty_date [lc_time_fmt [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %T"] %c]

    #cd $work_dir

    foreach channel [lsort -decreasing [array names channel_tag]] {

        if {![string match $channels $channel]} continue
        ns_log Notice "Repository: Channel $channel using tag $channel_tag($channel)"

        # Wipe and re-create the checkout directory
        file delete -force -- "${work_dir}openacs-4"
        file delete -force -- "${work_dir}dotlrn"
        file mkdir "${work_dir}dotlrn/packages"

        # Prepare channel directory
        set channel_dir "${work_dir}repository/$channel/"
        file mkdir $channel_dir

        # Store the list of packages we've seen for this channel, so we don't include the same package twice
        # Seems odd, but we have to do this given the forked packages sitting in /contrib
        set packages [list]

        # Checkout from the tag given by channel_tag($channel)
        if { $debug_p } {
            # Smaller list for debugging purposes
            set checkout_list [list $work_dir $cvs_root openacs-4/packages/acs-core-docs ]
        } else {
            # Full list for real use
            set checkout_list [list \
                                   $work_dir $cvs_root openacs-4/packages \
                                   $work_dir $cvs_root openacs-4/contrib/packages]

        foreach { cur_work_dir cur_cvs_root cur_module } $checkout_list {
            #cd $cur_work_dir
            set cmd [list exec $cd_helper $cur_work_dir cvs -d $cur_cvs_root -z3 co]
            if { $channel_tag($channel) ne "HEAD" } {
                lappend cmd -r $channel_tag($channel)
            catch { {*}$cmd $cur_module } output
            ns_log Notice "Repository: $cur_module [llength $output] files ($channel_tag($channel))"
        #cd $work_dir

        set manifest "<manifest>\n"

        template::multirow create packages \
            package_path package_key version pretty_name \
            package_type summary description \
            release_date vendor_url vendor \
            maturity maturity_text \
            license license_url

        set work_dirs [list ${work_dir}openacs-4/packages ${work_dir}openacs-4/contrib/packages ]
        foreach packages_dir $work_dirs {

            foreach spec_file [lsort [apm_scan_packages $packages_dir]] {

                set package_path [file join {*}[lrange [file split $spec_file] 0 end-1]]
                set package_key [lindex [file split $spec_file] end-1]

                if { $package_key in $exclude_package_list } {
                    ns_log Debug "Repository: Package $package_key is on list of packages to exclude - skipping"

                if { [array exists pkg_info] } {
                    array unset pkg_info
                if { [info exists pkg_info] } {
                    unset pkg_info

                ad_try {
                    array set pkg_info [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file]

                    if { $pkg_info(package.key) in $packages } {
                        ns_log Debug "Repository: Skipping package $package_key, because we already have another version of it"
                    } else {
                        lappend packages $pkg_info(package.key)

                        append manifest \
                            "  <package>" \n \
                            "    <package-key>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(package.key)]</package-key>\n" \
                            "    <version>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(name)]</version>\n" \
                            "    <pretty-name>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(package-name)]</pretty-name>\n" \
                            "    <package-type>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(package.type)]</package-type>\n" \
                            "    <summary>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(summary)]</summary>\n" \
                            "    <description format=\"[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(description.format)]\">" \
                            [ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(description)"</description>\n" \
                            "    <release-date>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(release-date)]</release-date>\n" \
                            "    <vendor url=\"[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(vendor.url)]\">" \
                            [ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(vendor)"</vendor>\n" \
                            "    <license url=\"[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(license.url)]\">" \
                            [ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(license)"</license>\n" \
                            "    <maturity>$pkg_info(maturity)</maturity>\n"

                        foreach e $pkg_info(install) {
                            append manifest "    <install package=\"$e\"/>\n"

                        template::multirow append packages \
                            $package_path $package_key $pkg_info(name) $pkg_info(package-name) \
                            $pkg_info(package.type) $pkg_info(summary) $pkg_info(description) \
                            $pkg_info(release-date) $pkg_info(vendor.url) $pkg_info(vendor) \
                            $pkg_info(maturity) $pkg_info(maturity_text) \
                            $pkg_info(license)  $pkg_info(license.url)

                        set apm_file "${channel_dir}${pkg_info(package.key)}-${pkg_info(name)}.apm"
                        ns_log Notice "Repository: Building package $package_key for channel $channel"

                        set files [apm_get_package_files \
                                       -all \
                                       -include_data_model_files \
                                       -all_db_types \
                                       -package_key $pkg_info(package.key) \
                                       -package_path $package_path]

                        if { [llength $files] == 0 } {
                            ns_log Notice "Repository: No files in package"
                        } else {
                            ns_log Notice "Repository: [llength $files] files in package $pkg_info(package.key) ($channel)"
                            set cmd [list exec [apm_tar_cmd] cf -  2>/dev/null]

                            # The path to the 'packages' directory in the checkout
                            set packages_root_path [file join {*}[lrange [file split $spec_file] 0 end-2]]

                            set fp [ad_opentmpfile tmp_filename]
                            foreach file $files {
                                puts $fp $package_key/$file
                            close $fp

                            lappend cmd -C $packages_root_path --files-from $tmp_filename

                            lappend cmd "|" [apm_gzip_cmd] -c ">" $apm_file
                            ns_log Notice "Executing: exec $cd_helper $packages_root_path $cmd"
                            if {[catch "exec $cd_helper $packages_root_path $cmd" errmsg]} {
                                ns_log Error "Error during tar in repository creation for\
                                  file ${channel_dir}$pkg_info(package.key)-$pkg_info(name).apm:\
                            file delete -- $tmp_filename

                        set apm_url "${repository_url}$channel/$pkg_info(package.key)-$pkg_info(name).apm"

                        append manifest "    <download-url>$apm_url</download-url>\n"
                        foreach elm $pkg_info(provides) {
                            append manifest "    <provides " \
                                "url=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 0]]\" " \
                                "version=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 1]]\" />\n"

                        foreach elm $pkg_info(requires) {
                            append manifest "    <requires " \
                                "url=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 0]]\" " \
                                "version=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 1]]\" />\n"
                        append manifest "  </package>\n"
                } on error {errorMsg} {
                    ns_log Notice "Repository: Error on spec_file $spec_file: $errorMsg\n$::errorInfo\n"
        append manifest "</manifest>\n"

        ns_log Notice "Repository: Writing $channel manifest to ${channel_dir}manifest.xml"
        set fw [open "${channel_dir}manifest.xml" w]
        puts $fw $manifest
        close $fw

        ns_log Notice "Repository: Writing $channel index page to ${channel_dir}index.adp"
        set fw [open "${channel_dir}index.adp" w]
        set packages [lsort $packages]
        puts $fw "<master>\n<property name=\"doc(title)\">OpenACS $channel Compatible Packages</property>\n\n"
        puts $fw "<h1>OpenACS $channel (CVS tag $channel_tag($channel))</h1>
           <p>Packages can be installed with the OpenACS Automated Installer on
           your OpenACS site at <code>/acs-admin/install</code>.  Only packages
           potentially compatible with your OpenACS kernel will be shown.</p>
        set category_title(core) "Core Packages"
        set package_keys(core) {
        set category_title(common-app) "Common Applications"
        set package_keys(common-app) {
        set category_title(extra) "Extra Packages and Libraries"
        set package_keys(extra) ""
        foreach p $packages {
            if {$p ni $package_keys(core) && $p ni $package_keys(common-app)} {
                lappend package_keys(extra) $p

        foreach category {core common-app extra} {

            template::multirow create pkgs \
                package_path package_key version pretty_name \
                package_type summary description \
                release_date vendor_url vendor \
                maturity maturity_text \
                license license_url

            template::multirow foreach packages {
                if {$package_key in $package_keys($category)} {
                    template::multirow append pkgs \
                        $package_path $package_key $version $pretty_name \
                        $package_type $summary $description \
                        $release_date $vendor_url $vendor \
                        $maturity $maturity_text \
                        $license $license_url

            puts $fw "\n<h2>$category_title($category)</h2>\n"

            puts $fw [template::adp_include $channel_index_template \
                          [list channel $channel &pkgs pkgs update_pretty_date $update_pretty_date]]

        close $fw

        ns_log Notice "Repository:  Channel $channel complete."


    ns_log Notice "Repository: Finishing Repository"

    foreach channel [array names channel_tag] {
        if {[regexp {^([1-9][0-9]*)-([0-9]+)$} $channel . major minor]} {
            # *-compat channels: The "patchlevel" of these channels is
            # the highest possible value, higher than the released
            # -final channels.
            set tag_order([format %.3d $major]-[format %.3d $minor]-999) $channel
            set tag_label($channel"OpenACS $major.$minor"
        } elseif {[regexp {^([1-9][0-9]*)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$} $channel . major minor patch]} {
            # *-final channels: a concrete patchlevel is provided.
            set tag_order([format %.3d $major]-[format %.3d $minor]-[format %.3d $patch]) $channel
            set tag_label($channel"OpenACS $major.$minor.$patch"
        } else {
            set tag_order(999-999-999) $channel
            set tag_label($channel"OpenACS $channel"

    # Write the index page
    ns_log Notice "Repository: Writing repository index page to ${work_dir}repository/index.adp"
    template::multirow create channels name tag label
    foreach key [lsort -decreasing [array names tag_order]] {
        set channel $tag_order($key)
        template::multirow append channels $channel $channel_tag($channel) $tag_label($channel)
    set fw [open "${work_dir}repository/index.adp" w]
    puts $fw "<master>\n<property name=\"doc(title)\">OpenACS Package Repository</property>\n\n"
    puts $fw [template::adp_include -- $index_template \
                  [list &channels channels update_pretty_date $update_pretty_date]]
    close $fw

    # Add a redirector for outdated releases
    set fw [open "${work_dir}repository/index.vuh" w]
    puts $fw "ns_returnredirect /repository/"
    close $fw

    # Without the trailing slash
    set work_repository_dirname "${work_dir}repository"
    set repository_dirname [string range $repository_dir 0 end-1]
    set repository_bak "[string range $repository_dir 0 end-1]_bak"

    ns_log Notice "Repository: Moving work repository $work_repository_dirname to live repository dir at <a href=\"/repository\/>$repository_dir</a>\n"

    if { [file exists $repository_bak] } {
        file delete -force -- $repository_bak
    if { [file exists $repository_dirname] } {
        file rename -- $repository_dirname $repository_bak
    file rename -- $work_repository_dirname  $repository_dirname

    ns_log Debug "Repository: DONE"

    return 0

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: