
Procedures in the case namespace.

13 January 2003
Lars Pind <>
Peter Marklund <>
CVS Identification:
$Id: case-procs.tcl,v 1.57 2022/04/27 17:27:02 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

workflow::case::action::available_p (public)

 workflow::case::action::available_p \
    [ -enabled_action_id enabled_action_id ] [ -case_id case_id ] \
    [ -action_id action_id ] [ -user_id user_id ]

Is this action currently enabled and does the user have permission to perform it?

The enabled action you want to test for permission on.
Deprecated. The ID of the case.
Deprecated. The ID of the action
The user.
true or false.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/bug-tracker/www/bug.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/bug.tcl workflow::case::action::available_p workflow::case::action::available_p packages/bug-tracker/www/bug.tcl->workflow::case::action::available_p packages/bug-tracker/www/bulk-update-op.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/bulk-update-op.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/bulk-update-op.tcl->workflow::case::action::available_p workflow::case::action::enabled_p workflow::case::action::enabled_p (public) workflow::case::action::available_p->workflow::case::action::enabled_p workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id (private) workflow::case::action::available_p->workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id workflow::case::action::permission_p workflow::case::action::permission_p (public) workflow::case::action::available_p->workflow::case::action::permission_p workflow::case::enabled_action_get workflow::case::enabled_action_get (public) workflow::case::action::available_p->workflow::case::enabled_action_get

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::action::complete (private)

 workflow::case::action::complete -enabled_action_id enabled_action_id \
    [ -user_id user_id ]

Mark an action complete.

Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::execute (public) workflow::case::action::complete workflow::case::action::complete workflow::case::action::execute->workflow::case::action::complete db_dml db_dml (public) workflow::case::action::complete->db_dml db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::case::action::complete->db_transaction workflow::action::get workflow::action::get (public) workflow::case::action::complete->workflow::action::get workflow::case::enabled_action_get workflow::case::enabled_action_get (public) workflow::case::action::complete->workflow::case::enabled_action_get

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::action::do_side_effects (public)

 workflow::case::action::do_side_effects -case_id case_id \
    -action_id action_id -entry_id entry_id

Fire the side-effects for this action


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::execute (public) workflow::case::action::do_side_effects workflow::case::action::do_side_effects workflow::case::action::execute->workflow::case::action::do_side_effects acs_sc::invoke acs_sc::invoke (public) workflow::case::action::do_side_effects->acs_sc::invoke workflow::action::get_callbacks workflow::action::get_callbacks (private) workflow::case::action::do_side_effects->workflow::action::get_callbacks workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::get_element (public) workflow::case::action::do_side_effects->workflow::case::get_element workflow::get_callbacks workflow::get_callbacks (private) workflow::case::action::do_side_effects->workflow::get_callbacks workflow::service_contract::action_side_effect workflow::service_contract::action_side_effect (public) workflow::case::action::do_side_effects->workflow::service_contract::action_side_effect

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::action::enable (private)

 workflow::case::action::enable -case_id case_id -action_id action_id \
    [ -parent_enabled_action_id parent_enabled_action_id ] \
    [ -user_id user_id ] [ -assigned ] [ -assignees assignees ]

Update the workflow_case_enabled_actions table to say that the action is now enabled. Will automatically fire an automatic action. Does not flush the cache. Should only be called indirectly through the workflow API.

(boolean) (optional)
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::state_changed_handler workflow::case::state_changed_handler (private) workflow::case::action::enable workflow::case::action::enable workflow::case::state_changed_handler->workflow::case::action::enable db_boolean db_boolean (public) workflow::case::action::enable->db_boolean db_dml db_dml (public) workflow::case::action::enable->db_dml db_nextval db_nextval (public) workflow::case::action::enable->db_nextval db_string db_string (public) workflow::case::action::enable->db_string db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::case::action::enable->db_transaction

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::action::enabled_p (public)

 workflow::case::action::enabled_p -case_id case_id \
    -action_id action_id

Is this action currently enabled.

The ID of the case.
The ID of the action
true or false.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::action::available_p workflow::case::action::available_p (public) workflow::case::action::enabled_p workflow::case::action::enabled_p workflow::case::action::available_p->workflow::case::action::enabled_p db_string db_string (public) workflow::case::action::enabled_p->db_string

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::action::execute (public)

 workflow::case::action::execute [ -no_notification ] \
    [ -no_perm_check ] [ -no_logging ] \
    [ -enabled_action_id enabled_action_id ] [ -case_id case_id ] \
    [ -action_id action_id ] \
    [ -parent_enabled_action_id parent_enabled_action_id ] \
    [ -comment comment ] [ -comment_mime_type comment_mime_type ] \
    [ -user_id user_id ] [ -initial ] [ -entry_id entry_id ] \
    [ -package_id package_id ]

Execute the action. Either provide (case_id, action_id, parent_enabled_action_id), or simply enabled_action_id.

(boolean) (optional)
(boolean) (optional)
Set this switch if you do not want to have any workflow_case loggings.
(boolean) (optional)
The ID of the enabled action to execute. Alternatively, you can specify the case_id/action_id pair.
The ID of the case.
The ID of the action
Comment for the case activity log
(defaults to "text/plain") (optional)
MIME Type of the comment, according to OpenACS standard text formatting
The user who's executing the action
(boolean) (optional)
Use this switch to signal that this is the initial action. This causes permissions/enabled checks to be bypasssed, and causes all roles to get assigned.
Optional item_id for double-click protection. If you call workflow::case::fsm::get with a non-empty action_id, it will generate a new entry_id for you, which you can pass in here.
The package_id the case object belongs to. This is optional but is useful if the case objects are not CR items.
entry_id of the new log entry (will be a cr_item).
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 bug_tracker::bug::edit bug_tracker::bug::edit (public) workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::execute bug_tracker::bug::edit->workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::enable workflow::case::action::enable (private) workflow::case::action::enable->workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler (private) workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler->workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::new workflow::case::new (public) workflow::case::new->workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::timed_actions_sweeper workflow::case::timed_actions_sweeper (public) workflow::case::timed_actions_sweeper->workflow::case::action::execute ad_conn ad_conn (public) workflow::case::action::execute->ad_conn db_string db_string (public) workflow::case::action::execute->db_string db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::case::action::execute->db_transaction oacs_util::vars_to_ns_set oacs_util::vars_to_ns_set (public, deprecated) workflow::case::action::execute->oacs_util::vars_to_ns_set package_instantiate_object package_instantiate_object (public) workflow::case::action::execute->package_instantiate_object

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change (private)

 workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change [ -initial ] \
    [ -case_id case_id ] [ -action_id action_id ] \
    [ -enabled_action_id enabled_action_id ] \
    [ -parent_enabled_action_id parent_enabled_action_id ]

Modify the state of the case as required when executing the given action.

(boolean) (optional)
Set this if this is an initial action.
The ID of the case.
The ID of the action
The ID of the action
Specify this, if this is an initial action.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::execute (public) workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change workflow::case::action::execute->workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change db_dml db_dml (public) workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change->db_dml db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change->db_transaction workflow::action::get workflow::action::get (public) workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change->workflow::action::get workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id (private) workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change->workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id workflow::case::enabled_action_get workflow::case::enabled_action_get (public) workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change->workflow::case::enabled_action_get

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id (private)

 workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id -case_id case_id \
    -action_id action_id \
    [ -parent_enabled_action_id parent_enabled_action_id ] [ -all ] \
    [ -any_parent ]

Get the enabled_action_id from case_id and action_id. Doesn't find completed enabled actions. Provided for backwards compatibility. Doesn't work properly for dynamic actions.

(boolean) (optional)
If specified, will return all if more than one is found. Otherwise returns just the first.
(boolean) (optional)
enabled_action_id. Returns blank if no enabled action exists.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/bug-tracker/www/bulk-update-op.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/bulk-update-op.tcl workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id packages/bug-tracker/www/bulk-update-op.tcl->workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id workflow::case::action::available_p workflow::case::action::available_p (public) workflow::case::action::available_p->workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::execute (public) workflow::case::action::execute->workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change (private) workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change->workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id workflow::case::action::permission_p workflow::case::action::permission_p (public) workflow::case::action::permission_p->workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id db_list db_list (public) workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id->db_list

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::action::notify (public)

 workflow::case::action::notify -case_id case_id -action_id action_id \
    -entry_id entry_id -comment comment \
    -comment_mime_type comment_mime_type

Send out notifications to relevant people.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::execute (public) workflow::case::action::notify workflow::case::action::notify workflow::case::action::execute->workflow::case::action::notify _ _ (public) workflow::case::action::notify->_ acs_sc::invoke acs_sc::invoke (public) workflow::case::action::notify->acs_sc::invoke ad_decode ad_decode (public) workflow::case::action::notify->ad_decode ad_html_text_convert ad_html_text_convert (public) workflow::case::action::notify->ad_html_text_convert db_1row db_1row (public) workflow::case::action::notify->db_1row

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::action::permission_p (public)

 workflow::case::action::permission_p \
    [ -enabled_action_id enabled_action_id ] [ -case_id case_id ] \
    [ -action_id action_id ] [ -user_id user_id ]

Does the user have permission to perform this action. Doesn't check whether the action is enabled.

The enabled action you want to test for permission on.
Deprecated. The ID of the case.
Deprecated. The ID of the action
The user.
true or false.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::action::available_p workflow::case::action::available_p (public) workflow::case::action::permission_p workflow::case::action::permission_p workflow::case::action::available_p->workflow::case::action::permission_p workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::execute (public) workflow::case::action::execute->workflow::case::action::permission_p workflow::case::get_available_actions workflow::case::get_available_actions (public, deprecated) workflow::case::get_available_actions->workflow::case::action::permission_p workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids (public) workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids->workflow::case::action::permission_p ad_conn ad_conn (public) workflow::case::action::permission_p->ad_conn db_string db_string (public) workflow::case::action::permission_p->db_string permission::permission_p permission::permission_p (public) workflow::case::action::permission_p->permission::permission_p workflow::action::get_allowed_roles workflow::action::get_allowed_roles (public) workflow::case::action::permission_p->workflow::action::get_allowed_roles workflow::action::get_privileges workflow::action::get_privileges (public) workflow::case::action::permission_p->workflow::action::get_privileges

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::action::unenable (private)

 workflow::case::action::unenable -enabled_action_id enabled_action_id

Update the workflow_case_enabled_actions table to say that the previously enabled actions are no longer enabled. Does not flush the cache. Should only be called indirectly through the workflow API.

Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::state_changed_handler workflow::case::state_changed_handler (private) workflow::case::action::unenable workflow::case::action::unenable workflow::case::state_changed_handler->workflow::case::action::unenable db_dml db_dml (public) workflow::case::action::unenable->db_dml workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element (public) workflow::case::action::unenable->workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::active_p (public)

 workflow::case::active_p -case_id case_id

Returns true if the case is active, otherwise false.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::case::get_enabled_actions workflow::case::get_enabled_actions (public, deprecated) workflow::case::active_p workflow::case::active_p workflow::case::active_p->db_transaction workflow::case::active_p->workflow::case::get_enabled_actions

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::add_log_data (public)

 workflow::case::add_log_data -entry_id entry_id -key key -value value

Adds extra data information to a log entry, which can later be retrieved using workflow::case::get_log_data_by_key. Data are stored as simple key/value pairs.

The ID of the log entry to which you want to attach data.
The data key.
The data value
Lars Pind <>
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 bug_tracker::bug::capture_resolution_code::do_side_effect bug_tracker::bug::capture_resolution_code::do_side_effect (private) workflow::case::add_log_data workflow::case::add_log_data bug_tracker::bug::capture_resolution_code::do_side_effect->workflow::case::add_log_data db_dml db_dml (public) workflow::case::add_log_data->db_dml

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::assign_roles (private)

 workflow::case::assign_roles -case_id case_id [ -all ]

Find out which roles are assigned to currently enabled actions. If any of these currently have zero assignees, run the default assignment process.

The ID of the case.
(boolean) (optional)
Set this to assign all roles for this case. This parameter is deprecated, and always assumed.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::state_changed_handler workflow::case::state_changed_handler (private) workflow::case::assign_roles workflow::case::assign_roles workflow::case::state_changed_handler->workflow::case::assign_roles db_list db_list (public) workflow::case::assign_roles->db_list workflow::case::role::flush_cache workflow::case::role::flush_cache (private) workflow::case::assign_roles->workflow::case::role::flush_cache workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees (public) workflow::case::assign_roles->workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::cache_timeout (private)


Number of seconds before we timeout the case level workflow cache.

Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::fsm::get workflow::case::fsm::get (public) workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::fsm::get->workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids (public) workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids->workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::get_enabled_actions workflow::case::get_enabled_actions (public, deprecated) workflow::case::get_enabled_actions->workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::get_user_roles workflow::case::get_user_roles (public) workflow::case::get_user_roles->workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::role::get_assignees workflow::case::role::get_assignees (public) workflow::case::role::get_assignees->workflow::case::cache_timeout

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler (private)

 workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler \
    -parent_enabled_action_id parent_enabled_action_id \
    [ -user_id user_id ]

Check if all child actions of this action are complete, and if so cause this action to execute


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::execute (public) workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler workflow::case::action::execute->workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler db_string db_string (public) workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler->db_string db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler->db_transaction

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::delete (public)

 workflow::case::delete -case_id case_id

Delete a workflow case.

The case_id you wish to delete
Simon Carstensen <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) workflow::case::delete workflow::case::delete workflow::case::delete->db_exec_plsql

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::enabled_action_get (public)

 workflow::case::enabled_action_get \
    -enabled_action_id enabled_action_id -array array

Get information about an enabled action

The name of an array in which information will be returned.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 bug_tracker::scheduled::close_bugs bug_tracker::scheduled::close_bugs (public) workflow::case::enabled_action_get workflow::case::enabled_action_get bug_tracker::scheduled::close_bugs->workflow::case::enabled_action_get packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error.tcl packages/acs-tcl/ lib/page-error.tcl packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error.tcl->workflow::case::enabled_action_get packages/bug-tracker/www/bug.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/bug.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/bug.tcl->workflow::case::enabled_action_get packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-add.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/related-file-add.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-add.tcl->workflow::case::enabled_action_get packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-delete.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/related-file-delete.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-delete.tcl->workflow::case::enabled_action_get db_1row db_1row (public) workflow::case::enabled_action_get->db_1row

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element (public)

 workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element \
    -enabled_action_id enabled_action_id -element element

Return a single element from the information about an enabled action

The element you want
The element you asked for
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::action::unenable workflow::case::action::unenable (private) workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element workflow::case::action::unenable->workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element workflow::case::get_available_actions workflow::case::get_available_actions (public, deprecated) workflow::case::get_available_actions->workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element workflow::case::enabled_action_get workflow::case::enabled_action_get (public) workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element->workflow::case::enabled_action_get

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::flush_cache (private)

 workflow::case::flush_cache [ -case_id case_id ]

Flush all cached data for a given case or for all cases if none is specified.

The id of the workflow case to flush. If not provided the cache will be flushed for all workflow cases.
Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::execute (public) workflow::case::flush_cache workflow::case::flush_cache workflow::case::action::execute->workflow::case::flush_cache workflow::case::get_actual_state workflow::case::get_actual_state (private) workflow::case::get_actual_state->workflow::case::flush_cache workflow::case::state_changed_handler workflow::case::state_changed_handler (private) workflow::case::state_changed_handler->workflow::case::flush_cache workflow::deputy::delete workflow::deputy::delete (public) workflow::deputy::delete->workflow::case::flush_cache workflow::deputy::new workflow::deputy::new (public) workflow::deputy::new->workflow::case::flush_cache util_memoize_flush util_memoize_flush (public) workflow::case::flush_cache->util_memoize_flush util_memoize_flush_pattern util_memoize_flush_pattern (public) workflow::case::flush_cache->util_memoize_flush_pattern workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached (private) workflow::case::flush_cache->workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached (public) workflow::case::flush_cache->workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached (private) workflow::case::flush_cache->workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::flush_cache0 (private)

 workflow::case::flush_cache0 [ -case_id case_id ]

Flush all cached data for a given case or for all cases if none is specified.

The id of the workflow case to flush. If not provided the cache will be flushed for all workflow cases.
Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_decode ad_decode (public) util_memoize_flush_regexp util_memoize_flush_regexp (public) workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached (private) workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached (public) workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached (private, deprecated) workflow::case::flush_cache0 workflow::case::flush_cache0 workflow::case::flush_cache0->ad_decode workflow::case::flush_cache0->util_memoize_flush_regexp workflow::case::flush_cache0->workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached workflow::case::flush_cache0->workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached workflow::case::flush_cache0->workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::fsm::get (public)

 workflow::case::fsm::get -case_id case_id -array array \
    [ -parent_enabled_action_id parent_enabled_action_id ] \
    [ -action_id action_id ] [ -enabled_action_id enabled_action_id ]

Get information about an FSM case set as values in your array. case_id state_short_name pretty_state state_hide_fields state_id parent_enabled_action_id parent_case_id entry_id top_case_id workflow_id object_id

The ID of the case
The name of an array in which information will be returned.
If specified, will return the sub-case information for the given action.
Deprecated. Same effect as enabled_action_id, but will not work for dynamic workflows.
If specified, will return the case information as if the given action had already been executed. This is useful for presenting forms for actions that do not take place until the user hits OK.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 bug_tracker::bug::get bug_tracker::bug::get (public) workflow::case::fsm::get workflow::case::fsm::get bug_tracker::bug::get->workflow::case::fsm::get bug_tracker::scheduled::close_bugs bug_tracker::scheduled::close_bugs (public) bug_tracker::scheduled::close_bugs->workflow::case::fsm::get packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-add.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/related-file-add.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-add.tcl->workflow::case::fsm::get packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-delete.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/related-file-delete.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-delete.tcl->workflow::case::fsm::get packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-update.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/related-file-update.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-update.tcl->workflow::case::fsm::get db_1row db_1row (public) workflow::case::fsm::get->db_1row db_nextval db_nextval (public) workflow::case::fsm::get->db_nextval util_memoize util_memoize (public) workflow::case::fsm::get->util_memoize workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id (private) workflow::case::fsm::get->workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::cache_timeout (private) workflow::case::fsm::get->workflow::case::cache_timeout

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::fsm::get_current_state (public)

 workflow::case::fsm::get_current_state -case_id case_id

Gets the current state_id of this case.

The case_id.
The state_id of the state which this case is in
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::fsm::get_element workflow::case::fsm::get_element (public) workflow::case::fsm::get_current_state workflow::case::fsm::get_current_state workflow::case::fsm::get_current_state->workflow::case::fsm::get_element

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::fsm::get_element (public)

 workflow::case::fsm::get_element -case_id case_id -element element \
    [ -parent_enabled_action_id parent_enabled_action_id ] \
    [ -action_id action_id ]

Return a single element from the information about a case.

The ID of the case
The element you want
If specified, will return the case information as if the given action had already been executed. This is useful for presenting forms for actions that do not take place until the user hits OK.
The element you asked for
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::fsm::get_current_state workflow::case::fsm::get_current_state (public) workflow::case::fsm::get_element workflow::case::fsm::get_element workflow::case::fsm::get_current_state->workflow::case::fsm::get_element workflow::case::fsm::get workflow::case::fsm::get (public) workflow::case::fsm::get_element->workflow::case::fsm::get

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached (private)

 workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached case_id \
    [ parent_enabled_action_id ]

Used internally by the workflow id to get FSM case info from the database.

parent_enabled_action_id (optional)
Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::flush_cache workflow::case::flush_cache (private) workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached workflow::case::flush_cache->workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached workflow::case::flush_cache0 workflow::case::flush_cache0 (private) workflow::case::flush_cache0->workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached workflow::case::fsm::get workflow::case::fsm::get (public) workflow::case::fsm::get->workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached workflow::test::run_bug_tracker_test workflow::test::run_bug_tracker_test (public) workflow::test::run_bug_tracker_test->workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached db_1row db_1row (public) workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached->db_1row

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info (private)

 workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info -case_id case_id \
    [ -parent_enabled_action_id parent_enabled_action_id ] [ -all ]

Gets all state info from the database, include sub-action state.

(boolean) (optional)
a list of (action_id, current_state) tuples. The top-level state is the one that has action_id empty.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::get_actual_state workflow::case::get_actual_state (private) workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info workflow::case::get_actual_state->workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info workflow::test::assert_case_state workflow::test::assert_case_state (public) workflow::test::assert_case_state->workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info_not_cached workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info_not_cached (private) workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info->workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info_not_cached

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info_not_cached (private)

 workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info_not_cached case_id \
    parent_enabled_action_id all_p

Gets all state info from the database, include sub-action state.

a list of (action_id, current_state) tuples. The top-level state is the one that has action_id empty.
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info (private) workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info_not_cached workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info_not_cached workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info->workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info_not_cached db_list_of_lists db_list_of_lists (public) workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info_not_cached->db_list_of_lists db_string db_string (public) workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info_not_cached->db_string

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get (public)

 workflow::case::get -case_id case_id -array array \
    [ -action_id action_id ]

Get information about a case. Implemented by workflow::case::fsm::get, because we do not yet support multiple workflow engines.

The case ID
The name of an array in which information will be returned.
If specified, will return the case information as if the given action had already been executed. This is useful for presenting forms for actions that do not take place until the user hits OK.
Lars Pind <>
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource (private) workflow::case::get workflow::case::get bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource->workflow::case::get callback::workflow::case::role::after_assign::impl::bug-tracker callback::workflow::case::role::after_assign::impl::bug-tracker (private) callback::workflow::case::role::after_assign::impl::bug-tracker->workflow::case::get callback::workflow::case::role::after_unassign::impl::bug-tracker callback::workflow::case::role::after_unassign::impl::bug-tracker (private) callback::workflow::case::role::after_unassign::impl::bug-tracker->workflow::case::get workflow::case::action::notify workflow::case::action::notify (public) workflow::case::action::notify->workflow::case::get workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::get_element (public) workflow::case::get_element->workflow::case::get workflow::case::fsm::get workflow::case::fsm::get (public) workflow::case::get->workflow::case::fsm::get

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_activity_html (private)

 workflow::case::get_activity_html -case_id case_id \
    [ -action_id action_id ] [ -max_n_actions max_n_actions ] \
    [ -style style ]

Get the activity log for a case as an HTML chunk. If action_id is non-empty, it means that we're in the progress of executing that action, and the corresponding line for the current action will be appended.

The case for which you want the activity log.
optional action which is currently being executed.
Limit history to the max_n_actions number of most recent actions
(defaults to "activity-entry") (optional)
Activity log as HTML
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource (private) workflow::case::get_activity_html workflow::case::get_activity_html bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource->workflow::case::get_activity_html packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error.tcl packages/acs-tcl/ lib/page-error.tcl packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error.tcl->workflow::case::get_activity_html packages/bug-tracker/www/bug.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/bug.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/bug.tcl->workflow::case::get_activity_html acs_community_member_url acs_community_member_url (public) workflow::case::get_activity_html->acs_community_member_url acs_package_root_dir acs_package_root_dir (public) workflow::case::get_activity_html->acs_package_root_dir acs_user::get acs_user::get (public) workflow::case::get_activity_html->acs_user::get ad_acs_kernel_id ad_acs_kernel_id (public) workflow::case::get_activity_html->ad_acs_kernel_id ad_conn ad_conn (public) workflow::case::get_activity_html->ad_conn

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_activity_log_info (private)

 workflow::case::get_activity_log_info -case_id case_id

Get the data for the case activity log.

a list of array-lists with the following entries: comment comment_mime_type creation_date_pretty action_pretty_past_tense log_title user_first_names user_last_name user_email creation_user data_arraylist
Lars Pind

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::get_activity_text workflow::case::get_activity_text (private) workflow::case::get_activity_log_info workflow::case::get_activity_log_info workflow::case::get_activity_text->workflow::case::get_activity_log_info workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached (private) workflow::case::get_activity_log_info->workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached (private)

 workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached -case_id case_id

Get the data for the case activity log. This version is cached for a single thread.

a list of array-lists with the following entries: comment comment_mime_type creation_date_pretty action_pretty_past_tense log_title user_first_names user_last_name user_email creation_user data_arraylist
Lars Pind

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::action::notify workflow::case::action::notify (public) workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached workflow::case::action::notify->workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached workflow::case::get_activity_html workflow::case::get_activity_html (private) workflow::case::get_activity_html->workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached workflow::case::get_activity_log_info workflow::case::get_activity_log_info (private) workflow::case::get_activity_log_info->workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached acs_sc::invoke acs_sc::invoke (public) workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached->acs_sc::invoke ad_decode ad_decode (public) workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached->ad_decode db_multirow db_multirow (public) workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached->db_multirow lang::util::localize lang::util::localize (public) workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached->lang::util::localize template::multirow template::multirow (public) workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached->template::multirow

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_activity_text (private)

 workflow::case::get_activity_text -case_id case_id

Get the activity log for a case as a text chunk

Lars Pind

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::action::notify workflow::case::action::notify (public) workflow::case::get_activity_text workflow::case::get_activity_text workflow::case::action::notify->workflow::case::get_activity_text ad_decode ad_decode (public) workflow::case::get_activity_text->ad_decode ad_html_text_convert ad_html_text_convert (public) workflow::case::get_activity_text->ad_html_text_convert workflow::case::get_activity_log_info workflow::case::get_activity_log_info (private) workflow::case::get_activity_text->workflow::case::get_activity_log_info

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_actual_state (private)

 workflow::case::get_actual_state -case_id case_id \
    [ -parent_enabled_action_id parent_enabled_action_id ] \
    -array array

Flushes cache, gets actual state of case, and finds which actions should be enabled/assigned based on that actual state. This can then be used to manage the contents of workflow_case_enabled_actions table.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::state_changed_handler workflow::case::state_changed_handler (private) workflow::case::get_actual_state workflow::case::get_actual_state workflow::case::state_changed_handler->workflow::case::get_actual_state workflow::case::flush_cache workflow::case::flush_cache (private) workflow::case::get_actual_state->workflow::case::flush_cache workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info (private) workflow::case::get_actual_state->workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info workflow::state::fsm::get workflow::state::fsm::get (public) workflow::case::get_actual_state->workflow::state::fsm::get

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_available_actions (public, deprecated)

 workflow::case::get_available_actions -case_id case_id \
    [ -user_id user_id ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Get the actions which are enabled and which the current user have permission to execute.

The ID of the case.
A list of ID's of the available actions.
Lars Pind <>
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::test::assert_case_state workflow::test::assert_case_state (public) workflow::case::get_available_actions workflow::case::get_available_actions workflow::test::assert_case_state->workflow::case::get_available_actions workflow::test::assert_user_actions workflow::test::assert_user_actions (public) workflow::test::assert_user_actions->workflow::case::get_available_actions ad_conn ad_conn (public) workflow::case::get_available_actions->ad_conn ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) workflow::case::get_available_actions->ad_log_deprecated workflow::case::action::permission_p workflow::case::action::permission_p (public) workflow::case::get_available_actions->workflow::case::action::permission_p workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element (public) workflow::case::get_available_actions->workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids (public) workflow::case::get_available_actions->workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids (public)

 workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids -case_id case_id \
    [ -user_id user_id ]

Get the enabled_action_id's of the actions available to the given user.

The ID of the case.
A list of ID's of the available actions.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 bug_tracker::scheduled::close_bugs bug_tracker::scheduled::close_bugs (public) workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids bug_tracker::scheduled::close_bugs->workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error.tcl packages/acs-tcl/ lib/page-error.tcl packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error.tcl->workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids packages/bug-tracker/www/bug.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/bug.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/bug.tcl->workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-add.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/related-file-add.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-add.tcl->workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-delete.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/related-file-delete.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/related-file-delete.tcl->workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids ad_conn ad_conn (public) workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids->ad_conn workflow::case::action::permission_p workflow::case::action::permission_p (public) workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids->workflow::case::action::permission_p workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids (public) workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids->workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_element (public)

 workflow::case::get_element -case_id case_id -element element \
    [ -action_id action_id ]

Return a single element from the information about a case.

The ID of the case
The element you want
If specified, will return the case information as if the given action had already been executed. This is useful for presenting forms for actions that do not take place until the user hits OK.
The element you asked for
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::action::do_side_effects workflow::case::action::do_side_effects (public) workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::action::do_side_effects->workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::action::permission_p workflow::case::action::permission_p (public) workflow::case::action::permission_p->workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached (private) workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached->workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::get_notification_object workflow::case::get_notification_object (public) workflow::case::get_notification_object->workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets (public) workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets->workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::get workflow::case::get (public) workflow::case::get_element->workflow::case::get

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids (public)

 workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids -case_id case_id \
    [ -trigger_type trigger_type ]

Get the currently enabled_action_id's of enabled user actions in the case. Note that this is different from get_enabled_actions, which only returns the action_id, which will not work for dynamic actions.

The ID of the case.
(defaults to "user") (optional)
You can limit to e.g. user actions here. Defaults to user actions. Specify the empty string if you want all actions.
A list of currently available enabled_action_id's.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::get_available_actions workflow::case::get_available_actions (public, deprecated) workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids workflow::case::get_available_actions->workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids (public) workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids->workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids util_memoize util_memoize (public) workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids->util_memoize workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::cache_timeout (private) workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids->workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached (public) workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids->workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached (public)

 workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached case_id \
    [ trigger_type ]

Used internally by the workflow API only. Goes to the database to get the enabled actions for the case.

trigger_type (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::flush_cache workflow::case::flush_cache (private) workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached workflow::case::flush_cache->workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached workflow::case::flush_cache0 workflow::case::flush_cache0 (private) workflow::case::flush_cache0->workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids (public) workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids->workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached db_list db_list (public) workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached->db_list

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_enabled_actions (public, deprecated)

 workflow::case::get_enabled_actions -case_id case_id
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Get the currently enabled user actions, based on the state of the case

The ID of the case.
A list of action_id's of the actions which are currently enabled
Lars Pind <>
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/bug-tracker/www/bulk-update-op.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/bulk-update-op.tcl workflow::case::get_enabled_actions workflow::case::get_enabled_actions packages/bug-tracker/www/bulk-update-op.tcl->workflow::case::get_enabled_actions workflow::case::active_p workflow::case::active_p (public) workflow::case::active_p->workflow::case::get_enabled_actions workflow::test::assert_case_state workflow::test::assert_case_state (public) workflow::test::assert_case_state->workflow::case::get_enabled_actions ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) workflow::case::get_enabled_actions->ad_log_deprecated util_memoize util_memoize (public) workflow::case::get_enabled_actions->util_memoize workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::cache_timeout (private) workflow::case::get_enabled_actions->workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached (private, deprecated) workflow::case::get_enabled_actions->workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached (private, deprecated)

 workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached case_id
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Used internally by the workflow API only. Goes to the database to get the enabled actions for the case.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::flush_cache0 workflow::case::flush_cache0 (private) workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached workflow::case::flush_cache0->workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached workflow::case::get_enabled_actions workflow::case::get_enabled_actions (public, deprecated) workflow::case::get_enabled_actions->workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached->ad_log_deprecated db_list db_list (public) workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached->db_list

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_id (public)

 workflow::case::get_id -object_id object_id \
    -workflow_short_name workflow_short_name

Gets the case_id from the object_id which the case is about, along with the short_name of the workflow.

The object_id which the case is about
The short_name of the workflow.
The case_id of the case. Returns the empty string if no case could be found.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 bug_tracker::bug::edit bug_tracker::bug::edit (public) workflow::case::get_id workflow::case::get_id bug_tracker::bug::edit->workflow::case::get_id bug_tracker::bug::get bug_tracker::bug::get (public) bug_tracker::bug::get->workflow::case::get_id bug_tracker::scheduled::close_bugs bug_tracker::scheduled::close_bugs (public) bug_tracker::scheduled::close_bugs->workflow::case::get_id bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource (private) bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource->workflow::case::get_id packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error.tcl packages/acs-tcl/ lib/page-error.tcl packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error.tcl->workflow::case::get_id db_0or1row db_0or1row (public) workflow::case::get_id->db_0or1row

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_log_data (public)

 workflow::case::get_log_data -entry_id entry_id

Retrieve extra data for a workflow log entry, previously stored using workflow::case::add_log_data.

The ID of the log entry to which the data you want are attached.
A tcl list of key/value pairs in array-list format, i.e. { key1 value1 key2 value2 ... }.
Lars Pind <>
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 db_string db_string (public) workflow::case::get_log_data workflow::case::get_log_data workflow::case::get_log_data->db_string

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_log_data_by_key (public)

 workflow::case::get_log_data_by_key -entry_id entry_id -key key

Retrieve extra data for a workflow log entry, previously stored using workflow::case::add_log_data.

The ID of the log entry to which the data you want are attached.
The key of the data you're looking for.
The value, or the empty string if no such key exists for this entry.
Lars Pind <>
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 db_string db_string (public) workflow::case::get_log_data_by_key workflow::case::get_log_data_by_key workflow::case::get_log_data_by_key->db_string

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_notification_object (public)

 workflow::case::get_notification_object -type type \
    [ -workflow_id workflow_id ] [ -case_id case_id ]

Get the relevant object for this notification type.

Type is one of 'workflow_assignee', 'workflow_my_cases', 'workflow_case' (requires case_id), and 'workflow' (requires workflow_id).

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/bug-tracker/www/notifications.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/notifications.tcl workflow::case::get_notification_object workflow::case::get_notification_object packages/bug-tracker/www/notifications.tcl->workflow::case::get_notification_object workflow::case::action::notify workflow::case::action::notify (public) workflow::case::action::notify->workflow::case::get_notification_object workflow::case::get_notification_request_url workflow::case::get_notification_request_url (public) workflow::case::get_notification_request_url->workflow::case::get_notification_object workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::get_element (public) workflow::case::get_notification_object->workflow::case::get_element workflow::get_element workflow::get_element (public) workflow::case::get_notification_object->workflow::get_element

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_notification_request_url (public)

 workflow::case::get_notification_request_url -type type \
    [ -workflow_id workflow_id ] [ -case_id case_id ] \
    [ -return_url return_url ] [ -pretty_name pretty_name ]

Get the URL to subscribe to notifications

Type is one of 'workflow_assignee', 'workflow_my_cases', 'workflow_case' (requires case_id), and 'workflow' (requires workflow_id).

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::get_notification_requests_multirow workflow::case::get_notification_requests_multirow (public) workflow::case::get_notification_request_url workflow::case::get_notification_request_url workflow::case::get_notification_requests_multirow->workflow::case::get_notification_request_url ad_conn ad_conn (public) workflow::case::get_notification_request_url->ad_conn ad_return_url ad_return_url (public) workflow::case::get_notification_request_url->ad_return_url notification::display::subscribe_url notification::display::subscribe_url (public) workflow::case::get_notification_request_url->notification::display::subscribe_url workflow::case::get_notification_object workflow::case::get_notification_object (public) workflow::case::get_notification_request_url->workflow::case::get_notification_object

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_notification_requests_multirow (public)

 workflow::case::get_notification_requests_multirow \
    -multirow_name multirow_name [ -label label ] \
    [ -workflow_id workflow_id ] [ -case_id case_id ] \
    [ -return_url return_url ]

Returns a multirow with columns url, label, title, of the possible workflow notification types. Use this to present the user with a list of subscription links.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::multirow template::multirow (public) workflow::case::get_notification_request_url workflow::case::get_notification_request_url (public) workflow::case::get_notification_requests_multirow workflow::case::get_notification_requests_multirow workflow::case::get_notification_requests_multirow->template::multirow workflow::case::get_notification_requests_multirow->workflow::case::get_notification_request_url

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_user_roles (public)

 workflow::case::get_user_roles -case_id case_id [ -user_id user_id ]

Get the roles which this user is assigned to. Takes deputies into account, so that if the user is a deputy for someone else, he or she will have the roles of the user for whom he/she is a deputy.

The ID of the case.
The user_id of the user for which you want to know the roles. Defaults to ad_conn user_id.
A list of role_id's of the roles which the user is assigned to in this case.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::action::permission_p workflow::case::action::permission_p (public) workflow::case::get_user_roles workflow::case::get_user_roles workflow::case::action::permission_p->workflow::case::get_user_roles ad_conn ad_conn (public) workflow::case::get_user_roles->ad_conn util_memoize util_memoize (public) workflow::case::get_user_roles->util_memoize workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::cache_timeout (private) workflow::case::get_user_roles->workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached (private) workflow::case::get_user_roles->workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached (private)

 workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached case_id user_id

Used internally by the workflow Tcl API only. Goes to the database to retrieve roles that user is assigned to.

Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::flush_cache workflow::case::flush_cache (private) workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached workflow::case::flush_cache->workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached workflow::case::flush_cache0 workflow::case::flush_cache0 (private) workflow::case::flush_cache0->workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached workflow::case::get_user_roles workflow::case::get_user_roles (public) workflow::case::get_user_roles->workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached db_list db_list (public) workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached->db_list

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::insert (private)

 workflow::case::insert -workflow_id workflow_id [ -case_id case_id ] \
    -object_id object_id

Internal procedure that creates a new workflow case in the database. Should not be used by applications. Use workflow::case::new instead.

The ID of the workflow.
The object_id which the case is about
The case_id of the case. Returns the empty string if no case could be found.
Lars Pind <>
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::new workflow::case::new (public) workflow::case::insert workflow::case::insert workflow::case::new->workflow::case::insert db_dml db_dml (public) workflow::case::insert->db_dml db_nextval db_nextval (public) workflow::case::insert->db_nextval db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::case::insert->db_transaction

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::new (public)

 workflow::case::new [ -no_notification ] -workflow_id workflow_id \
    [ -case_id case_id ] [ -object_id object_id ] [ -comment comment ] \
    [ -comment_mime_type comment_mime_type ] [ -user_id user_id ] \
    [ -assignment assignment ] [ -package_id package_id ] \
    [ -initial_action_id initial_action_id ]

Start a new case for this workflow and object.

(boolean) (optional)
The ID of the workflow for the case.
The object_id which the case is about
text/html, text/plain, text/pre, text/enhanced.
Array-list of role_short_name and list of party_ids to assign to roles before starting.
The case_id of the case.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 bug_tracker::bug::new bug_tracker::bug::new (public) workflow::case::new workflow::case::new bug_tracker::bug::new->workflow::case::new workflow::test::case_setup workflow::test::case_setup (public) workflow::test::case_setup->workflow::case::new ad_conn ad_conn (public) workflow::case::new->ad_conn db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::case::new->db_transaction workflow::action::fsm::edit workflow::action::fsm::edit (public) workflow::case::new->workflow::action::fsm::edit workflow::action::fsm::get workflow::action::fsm::get (public) workflow::case::new->workflow::action::fsm::get workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::execute (public) workflow::case::new->workflow::case::action::execute

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets (public)

 workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets -case_id case_id \
    -form_name form_name [ -prefix prefix ] [ -role_ids role_ids ]

Get the assignee widget for use with ad_form for this role.

the ID of the case.
(defaults to "role_") (optional)
Only add assignee widgets for the roles supplied. If no roles are specified then all roles are used.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error.tcl packages/acs-tcl/ lib/page-error.tcl workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error.tcl->workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets packages/bug-tracker/www/bug.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/bug.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/bug.tcl->workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets packages/bug-tracker/www/bulk-update-op.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/bulk-update-op.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/bulk-update-op.tcl->workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets ad_form ad_form (public) workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets->ad_form workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::get_element (public) workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets->workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget (public) workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets->workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget workflow::get_roles workflow::get_roles (public) workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets->workflow::get_roles

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::role::assign (public)

 workflow::case::role::assign -case_id case_id -array array \
    [ -replace ]

Assign roles from an array with entries like this: array(short_name) = [list of party_ids].

The ID of the case.
Name of array with assignment info
(boolean) (optional)
Should the new assignees replace existing assignees?
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 bug_tracker::bug::edit bug_tracker::bug::edit (public) workflow::case::role::assign workflow::case::role::assign bug_tracker::bug::edit->workflow::case::role::assign workflow::case::new workflow::case::new (public) workflow::case::new->workflow::case::role::assign db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::case::role::assign->db_transaction workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::get_element (public) workflow::case::role::assign->workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::role::assignee_insert workflow::case::role::assignee_insert (public) workflow::case::role::assign->workflow::case::role::assignee_insert workflow::role::get_id workflow::role::get_id (public) workflow::case::role::assign->workflow::role::get_id

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::role::assignee_insert (public)

 workflow::case::role::assignee_insert -case_id case_id \
    -role_id role_id -party_ids party_ids [ -replace ]

Insert a new assignee for this role

the ID of the case.
the ID of the role to assign.
(boolean) (optional)
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::role::assign workflow::case::role::assign (public) workflow::case::role::assignee_insert workflow::case::role::assignee_insert workflow::case::role::assign->workflow::case::role::assignee_insert workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees (public) workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees->workflow::case::role::assignee_insert callback callback (public) workflow::case::role::assignee_insert->callback db_dml db_dml (public) workflow::case::role::assignee_insert->db_dml db_string db_string (public) workflow::case::role::assignee_insert->db_string db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::case::role::assignee_insert->db_transaction workflow::case::role::assignees_remove workflow::case::role::assignees_remove (public) workflow::case::role::assignee_insert->workflow::case::role::assignees_remove

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::role::assignee_remove (public)

 workflow::case::role::assignee_remove -case_id case_id \
    -role_id role_id -party_id party_id

Remove an assignee from this role

the ID of the case.
the ID of the role to remove the assignee from.
the ID of party to remove from the role
Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 callback callback (public) db_dml db_dml (public) workflow::case::role::flush_cache workflow::case::role::flush_cache (private) workflow::case::role::assignee_remove workflow::case::role::assignee_remove workflow::case::role::assignee_remove->callback workflow::case::role::assignee_remove->db_dml workflow::case::role::assignee_remove->workflow::case::role::flush_cache

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::role::assignees_remove (public)

 workflow::case::role::assignees_remove -case_id case_id \
    -role_id role_id

Remove all assignees in this role

the ID of the case.
the ID of the role to remove the assignees from.
Ryan Gallimore

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::role::assignee_insert workflow::case::role::assignee_insert (public) workflow::case::role::assignees_remove workflow::case::role::assignees_remove workflow::case::role::assignee_insert->workflow::case::role::assignees_remove callback callback (public) workflow::case::role::assignees_remove->callback db_dml db_dml (public) workflow::case::role::assignees_remove->db_dml workflow::case::role::flush_cache workflow::case::role::flush_cache (private) workflow::case::role::assignees_remove->workflow::case::role::flush_cache workflow::case::role::get_assignees workflow::case::role::get_assignees (public) workflow::case::role::assignees_remove->workflow::case::role::get_assignees

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::role::flush_cache (private)

 workflow::case::role::flush_cache [ -case_id case_id ]

Flush all role related info for a certain case or for all cases if none is specified.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::assign_roles workflow::case::assign_roles (private) workflow::case::role::flush_cache workflow::case::role::flush_cache workflow::case::assign_roles->workflow::case::role::flush_cache workflow::case::flush_cache workflow::case::flush_cache (private) workflow::case::flush_cache->workflow::case::role::flush_cache workflow::case::role::assignee_insert workflow::case::role::assignee_insert (public) workflow::case::role::assignee_insert->workflow::case::role::flush_cache workflow::case::role::assignee_remove workflow::case::role::assignee_remove (public) workflow::case::role::assignee_remove->workflow::case::role::flush_cache workflow::case::role::assignees_remove workflow::case::role::assignees_remove (public) workflow::case::role::assignees_remove->workflow::case::role::flush_cache util_memoize_flush_pattern util_memoize_flush_pattern (public) workflow::case::role::flush_cache->util_memoize_flush_pattern

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::role::flush_cache0 (private)

 workflow::case::role::flush_cache0 [ -case_id case_id ]

Flush all role related info for a certain case or for all cases if none is specified.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::flush_cache0 workflow::case::flush_cache0 (private) workflow::case::role::flush_cache0 workflow::case::role::flush_cache0 workflow::case::flush_cache0->workflow::case::role::flush_cache0 ad_decode ad_decode (public) workflow::case::role::flush_cache0->ad_decode util_memoize_flush_regexp util_memoize_flush_regexp (public) workflow::case::role::flush_cache0->util_memoize_flush_regexp

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget (public)

 workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget -case_id case_id \
    -role_id role_id [ -prefix prefix ]

Get the assignee widget for use with ad_form for this role.

the ID of the case.
the ID of the role.
(defaults to "role_") (optional)
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets (public) workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets->workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::get_element (public) workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget->workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::role::get_picklist workflow::case::role::get_picklist (public) workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget->workflow::case::role::get_picklist workflow::case::role::get_search_query workflow::case::role::get_search_query (public) workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget->workflow::case::role::get_search_query workflow::role::get workflow::role::get (public) workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget->workflow::role::get

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::role::get_assignees (public)

 workflow::case::role::get_assignees -case_id case_id -role_id role_id

Get the current assignees for a role in a case as a list of [array get]'s of party_id, email, name.

the ID of the case.
the ID of the role.
a list of [array get]'s of party_id, email, name.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource (private) workflow::case::role::get_assignees workflow::case::role::get_assignees bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource->workflow::case::role::get_assignees workflow::case::action::enable workflow::case::action::enable (private) workflow::case::action::enable->workflow::case::role::get_assignees workflow::case::action::notify workflow::case::action::notify (public) workflow::case::action::notify->workflow::case::role::get_assignees workflow::case::role::assignees_remove workflow::case::role::assignees_remove (public) workflow::case::role::assignees_remove->workflow::case::role::get_assignees workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values (public) workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values->workflow::case::role::get_assignees util_memoize util_memoize (public) workflow::case::role::get_assignees->util_memoize workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::cache_timeout (private) workflow::case::role::get_assignees->workflow::case::cache_timeout workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached (private) workflow::case::role::get_assignees->workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached (private)

 workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached case_id role_id

Proc used only internally by the workflow API. Retrieves role assignees directly from the database.

Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::role::get_assignees workflow::case::role::get_assignees (public) workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached workflow::case::role::get_assignees->workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached db_foreach db_foreach (public) workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached->db_foreach

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::role::get_picklist (public)

 workflow::case::role::get_picklist -case_id case_id -role_id role_id

Get the picklist for this role.

the ID of the case.
the ID of the role.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget (public) workflow::case::role::get_picklist workflow::case::role::get_picklist workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget->workflow::case::role::get_picklist acs_sc::invoke acs_sc::invoke (public) workflow::case::role::get_picklist->acs_sc::invoke ad_conn ad_conn (public) workflow::case::role::get_picklist->ad_conn db_list_of_lists db_list_of_lists (public) workflow::case::role::get_picklist->db_list_of_lists db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::case::role::get_picklist->db_transaction workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::get_element (public) workflow::case::role::get_picklist->workflow::case::get_element

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::role::get_search_query (public)

 workflow::case::role::get_search_query -case_id case_id \
    -role_id role_id

Get the search query for this role.

the ID of the case.
the ID of the role.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget (public) workflow::case::role::get_search_query workflow::case::role::get_search_query workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget->workflow::case::role::get_search_query acs_sc::invoke acs_sc::invoke (public) workflow::case::role::get_search_query->acs_sc::invoke db_map db_map (public) workflow::case::role::get_search_query->db_map workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::get_element (public) workflow::case::role::get_search_query->workflow::case::get_element workflow::role::get_callbacks workflow::role::get_callbacks (private) workflow::case::role::get_search_query->workflow::role::get_callbacks workflow::service_contract::role_assignee_subquery workflow::service_contract::role_assignee_subquery (public) workflow::case::role::get_search_query->workflow::service_contract::role_assignee_subquery

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values (public)

 workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values -case_id case_id \
    -form_name form_name [ -prefix prefix ]

Get the assignee widget for use with ad_form for this role.

the ID of the case.
(defaults to "role_") (optional)
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error.tcl packages/acs-tcl/ lib/page-error.tcl workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error.tcl->workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values packages/bug-tracker/www/bug.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/bug.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/bug.tcl->workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values acs_community_member_link acs_community_member_link (public) workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values->acs_community_member_link ad_conn ad_conn (public) workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values->ad_conn workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::get_element (public) workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values->workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::role::get_assignees workflow::case::role::get_assignees (public) workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values->workflow::case::role::get_assignees workflow::get_roles workflow::get_roles (public) workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values->workflow::get_roles

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees (public)

 workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees -case_id case_id \
    -role_id role_id

Find the default assignee for this role.

the ID of the case.
the ID of the role to assign.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::assign_roles workflow::case::assign_roles (private) workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees workflow::case::assign_roles->workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees acs_sc::invoke acs_sc::invoke (public) workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees->acs_sc::invoke db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees->db_transaction workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::get_element (public) workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees->workflow::case::get_element workflow::case::role::assignee_insert workflow::case::role::assignee_insert (public) workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees->workflow::case::role::assignee_insert workflow::role::get_callbacks workflow::role::get_callbacks (private) workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees->workflow::role::get_callbacks

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::state_changed_handler (private)

 workflow::case::state_changed_handler -case_id case_id \
    [ -parent_enabled_action_id parent_enabled_action_id ] \
    [ -user_id user_id ]

Scans for newly enabled actions, as well as actions which were enabled but are now no longer enabled. Does not flush the cache. Should only be called indirectly through the workflow API.

Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 bug_tracker::install::package_upgrade bug_tracker::install::package_upgrade (private) workflow::case::state_changed_handler workflow::case::state_changed_handler bug_tracker::install::package_upgrade->workflow::case::state_changed_handler workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::execute (public) workflow::case::action::execute->workflow::case::state_changed_handler workflow::definition_changed_handler workflow::definition_changed_handler (public) workflow::definition_changed_handler->workflow::case::state_changed_handler db_list_of_lists db_list_of_lists (public) workflow::case::state_changed_handler->db_list_of_lists db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::case::state_changed_handler->db_transaction workflow::case::action::enable workflow::case::action::enable (private) workflow::case::state_changed_handler->workflow::case::action::enable workflow::case::action::unenable workflow::case::action::unenable (private) workflow::case::state_changed_handler->workflow::case::action::unenable workflow::case::assign_roles workflow::case::assign_roles (private) workflow::case::state_changed_handler->workflow::case::assign_roles

No testcase defined.

workflow::case::timed_actions_sweeper (public)


Sweep for timed actions ready to fire.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 db_list db_list (public) workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::execute (public) workflow::case::timed_actions_sweeper workflow::case::timed_actions_sweeper workflow::case::timed_actions_sweeper->db_list workflow::case::timed_actions_sweeper->workflow::case::action::execute

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ]

Content File Source

ad_library {
    Procedures in the case namespace.
    @creation-date 13 January 2003
    @author Lars Pind (
    @author Peter Marklund (
    @cvs-id $Id: case-procs.tcl,v 1.57 2022/04/27 17:27:02 gustafn Exp $

namespace eval workflow::case {}
namespace eval workflow::case::fsm {}
namespace eval workflow::case::action {}
namespace eval workflow::case::role {}
namespace eval workflow::case::action::fsm {}

#  workflow::case

d_proc -private workflow::case::insert {
    {-case_id {}}
} {
    Internal procedure that creates a new workflow case in the
    database. Should not be used by applications. Use workflow::case::new instead.

    @param object_id           The object_id which the case is about

    @param workflow_id         The ID of the workflow.

    @return                    The case_id of the case. Returns the empty string if no case could be found.

    @see workflow::case::new

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    db_transaction {
    if { (![info exists case_id] || $case_id eq "") } {
        set case_id [db_nextval "workflow_cases_seq"]
        # Create the case
        db_dml insert_case {}

        # Initialize the FSM state to NULL
        db_dml insert_case_fsm {}
    return $case_id

d_proc -public workflow::case::new {
    {-case_id {}}
    {-object_id {}}
    {-comment {}}
    {-comment_mime_type {}}
    {-initial_action_id ""}
} {
    Start a new case for this workflow and object.

    @param object_id           The object_id which the case is about

    @param workflow_id         The ID of the workflow for the case.

    @param comment_mime_type   text/html, text/plain, text/pre, text/enhanced.

    @param assignment          Array-list of role_short_name and list of party_ids to assign 
                               to roles before starting.

    @return                    The case_id of the case.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    if { (![info exists user_id] || $user_id eq "") } {
        set user_id [ad_conn user_id]

    if { (![info exists package_id] || $package_id eq "") } {
        set package_id [ad_conn package_id]
    db_transaction {

        # Initial action
    if {0} {
        # get initial action not from cache
        array set row [workflow::get_not_cached -workflow_id $workflow_id]
        set initial_action_id $row(initial_action_id)
        array unset row

    if {$initial_action_id eq ""} {
        set initial_action_id [workflow::get_element -workflow_id $workflow_id -element initial_action_id]

        if { $initial_action_id eq "" } {
            # If there is no initial-action, we create one now
            # TODO: Should we do this here, or throw an error like we used to?
            # If we change this, we should throw an error instead

            set action_row(pretty_name) "Start"
            set action_row(pretty_past_tense) "Started"
            set action_row(trigger_type) "init"

            set states [workflow::fsm::get_states -workflow_id $workflow_id]
        if { [llength $states] == 0 } {
        error "workflow $workflow_id doesn't have any states"

            # We use the first state as the initial state
            set action_row(new_state_id) [lindex $states 0]                   

            # Add the new initial action
            set initial_action_id [workflow::action::fsm::edit \
                                       -operation "insert" \
                                       -array action_row \
                                       -workflow_id $workflow_id]
        workflow::flush_cache -workflow_id $workflow_id
        } else {
            # NOTE: FSM-specific check here
            workflow::action::fsm::get -action_id $initial_action_id -array initial_action
            set new_state $initial_action(new_state)

            if { $new_state eq "" } {
                error "Initial action with short_name \"$initial_action(short_name)\" does not have any new_state. In order to be an initial state, it must have new_state set."

        # Insert the case
        set case_id [insert \
                         -workflow_id $workflow_id \
                         -case_id $case_id \
                         -object_id $object_id]

        # Assign roles
        if { ([info exists assignment] && $assignment ne "") } {
            array set assignment_array $assignment
            workflow::case::role::assign -case_id $case_id -array assignment_array

        # Execute the initial action
        workflow::case::action::execute \
            -no_notification=$no_notification_p \
            -case_id $case_id \
            -action_id $initial_action_id \
            -comment $comment \
            -comment_mime_type $comment_mime_type \
            -user_id $user_id \
            -package_id $package_id \
    return $case_id

d_proc -public workflow::case::get_id {
} {
    Gets the case_id from the object_id which the case is about, 
    along with the short_name of the workflow.

    @param object_id The object_id which the case is about
    @param workflow_short_name The short_name of the workflow.
    @return The case_id of the case. Returns the empty string if no case could be found.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    set found_p [db_0or1row select_case_id {}]
    if { $found_p } {
        return $case_id
    } else {
        error "No matching workflow case found for object_id $object_id and workflow_short_name $workflow_short_name"

d_proc -public workflow::case::get {
    {-action_id {}}
} {
    Get information about a case. Implemented by workflow::case::fsm::get, because we do not yet 
    support multiple workflow engines.

    @param case_id     The case ID
    @param array       The name of an array in which information will be returned.
    @param action_id   If specified, will return the case information as if the given action had already been executed. 
                       This is useful for presenting forms for actions that do not take place until the user hits OK.

    @author Lars Pind (

    @see workflow::case::fsm::get
} {
    # Select the info into the upvar'ed Tcl Array
    upvar $array row

    workflow::case::fsm::get -case_id $case_id -array row -action_id $action_id

    # TODO: Should we redesign the API so that it's polymorphic, wrt. to workflow type (FSM/Petri Net)
    # That way, you'd call workflow::case::get and get a state_pretty pseudocolumn, which would be
    # the pretty-name of the state in an FSM, but it would be some kind of human-readable summary of
    # the active tokens in a petri net.

d_proc -public workflow::case::active_p {
} {
    Returns true if the case is active, otherwise false.
} {
    # Implementation note: The case is active if there are any enabled actions, otherwise not
    db_transaction {
        set enabled_actions [workflow::case::get_enabled_actions -case_id $case_id]
    return [expr {[llength $enabled_actions] > 0}]

d_proc -public workflow::case::get_element {
    {-action_id {}}
} {
    Return a single element from the information about a case.

    @param case_id     The ID of the case
    @param element     The element you want
    @param action_id   If specified, will return the case information as if the given action had already been executed. 
                       This is useful for presenting forms for actions that do not take place until the user hits OK.

    @return            The element you asked for

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    get -case_id $case_id -action_id $action_id -array row
    return $row($element)

d_proc -public workflow::case::delete {
} {
    Delete a workflow case.

    @param case_id The case_id you wish to delete

    @author Simon Carstensen (
} {
    db_exec_plsql delete_case {}

d_proc -public workflow::case::get_user_roles {
} {
    Get the roles which this user is assigned to. 
    Takes deputies into account, so that if the user is a deputy for someone else, 
    he or she will have the roles of the user for whom he/she is a deputy.

    @param case_id     The ID of the case.
    @param user_id     The user_id of the user for which you want to know the roles. Defaults to ad_conn user_id.
    @return            A list of role_id's of the roles which the user is assigned to in this case.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    if { (![info exists user_id] || $user_id eq "") } {
        set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
    return [util_memoize [list workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached $case_id $user_id] \

ad_proc -private workflow::case::get_user_roles_not_cached { case_id user_id } {
    Used internally by the workflow Tcl API only. Goes to the database
    to retrieve roles that user is assigned to.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    return [db_list select_user_roles {}]

d_proc -public -deprecated workflow::case::get_enabled_actions {
} {
    Get the currently enabled user actions, based on the state of the case

    @param case_id     The ID of the case.

    @return            A list of action_id's of the actions which are currently 
    @author Lars Pind (

    @see workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids
} {
    return [util_memoize [list workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached $case_id] \

ad_proc -private -deprecated workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached { case_id } {
    Used internally by the workflow API only. Goes to the database to
    get the enabled actions for the case.
} {
    return [db_list select_enabled_actions {}]

d_proc -public workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids {
    {-trigger_type {user}}
} {
    Get the currently enabled_action_id's of enabled user actions in the case.

    Note that this is different from get_enabled_actions, which only returns 
    the action_id, which will not work for dynamic actions.

    @param case_id       The ID of the case.
    @param trigger_type  You can limit to e.g. user actions here. Defaults to user actions. 
                         Specify the empty string if you want all actions.

    @return              A list of currently available enabled_action_id's. 

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    return [util_memoize [list workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached $case_id $trigger_type] \

d_proc -public workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids_not_cached { 
    {trigger_type {}} 
} {
    Used internally by the workflow API only. Goes to the database to
    get the enabled actions for the case.
} {
    if { $trigger_type eq "" } {
        return [db_list select_enabled_actions {
            select ena.enabled_action_id
            from   workflow_case_enabled_actions ena
            where  ena.case_id = :case_id
            and    ena.completed_p = 'f'
    } else {
        return [db_list select_enabled_actions {
            select ena.enabled_action_id
            from   workflow_case_enabled_actions ena,
                   workflow_actions a
            where  ena.case_id = :case_id
            and    a.action_id = ena.action_id
            and    ena.completed_p = 'f'
            and    a.trigger_type = 'user'
            order  by a.sort_order

d_proc -public -deprecated workflow::case::get_available_actions {
} {
    Get the actions which are enabled and which the current user have permission to execute.

    @param case_id     The ID of the case.
    @return            A list of ID's of the available actions.

    @author Lars Pind (

    @see workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids
} {
    if { (![info exists user_id] || $user_id eq "") } {
        set user_id [ad_conn user_id]

    set action_list [list]

    foreach enabled_action_id [workflow::case::get_enabled_action_ids -case_id $case_id] {
        if { [workflow::case::action::permission_p -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -user_id $user_id] } {
            lappend action_list [workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element \
                                     -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id \
                                     -element action_id]

    return $action_list

d_proc -public workflow::case::get_available_enabled_action_ids {
} {
    Get the enabled_action_id's of the actions available to the given user.

    @param case_id     The ID of the case.

    @return            A list of ID's of the available actions.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    if { (![info exists user_id] || $user_id eq "") } {
        set user_id [ad_conn user_id]

    set action_list [list]

    foreach enabled_action_id [get_enabled_action_ids -case_id $case_id] {
        if { [workflow::case::action::permission_p -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -user_id $user_id] } {
            lappend action_list $enabled_action_id

    return $action_list

d_proc -private workflow::case::assign_roles {
} {
    Find out which roles are assigned to currently enabled actions.
    If any of these currently have zero assignees, run the default 
    assignment process.
    @param case_id         The ID of the case.
    @param all             Set this to assign all roles for this case. 
                           This parameter is deprecated, and always assumed.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    set role_ids [db_list select_unassigned_roles {
        select r.role_id
        from   workflow_roles r,
               workflow_cases c
        where  c.case_id = :case_id
        and    r.workflow_id = c.workflow_id
        and    not exists (select 1
                           from   workflow_case_role_party_map m
                           where  m.role_id = r.role_id
                           and    m.case_id = :case_id)

    foreach role_id $role_ids {
        workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees \
            -case_id $case_id \
            -role_id $role_id

    workflow::case::role::flush_cache -case_id $case_id

d_proc -private workflow::case::get_activity_html { 
    {-action_id ""}
    {-max_n_actions ""}
    {-style "activity-entry"}
} {
    Get the activity log for a case as an HTML chunk.
    If action_id is non-empty, it means that we're in 
    the progress of executing that action, and the 
    corresponding line for the current action will be appended.

    @param case_id The case for which you want the activity log.
    @param action_id optional action which is currently being executed.
    @param max_n_actions Limit history to the max_n_actions number of most recent actions
    @return Activity log as HTML

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    set default_file_stub [file join [acs_package_root_dir "workflow"] lib activity-entry]
    set file_stub [template::util::url_to_file $style $default_file_stub]
    if { ![file exists "${file_stub}.adp"] } {
        ns_log Warning "workflow::case::get_activity_html: Cannot find log entry template file $file_stub, reverting to default template."
        # We always have a template named 'activity-entry'
        set file_stub $default_file_stub
    # ensure that the style template has been compiled and is up-to-date
    set stub_call [template::adp_init adp $file_stub]

    set activity_entry_list [get_activity_log_info_not_cached -case_id $case_id]
    set start_index 0
    if { $max_n_actions ne "" && [llength $activity_entry_list] > $max_n_actions} { 
    # Only return the last max_n_actions actions
    set start_index [expr {[llength $activity_entry_list] - $max_n_actions}]

    set log_html {}

    foreach entry_arraylist [lrange $activity_entry_list $start_index end] {
        foreach { var value } $entry_arraylist {
            set $var $value

        set comment_html [ad_html_text_convert -from $comment_mime_type -to "text/html" -- $comment] 
        if { [ad_conn isconnected] == 1 } {
            set community_member_url [acs_community_member_url -user_id $creation_user]
        } else {
            set community_member_url [export_vars -base [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] \
                                          -parameter CommunityMemberURL \
                                          -default "/shared/community-member"] \
                                     {user_id $ass(party_id)}]

        # The output of this procedure will be placed in __adp_output in this stack frame.
        append log_html $__adp_output

    if { $action_id ne "" } {
        set action_pretty_past_tense [lang::util::localize \
                                          [workflow::action::get_element \
                                               -action_id $action_id \
                                               -element pretty_past_tense]]

        # sets first_names, last_name, email
        acs_user::get -user_id [ad_conn untrusted_user_id] -array user

        set creation_date_pretty [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%b %e, %Y"]

        set comment_html {}
        set user_first_names $user(first_names)
        set user_last_name $user(last_name)
        if { [ad_conn isconnected] == 1 } {
            set community_member_url [acs_community_member_url -user_id [ad_conn untrusted_user_id]]
        } else {
            set community_member_url [export_vars -base [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] \
                                          -parameter CommunityMemberURL \
                                          -default "/shared/community-member"] \
                                     {user_id $ass(party_id)}]

        # The output of this procedure will be placed in __adp_output in this stack frame.
        append log_html $__adp_output

    return $log_html

d_proc -private workflow::case::get_activity_text { 
} {
    Get the activity log for a case as a text chunk

    @author Lars Pind
} {
    set log_text {}

    foreach entry_arraylist [get_activity_log_info -case_id $case_id] {
        foreach { var value } $entry_arraylist {
            set $var $value

        set entry_text "$creation_date_pretty $action_pretty_past_tense [ad_decode $log_title "" "" "$log_title "]by $user_first_names $user_last_name ($user_email)"

        if { $comment ne "" } {
            append entry_text ":\n\n    [join [split [ad_html_text_convert -from $comment_mime_type -to "text/plain" -maxlen 66 -- $comment] "\n"] "\n    "]"

        lappend log_text $entry_text

    return [join $log_text "\n\n"]

d_proc -private workflow::case::get_activity_log_info { 
} {
    Get the data for the case activity log.

    @return a list of array-lists with the following entries:    
    comment comment_mime_type creation_date_pretty action_pretty_past_tense log_title 
    user_first_names user_last_name user_email creation_user data_arraylist

    @author Lars Pind
} {
    global __cache__workflow__case__get_activity_log_info
    if { ![info exists __cache__workflow__case__get_activity_log_info] } {
        set __cache__workflow__case__get_activity_log_info [get_activity_log_info_not_cached -case_id $case_id]
    return $__cache__workflow__case__get_activity_log_info

d_proc -private workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached { 
} {
    Get the data for the case activity log. This version is cached for a single thread.

    @return a list of array-lists with the following entries:    
    comment comment_mime_type creation_date_pretty action_pretty_past_tense log_title 
    user_first_names user_last_name user_email creation_user data_arraylist

    @author Lars Pind
} {
    set workflow_id [workflow::case::get_element -case_id $case_id -element workflow_id]
    set object_id [workflow::case::get_element -case_id $case_id -element object_id]
    set contract_name [workflow::service_contract::activity_log_format_title]
    # Get the name of any title Tcl callback proc
    set impl_names [workflow::get_callbacks \
            -workflow_id $workflow_id \
            -contract_name $contract_name]

    # First, we build up a multirow so we have all the data in memory, which lets us peek ahead at the contents
    db_multirow -extend {comment} -local entries select_log {} {
       set comment $comment_string
       set action_pretty_past_tense [lang::util::localize $action_pretty_past_tense]

    set rowcount [template::multirow -local size entries]

    set counter 1

    set last_entry_id {}
    set data_arraylist [list]

    # Then iterate over the multirow to build up the activity log HTML
    # We need to peek ahead, because this is an outer join to get the rows in workflow_case_log_data

    set entries [list]
    template::multirow -local foreach entries {

        if { $key ne "" } {
            lappend data_arraylist $key $value

        if { $counter == $rowcount || $last_entry_id ne [set "entries:[expr {$counter + 1}](entry_id)"] } {
            set log_title_elements [list]
            foreach impl_name $impl_names {
                set result [acs_sc::invoke \
                                -contract $contract_name \
                                -operation "GetTitle" \
                                -impl $impl_name \
                                -call_args [list $case_id $object_id $action_id $entry_id $data_arraylist]]
                if { $result ne "" } {
                    lappend log_title_elements $result
            set log_title [ad_decode [llength $log_title_elements] 0 "" "([join $log_title_elements ""])"]
            set row [list]
            foreach var { 
                comment comment_mime_type creation_date_pretty action_pretty_past_tense log_title 
                user_first_names user_last_name user_email creation_user data_arraylist
            } {
                lappend row $var [set $var]
            lappend entries $row

            set data_arraylist [list]
        set last_entry_id $entry_id
        incr counter

    return $entries

d_proc workflow::case::get_notification_object {
    {-workflow_id ""}
    {-case_id ""}
} {
    Get the relevant object for this notification type.

    @param type Type is one of 'workflow_assignee', 'workflow_my_cases',
    'workflow_case' (requires case_id), and 'workflow' (requires
} {
    switch $type {
        workflow_case {
            if { (![info exists case_id] || $case_id eq "") } {
                return {}
            return [workflow::case::get_element -case_id $case_id -element object_id]
        default {
            if { (![info exists workflow_id] || $workflow_id eq "") } {
                return {}
            return [workflow::get_element -workflow_id $workflow_id -element object_id]

d_proc workflow::case::get_notification_request_url {
    {-workflow_id ""}
    {-case_id ""}
    {-return_url ""}
    {-pretty_name ""}
} {
    Get the URL to subscribe to notifications

    @param type Type is one of 'workflow_assignee', 'workflow_my_cases',
    'workflow_case' (requires case_id), and 'workflow' (requires
} {
    if { [ad_conn user_id] == 0 } {
        return {}
    set object_id [get_notification_object \
            -type $type \
            -workflow_id $workflow_id \
            -case_id $case_id]

    if { $object_id eq "" } {
        return {}

    if { (![info exists return_url] || $return_url eq "") } {
        set return_url [ad_return_url]

    set url [notification::display::subscribe_url \
            -type $type \
            -object_id  $object_id \
            -url $return_url \
            -user_id [ad_conn user_id] \
            -pretty_name $pretty_name]
    return $url

d_proc workflow::case::get_notification_requests_multirow {
    {-label ""}
    {-workflow_id ""}
    {-case_id ""}
    {-return_url ""}
} {
    Returns a multirow with columns url, label, title, 
    of the possible workflow notification types. Use this to present the user with a list of 
    subscription links.
} {
    array set pretty {
        workflow_assignee {my actions}
        workflow_my_cases {my cases}
        workflow_case {this case}
        workflow {cases in this workflow}

    template::multirow create $multirow_name url label title
    foreach type { 
        workflow_assignee workflow_my_cases workflow_case workflow
    } {
        set url [get_notification_request_url \
                -type $type \
                -workflow_id $workflow_id \
                -case_id $case_id \
                -return_url $return_url]

        if { $url ne "" } {
            set title "Subscribe to $pretty($type)"
            if { $label ne "" } {
                set row_label $label
            } else {
                set row_label $title
            template::multirow append $multirow_name $url $row_label $title

d_proc workflow::case::add_log_data {
} {
    Adds extra data information to a log entry, which can later
    be retrieved using workflow::case::get_log_data_by_key.
    Data are stored as simple key/value pairs.
    @param entry_id The ID of the log entry to which you want to attach data.
    @param key The data key.
    @param value The data value
    @see workflow::case::get_log_data_by_key
    @see workflow::case::get_log_data
    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    db_dml insert_log_data {}

d_proc workflow::case::get_log_data_by_key {
} {
    Retrieve extra data for a workflow log entry, previously stored using workflow::case::add_log_data.

    @param entry_id The ID of the log entry to which the data you want are attached.
    @param key The key of the data you're looking for.
    @return The value, or the empty string if no such key exists for this entry.

    @see workflow::case::add_log_data
    @see workflow::case::get_log_data
    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    db_string select_log_data {} -default {}

d_proc workflow::case::get_log_data {
} {
    Retrieve extra data for a workflow log entry, previously stored using workflow::case::add_log_data.

    @param entry_id The ID of the log entry to which the data you want are attached.
    @return A tcl list of key/value pairs in array-list format, i.e. { key1 value1 key2 value2 ... }.

    @see workflow::case::add_log_data
    @see workflow::case::get_log_data_by_key
    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    db_string select_log_data {} -default {}

ad_proc -private workflow::case::cache_timeout {} {
    Number of seconds before we timeout the case level workflow cache.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    # 60 * 60 seconds is 1 hour
    return 3600

d_proc -private workflow::case::flush_cache0 { 
    {-case_id ""}
} {
    Flush all cached data for a given case or for all
    cases if none is specified.

    @param case_id The id of the workflow case to flush. If not provided the
                   cache will be flushed for all workflow cases.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    foreach proc_name {
    } {
        util_memoize_flush_regexp "^$proc_name [ad_decode $case_id "" {\.*} $case_id]"

    util_memoize_flush_regexp [list workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached -case_id $case_id]

    # Flush role info (assignees etc)
    workflow::case::role::flush_cache0 -case_id $case_id

d_proc -private workflow::case::flush_cache {
    {-case_id ""}
} {
    Flush all cached data for a given case or for all
    cases if none is specified.

    @param case_id The id of the workflow case to flush. If not provided the
                   cache will be flushed for all workflow cases.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    foreach proc_name {
    } {
        if {$case_id eq ""} {
           util_memoize_flush_pattern "$proc_name *"
        } else {
           util_memoize_flush_pattern "$proc_name $case_id *"

    if {$case_id eq ""} {
       util_memoize_flush_pattern "workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached -case_id *"
       util_memoize_flush_pattern "workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached *"
    } else {
       util_memoize_flush "workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached -case_id $case_id"
       util_memoize_flush "workflow::case::get_enabled_actions_not_cached $case_id"

    # Flush role info (assignees etc)
    workflow::case::role::flush_cache -case_id $case_id

ad_proc -public workflow::case::timed_actions_sweeper {} {
    Sweep for timed actions ready to fire.
} {
    set enabled_action_ids [db_list select_timed_out_actions {}]
    foreach enabled_action_id $enabled_action_ids {
        workflow::case::action::execute \
            -no_perm_check \
            -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id

d_proc -public workflow::case::enabled_action_get {
} {
    Get information about an enabled action

    @param array       The name of an array in which information will be returned.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    # Select the info into the upvar'ed Tcl Array
    upvar $array row

    db_1row select_enabled_action {} -column_array row

d_proc -public workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element {
} {
    Return a single element from the information about an enabled action

    @param element     The element you want
    @return            The element you asked for

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    enabled_action_get -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -array row
    return $row($element)

# workflow::case::role namespace

d_proc -public workflow::case::role::set_default_assignees {
} {
    Find the default assignee for this role.
    @param case_id the ID of the case.
    @param role_id the ID of the role to assign.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    set contract_name [workflow::service_contract::role_default_assignees]

    db_transaction {

        set impl_names [workflow::role::get_callbacks \
                -role_id $role_id \
                -contract_name $contract_name]
        set object_id [workflow::case::get_element -case_id $case_id -element object_id]
        foreach impl_name $impl_names {
            # Call the service contract implementation
            set party_id_list [acs_sc::invoke \
                    -contract $contract_name \
                    -operation "GetAssignees" \
                    -impl $impl_name \
                    -call_args [list $case_id $object_id $role_id]]
            if { [llength $party_id_list] != 0 } {
                assignee_insert -case_id $case_id -role_id $role_id -party_ids $party_id_list

                # We stop when the first callback returned something

d_proc -public workflow::case::role::get_picklist {
} {
    Get the picklist for this role.

    @param case_id the ID of the case.
    @param role_id the ID of the role.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    set contract_name [workflow::service_contract::role_assignee_pick_list]

    set party_id_list [list]

    db_transaction {

        set impl_names [workflow::role::get_callbacks \
                -role_id $role_id \
                -contract_name $contract_name]

        set object_id [workflow::case::get_element -case_id $case_id -element object_id]

        foreach impl_name $impl_names {
            # Call the service contract implementation
            set party_id_list [acs_sc::invoke \
                    -contract $contract_name \
                    -operation "GetPickList" \
                    -impl $impl_name \
                    -call_args [list $case_id $object_id $role_id]]
            if { [llength $party_id_list] != 0 } {
                # Return after the first non-empty list

    if { [ad_conn isconnected] && [ad_conn user_id] != 0 } {
        lappend party_id_list [ad_conn user_id]

    if { [llength $party_id_list] > 0 } { 
        set options [db_list_of_lists select_options {}]
    } else {
        set options {}

    set options [concat { { "Unassigned" "" } } $options]
    lappend options { "Search..." ":search:"}

    return $options

d_proc -public workflow::case::role::get_search_query {
} {
    Get the search query for this role.

    @param case_id the ID of the case.
    @param role_id the ID of the role.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    set contract_name [workflow::service_contract::role_assignee_subquery]

    set impl_names [workflow::role::get_callbacks \
            -role_id $role_id \
            -contract_name $contract_name]
    set object_id [workflow::case::get_element -case_id $case_id -element object_id]

    set subquery {}
    foreach impl_name $impl_names {
        # Call the service contract implementation
        set subquery [acs_sc::invoke \
                -contract $contract_name \
                -operation "GetSubquery" \
                -impl $impl_name \
                -call_args [list $case_id $object_id $role_id]]

        if { $subquery ne "" } {
            # Return after the first non-empty list

    return [db_map select_search_results]


d_proc -public workflow::case::role::get_assignee_widget {
    {-prefix "role_"}
} {
    Get the assignee widget for use with ad_form for this role.

    @param case_id the ID of the case.
    @param role_id the ID of the role.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    set workflow_id [workflow::case::get_element -case_id $case_id -element workflow_id]

    workflow::role::get -role_id $role_id -array role
    set element "${prefix}$role(short_name)"
    set query [workflow::case::role::get_search_query -case_id $case_id -role_id $role_id]
    set picklist [workflow::case::role::get_picklist -case_id $case_id -role_id $role_id]
    return [list "${element}:search(search),optional" [list label $role(pretty_name)] [list mode display] \
            [list search_query $query] [list options $picklist]]

d_proc -public workflow::case::role::add_assignee_widgets {
    {-prefix "role_"}
    {-role_ids {}}
} {
    Get the assignee widget for use with ad_form for this role.

    @param case_id the ID of the case.
    @param role_id the ID of the role.
    @param role_ids Only add assignee widgets for the roles supplied. If no roles are
                    specified then all roles are used.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    set workflow_id [workflow::case::get_element -case_id $case_id -element workflow_id]

    if { $role_ids eq "" } {
        set role_ids [workflow::get_roles -workflow_id $workflow_id]

    foreach role_id $role_ids {
        ad_form -extend -name $form_name -form [list [get_assignee_widget -case_id $case_id -role_id $role_id -prefix $prefix]]

d_proc -public workflow::case::role::set_assignee_values {
    {-prefix "role_"}
} {
    Get the assignee widget for use with ad_form for this role.

    @param case_id the ID of the case.
    @param role_id the ID of the role.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    set workflow_id [workflow::case::get_element -case_id $case_id -element workflow_id]

    # Set role assignee values
    foreach role_id [workflow::get_roles -workflow_id $workflow_id] {
        workflow::role::get -role_id $role_id -array role
        set element "${prefix}$role(short_name)"

        # HACK: Only care about the first assignee
        set assignees [workflow::case::role::get_assignees -case_id $case_id -role_id $role_id]
        if { [llength $assignees] == 0 } {
            array set cur_assignee { party_id {} name {} email {} }
        } else {
            array set cur_assignee [lindex $assignees 0]

        if { [uplevel info exists $form_name:$element] } {
            # Set normal value
            if { [uplevel template::form is_request $form_name] || [uplevel [list element get_property $form_name $element mode]] eq "display" } {
                uplevel [list element set_value $form_name $element $cur_assignee(party_id)]
            # Set display value
            if { $cur_assignee(party_id) eq "" } {
                set display_value "<i>None</i>"
            } else {
                set display_value [acs_community_member_link \
                        -user_id $cur_assignee(party_id) \
                        -label $cur_assignee(name)] 
                if { [ad_conn user_id] != 0 } {
                    append display_value " (<a href=\"mailto:$cur_assignee(email)\">$cur_assignee(email)</a>)"
                } else {
            append display_value " ([string replace $cur_assignee(email) \
                [expr {[string first "@$cur_assignee(email)]+3}] end "..."])"

            uplevel [list element set_properties $form_name $element -display_value $display_value]

d_proc -public workflow::case::role::get_assignees {
} {
    Get the current assignees for a role in a case as a list of 
    [array get]'s of party_id, email, name.

    @param case_id the ID of the case.
    @param role_id the ID of the role.
    @return a list of 
    [array get]'s of party_id, email, name.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    return [util_memoize [list workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached $case_id $role_id] \

ad_proc -private workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached { case_id role_id } {
    Proc used only internally by the workflow API. Retrieves role assignees
    directly from the database.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    set result {}
    db_foreach select_assignees {} -column_array row {
        lappend result [array get row]
    return $result    

d_proc -private workflow::case::role::flush_cache0 {
    {-case_id ""}
 } {
    Flush all role related info for a certain case or for all
    cases if none is specified.
} {
    util_memoize_flush_regexp "^workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached [ad_decode $case_id "" {\.*} $case_id]"

d_proc -private workflow::case::role::flush_cache {
    {-case_id ""}
 } {
    Flush all role related info for a certain case or for all
    cases if none is specified.
} {
    if {$case_id eq ""} {
       util_memoize_flush_pattern "workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached *"
    } else {
       util_memoize_flush_pattern "workflow::case::role::get_assignees_not_cached $case_id *"

d_proc -public workflow::case::role::assignee_insert {
} {
    Insert a new assignee for this role
    @param case_id the ID of the case.
    @param role_id the ID of the role to assign.
    @param party_id the ID of party to assign to this role

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    db_transaction { 
        if { $replace_p } {
            workflow::case::role::assignees_remove -case_id $case_id -role_id $role_id
        foreach party_id $party_ids {
            if { [catch {
                db_dml insert_assignee {}

        callback workflow::case::role::after_assign \
            -case_id $case_id \
            -party_id $party_id

            } errMsg] } {
                set already_assigned_p [db_string already_assigned_p {}]
                if { !$already_assigned_p } {
                    global errorInfo errorCode
                    error $errMsg $errorInfo $errorCode

    workflow::case::role::flush_cache -case_id $case_id

d_proc -public workflow::case::role::assignee_remove {
} {
    Remove an assignee from this role
    @param case_id the ID of the case.
    @param role_id the ID of the role to remove the assignee from.
    @param party_id the ID of party to remove from the role

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    db_dml delete_assignee {}

    callback workflow::case::role::after_unassign \
    -case_id $case_id \
    -party_id $party_id

    workflow::case::role::flush_cache -case_id $case_id

d_proc -public workflow::case::role::assignees_remove {
} {
    Remove all assignees in this role
    @param case_id the ID of the case.
    @param role_id the ID of the role to remove the assignees from.

    @author Ryan Gallimore
} {
    set assignees [workflow::case::role::get_assignees -case_id $case_id -role_id $role_id]
    foreach assignee $assignees {
        array set elm $assignee
        if { ([info exists elm(party_id)] && $elm(party_id) ne "") } {
            callback workflow::case::role::after_unassign \
                -case_id $case_id \
                -party_id $elm(party_id)
        array unset elm

    db_dml delete_assignees {}

    workflow::case::role::flush_cache -case_id $case_id

d_proc -public workflow::case::role::assign {
} {
    Assign roles from an array with entries like this: array(short_name) = [list of party_ids].
    @param case_id The ID of the case.
    @param array Name of array with assignment info 
    @param replace Should the new assignees replace existing assignees?

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    upvar $array assignees

    set workflow_id [workflow::case::get_element -case_id $case_id -element workflow_id]
    db_transaction {
        foreach name [array names assignees] {
            set role_id [workflow::role::get_id \
                             -workflow_id $workflow_id \
                             -short_name $name]
            workflow::case::role::assignee_insert \
                -replace=$replace_p \
                -case_id $case_id \
                -role_id $role_id \
                -party_ids $assignees($name)

# workflow::case::fsm

d_proc -public workflow::case::fsm::get_current_state {
} {
    Gets the current state_id of this case.

    @param case_id The case_id.
    @return The state_id of the state which this case is in

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    return [workflow::case::fsm::get_element -case_id $case_id -element state_id]

d_proc -public workflow::case::fsm::get {
    {-parent_enabled_action_id {}}
    {-action_id {}}
    {-enabled_action_id {}}
} {
    Get information about an FSM case set as values in your array. 
    case_id state_short_name pretty_state state_hide_fields state_id parent_enabled_action_id parent_case_id 
    entry_id top_case_id workflow_id object_id

    @param case_id     The ID of the case

    @param array       The name of an array in which information will be returned.

    @param parent_enabled_action_id   
                       If specified, will return the sub-case information for the given action.

    @param action_id   Deprecated. Same effect as enabled_action_id, but will not work for dynamic workflows.

    @param enabled_action_id 
                       If specified, will return the case information as if the given action had already
                       been executed. This is useful for presenting forms for actions that do not take place
                       until the user hits OK.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    # Select the info into the upvar'ed Tcl Array
    upvar $array row

    if { $action_id ne "" } {
        if { $enabled_action_id ne "" } {
            error "You cannot specify both action_id and enabled_action_id. enabled_action_id is preferred."
        set enabled_action_id [workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id \
                                   -case_id $case_id \
                                   -action_id $action_id \

    if { $enabled_action_id eq "" } {
        array set row [util_memoize [list workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached $case_id $parent_enabled_action_id] \
        set row(entry_id) {}
    } else {
        # TODO: cache this query as well
        db_1row select_case_info_after_action {} -column_array row
        set row(entry_id) [db_nextval "acs_object_id_seq"]

d_proc -public workflow::case::fsm::get_element {
    {-parent_enabled_action_id {}}
    {-action_id {}}
} {
    Return a single element from the information about a case.

    @param case_id     The ID of the case
    @param element     The element you want
    @param action_id   If specified, will return the case information as if the given action had already been executed. 
                       This is useful for presenting forms for actions that do not take place until the user hits OK.

    @return            The element you asked for

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    get -case_id $case_id -parent_enabled_action_id $parent_enabled_action_id -action_id $action_id -array row
    return $row($element)

ad_proc -private workflow::case::fsm::get_info_not_cached { case_id { parent_enabled_action_id "" } } {
    Used internally by the workflow id to get FSM case info from the

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    if { $parent_enabled_action_id eq "" } {
        db_1row select_case_info_null_parent_id {} -column_array row
    } else {
        db_1row select_case_info {} -column_array row

    return [array get row]

d_proc -private workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info { 
    {-parent_enabled_action_id {}}
 } {
    Gets all state info from the database, include sub-action state.

    @return a list of (action_id, current_state) tuples. 
    The top-level state is the one that has action_id empty.
} {
    # TODO: Cache and flush
    return [workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info_not_cached $case_id $parent_enabled_action_id $all_p]

d_proc -private workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info_not_cached { 
} {
    Gets all state info from the database, include sub-action state.

    @return a list of (action_id, current_state) tuples. 
    The top-level state is the one that has action_id empty.

    @see workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info
} {
    if { $all_p  } {
        return [db_list_of_lists select_state_info {}]
    } else {
        if { $parent_enabled_action_id eq "" } {
            return [db_string null_parent {
                select current_state
                from   workflow_case_fsm
                where  case_id = :case_id
                and    parent_enabled_action_id is null
        } else {
            return [db_string null_parent {
                select current_state
                from   workflow_case_fsm
                where  case_id = :case_id
                and    parent_enabled_action_id = :parent_enabled_action_id

# workflow::case::action 

d_proc -public workflow::case::action::permission_p {
    {-enabled_action_id {}}
    {-case_id {}}
    {-action_id {}}
} {
    Does the user have permission to perform this action. Doesn't
    check whether the action is enabled.

    @param enabled_action_id  The enabled action you want to test for permission on.

    @param case_id            Deprecated. The ID of the case.

    @param action_id          Deprecated. The ID of the action

    @param user_id            The user.

    @return true or false.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    if { (![info exists user_id] || $user_id eq "") } {
        set user_id [ad_conn user_id]

    if { $enabled_action_id ne "" } {
        ns_log notice "#### workflow::case::enabled_action_get -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -array enabled_action"
        workflow::case::enabled_action_get -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -array enabled_action
        set case_id $enabled_action(case_id)
        set action_id $enabled_action(action_id)
    } else {
        set enabled_action_id [workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id \
                                   -any_parent \
                                   -case_id $case_id \
                                   -action_id $action_id]

    set object_id [workflow::case::get_element -case_id $case_id -element object_id]
    set user_role_ids [workflow::case::get_user_roles -case_id $case_id -user_id $user_id]

    set permission_p 0

    set assigned_p [db_string assigned_p {
        select 1 
        from   wf_case_assigned_user_actions
        where  enabled_action_id = :enabled_action_id
        and    user_id = :user_id
    } -default 0]
    if { $assigned_p } {
        return 1

    foreach role_id $user_role_ids {

        # Is this an allowed role for this action?
        set allowed_roles [workflow::action::get_allowed_roles -action_id $action_id]
        if {$role_id in $allowed_roles} {
            return 1

    if { !$permission_p } {
        set privileges [concat "admin" [workflow::action::get_privileges -action_id $action_id]]
        foreach privilege $privileges {
            if { [permission::permission_p -object_id $object_id -privilege $privilege -party_id $user_id] } {
                return 1

    return 0

d_proc -public workflow::case::action::enabled_p {
} {
    Is this action currently enabled.

    @param case_id            The ID of the case.

    @param action_id          The ID of the action

    @return true or false.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    return [db_string select_enabled_p {} -default 0]

d_proc -public workflow::case::action::available_p {
    {-enabled_action_id {}}
    {-case_id {}}
    {-action_id {}}
    {-user_id {}}
} {
    Is this action currently enabled and does the user have permission to perform it?

    @param enabled_action_id  The enabled action you want to test for permission on.

    @param case_id            Deprecated. The ID of the case.

    @param action_id          Deprecated. The ID of the action

    @param user_id            The user.

    @return true or false.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    # Always permit the no-op
    if { $action_id eq "" && $enabled_action_id eq "" } {
        return 1

    if { $enabled_action_id ne "" } {
        workflow::case::enabled_action_get -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -array enabled_action
        set case_id $enabled_action(case_id)
        set action_id $enabled_action(action_id)
    } else {
        set enabled_action_id [workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id \
                                   -any_parent \
                                   -case_id $case_id \
                                   -action_id $action_id]

    if { [workflow::case::action::enabled_p -case_id $case_id -action_id $action_id] &&
         [workflow::case::action::permission_p -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -user_id $user_id] } {
        return 1
    } else {
        return 0

d_proc -private workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id {
    {-parent_enabled_action_id {}}
} {
    Get the enabled_action_id from case_id and action_id. Doesn't find completed enabled actions.
    Provided for backwards compatibility. Doesn't work properly for dynamic actions.

    @param all If specified, will return all if more than one is found. Otherwise returns just the first.

    @return enabled_action_id. Returns blank if no enabled action exists. 
} {
    if { $any_parent_p } {
        set result [db_list select_enabled_action_id {
            select enabled_action_id
            from   workflow_case_enabled_actions
            where  case_id = :case_id
            and    action_id = :action_id
            and    completed_p = 'f'
    } else {
        if { $parent_enabled_action_id eq "" } {
            set result [db_list select_enabled_action_id {
                select enabled_action_id
                from   workflow_case_enabled_actions
                where  case_id = :case_id
                and    action_id = :action_id
                and    completed_p = 'f'
                and    parent_enabled_action_id = :parent_enabled_action_id
        } else {
            set result [db_list select_enabled_action_id {
                select enabled_action_id
                from   workflow_case_enabled_actions
                where  case_id = :case_id
                and    action_id = :action_id
                and    completed_p = 'f'
                and    parent_enabled_action_id is null

    if { $all_p } {
        return $result
    } else {
        return [lindex $result 0]

d_proc -public workflow::case::action::do_side_effects {
} {
    Fire the side-effects for this action
} {
    set contract_name [workflow::service_contract::action_side_effect]

    # Get info for the callbacks
    set workflow_id [workflow::case::get_element \
            -case_id $case_id \
            -element workflow_id]

    # Get the callbacks, workflow and action
    set impl_names [workflow::get_callbacks \
            -workflow_id $workflow_id \
            -contract_name $contract_name]
    set impl_names [concat $impl_names [workflow::action::get_callbacks \
            -action_id $action_id \
            -contract_name $contract_name]]

    if { [llength $impl_names] == 0 } {
    set object_id [workflow::case::get_element \
            -case_id $case_id \
            -element object_id]

    # Invoke them
    foreach impl_name $impl_names {

        acs_sc::invoke \
                -contract $contract_name \
                -operation "DoSideEffect" \
                -impl $impl_name \
                -call_args [list $case_id $object_id $action_id $entry_id]
d_proc -public workflow::case::action::notify {
} {
    Send out notifications to relevant people.
} {
    # Get workflow_id
    workflow::case::get \
        -case_id $case_id \
        -array case

    workflow::get \
        -workflow_id $case(workflow_id) \
        -array workflow
    set hr [string repeat "=" 70]
    # TODO: Get activity log for top-case
    array set latest_action [lindex [workflow::case::get_activity_log_info_not_cached -case_id $case_id] end]

    # Variables used by I18N messages:
    set action_past_tense "$latest_action(action_pretty_past_tense)[ad_decode $latest_action(log_title) "" "" " $latest_action(log_title)"]"
    set user_name "$latest_action(user_first_names) $latest_action(user_last_name)"
    set user_email $latest_action(user_email)
    set latest_action_chunk [_ workflow.notification_email_latest_action_chunk]
    if { $latest_action(comment) ne "" } {
        append latest_action_chunk ":\n\n    [join [split [ad_html_text_convert -from $latest_action(comment_mime_type) -to "text/plain" -maxlen 66 -- $latest_action(comment)] "\n"] "\n    "]"
    # Callback to get notification info 
    # TODO: Should this be the parent/top-workflow that does this?
    set contract_name [workflow::service_contract::notification_info]
    set impl_names [workflow::get_callbacks \
                        -workflow_id $case(workflow_id) \
                        -contract_name $contract_name]
    # We only use the first callback
    set impl_name [lindex $impl_names 0]
    if { $impl_name ne "" } {
        set notification_info [acs_sc::invoke \
                                   -contract $contract_name \
                                   -operation "GetNotificationInfo" \
                                   -impl $impl_name \
                                   -call_args [list $case_id $case(object_id)]]

    # Make sure the notification info list has at least 4 elements, so we can do below lindex's safely
    lappend notification_info {} {} {} {}
    set object_url [lindex $notification_info 0]
    set object_one_line [lindex $notification_info 1]
    set object_details_list [lindex $notification_info 2]
    set object_notification_tag [lindex $notification_info 3]

    if { $object_one_line eq "" } {
        # Default: Case #$case_id: acs_object__name(case.object_id)

        set object_id $case(object_id)
        db_1row select_object_name {} -column_array case_object

        set object_one_line "[_ workflow.Case] #$case_id: $case_object(name)"

    # Roles and their current assignees
    foreach role_id [workflow::get_roles -workflow_id $case(workflow_id)] {
        set label [lang::util::localize [workflow::role::get_element -role_id $role_id -element pretty_name]]
        foreach assignee_arraylist [workflow::case::role::get_assignees -case_id $case_id -role_id $role_id] {
            array set assignee $assignee_arraylist
            lappend object_details_list $label "$assignee(name) ($assignee(email))"
            set label {}

    # Find the length of the longest label
    set max_label_len 0
    foreach { label value } $object_details_list {
        if { [string length $label] > $max_label_len } {
            set max_label_len [string length $label]
    # Output notification info
    set object_details_lines [list]
    foreach { label value } $object_details_list {
        if { $label ne "" } {
            lappend object_details_lines "$label[string repeat " " [expr {$max_label_len - [string length $label]}]] : $value"
        } else {
            lappend object_details_lines "[string repeat " $max_label_len]   $value"
    set object_details_chunk [join $object_details_lines "\n"]

    set activity_log_chunk [workflow::case::get_activity_text -case_id $case_id]

    set the_subject "[ad_decode $object_notification_tag "" "" "\[$object_notification_tag\] "]$object_one_line: $latest_action(action_pretty_past_tense) [ad_decode $latest_action(log_title) "" "" "$latest_action(log_title) "]by $latest_action(user_first_names) $latest_action(user_last_name)"

    # List of user_id's for people who are in the assigned_role to any enabled actions
    # This takes deputies into account

#XXXXX Verify this ... probably wrong
    set assigned_role_id [workflow::action::get_assigned_role -action_id $action_id]
    set assignee_list [list]
    foreach assignee_array [workflow::case::role::get_assignees \
                          -case_id $case_id \
                          -role_id $assigned_role_id] {
        array set ass $assignee_array
        lappend assignee_list $ass(party_id)
    # List of users who play some role in this case
    # This takes deputies into account
    set case_player_list [db_list case_players {}]

    # Get pretty_name and pretty_plural for the case's object type
    set object_id $case(object_id)
    db_1row select_object_type_info {} -column_array object_type

    # Get name of the workflow's object
    set object_id $workflow(object_id)
    db_1row select_object_name {} -column_array workflow_object

    set next_action_chunk(workflow_assignee) [_ workflow.lt_You_are_assigned_to_t]

    set next_action_chunk(workflow_my_cases) [_ workflow.lt_You_are_a_participant]

    set next_action_chunk(workflow_case) [_ workflow.lt_You_have_a_watch_on_t]

    set next_action_chunk(workflow) [_ workflow.lt_You_have_requested_to]

    # Initialize stuff that depends on the notification type
    foreach type { 
        workflow_assignee workflow_my_cases workflow_case workflow
    } {
        set subject($type$the_subject
        set body($type"$hr



$next_action_chunk($type)[ad_decode $object_url "" "" "\n\n[_ workflow.lt_Please_click_here_to_]\n\n$object_url"]

$hr[ad_decode $object_details_chunk "" "" "\n$object_details_chunk\n$hr"]


        set force_p($type) 0
        set subset($type) {}

    set force_p(workflow_assignee) 1
    set subset(workflow_assignee) $assignee_list
    set subset(workflow_my_cases) $case_player_list
    set notified_list [list]

    foreach type { 
        workflow_assignee workflow_my_cases workflow_case workflow
    } {
            set object_id [workflow::case::get_notification_object \
                               -type $type \
                               -workflow_id $case(workflow_id) \
                               -case_id $case_id]

        if { $object_id ne "" && ($type eq "workflow" || $subset($type) ne "" || $type eq "workflow_case")} {
                set notified_list [concat $notified_list [notification::new \
                                                              -type_id [notification::type::get_type_id -short_name $type] \
                                                              -object_id $object_id \
                                                              -action_id $entry_id \
                                                              -response_id $case(object_id) \
                                                              -notif_subject $subject($type) \
                                                              -notif_text $body($type) \
                                                              -already_notified $notified_list \
                                                              -subset $subset($type) \


# Below are all the procs that drive the workflow engine, 
# the logic to change state and determine which actions
# are available given the current state.

# Causing changes to state

d_proc -public workflow::case::action::execute {
    {-enabled_action_id {}}
    {-case_id {}}
    {-action_id {}}
    {-parent_enabled_action_id {}}
    {-comment ""}
    {-comment_mime_type "text/plain"}
    {-entry_id {}}
} {
    Execute the action. Either provide (case_id, action_id, parent_enabled_action_id), or simply enabled_action_id.

    @param enabled_action_id  The ID of the enabled action to execute. Alternatively, you can specify the case_id/action_id pair.

    @param case_id            The ID of the case.

    @param action_id          The ID of the action

    @param comment            Comment for the case activity log

    @param comment_mime_type  MIME Type of the comment, according to 
                              OpenACS standard text formatting

    @param user_id            The user who's executing the action

    @param initial            Use this switch to signal that this is the initial action. This causes 
                              permissions/enabled checks to be bypasssed, and causes all roles to get assigned.

    @param entry_id           Optional item_id for double-click protection. If you call workflow::case::fsm::get
                              with a non-empty action_id, it will generate a new entry_id for you, which you can pass in here.

    @param no_perm_check      Set this switch if you do not want any permissions chcecking, e.g. for automatic actions.

    @param no_perm_check      Set this switch if you do not want to have any workflow_case loggings.

    @param package_id         The package_id the case object belongs to. This is optional but is useful if the case objects are not CR items.

    @return entry_id of the new log entry (will be a cr_item).

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    if { (![info exists user_id] || $user_id eq "") } {
        if { ![ad_conn isconnected] } {
            set user_id 0
        } else {
            set user_id [ad_conn user_id]

    if { (![info exists package_id] || $package_id eq "") } {
        if { ![ad_conn isconnected] } {
            set package_id {}
        } else {
            set package_id [ad_conn package_id]

    if { $case_id eq "" || $action_id eq "" } {
        if { $enabled_action_id eq "" } {
            error "You must supply either case_id and action_id, or enabled_action_id"
    if { $enabled_action_id eq "" } {
        if { $initial_p } {
            set enabled_action_id {}
        } else {
            # This will not work with dynamic actions
            # This is provided for backwards-compatibility, so we hope there's no dynamicism
            # TODO: Figure out a better solution to this problem
            set enabled_action_id [workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id \
                                       -any_parent \
                                       -case_id $case_id \
                                       -action_id $action_id]
            if { $enabled_action_id eq "" } {
                error "This action is not enabled at this time."
    if { $enabled_action_id ne "" } {
        workflow::case::enabled_action_get -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -array enabled_action
        set case_id $enabled_action(case_id)
        set action_id $enabled_action(action_id)
        set parent_enabled_action_id $enabled_action(parent_enabled_action_id)
        set parent_trigger_type $enabled_action(parent_trigger_type)
    } else {
        set parent_trigger_type "workflow"

    if { !$initial_p && !$no_perm_check_p } {
        if { ![workflow::case::action::permission_p -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -user_id $user_id] } {
            error "This user ($user_id) is not allowed to perform this action ($action_id) at this time."

    if { $comment eq "" } {
        # single-space comment
        set comment { }

    # We can't have empty comment_mime_type, default to text/plain
    if { $comment_mime_type eq "" } {
        set comment_mime_type "text/plain"
    ns_log notice "case::execute start = [set start [clock clicks -milliseconds]]"
    db_transaction {

        # Double-click protection
        if { $entry_id ne "" } {
            if {  [db_string log_entry_exists_p {}] } {
                return $entry_id
        # Update the case workflow state
        workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change \
            -initial=$initial_p \
            -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id \
            -case_id $case_id \
            -action_id $action_id \
            -parent_enabled_action_id $parent_enabled_action_id
    ns_log notice "case::execute two = [expr {[set two [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $start}]"
        # Mark the action completed
        if { $enabled_action_id ne "" } {
            workflow::case::action::complete \
                -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id \
                -user_id $user_id
    ns_log notice "case::execute three = [expr {[set three [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $two}]"
        # Insert activity log entry
        set extra_vars [ns_set create]
        oacs_util::vars_to_ns_set \
                -ns_set $extra_vars \
                -var_list { entry_id case_id action_id comment comment_mime_type package_id}

        if {!$no_logging_p} {
        set entry_id [package_instantiate_object \
                  -creation_user $user_id \
                  -extra_vars $extra_vars \
                  -package_name "workflow_case_log_entry" \

        # Fire side-effects
        workflow::case::action::do_side_effects \
                -case_id $case_id \
                -action_id $action_id \
                -entry_id $entry_id
    ns_log notice "case::execute five = [expr {[set five [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $three}]"        
        # Scan for enabled actions
        if {$parent_trigger_type eq "workflow"} {
            workflow::case::state_changed_handler \
                -case_id $case_id \
                -parent_enabled_action_id $parent_enabled_action_id \
                -user_id $user_id
    ns_log notice "case::execute six = [expr {[set six [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $five}]"        
        # Notifications
        if { !$no_notification_p } {
            workflow::case::action::notify \
                -case_id $case_id \
                -action_id $action_id \
                -entry_id $entry_id \
                -comment $comment \
                -comment_mime_type $comment_mime_type
    ns_log notice "case::execute seven = [expr {[set seven [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $six}]"                
        # If there's a parent, alert the parent
        if { $parent_enabled_action_id ne "" } {
            workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler \
                -parent_enabled_action_id $parent_enabled_action_id \
                -user_id $user_id
    ns_log notice "case::execute eight = [expr {[set eight [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $seven}]"                    
    workflow::case::flush_cache -case_id $case_id
    ns_log notice "case::execute nine = [expr {[set nine [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $eight}]"                    
    ns_log notice "case::execute end = [expr {[set end [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $start}]"                    
    return $entry_id

# Handling changes to state

d_proc -private workflow::case::state_changed_handler {
    {-parent_enabled_action_id {}}
    {-user_id {}}
} {
    Scans for newly enabled actions, as well as actions which were 
    enabled but are now no longer enabled. Does not flush the cache. 
    Should only be called indirectly through the workflow API.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    db_transaction {

        # 1. Find the actually enabled actions, based on the current state(s) of the case

        workflow::case::get_actual_state \
            -case_id $case_id \
            -parent_enabled_action_id $parent_enabled_action_id \
            -array assigned_p

        # assigned_p($action_id): 1 = assigned, 0 = enabled, nonexistent = not available ...

        # 2. Output data structure

        # Array with a key entry per action to enable
        array set enable_action_ids [array get assigned_p]
        # List of enabled_action_id's of actions that are no longer enabled
        set unenable_enabled_action_ids [list]

        # 2. Get the rows in workflow_case_enabled_actions
        if { $parent_enabled_action_id eq "" } {
            set db_rows [db_list_of_lists select_previously_enabled_actions_null_parent {}]
        } else {
            set db_rows [db_list_of_lists select_previously_enabled_actions {}]

        foreach elm $db_rows {
            foreach { action_id enabled_action_id } $elm {}
            if { [info exists assigned_p($action_id)] } {
                # This action is enabled, and should be enabled => ignore
                unset enable_action_ids($action_id)
            } else {
                # This action is enabled, and shouldn't be, kill it
                lappend unenable_enabled_action_ids $enabled_action_id
        # 3. Unenable the no-longer-enabled actions
        foreach enabled_action_id $unenable_enabled_action_ids {
            workflow::case::action::unenable \
                -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id

        # 4. Enabled the newly enabled actions

        foreach action_id [array names enable_action_ids] {
            workflow::case::action::enable \
                -case_id $case_id \
                -action_id $action_id \
                -parent_enabled_action_id $parent_enabled_action_id \
                -user_id $user_id \
                -assigned=[expr {[info exists assigned_p($action_id)] && $assigned_p($action_id) == 1}]

        # 6. Flush cache, assign roles
        workflow::case::flush_cache -case_id $case_id
        workflow::case::assign_roles -all -case_id $case_id

d_proc -private workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler {
    {-user_id {}}
} {
    Check if all child actions of this action are complete, and if so
    cause this action to execute
} {
    db_transaction {

        set num_incomplete [db_string select_num_incomplete {
            select count(*)
            from   workflow_case_enabled_actions
            where  parent_enabled_action_id = :parent_enabled_action_id
            and    completed_p = 'f'

        if { $num_incomplete > 0 } {
            # Still incomplete actions, do nothing

        # All child actions are complete, execute the action

        workflow::case::action::execute \
            -no_notification \
            -no_perm_check \
            -enabled_action_id $parent_enabled_action_id \
            -user_id $user_id

# Enable/Unenable/Complete individual actions

d_proc -private workflow::case::action::unenable {
} {
    Update the workflow_case_enabled_actions table to say that the 
    previously enabled actions are no longer enabled.
    Does not flush the cache. 
    Should only be called indirectly through the workflow API.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    set action_id [workflow::case::enabled_action_get_element -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -element action_id]

    db_dml delete_enabled_action {
        from   workflow_case_enabled_actions
        where  enabled_action_id = :enabled_action_id

d_proc -private workflow::case::action::enable {
    {-parent_enabled_action_id {}}
    {-user_id {}}
    {-assignees {}}
} {
    Update the workflow_case_enabled_actions table to say that the 
    action is now enabled. Will automatically fire an automatic action.
    Does not flush the cache. 
    Should only be called indirectly through the workflow API.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    workflow::action::get -action_id $action_id -array action
    set workflow_id $action(workflow_id)

    db_transaction {
        set enabled_action_id [db_nextval "workflow_case_enbl_act_seq"]

        if { $action(trigger_type) ne "user" } {
            # Action can only be assigned if it has trigger_type user
            # But its children can be assigned, so we keep the original assigned_p variable
            set db_assigned_p f
        } else {
            set db_assigned_p [db_boolean $assigned_p]
        # Insert the enabled action row
        db_dml insert_enabled {}

        # Insert assignees
        if { ([info exists assignees] && $assignees ne "") } {
            foreach party_id $assignees {
                db_dml insert_assignee {
                    insert into workflow_case_action_assignees (enabled_action_id, party_id)
                    values (:enabled_action_id, :party_id)

        switch $action(trigger_type) {
            "workflow" {
                # Find and execute child init action
                set child_init_id [db_string child_init { 
                    select action_id
                    from   workflow_actions 
                    where  parent_action_id = :action_id
                    and    trigger_type = 'init'
                } -default {}]
                if { $child_init_id eq "" } {
                    error "Child workflow for action $action(pretty_name) doesn't have an action with trigger_type = 'init', or it has more than one."
                workflow::action::fsm::get -action_id $child_init_id -array initial_action
                if { $initial_action(new_state) eq "" } {
                    error "Initial action with short_name \"$initial_action(short_name)\" does not have any new_state. In order to be an initial state, it must have new_state set."

                workflow::case::action::execute \
                    -no_notification \
                    -initial \
                    -case_id $case_id \
                    -action_id $child_init_id \
                    -parent_enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id \
                    -user_id $user_id
            "parallel" {
                # Find and enable child actions
                foreach child_action_id $action(child_action_ids) {
                    workflow::case::action::enable \
                        -case_id $case_id \
                        -action_id $child_action_id \
                        -parent_enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id \
                        -user_id $user_id \
            "dynamic" {
                # Find and enable all child actions, once for each party assigned to the role
                foreach child_action_id $action(child_action_ids) {
                    set child_role_id [workflow::action::get_element \
                                           -action_id $child_action_id \
                                           -element assigned_role_id]
                    set parties [workflow::case::role::get_assignees \
                                     -case_id $case_id \
                                     -role_id $child_role_id]
                    foreach elm $parties {
                        array unset party 
                        array set party $elm
                        workflow::case::action::enable \
                            -case_id $case_id \
                            -action_id $child_action_id \
                            -parent_enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id \
                            -user_id $user_id \
                            -assigned=$assigned_p \
                            -assignees $party(party_id)
            "auto" {
                workflow::case::action::execute \
                    -no_perm_check \
                    -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id \
                    -user_id $user_id

d_proc -private workflow::case::action::complete {
    {-user_id {}}
} {
    Mark an action complete.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {
    db_transaction {
        workflow::case::enabled_action_get -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -array enabled_action
        workflow::action::get -action_id $enabled_action(action_id) -array action
        if {$enabled_action(parent_trigger_type) in { parallel dynamic }} {
            db_dml completed_p {
                update workflow_case_enabled_actions
                set    completed_p = 't'
                where  enabled_action_id = :enabled_action_id

            # Delete children
            db_dml delete_enabled_actions {
                from   workflow_case_enabled_actions
                where  parent_enabled_action_id = :enabled_action_id
        } else {
            # Delete the workflow_case_enabled_actions row
            # Will cascade delete the corresponding state information
            set case_id $enabled_action(case_id)
            db_dml delete_enabled_actions {
                from   workflow_case_enabled_actions
                where  enabled_action_id = :enabled_action_id

# Helper

d_proc -private workflow::case::get_actual_state {
    {-parent_enabled_action_id {}}
} {
    Flushes cache, gets actual state of case, and finds which actions
    should be enabled/assigned based on that actual state. This can
    then be used to manage the contents of
    workflow_case_enabled_actions table.
} {
    # TODO B: Make polymorphic -- this should go into a ::fsm:: namespace
    upvar 1 $array assigned_p
    workflow::case::flush_cache -case_id $case_id
    set state_id [workflow::case::fsm::get_state_info \
                      -case_id $case_id \
                      -parent_enabled_action_id $parent_enabled_action_id] 
    workflow::state::fsm::get -state_id $state_id -array state
    foreach action_id $state(enabled_action_ids) {
        set assigned_p($action_id) 0
    foreach action_id $state(assigned_action_ids) {
        set assigned_p($action_id) 1

d_proc -private workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change {
    {-case_id {}}
    {-action_id {}}
    {-enabled_action_id {}}
    {-parent_enabled_action_id {}}
} {
    Modify the state of the case as required when executing the given action.

    @param case_id            The ID of the case.

    @param action_id          The ID of the action

    @param enabled_action_id  The ID of the action

    @param initial            Set this if this is an initial action.

    @param parent_enabled_action_id
                              Specify this, if this is an initial action.

    @author Lars Pind (
} {

    db_transaction {

        if { $case_id eq "" || $action_id eq "" } {
            if { $enabled_action_id eq "" } {
                error "You must supply either case_id and action_id, or enabled_action_id"

        if { $enabled_action_id eq "" } {
            if { $initial_p } {
                set enabled_action_p {}
                # We rely on parent_enabled_action_id being set by the caller here
            } else {
                # This will not work with dynamic actions, but is necessary for initial actions
                set enabled_action_id [workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id \
                                           -case_id $case_id \
                                           -action_id $action_id \
                                           -parent_enabled_action_id $parent_enabled_action_id]

        if { $enabled_action_id ne "" } {
            workflow::case::enabled_action_get -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -array enabled_action
            # Even if these are provided, we override them with the DB call
            set case_id $enabled_action(case_id)
            set action_id $enabled_action(action_id)
            set parent_enabled_action_id $enabled_action(parent_enabled_action_id)

        # Find the new state from the action
        workflow::action::get -action_id $action_id -array action
        set new_state_id $action(new_state_id)

        # Actually change the state, if any state change
        if { $new_state_id ne "" } {
            # Delete any existing state with this parent_enabled_action_id

            if { $parent_enabled_action_id eq "" } {
                db_dml delete_fsm_state {
                    from   workflow_case_fsm
                    where  case_id = :case_id
                    and    parent_enabled_action_id is null
            } else {
                db_dml delete_fsm_state {
                    from   workflow_case_fsm
                    where  case_id = :case_id
                    and    parent_enabled_action_id = :parent_enabled_action_id

            # Insert the new one
            db_dml insert_fsm_state {
                insert into workflow_case_fsm (case_id, parent_enabled_action_id, current_state)
                values (:case_id, :parent_enabled_action_id, :new_state_id)