
UI widgets for use in forms, etc.

CVS Identification:
$Id: widgets-procs.tcl,v 2023/03/28 09:35:12 antoniop Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

ad_color_to_hex (public)

 ad_color_to_hex triplet

Converts a string of the form 0,192,255 to a string of the form #00C0FF.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_color_to_hex ad_color_to_hex (test acs-tcl) ad_color_to_hex ad_color_to_hex test_ad_color_to_hex->ad_color_to_hex


ad_color_widget (public, deprecated)

 ad_color_widget name default [ use_js ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Returns a color selection widget, optionally using JavaScript. Default is a string of the form '0,192,255'. DEPRECATED: HTML now has a native color widget that requires no custom implementation.

use_js (defaults to "0")
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_generic_optionlist ad_generic_optionlist (public) ad_html_colors ad_html_colors (public, deprecated) ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) template::add_event_listener template::add_event_listener (public) ad_color_widget ad_color_widget ad_color_widget->ad_generic_optionlist ad_color_widget->ad_html_colors ad_color_widget->ad_log_deprecated ad_color_widget->template::add_event_listener

No testcase defined.

ad_color_widget_js (public, deprecated)

Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Returns JavaScript code necessary to use color widgets. DEPRECATED: HTML now has a native color widget that requires no custom implementation.

See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) ad_color_widget_js ad_color_widget_js ad_color_widget_js->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

ad_dateentrywidget (public, deprecated)

 ad_dateentrywidget column [ value ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Returns form pieces for a date entry widget. A null date may be selected. DEPRECATED: better alternatives exist for date-entry widgets, which would also support localization.

value (defaults to "0")
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 download_metadata_widget download_metadata_widget (public) ad_dateentrywidget ad_dateentrywidget download_metadata_widget->ad_dateentrywidget ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) ad_dateentrywidget->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

ad_db_select_widget (public, deprecated)

 ad_db_select_widget [ -size size ] [ -multiple multiple ] \
    [ -default default ] [ -option_list option_list ] \
    [ -blank_if_no_db blank_if_no_db ] \
    [ -hidden_if_one_db hidden_if_one_db ] [ -bind bind ] \
    statement_name sql_qry name
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

given a SQL query this generates a select group. If there is only one value it returns the text and a hidden variable setting that value. The first selected column should contain the optionlist items. The second selected column should contain the optionlist values.

option_list is a list in the same format (i.e. {{str val} {str2 val2}...}) which is prepended to the list

if sql_qry is null then the list is constructed from option_list only.

if there is only one item the select is not generated and the value is passed in hidden form variable.

if -multiple is given then a multi select is returned.

if -blank_if_no_db is true, then do not return a select widget unless there are rows from the database DEPRECATED: the template system offers better ways to produce markup from a query nowadays.

(defaults to "0") (optional)
(defaults to "0") (optional)
(defaults to "0") (optional)
(defaults to "0") (optional)
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/download/www/download-verify.tcl packages/download/ www/download-verify.tcl ad_db_select_widget ad_db_select_widget packages/download/www/download-verify.tcl->ad_db_select_widget ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) ad_db_select_widget->ad_log_deprecated db_foreach db_foreach (public) ad_db_select_widget->db_foreach

No testcase defined.

ad_future_years_list (public)

 ad_future_years_list [ num_year ]

Returns a list containing the next num_year years in the future.

num_year (defaults to "10")

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_future_years_list ad_future_years_list (test acs-tcl) ad_future_years_list ad_future_years_list test_ad_future_years_list->ad_future_years_list future_years_list future_years_list (public, deprecated) future_years_list->ad_future_years_list


ad_generic_optionlist (public)

 ad_generic_optionlist items values [ default ]

Use this to build select form fragments. Given a list of items and a list of values, will return the option tags with default highlighted as appropriate.

default (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_generic_optionlist ad_generic_optionlist (test acs-tcl) ad_generic_optionlist ad_generic_optionlist test_ad_generic_optionlist->ad_generic_optionlist ad_color_widget ad_color_widget (public, deprecated) ad_color_widget->ad_generic_optionlist packages/acs-admin/www/apm/parameter-add.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/parameter-add.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/parameter-add.tcl->ad_generic_optionlist packages/acs-admin/www/apm/parameter-edit.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/parameter-edit.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/parameter-edit.tcl->ad_generic_optionlist


ad_html_colors (public, deprecated)

Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Returns an array of HTML colors and names.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_color_widget ad_color_widget (public, deprecated) ad_html_colors ad_html_colors ad_color_widget->ad_html_colors ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) ad_html_colors->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

ad_integer_optionlist (public)

 ad_integer_optionlist start_value end_value [ default ] \
    [ pad_to_two_p ]

Produces an optionlist for a range of integers from start_value to end_value. If default matches one of the options, it is selected. If pad_to_two_p is 1, the option values will be padded to 2 digits with a leading 0.

default (optional)
pad_to_two_p (defaults to "0")

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_integer_optionlist ad_integer_optionlist (test acs-tcl) ad_integer_optionlist ad_integer_optionlist test_ad_integer_optionlist->ad_integer_optionlist


ad_process_color_widgets (public, deprecated)

 ad_process_color_widgets [ args... ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Sets variables corresponding to the color widgets named in $args. DEPRECATED: HTML now has a native color widget that requires no custom implementation.

See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) ad_process_color_widgets ad_process_color_widgets ad_process_color_widgets->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

country_widget (public, deprecated)

 country_widget [ default ] [ select_name ] [ size_subtag ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Returns a country selection box. This widget depends on the ref-countries package. DEPRECATED for various reasons: doesn't comply with OpenACS naming convention, difficult to style, no good separation of Tcl and HTML, 'size_subtag' is just implemented code injection and furthermore, default value might depend on a parameter designed just for "american readers". A better alternative would be e.g. implementing this using the templating system.

default (optional)
select_name (defaults to "country_code")
size_subtag (defaults to "size='4'")
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_conn ad_conn (public) ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) db_foreach db_foreach (public) parameter::get parameter::get (public) country_widget country_widget country_widget->ad_conn country_widget->ad_log_deprecated country_widget->db_foreach country_widget->parameter::get

No testcase defined.

day_list (public, deprecated)

Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

DEPRECATED: this proc does not comply with OpenACS naming convention and does not provide much value. One can e.g. use 'clock' based idioms to compute the number of days that are in a specific month.

See Also:
  • clock

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) day_list day_list day_list->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

future_years_list (public, deprecated)

 future_years_list [ args... ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Returns a list containing the next num_year years in the future. DEPRECATED: use the version complying with naming convention

See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_future_years_list ad_future_years_list (public) ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) future_years_list future_years_list future_years_list->ad_future_years_list future_years_list->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

long_month_list (public, deprecated)

Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Returns list of months DEPRECATED: this proc does not comply with OpenACS naming convention and is not localized. 'clock' based idioms can provide a localized list of months and/or message keys can be used.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) long_month_list long_month_list long_month_list->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

month_list (public, deprecated)

Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Returns list of month abbreviations DEPRECATED: this proc does not comply with OpenACS naming convention and is not localized. 'clock' based idioms can provide a localized list of months and/or message keys can be used.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) month_list month_list month_list->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

month_value_list (public, deprecated)

Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

DEPRECATED: this proc does not comply with OpenACS naming convention and does not provide much value.

See Also:
  • clock

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) month_value_list month_value_list month_value_list->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

us_state_widget (public, deprecated)

 us_state_widget [ default ] [ select_name ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Returns a state selection box. This widget depends on the ref-us-states package. DEPRECATED for various reasons: doesn't comply with OpenACS naming convention, difficult to style, no good separation of Tcl and HTML, 'select_name' is prone to code injection and the proc depends on an external package. A better alternative would be e.g. implementing this using the templating system.

default (optional)
select_name (defaults to "usps_abbrev")
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) db_foreach db_foreach (public) us_state_widget us_state_widget us_state_widget->ad_log_deprecated us_state_widget->db_foreach

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

ad_library {
    UI widgets for use in forms, etc.

    @cvs-id $Id: widgets-procs.tcl,v 2023/03/28 09:35:12 antoniop Exp $

d_proc -deprecated us_state_widget {
   {default ""}
   {select_name "usps_abbrev"}
} {
   Returns a state selection box.
   This widget depends on the ref-us-states package.

    DEPRECATED for various reasons: doesn't comply with OpenACS naming
    convention, difficult to style, no good separation of Tcl and
    HTML, 'select_name' is prone to code injection and the proc
    depends on an external package. A better alternative would be
    e.g. implementing this using the templating system.

    @see template::widget::select
    @see template::widget::multiselect
    @see template::multirow

} {
   set widget_value "<select name=\"$select_name\">\n"
   if { $default eq "" } {
       append widget_value "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">Choose a State</option>\n"

   db_foreach all_states {
       select state_name, abbrev from us_states order by state_name
   } {
       if { $default == $abbrev } {
           append widget_value "<option value=\"$abbrev\" selected=\"selected\">$state_name</option>\n"
       } else {
           append widget_value "<option value=\"$abbrev\">$state_name</option>\n"
   append widget_value "</select>\n"
   return $widget_value

d_proc -deprecated country_widget {
    {default ""}
    {select_name "country_code"}
    {size_subtag "size='4'"}
} {
    Returns a country selection box.
    This widget depends on the ref-countries package.

    DEPRECATED for various reasons: doesn't comply with OpenACS naming
    convention, difficult to style, no good separation of Tcl and
    HTML, 'size_subtag' is just implemented code injection and
    furthermore, default value might depend on a parameter designed
    just for "american readers". A better alternative would be
    e.g. implementing this using the templating system.

    @see template::widget::select
    @see template::widget::multiselect
    @see template::multirow
} {
    set widget_value "<select name=\"$select_name\" $size_subtag>\n"
    if { $default eq "" } {
        if { [parameter::get -parameter SomeAmericanReadersP -package_id [ad_conn subsite_id] -default 0] } {
            append widget_value "<option value=\"\">Choose a Country</option>
            <option value=\"us\" selected=\"selected\">United States</option>\n"
        } else {
            append widget_value "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">Choose a Country</option>\n"
    db_foreach all_countries {
        select default_name, iso from countries order by default_name
    } {
        if { $default == $iso } {
            append widget_value "<option value=\"$iso\" selected=\"selected\">$default_name</option>\n"
        } else {
            append widget_value "<option value=\"$iso\">$default_name</option>\n"
    append widget_value "</select>\n"
    return $widget_value

# teadams - It is usually more appropriate to use html_select_options or
# html_select_value_options.

d_proc ad_generic_optionlist {
    {default ""}
} {
    Use this to build select form fragments.  Given a list of items and a list of values,
    will return the option tags with default highlighted as appropriate.
} {

    # items is a list of the items you would like the user to select from
    # values is a list of corresponding option values
    # default is the value of the item to be selected
    set count 0
    set return_string ""
    foreach value $values {
        if {  $default eq $value  } {
            append return_string "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"$value\">[lindex $items $count]</option>\n"
        } else {
            append return_string "<option value=\"$value\">[lindex $items $count]</option>\n"
        incr count
    return $return_string

ad_proc -deprecated day_list {} {
    DEPRECATED: this proc does not comply with OpenACS naming
    convention and does not provide much value. One can e.g. use
    'clock' based idioms to compute the number of days that are in a
    specific month.

    @see clock
} {
    return  {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31}

ad_proc -deprecated month_list {} {
    Returns list of month abbreviations

    DEPRECATED: this proc does not comply with OpenACS naming
    convention and is not localized. 'clock' based idioms can provide
    a localized list of months and/or message keys can be used.
} {
    return  {Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec}

ad_proc -deprecated long_month_list {} {
    Returns list of months

    DEPRECATED: this proc does not comply with OpenACS naming
    convention and is not localized. 'clock' based idioms can provide
    a localized list of months and/or message keys can be used.
} {
    return  {January February March April May June July August September October November December}

ad_proc -deprecated month_value_list {} {
    DEPRECATED: this proc does not comply with OpenACS naming
    convention and does not provide much value.

    @see clock
} {
    return {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12}

ad_proc -deprecated future_years_list args {
    Returns a list containing the next num_year years in the future.

    DEPRECATED: use the version complying with naming convention

    @see ad_future_years_list
} {
    return [ad_future_years_list {*}$args]

d_proc ad_future_years_list {
    {num_year 10}
} {
    Returns a list containing the next num_year years in the future.
} {
    set year [ns_fmttime [ns_time] %Y]
    set counter  0
    while {$counter < $num_year } {
        incr counter
        lappend year_list $year
        incr year
    return $year_list

# produces the optionlist for a range of integers

# if pad_to_two_p is 1, the option values will be
# padded to 2 digits with a leading 0

d_proc ad_integer_optionlist {
    {default ""}
    { pad_to_two_p 0}
} {
    Produces an optionlist for a range of integers from start_value to end_value.
    If default matches one of the options, it is selected. If pad_to_two_p is 1,
    the option values will be padded to 2 digits with a leading 0.
} {
    # items is a list of the items you would like the user to select from
    # values is a list of corresponding option values
    # default is the value of the item to be selected
    set count 0
    set return_string ""

    for { set x $start_value } { $x <= $end_value } { incr x } {

        if { $pad_to_two_p && $x >= 0 && $x < 10 } {
            set value "0$x"
        } else {
            set value $x

        if { $default == $value } {
            append return_string "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"$value\">$value</option>\n"
        } else {
            append return_string "<option value=\"$value\">$value</option>\n"
    return $return_string

ad_proc -deprecated ad_dateentrywidget {column { value 0 } } {
    Returns form pieces for a date entry widget. A null date may be selected.

    DEPRECATED: better alternatives exist for date-entry widgets,
    which would also support localization.

    @see template::data::validate::h5date
    @see template::data::validate::h5time
} {
    # if you would like the default to be null, call with value= ""

    set NS(months) [list January February March April May June \
        July August September October November December]

    if { $value == 0 } {
        # no default, so use today
        set value  [lindex [split [ns_localsqltimestamp" "] 0]

    if { $value eq "" } {
        set month ""
        set day ""
        set year ""
    } else {
        lassign [split $value "-"] year month day
        # trim the day, in case we get as well a timestamp
        regexp {^([0-9]+) } $day _ day

    set output "<select name=\"$column.month\">\n"

    # take care of cases like 09 for month
    regsub "^0" $month "" month
    for {set i 0} {$i < 12} {incr i} {
        if { $month ne "" && $i == $month - 1 } {
            append output "<option selected=\"selected\">[lindex $NS(months) $i]</option>\n"
        } else {
            append output "<option>[lindex $NS(months) $i]</option>\n"

    append output [subst {</select><input name="$column.day" type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" value="$day">&nbsp;
                          <input name="$column.year" type="text" size="4" maxlength="4" value="$year">}]

    return $output

d_proc -deprecated ad_db_select_widget {
    {-size 0}
    {-multiple 0}
    {-default {}}
    {-option_list {}}
    {-blank_if_no_db 0}
    {-hidden_if_one_db 0}
    {-bind {}}
} {
    given a SQL query this generates a select group.  If there is only
    one value it returns the text and a hidden variable setting that value.
    The first selected column should contain the optionlist items. The
    second selected column should contain the optionlist values.
    option_list is a list in the same format (i.e. {{str val} {str2 val2}...})
    which is prepended to the list
    if sql_qry is null then the list is constructed from option_list only.
    if there is only one item the select is not generated and the value
    is passed in hidden form variable.
    if -multiple is given then a multi select is returned.
    if -blank_if_no_db is true, then do not return a select widget unless
    there are rows from the database

    DEPRECATED: the template system offers better ways to produce
                markup from a query nowadays.

    @see template::widget::select
    @see template::widget::multiselect
    @see /doc/acs-templating/tagref/multiple
} {
    set retval {}
    set count 0
    set dbcount 0
    if {$option_list ne ""} {
        foreach opt $option_list {
            incr count
            lassign $opt value item
            if { (!$multiple && $value eq $default )
                 || ($multiple && $value in $default)
            } {
                append retval "<option selected value=\"$value\">$item</option>\n"
            } else {
                append retval "<option value=\"$value\">$item</option>\n"

    if { $blank_if_no_db} {
        set count 0

    if {$sql_qry ne ""} {
        set columns [ns_set create]

        db_foreach $statement_name $sql_qry -column_set selection -bind $bind {
            incr count
            incr dbcount
            set item [ns_set value $selection 0]
            set value [ns_set value $selection 1]
            if { (!$multiple && $value eq $default )
                 || ($multiple && $value in $default)
            } {
                append retval "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"$value\">$item</option>\n"
            } else {
                append retval "<option value=\"$value\">$item</option>\n"
        } if_no_rows {
            if {$default ne ""} {
                return "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"[ns_quotehtml $default]\" name=\"$name\">\n"
            } else {
                return {}

    if { $count == 1 || ($dbcount == 1 && $hidden_if_one_db) } {
        return "$item<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"[ns_quotehtml $value]\" name=\"$name\">\n"
    } elseif {!$count && !$dbcount && $blank_if_no_db} {
        return {}
    } else {
        set select "<select name=\"$name\""
        if {$size != 0} {
            append select " size=\"$size\""
        if {$multiple} {
            append select " multiple"
        return "$select>\n$retval</select>"

d_proc -deprecated ad_html_colors {} "Returns an array of HTML colors and names." {
    return {
        { Black 0 0 0 }
        { Silver 192 192 192 }
        { Gray 128 128 128 }
        { White 255 255 255 }
        { Maroon 128 0 0 }
        { Red 255 0 0 }
        { Purple 128 0 128 }
        { Fuchsia 255 0 255 }
        { Green 0 128 0 }
        { Lime 0 255 0 }
        { Olive 128 128 0 }
        { Yellow 255 255 0 }
        { Navy 0 0 128 }
        { Blue 0 0 255 }
        { Teal 0 128 128 }
        { Aqua 0 255 255 }

ad_proc -deprecated ad_color_widget_js {} {
    Returns JavaScript code necessary to use color widgets.

    DEPRECATED: HTML now has a native color widget that requires no
    custom implementation.

    @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/Input/color
} {
    return {

        var adHexTupletValues = '0123456789ABCDEF';

        function adHexTuplet(val) {
            return adHexTupletValues.charAt(Math.floor(val / 16)) + adHexTupletValues.charAt(Math.floor(val % 16));

        function adUpdateColorText(field) {
            var form = document.forms[0];
            var element = form[field + ".list"];
            var rgb = element.options[element.selectedIndex].value;
            var r,g,b;
            if (rgb == "" || rgb == "none" || rgb == "custom") {
                r = g = b = "";
            } else {
                var components = rgb.split(",");
                r = components[0];
                g = components[1];
                b = components[2];
            form[field + ".c1"].value = r;
            form[field + ".c2"].value = g;
            form[field + ".c3"].value = b;

            document['color_' + field].src = '/shared/1pixel.tcl?r=' + r + '&g=' + g + '&b=' + b;

        function adUpdateColorList(field) {
            var form = document.forms[0];
            var element = form[field + ".list"];

            var c1 = form[field + ".c1"].value;
            var c2 = form[field + ".c2"].value;
            var c3 = form[field + ".c3"].value;
            if (c1 != parseInt(c1) || c2 != parseInt(c2) || c3 != parseInt(c3) ||
            c1 < 0 || c2 < 0 || c3 < 0 || c1 > 255 || c2 > 255 || c3 > 255) {
                element.selectedIndex = 1;
                document['color_' + field].src = '/shared/1pixel.tcl?r=255&g=255&b=255';

            document['color_' + field].src = '/shared/1pixel.tcl?r=' + c1 + '&g=' + c2 + '&b=' + c3;

            var rgb = parseInt(form[field + ".c1"].value) + "," + parseInt(form[field + ".c2"].value) + "," + parseInt(form[field + ".c3"].value);
            var found = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < element.length; ++i)
            if (element.options[i].value == rgb) {
                element.selectedIndex = i;
                found = 1;
            if (!found)
            element.selectedIndex = 0;


d_proc -deprecated ad_color_widget {
    { use_js 0 }
} {
    Returns a color selection widget, optionally using JavaScript. Default is a string of the form '0,192,255'.

    DEPRECATED: HTML now has a native color widget that requires no
    custom implementation.

    @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/Input/color
} {
    set out {<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>}
    append out [subst {<select name="$name.list"}]
    if { $use_js != 0 } {
        set id [clock clicks -microseconds]
        append out [subst { id="select-$id"}]
        template::add_event_listener \
            -id select-$id -event change \
            -script [subst {adUpdateColorText('$name');}]
    append out ">\n"

    set items [list "custom:" "none"]
    set values [list "custom" ""]

    foreach color [ad_html_colors] {
        lappend items [lindex $color 0]
        lappend values "[lindex $color 1],[lindex $color 2],[lindex $color 3]"

    append out "[ad_generic_optionlist $items $values $default]</select>\n"

    if { ![regexp {^([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)$} $default all c1 c2 c3] } {
        set c1 ""
        set c2 ""
        set c3 ""

    foreach component { c1 c2 c3 } {
        append out [subst { <input name="$name.$component" size="3" value="[set $component]"}]
        if { $use_js } {
            append out [subst { id="input-$component-$id"}]
            template::add_event_listener \
                -id input-$component-$id -event change \
                -script [subst {adUpdateColorList('$name');}]
        append out ">"

    if { $use_js == 1 } {
        if { $c1 eq "" } {
            set c1 255
            set c2 255
            set c3 255
        append out [subst {</td><td>&nbsp;
                           <img name="color_$name" src="/shared/1pixel.tcl?r=$c1&g=$c2&b=$c3" width="26" height="26" style="border:1">
    append out "</td></tr></table>\n"
    return $out

ad_proc -deprecated ad_process_color_widgets args {
    Sets variables corresponding to the color widgets named in $args.

    DEPRECATED: HTML now has a native color widget that requires no
    custom implementation.

    @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/Input/color
} {
    foreach field $args {
        upvar $field var
        set var [ns_queryget "$field.list"]
        if { $var eq "custom" } {
            set var "[ns_queryget "$field.c1"],[ns_queryget "$field.c2"],[ns_queryget "$field.c3"]"
        if { ![regexp {^([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)$} $var "" r g b] || $r > 255 || $g > 255 || $b > 255 } {
            set var ""

ad_proc ad_color_to_hex { triplet } {
    Converts a string of the form 0,192,255 to a string of the form #00C0FF.
} {
    if { [regexp {^([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)$} $triplet all r g b] } {
        return "#[format "%02x%02x%02x$r $g $b]"
    } else {
        return ""

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: