
Forums Library - for Messages

Ben Adida
CVS Identification:
$Id: messages-procs.tcl,v 2023/03/20 15:02:15 antoniop Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

forum::message::approve (public)

 forum::message::approve -message_id message_id

Approve a message.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_forum_message_new forum_message_new (test forums) forum::message::approve forum::message::approve test_forum_message_new->forum::message::approve db_transaction db_transaction (public) forum::message::approve->db_transaction forum::message::do_notifications forum::message::do_notifications (public) forum::message::approve->forum::message::do_notifications forum::message::set_state forum::message::set_state (private) forum::message::approve->forum::message::set_state packages/forums/www/moderate/message-approve.tcl packages/forums/ www/moderate/message-approve.tcl packages/forums/www/moderate/message-approve.tcl->forum::message::approve


forum::message::close (public)

 forum::message::close -message_id message_id

Close a thread.
This is not exactly a cheap operation if the thread is long.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_forum_message_new forum_message_new (test forums) forum::message::close forum::message::close test_forum_message_new->forum::message::close db_dml db_dml (public) forum::message::close->db_dml


forum::message::delete (public)

 forum::message::delete -message_id message_id [ -no_callback ]

Delete a message and obviously all of its descendents.

(boolean) (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_forum_count_test forum_count_test (test forums) forum::message::delete forum::message::delete test_forum_count_test->forum::message::delete test_web_forums_message_and_reply web_forums_message_and_reply (test forums) test_web_forums_message_and_reply->forum::message::delete ad_conn ad_conn (public) forum::message::delete->ad_conn callback callback (public) forum::message::delete->callback db_transaction db_transaction (public) forum::message::delete->db_transaction forum::flush_cache forum::flush_cache (public) forum::message::delete->forum::flush_cache forum::message::get forum::message::get (public) forum::message::delete->forum::message::get forum::install::before-uninstantiate forum::install::before-uninstantiate (private) forum::install::before-uninstantiate->forum::message::delete packages/forums/lib/message/delete.tcl packages/forums/ lib/message/delete.tcl packages/forums/lib/message/delete.tcl->forum::message::delete

forum_count_test, web_forums_message_and_reply

forum::message::do_notifications (public)

 forum::message::do_notifications -message_id message_id \
    [ -user_id user_id ]

Perform the notifications.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_forum_count_test forum_count_test (test forums) forum::message::do_notifications forum::message::do_notifications test_forum_count_test->forum::message::do_notifications test_forum_message_new forum_message_new (test forums) test_forum_message_new->forum::message::do_notifications ad_url ad_url (public) forum::message::do_notifications->ad_url db_string db_string (public) forum::message::do_notifications->db_string forum::message::get forum::message::get (public) forum::message::do_notifications->forum::message::get forum::message::notify_moderators forum::message::notify_moderators (private) forum::message::do_notifications->forum::message::notify_moderators forum::message::notify_users forum::message::notify_users (private) forum::message::do_notifications->forum::message::notify_users forum::message::approve forum::message::approve (public) forum::message::approve->forum::message::do_notifications forum::message::new forum::message::new (public) forum::message::new->forum::message::do_notifications

forum_message_new, forum_count_test

forum::message::edit (public)

 forum::message::edit -message_id message_id -subject subject \
    -content content -format format [ -no_callback ]

Editing a message. There is no versioning here! This means this function is for admins only!

(boolean) (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_web_forums_message_and_reply web_forums_message_and_reply (test forums) forum::message::edit forum::message::edit test_web_forums_message_and_reply->forum::message::edit ad_conn ad_conn (public) forum::message::edit->ad_conn callback callback (public) forum::message::edit->callback db_dml db_dml (public) forum::message::edit->db_dml packages/forums/lib/message/edit.tcl packages/forums/ lib/message/edit.tcl packages/forums/lib/message/edit.tcl->forum::message::edit


forum::message::get (public)

 forum::message::get -message_id message_id -array array

Get the fields for a message.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_forum_count_test forum_count_test (test forums) forum::message::get forum::message::get test_forum_count_test->forum::message::get test_forum_message_new forum_message_new (test forums) test_forum_message_new->forum::message::get test_web_forums_message_and_reply web_forums_message_and_reply (test forums) test_web_forums_message_and_reply->forum::message::get acs_user::get acs_user::get (public) forum::message::get->acs_user::get db_0or1row db_0or1row (public) forum::message::get->db_0or1row forum::attachments_enabled_p forum::attachments_enabled_p (public) forum::message::get->forum::attachments_enabled_p lc_time_fmt lc_time_fmt (public) forum::message::get->lc_time_fmt lc_time_system_to_conn lc_time_system_to_conn (public) forum::message::get->lc_time_system_to_conn callback::search::datasource::impl::forums_message callback::search::datasource::impl::forums_message (private) callback::search::datasource::impl::forums_message->forum::message::get forum::message::datasource forum::message::datasource (private, deprecated) forum::message::datasource->forum::message::get forum::message::delete forum::message::delete (public) forum::message::delete->forum::message::get forum::message::do_notifications forum::message::do_notifications (public) forum::message::do_notifications->forum::message::get forum::message::url forum::message::url (private, deprecated) forum::message::url->forum::message::get

forum_message_new, forum_count_test, web_forums_message_and_reply

forum::message::get_attachments (public, deprecated)

 forum::message::get_attachments -message_id message_id
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Get the attachments for a message. DEPRECATED: this proc requires a connection context in a forums package instance to work as expected. An alternative could be to retrieve the forum_id from the message instead, but as this proc is not used anywhere and its logics are not difficult to inline, we just deprecate it.

See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) attachments::get_attachments attachments::get_attachments (public) forum::attachments_enabled_p forum::attachments_enabled_p (public) forum::message::get_attachments forum::message::get_attachments forum::message::get_attachments->ad_log_deprecated forum::message::get_attachments->attachments::get_attachments forum::message::get_attachments->forum::attachments_enabled_p

No testcase defined.

forum::message::initial_message (public, deprecated)

 forum::message::initial_message [ -forum_id forum_id ] \
    [ -parent parent ] -message message
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Create an array with values initialized for a new message. DEPRECATED: this proc is not used in current upstream code, its upvar juggling is questionable and most of the data returned is already provided from the start.

See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 _ _ (public) ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) forum::format::reply_subject forum::format::reply_subject (public) forum::message::initial_message forum::message::initial_message forum::message::initial_message->_ forum::message::initial_message->ad_log_deprecated forum::message::initial_message->forum::format::reply_subject

No testcase defined.

forum::message::new (public)

 forum::message::new -forum_id forum_id [ -message_id message_id ] \
    [ -parent_id parent_id ] -subject subject -content content \
    [ -format format ] [ -user_id user_id ] [ -no_callback ]

Create a new message.

(defaults to "text/plain") (optional)
(boolean) (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_forum_count_test forum_count_test (test forums) forum::message::new forum::message::new test_forum_count_test->forum::message::new test_forum_message_new forum_message_new (test forums) test_forum_message_new->forum::message::new test_web_forums_message_and_reply web_forums_message_and_reply (test forums) test_web_forums_message_and_reply->forum::message::new ad_conn ad_conn (public) forum::message::new->ad_conn ad_return_error ad_return_error (public) forum::message::new->ad_return_error ad_script_abort ad_script_abort (public) forum::message::new->ad_script_abort db_abort_transaction db_abort_transaction (public) forum::message::new->db_abort_transaction db_string db_string (public) forum::message::new->db_string forum::notification::process_reply forum::notification::process_reply (private) forum::notification::process_reply->forum::message::new packages/forums/lib/message/post.tcl packages/forums/ lib/message/post.tcl packages/forums/lib/message/post.tcl->forum::message::new

forum_message_new, forum_count_test, web_forums_message_and_reply

forum::message::notify_moderators (private)

 forum::message::notify_moderators -message_array message_array \
    -forum_url forum_url -message_url message_url

Notify moderators of a new forum message

name of message array of forum info in the caller scope

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_forum_count_test forum_count_test (test forums) forum::message::notify_moderators forum::message::notify_moderators test_forum_count_test->forum::message::notify_moderators test_forum_message_new forum_message_new (test forums) test_forum_message_new->forum::message::notify_moderators ad_html_text_convert ad_html_text_convert (public) forum::message::notify_moderators->ad_html_text_convert notification::new notification::new (public) forum::message::notify_moderators->notification::new notification::type::get_type_id notification::type::get_type_id (public) forum::message::notify_moderators->notification::type::get_type_id parameter::get parameter::get (public) forum::message::notify_moderators->parameter::get forum::message::do_notifications forum::message::do_notifications (public) forum::message::do_notifications->forum::message::notify_moderators

forum_message_new, forum_count_test

forum::message::notify_users (private)

 forum::message::notify_users -message_array message_array \
    -forum_url forum_url -message_url message_url

Notify users of a new approved forum message.

name of message array of forum info in the caller scope

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_forum_count_test forum_count_test (test forums) forum::message::notify_users forum::message::notify_users test_forum_count_test->forum::message::notify_users test_forum_message_new forum_message_new (test forums) test_forum_message_new->forum::message::notify_users ad_html_text_convert ad_html_text_convert (public) forum::message::notify_users->ad_html_text_convert attachments::get_attachments attachments::get_attachments (public) forum::message::notify_users->attachments::get_attachments notification::new notification::new (public) forum::message::notify_users->notification::new notification::type::get_type_id notification::type::get_type_id (public) forum::message::notify_users->notification::type::get_type_id parameter::get parameter::get (public) forum::message::notify_users->parameter::get forum::message::do_notifications forum::message::do_notifications (public) forum::message::do_notifications->forum::message::notify_users

forum_message_new, forum_count_test

forum::message::open (public)

 forum::message::open -message_id message_id

Reopen a thread.
This is not exactly a cheap operation if the thread is long.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_forum_message_new forum_message_new (test forums) forum::message::open forum::message::open test_forum_message_new->forum::message::open db_dml db_dml (public) forum::message::open->db_dml


forum::message::reject (public)

 forum::message::reject -message_id message_id

Reject a message.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_forum_message_new forum_message_new (test forums) forum::message::reject forum::message::reject test_forum_message_new->forum::message::reject forum::message::set_state forum::message::set_state (private) forum::message::reject->forum::message::set_state packages/forums/www/moderate/message-reject.tcl packages/forums/ www/moderate/message-reject.tcl packages/forums/www/moderate/message-reject.tcl->forum::message::reject


forum::message::set_format (public)

 forum::message::set_format -message_id message_id -format format

Set whether a message is HTML or not.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_forum_message_new forum_message_new (test forums) forum::message::set_format forum::message::set_format test_forum_message_new->forum::message::set_format db_dml db_dml (public) forum::message::set_format->db_dml


forum::message::set_state (private)

 forum::message::set_state -message_id message_id -state state

Set the new state for a message.
Usually, used for approval.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_forum_count_test forum_count_test (test forums) forum::message::set_state forum::message::set_state test_forum_count_test->forum::message::set_state test_web_forums_message_and_reply web_forums_message_and_reply (test forums) test_web_forums_message_and_reply->forum::message::set_state db_string db_string (public) forum::message::set_state->db_string forum::flush_cache forum::flush_cache (public) forum::message::set_state->forum::flush_cache package_exec_plsql package_exec_plsql (public) forum::message::set_state->package_exec_plsql forum::message::approve forum::message::approve (public) forum::message::approve->forum::message::set_state forum::message::reject forum::message::reject (public) forum::message::reject->forum::message::set_state packages/forums/lib/message/post.tcl packages/forums/ lib/message/post.tcl packages/forums/lib/message/post.tcl->forum::message::set_state

forum_count_test, web_forums_message_and_reply

forum::message::subject_sort_filter (public, deprecated)

 forum::message::subject_sort_filter -forum_id forum_id \
    -order_by order_by
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

A piece of HTML for toggling the sort order of threads (subjects) in a forum. The user can either sort by the first postings in subjects (the creation date of the subjects) or the last one. DEPRECATED: this proc is not mentioned anywhere in current upstream codebase. Furthermore, it refers to a very specific UI (e.g. sorting properties, styling...) and does therefore provide little value in general.
Peter Marklund
See Also:
  • idioms in the specific UI

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 _ _ (public) ad_conn ad_conn (public) ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) export_vars export_vars (public) forum::message::subject_sort_filter forum::message::subject_sort_filter forum::message::subject_sort_filter->_ forum::message::subject_sort_filter->ad_conn forum::message::subject_sort_filter->ad_log_deprecated forum::message::subject_sort_filter->export_vars

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

ad_library {

    Forums Library - for Messages

    @creation-date 2002-05-20
    @author Ben Adida <>
    @cvs-id $Id: messages-procs.tcl,v 2023/03/20 15:02:15 antoniop Exp $


namespace eval forum::message {}

d_proc -public forum::message::new {
    {-message_id ""}
    {-parent_id ""}
    {-format "text/plain"}
    {-user_id ""}
} {
    Create a new message.
} {
    # If no user_id is provided, we set it
    # to the currently logged-in user
    if {$user_id eq ""} {
        set user_id [ad_conn user_id]

    set original_message_id $message_id

    db_transaction {

        set var_list [list \
            [list forum_id $forum_id] \
            [list message_id $message_id] \
            [list parent_id $parent_id] \
            [list subject $subject] \
            [list content $content] \
            [list format $format] \
            [list user_id $user_id]]

        set message_id [package_instantiate_object -var_list $var_list forums_message]

        forum::message::do_notifications \
            -message_id $message_id -user_id $user_id

    }  on_error {


        # Check to see if the message with a message_id matching the
        # message_id argument was in the database before calling
        # this procedure.  If so, the error is due to a double click
        # and we should continue without returning an error.

        if {$original_message_id ne ""} {
            # The was a non-null message_id argument
            if {[db_string message_exists_p {}]} {
                return $message_id
            } else {
                # OK - it wasn't a simple double-click, so bomb
                ad_return_error \
                    "OACS Internal Error" \
                    "Error in forum::message::new - $errmsg"

    forum::flush_cache \
        -forum_id $forum_id

    return $message_id

d_proc -public forum::message::do_notifications {
    {-user_id ""}
} {
    Perform the notifications.
} {
    # Select all the important information
    forum::message::get -message_id $message_id -array message

    set forum_id $message(forum_id)
    set package_id [db_string get_package_id {
        select package_id from forums_forums
        where forum_id = :forum_id}]
    set url [lindex [site_node::get_url_from_object_id -object_id $package_id] 0]
    set url [ad_url]$url

    set message_url ${url}message-view?message_id=$message(root_message_id)
    set forum_url ${url}forum-view?forum_id=$message(forum_id)

    if {$message(state) eq "approved"} {
        forum::message::notify_users \
            -message_array message \
            -forum_url $forum_url \
            -message_url $message_url

    forum::message::notify_moderators \
        -message_array message \
        -forum_url $forum_url \
        -message_url $message_url

    # This computations are not used... just commented for now.
    # if {$useScreenNameP eq 0 && $user_id ne 0} {
    #     if { $user_id eq "" } {
    #         set user_id $message(user_id)
    #     }
    # } else {
    #     set user_id [party::get_by_email \
    #                      -email [ad_host_administrator]]
    # }
    # set notif_user $user_id

d_proc -private forum::message::notify_users {
} {
    Notify users of a new approved forum message.

    @param message_array name of message array of forum info in the caller scope
} {
    upvar 1 $message_array message

    set useScreenNameP [parameter::get -parameter "UseScreenNameP" -default 0]

    set attachments [attachments::get_attachments -object_id $message(message_id)]

    set message_text [ad_html_text_convert -from $message(format) -to text/plain -- $message(content)]
    set message_html [ad_html_text_convert -from $message(format) -to text/html -- $message(content)]

    set SecureOutboundP [parameter::get -parameter "SecureOutboundP" -default 0]
    if { $SecureOutboundP && [ns_conn isconnected] && [security::secure_conn_p] } {
        set href [ns_quotehtml $message_url]
        set message_html "<p>#forums.Message_content_withheld# #forums.To_view_message_follow_link# <a href=\"$href\">$href</a></p>"
        set message_text [ad_html_text_convert -from text/html -to text/plain -- $message_html]
    } else {
        # The resulting HTML messages is sent in total by
        # notifications::send through [lang::util::localize...].  In case
        # a forums message contains something looking like a localized
        # message key, it will be substituted. One rough attempt is to add
        # a zero width space after the "#" signs to make the regular
        # expression searching for the message keys fail....
        regsub -all -- "#" $message_html "#\\&#8203;" message_html

    set html_version ""
    append html_version "#forums.Forum#:  <a href=\"$forum_url\">$message(forum_name)</a><br>\n"
    append html_version "#forums.Thread#: <a href=\"$message_url\">$message(root_subject)</a><br>\n"
    if {$useScreenNameP == 0} {
        append html_version "#forums.Author#: <a href=\"mailto:$message(user_email)\">$message(user_name)</a><br>\n"
    } else {
        append html_version "#forums.Author#: $message(screen_name)<br>\n"
    append html_version "#forums.Posted#: $message(posting_date)<br>"
    append html_version "\n<br>\n"

    append html_version $message_html
    append html_version "<p>   "

    if {[llength $attachments] > 0} {
        append html_version "#forums.Attachments#:
                            <ul> "

        foreach attachment $attachments {
            append html_version "<li><a href=\"[lindex $attachment 2]\">[lindex $attachment 1]</a></li>"
        append html_version "</ul>"

    set html_version $html_version

    set text_version ""
    append text_version "
#forums.Forum#: $message(forum_name)
#forums.Thread#: $message(root_subject)\n"
    if {$useScreenNameP == 0} {
    append text_version "#forums.Author#: $message(user_name)"
    } else {
    append text_version "#forums.Author#: $message(screen_name)"
    append text_version "
#forums.Posted#: $message(posting_date)

    # Do the notification for the forum
    notification::new \
        -type_id [notification::type::get_type_id \
        -short_name forums_forum_notif] \
        -object_id $message(forum_id) \
        -response_id $message(message_id) \
        -notif_subject "\[$message(forum_name)\] $message(subject)" \
        -notif_text $text_version \
        -notif_html $html_version

    # Eventually we need notification for the root message too
    notification::new \
        -type_id [notification::type::get_type_id \
        -short_name forums_message_notif] \
        -object_id $message(root_message_id) \
        -response_id $message(message_id) \
        -notif_subject "\[$message(forum_name)\] $message(subject)" \
        -notif_text $text_version \
        -notif_html $html_version

d_proc -private forum::message::notify_moderators {
} {
    Notify moderators of a new forum message

    @param message_array name of message array of forum info in the caller scope
} {
    upvar 1 $message_array message

    set useScreenNameP [parameter::get -parameter "UseScreenNameP" -default 0]

    # Moderated messages are never notified in full, as they might
    # contain unsuitable content by definition.
    set href [ns_quotehtml $message_url]
    set message_html "<p>#forums.Message_content_withheld# #forums.To_view_message_follow_link# <a href=\"$href\">$href</a></p>"
    set message_text [ad_html_text_convert -from text/html -to text/plain -- $message_html]

    set html_version ""
    append html_version "#forums.Forum#:  <a href=\"$forum_url\">$message(forum_name)</a><br>\n"
    append html_version "#forums.Thread#: <a href=\"$message_url\">$message(root_subject)</a><br>\n"
    if {$useScreenNameP == 0} {
        append html_version "#forums.Author#: <a href=\"mailto:$message(user_email)\">$message(user_name)</a><br>\n"
    } else {
        append html_version "#forums.Author#: $message(screen_name)<br>\n"
    append html_version "#forums.Posted#: $message(posting_date)<br>"
    append html_version "\n<br>\n"

    append html_version $message_html
    append html_version "<p>   "

    set text_version ""
    append text_version "
#forums.Forum#: $message(forum_name)
#forums.Thread#: $message(root_subject)\n"
    if {$useScreenNameP == 0} {
    append text_version "#forums.Author#: $message(user_name)"
    } else {
    append text_version "#forums.Author#: $message(screen_name)"
    append text_version "
#forums.Posted#: $message(posting_date)

    # Do the notification for the forum
    notification::new \
        -type_id [notification::type::get_type_id \
        -short_name forums_forum_moderator_notif] \
        -object_id $message(forum_id) \
        -response_id $message(message_id) \
        -notif_subject "\[$message(forum_name)\] $message(subject) (#forums.moderated#)" \
        -notif_text $text_version \
        -notif_html $html_version

    # Eventually we need notification for the root message too
    notification::new \
        -type_id [notification::type::get_type_id \
        -short_name forums_message_moderator_notif] \
        -object_id $message(root_message_id) \
        -response_id $message(message_id) \
        -notif_subject "\[$message(forum_name)\] $message(subject) (#forums.moderated#)" \
        -notif_text $text_version \
        -notif_html $html_version

d_proc -public forum::message::edit {
} {
    Editing a message. There is no versioning here!
    This means this function is for admins only!
} {
    # do the update
    db_dml update_message {}
    db_dml update_message_title {}

    if {!$no_callback_p} {
    callback forum::message_edit -package_id [ad_conn package_id] -message_id $message_id

d_proc -public forum::message::set_format {
} {
    Set whether a message is HTML or not.
} {
    # Straight update to the DB
    db_dml update_message_format {}

d_proc -public forum::message::get {
} {
    Get the fields for a message.
} {
    # Select the info into the upvar'ed Tcl Array
    upvar $array row

    # make sure array is empty
    array unset row

    set attachments_sql [expr {[ns_conn isconnected] && [forum::attachments_enabled_p] ? {
        (select count(*) from attachments
         where object_id = m.message_id) as n_attachments,
    } : ""}]

    set sql [subst -nocommands {
        with recursive message_hierarchy as (
           select 1 as level, message_id, parent_id
             from forums_messages
            where message_id = :message_id

           union all

           select h.level + 1, m.message_id, m.parent_id
             from forums_messages m,
                  message_hierarchy h
            where m.message_id = h.parent_id
       select m.*,
              root.level as tree_level,
              root.message_id as root_message_id,
              (select subject from forums_messages
                where message_id = root.message_id) as root_subject,
              to_char(m.posting_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as posting_date_ansi,
              (select name from forums_forums
                where forum_id = m.forum_id) as forum_name
        from forums_messages m,
             (select level, message_id
              from message_hierarchy
              where parent_id is null) as root
       where m.message_id = :message_id
    if {[db_0or1row select_message $sql -column_array row]} {
        set user [acs_user::get -user_id $row(user_id)]
        set row(user_name)   [dict get $user name]
        set row(user_email)  [dict get $user email]
        set row(screen_name) [dict get $user screen_name]

        # Convert to user's date/time format
        set row(posting_date_ansi) [lc_time_system_to_conn $row(posting_date_ansi)]
        set row(posting_date_pretty) [lc_time_fmt $row(posting_date_ansi) "%x %X"]

d_proc -private forum::message::set_state {
} {
    Set the new state for a message.<br>
    Usually, used for approval.
} {
    set var_list [list \
        [list message_id $message_id] \
        [list state $state]]
    package_exec_plsql -var_list $var_list forums_message set_state
    # flush the forum cache to update the thread count
    forum::flush_cache -forum_id [db_string get_forum {
        select forum_id from forums_messages where message_id = :message_id

d_proc -public forum::message::reject {
} {
    Reject a message.
} {
    forum::message::set_state -message_id $message_id -state rejected

d_proc -public forum::message::approve {
} {
    Approve a message.
} {
    db_transaction {
        forum::message::set_state -message_id $message_id -state approved
        forum::message::do_notifications -message_id $message_id

d_proc -public forum::message::delete {
} {
    Delete a message and obviously all of its descendents.
} {
    db_transaction {
    if {!$no_callback_p} {
        callback forum::message_delete -package_id [ad_conn package_id] -message_id $message_id

        forum::message::get -message_id $message_id -array msg
        set forum_id  $msg(forum_id)

        # Remove the notifications
        notification::request::delete_all -object_id $message_id

        # Remove the message
        set var_list [list [list message_id $message_id]]
        package_exec_plsql -var_list $var_list forums_message delete_thread

        # flush the forum cache to update the thread count
        forum::flush_cache -forum_id $forum_id

d_proc -public forum::message::close {
} {
    Close a thread.<br>
    This is not exactly a cheap operation if the thread is long.
} {
    db_dml close_thread {
        update forums_messages set
           open_p = 'f'
        where message_id in (
           with recursive message_hierarchy as (
              select message_id
                from forums_messages
               where message_id = :message_id

              union all

              select m.message_id
                from forums_messages m,
                     message_hierarchy h
               where m.parent_id = h.message_id
           select message_id
             from message_hierarchy

d_proc -public forum::message::open {
} {
    Reopen a thread.<br>
    This is not exactly a cheap operation if the thread is long.
} {
    db_dml close_thread {
        update forums_messages set
           open_p = 't'
        where message_id in (
           with recursive message_hierarchy as (
              select message_id
                from forums_messages
               where message_id = :message_id

              union all

              select m.message_id
                from forums_messages m,
                     message_hierarchy h
               where m.parent_id = h.message_id
           select message_id
             from message_hierarchy

d_proc -deprecated forum::message::get_attachments {
} {
    Get the attachments for a message.

    DEPRECATED: this proc requires a connection context in a forums
    package instance to work as expected. An alternative could be to
    retrieve the forum_id from the message instead, but as this proc
    is not used anywhere and its logics are not difficult to inline,
    we just deprecate it.

    @see forum::attachments_enabled_p
    @see attachments::get_attachments
} {
    # If attachments aren't enabled, then we stop
    if {![forum::attachments_enabled_p]} {
        return [list]

    return [attachments::get_attachments -object_id $message_id]

d_proc -deprecated forum::message::subject_sort_filter {
} {
    @return A piece of HTML for toggling the sort order of threads (subjects)
            in a forum. The user can either sort by the first postings in
            subjects (the creation date of the subjects) or the last one.

    DEPRECATED: this proc is not mentioned anywhere in current
                upstream codebase. Furthermore, it refers to a very
                specific UI (e.g. sorting properties, styling...) and
                does therefore provide little value in general.

    @see idioms in the specific UI

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    set subject_label [_ forums.lt_First_post_in_subject]
    set child_label [_ forums.Last_post_in_subject]
    set new_order_by [expr {$order_by eq "posting_date" ? "last_child_post" : "posting_date"}]

    set toggle_url [export_vars -base [ad_conn url] -override {{order_by $new_order_by}} {order_by forum_id}]
    if {$order_by eq "posting_date"} {
        # subject selected
        set subject_link "<b>$subject_label</b>"
        set child_link "<a href=\"[ns_quotehtml $toggle_url]\">$child_label</a>"
    } else {
        # child selected
        set subject_link "<a href=\"[ns_quotehtml $toggle_url]\">$subject_label</a>"
        set child_link "<b>$child_label</b>"
    set sort_filter "$subject_link | $child_link"

    return $sort_filter

d_proc -deprecated forum::message::initial_message {
    {-forum_id {}}
    {-parent {}}
} {
    Create an array with values initialized for a new message.

    DEPRECATED: this proc is not used in current upstream code, its
                upvar juggling is questionable and most of the data
                returned is already provided from the start.

    @see direct idioms on the API used in here
    @see forum::format::reply_subject
} {
    upvar $message init_msg

    if { $forum_id eq "" && $parent eq "" } {
        return -code error [_ forums.lt_You_either_have_to]

    if { $parent ne "" } {
        upvar $parent parent_msg

        set init_msg(parent_id) $parent_msg(message_id)
        set init_msg(forum_id) $parent_msg(forum_id)
        set init_msg(subject) \
            [forum::format::reply_subject $parent_msg(subject)]
    } else {
        set init_msg(forum_id) $forum_id
        set init_msg(parent_id) ""

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: