template::toolkit (private)

 template::toolkit [ -subsite_id subsite_id ]

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/style-procs.tcl

return the CSS toolkit empty for the current or given site. Potentila result values are "" (undtermined) "bootstrap" (for Bootstrap 3) and "bootstrap5" (for Bootstrap 5).


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-templating/tcl/tag-init.tcl packages/acs-templating/ tcl/tag-init.tcl template::toolkit template::toolkit packages/acs-templating/tcl/tag-init.tcl->template::toolkit packages/acs-templating/www/sitewide-admin/index.tcl packages/acs-templating/ www/sitewide-admin/index.tcl packages/acs-templating/www/sitewide-admin/index.tcl->template::toolkit template::iconset template::iconset (private) template::iconset->template::toolkit ad_conn ad_conn (public) template::toolkit->ad_conn parameter::get parameter::get (public) template::toolkit->parameter::get subsite::get_theme subsite::get_theme (public) template::toolkit->subsite::get_theme

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    if { ![info exists subsite_id] } {
        set subsite_id [ad_conn subsite_id]
    set toolkit [parameter::get -parameter CSSToolkit -package_id $subsite_id]
    if {$toolkit eq ""} {
        # Derive the toolkit from the subsite theme
        set theme [subsite::get_theme -subsite_id $subsite_id]
        if {[string match *bootstrap5* $theme]} {
            set toolkit bootstrap5
        } elseif {[string match *bootstrap3* $theme]} {
            set toolkit bootstrap
    return $toolkit
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