Forum: OpenACS Development

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In the administration UI for one user, problem with delete

Jim Lynch 0 04/04/14 02:36 PM 04/04/14 02:36 PM

package acs-datetime is missing from openacs git repos

Jim Lynch 6 03/18/15 10:48 AM 03/20/15 09:46 AM

Documentation: let's find the old stuff and make it useful again

Jim Lynch 9 08/04/02 05:07 AM 09/01/02 04:39 AM

Package Documentation: How can we tell if a package is fully documented?

Tom Jackson 11 01/16/03 10:28 PM 01/24/03 09:18 PM

openfts-0.3.2 and aolserver-4.0b3: success! and build works with my patch

0 04/20/03 02:32 PM 04/20/03 02:32 PM

handy oracle tablespace dreator

Tilmann Singer 1 04/22/03 06:33 PM 04/23/03 07:57 AM

Problem in wimpypoint of oacs-4.6.2: editing to add new bullet item to slide has no visible effect

Rocael Hernández Rizzardini 4 05/04/03 12:20 AM 05/05/03 03:56 PM

Resource: has more versions of postgres packaged than many distributions do

Jim Lynch 0 03/06/15 11:23 PM 03/06/15 11:23 PM

please test dhms-interval package/widget/datatype

Jim Lynch 3 08/17/05 08:45 PM 08/18/05 05:02 AM

postgresql-9.4.1 and aolserver-4.5.1 seem to work fine

Jim Lynch 0 03/06/15 09:15 PM 03/06/15 09:15 PM

error on browsing to / on new oacs-5.8, pg-9.1, naviserv-4.9.9

Andrew Piskorski 11 10/06/13 02:03 AM 08/28/17 12:14 PM

new vers of acs_object__name(object_id)

Jim Lynch 20 12/30/14 09:54 PM 01/08/15 12:56 AM

In 5.3.0 final, unable to drop content type using content_type__drop_type() in pg-8.1.5

Kevin Monceaux 9 01/27/07 09:37 PM 07/18/08 03:54 PM

whoa! mo wimpy woes!

Jim Lynch 0 02/15/10 12:50 PM 02/15/10 12:50 PM

Heya... attn: donb... need commit rights or the assistance of a committer

Jim Lynch 0 02/16/10 02:28 AM 02/16/10 02:28 AM

Is this a bug: right after creating pkg in APM, key is not known but should be

Jim Lynch 19 04/06/10 03:22 AM 04/11/10 06:31 PM

Another possible bug: watched proc files don't get loaded

Dave Bauer 5 04/10/10 07:59 PM 04/14/10 12:56 PM

Clarification on PG's "supply missing from clause" config switch

Jim Lynch 0 05/06/10 06:42 AM 05/06/10 06:42 AM api-doc bug

Jim Lynch 4 07/16/10 08:47 AM 07/16/10 03:59 PM

pg-9.0 final released today; some facts you might consider...

Jim Lynch 5 09/21/10 03:19 AM 10/09/10 03:26 AM

If openacs wants to move to git...

Jim Lynch 4 10/09/10 03:51 AM 11/01/10 12:36 PM

DonB: about acs-object-management...

Jim Lynch 0 11/20/10 05:53 AM 11/20/10 05:53 AM

openacs and tcl-8.6: success report

Jim Lynch 0 04/25/13 04:15 AM 04/25/13 04:15 AM

problem for install ODBC for postgreSql in windows 2000

Vinod Kurup 1 04/16/06 12:27 AM 04/21/06 09:29 PM

NOOB: aolserver cvs anonomyous login fails to connect

Malte Sussdorff 1 01/27/07 05:30 PM 01/27/07 08:07 PM

Short questions to developers

Iuri Sampaio 1 11/21/18 12:38 PM 11/24/18 10:53 PM

Streaming Video and .LRN - Can I integrate video in .LRN courses

Jerry Hall 6 11/08/05 10:24 AM 11/09/05 02:30 AM

Different views of a package at different locations in the site map

Jerry Asher 6 08/09/03 01:29 AM 08/10/03 10:47 PM

OpenACS 4 Search Integration, what should it look like?

magesh murugesh 35 07/11/01 07:53 PM 07/27/06 08:58 AM

ODBC and ACS 4? (SAP or SQL Server 7)

Andrew Piskorski 10 05/03/01 12:20 AM 08/17/01 10:12 PM