Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Elimination of email as center of OACS registration.

Posted by Jon Griffin on

Silly or not many people still share mailboxes. That is a fact of life.

One of the reasons I started getting serious about this is that my changes for HR-XML compatibility and contacts become kludges when you are required to have a unique address for each party. (Another reason is a friends site that wants anonomity for its users).

I will flesh this out some more tomorrow and throw a preliminary patch together. Be warned, it requires PG 7.3 as I do some drop columns etc that don't work in earlier versions.


As far as getting other information, I would just have a link that requests the info. It seems like you are asking for contact info and if you are using PG you can look at the packages on my site. The Oracle versions are just about done and I hope to have them tested by the weekend.