Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Elimination of email as center of OACS registration.

Posted by Jon Griffin on
Unless the data model is changed, email will always be unique at the least.
Using login_id in no way precludes you from using email as your unique identifier. It really is extremely rare that I see a site that still uses email for any type of authentication (other than sending lost passwords). Yahoo, Amazon, ebay all use login ID's. We are way behind the norm and it really could be considered a p3p problem as we store and require email.

I don't have a problem with keeping email as a login for those who want it, the main problem is the data model itself is not correct and now that PG supports dropping columns and it cascades correctly we can fix it.

The HR-XML contacts info is in HEAD (last I checked) or on my site for those who want to see it.

Lars, I will get with you about your vision also. I am going to hack on this a little more today.