Here's a terse guideline on what a package owner should done in the next weeks
regarding "noquoting" his or her code:
- Remove ad_quotehtml from tcl files. Quoting is now the default, so calling
this function in a tcl file is unnecessary.
- Quoting is now the default: add the noquote tag sparingly to adp files.
- If an html widget is built in tcl, consider moving html generation into a
include adp/tcl pair.
- Move html generation to adp.
How do you test? Create objects with html code.
(There's an exception the first rule rule: if you have a multirow datasource
where you explicitly want to quote some rows and don't want to quote the rest,
you'll need ad_quotehtml in the tcl file and noquote the variable)
You currently need to noquote property and include parameters that you pass on
from one adp to another one. The templating system should be changed so that
quoting takes place only once. If someone wants to implement that, please
speak up.
Post your questions please, I'll be lending a hand