Forum OpenACS Development: New template for openacs

In Galileo University we are glad to announce the contribution of theme-ges package.

This package is a new template for openacs, originally was designed for oacs-5-2, I did it some changes for oacs-5-3.

You can see some screenshots at , if you want this package, you can grab it from inside the directory theme-ges, you will find a file called README which contains the instructions for installing.

Best Regards.


Posted by Tom Jackson on
First off I like your theme, but since I am a lowly programmer, my opinion isn't of much use to anyone.

In looking at your README file (which isn't identified as text/plain) it seems that you require users to modify essentially every instance of ad_form and list builder, and change a few tcl and adp files.

This is not the definition of a module (or package), as modules have to accept core conventions. But more importantly, could you suggest potential changes to core which would allow easier 'themeing'? I'm asking because it is not clear if your modifications are necessary because of a deficiency in OpenACS or in your module. You should figure it out and explain it, because you really should not offer modules which require changes to core. IMHO, you should not create them in the first place, but what you do on your own site is nobody's business.

Posted by Nima Mazloumi on
It looks fantastic!

Regarding the README:

2.-3. Seems ok to me. These are configuration issues.

1. Maybe we need a way to source that out so that future upgrades don't overwrite that.

4. Shouldn't this be taken care of automatically (after install, after upgrade, after unistall)?

5-6. If this is bad design in Oacs/dotLRN than they have to be changed in general to support future themes. If not than using the theme will be impossible since it will surely break after an upgrade of the site. Maybe you can provide a list of lists/forms that are affected and a solution that works also on the long term.

Posted by Dave Bauer on
The theme looks great!

1) This is a problem. Overall we need a way for resources of all types to live inside a theme. There should be a default theme that contains all the basic CSS, icons, etc that are needd for an install.
4 is also a problem. The theme is this caes is not just style, but also changing how certain pages work. That should not be included in a theme.
5-6 is a problem also. I would have thought all the custom applied css etc would have been removed for the Zen project, if not it definitely will have to be part of an effort to allow easy theming of OpenACS.