I am writing a new policy for my instance of xowiki
I want that only site Wide admin Can Create a ::xowiki::PageTemplate
And xowiki::Object but policy2 only cover the edit part,
In my policy I am try set permission for create this object like this
Policy policyb -contains {
Class Package -array set require_permission {
reindex swa
rss swa
google-sitemap none
google-sitemapindex none
delete {{id admin}}
edit-new {{{has_class ::xowiki::Object} swa} {id create}}
when I change the security_policy parameter and set my new policy I get and error that i describe in a previous post
my question is how can I restrict the creation or edit-new for only site Wide admin for this tow (a ::xowiki::PageTemplate And xowiki::Object)
Other question is :
There is a way for page ordering in wiki 0.47
I have set the parameter display_page_order and fill the section field in creations forms but I can figured a way to order those pages
in the xowiki side menu
thack for you help.