Standard lars as standard: yes. I'd suggest renaming standard as blue-pad and standard-lars as standard myself.
An acs-subsite param that can override it: yes, I was planning on sneaking this into 5.0 soon anyway but if Lars wants to do it, fine w/me.
Get rid of the src arg to form template: emphatically NO. Check out the "transparent-one-row" form template I used at GP to build one-line forms of the "search or text box and 'go' button" variety (often with more than one entry box.) This kind of flexibility's important.
I notice that Lars added the marking of required elements to standard-lars, something I also did for the custom formtemplate used by Greenpeace. I like this (obviously) but I think it should be a form create argument with the default "on". Sometimes folks don't want the marking, for instance one might want to flag the form with an info line saying "all fields are required" ...