Note that last I checked, the default OpenACS AOLserver
file did not contain the syntax to tell the
OpenACS db api which pools are for the OpenACS database - so by
default it assumes they all are. (Hm, guess I should add that prior
to the 5.0 beta...)
But in the meantime, if you add non-OpenACS database pools to your
AOLserver, it is easy to add the necessary lines to the config file,
but you'll need to refer to the docs and/or the comments in the code
to tell you how.
Also, note that in OpenACS 4.6.x, you can only tell the OpenACS db
api, "Don't use these other pools at all, they're for a different
database." There, you can access the non-default database only via
the ns_db API. The Head on the other hand (what will become OpenACS
5.0), has
multi-db support,
so there you can use the OpenACS db API to access as many different
databases as you want, via the -dbn switch to the db API functions.