Forum OpenACS CMS: Re: Learning from what others do well

Posted by Mark Aufflick on
Sorry Jun, that was a great explanation of OpenACS relationships, but perhaps my joke would have been less confusing if I had used the word girlfriends ;)

With regards to the live revision join, yes I agree it's easy, and I don't particularly see a need for a cr_live_revision table, but if the points in the article are valid about the size of the unified cr_revisions table being a problem for sites with a LOT of content, a trigger maintained cr_live_revision table would be a simple way to address that which wouldn't even break any existing code (since the live revision would still be in the cr_revisions table).

But anyhow, this has become a little off-topic. When I finish the project I am working on I will try to put up a bullet point of the CMS features I see as necessity and ask for comment.