Hi Dave,
Thanks, I played around with dotcommunity there, it looks very close to what I'm hoping to do, in structure.
I really like the way it presents standard pages that can be included, exactly the type of thing I'm hoping to do, makes it very easy to use in a standard way.
I wonder what OpenACS (or dotcommunity) is like for extending something like that to do the following:
1. use very glossy layouts (is Flash layouts possible?)
2. the user can choose from a selection of layouts
3. can plug in a more sophisticated gallery/other tools
that the user can drop in to their site
These would be nice to know before I jump in and find out its too hard after a few days of trying. Are these things I can easily plug in or develop myself? Because other than these three requirements, this does look very close to what I'm looking to set up. If I can extend this to include them, its perfect.
Thanks for answering, I appreciate the response.