Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Monitoring

4: Re: Monitoring (response to 3)
Posted by Eduardo Santos on
Hi Malte,

Sorry about that. It seems like my test server is down. I'm going there today or tomorrow to see what happened, and you can check it out again in the weekend. I'll post here as soon as it is available.

The reason for wich I don't commit is: I'm not a commiter. I don't have permission to commit there. If you guys give me access to the CVS, I'll be happy to put my improvements there.

5: Re: Monitoring (response to 4)
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Hello Eduardo, can you send me the diff to the current version from HEAD so I could apply it? I added a couple more things to it so I am careful not to overwrite things.
6: Re: Monitoring (response to 5)
Posted by Eduardo Santos on
Hi Malte,

Take a look at the code:

You can also look at the working application at the link:

Log in with this info:

Password: test

If you have any doubts let me know and I'll solve it as soon as possible.

7: Re: Monitoring (response to 6)
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Hmm.. the login does not seem to work. Can you make a tarball available ?
8: Re: Monitoring (response to 7)
Posted by Eduardo Santos on
That's odd. It seems like the system can't find the user for log in, even though the user is there and can be found in the system. It doesn't matter. The tarball is available at:

You can also make a svn checkout and get the latest code:

svn co

Sorry about the troubles. I guess it's gonna work now.