I have a function to return a csv when given a query
which was what I used with ad_table.
There is some stuff I would change I think (like just uplevel
rather than pass bind var names). Anyway, here it is...
ad_proc -public query_csv {query_name query {binds {}}} {
Build a csv file from a query with headings defined by the column names
@author Jeff Davis (davis@arsdigita.com)
@param query_name the name of the provided query
@param query the actual query
@param binds a list of bind variables to upvar from the callers environment
@return the resulting table html fragment
} {
foreach bind $binds {
upvar $bind $bind
set out {}
set row 0
db_foreach $query_name $query -column_set results {
if {! $row} {
set sep {}
for {set i 0} {$i < [ns_set size $results]} {incr i} {
append out "$sep\"[util_escape_quotes_for_csv [string trim [ns_set key $results $i]]]\""
set sep ","
append out "\n"
incr row
set sep {}
for {set i 0} {$i < [ns_set size $results]} {incr i} {
set val [string trim [ns_set value $results $i]]
if {[regexp {^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$} $val]} {
append out "$sep$val"
} else {
append out "$sep\"[util_escape_quotes_for_csv $val]\""
set sep ","
append out "\n"
return $out