For what it's worth, here are some notes I took to be able to reproduce the upgrade that I did of
*** Doing the CVS Merge
- Checkout acs-core plus the packages acs-events, acs-datetime, acs-developer-support and any other
packages needed by planet:
cvs -d checkout -r oacs-4-6 acs-core
cd openacs-4/packages
cvs -d checkout -r oacs-4-6 acs-datetime acs-events acs-developer-support
- Import the checked out sources to a new release tag on the vendor branch (example date is the 13:th of May 2003):
cd openacs-4
cvs import -b 1.1.2 -m "importing openacs-4-6" planet openacs-vendor-branch openacs-4-6-2003-05-13
- Now enter a clean checkout of planet on the CVS head and merge against the new release branch (release-tag-of-last-m\
erge could be for example openacs-4-6-2003-05-12):
cvs update -kk -j -j openacs-4-6-2003-05-13 -P
- Resolve any resulting conflicts
*** Testing Planet with the new Sources
- Make sure first that you have a dump file of the not upgraded planet database so that you can re-do the upgrade.
- Stop the server and start with a clean error log file. Start the server again and grep for all error messages.
- Remember that many of the procs in acs-tcl are overridden by procs in gp-tcl.
- Resolve enough errors to be able to use the package manager (/acs-admin/apm). Now upgrade the packages one at a time\
starting with the core packages. You need to figure out which upgrade scripts to run as the APM has a history of some\
times suggesting running too early upgrade scripts that you then need to deselect.
- After each upgraded package you need to restart the server and watch for error messages. Some error messages may ste\
m from the fact that not all packages are upgraded yet and can be ignored.
- When you are done, test the site and watch for error messages. If there are issues you may need to upgrade again.