Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Problems with subsite creation after upgrade

Posted by Michael Steigman on
In fact, there is no application group for my main site. In the failed attempts above, I was trying to create a new subsite instance and mount it on a node (4904) directly under the main site.
dev=# select * from application_groups;
 group_id | package_id
     3127 |       3221
     3160 |       3254
(2 rows)
dev=# select node_id, name, parent_id, object_id from site_nodes;
 node_id |          name          | parent_id | object_id
    2603 |                        |           |      2566
    2604 | acs-admin              |      2603 |       372
    2605 | acs-service-contract   |      2603 |       516
    2606 | acs-content-repository |      2603 |      1068
    2607 | acs-workflow           |      2603 |      2547
    2608 | doc                    |      2603 |      1356
    2609 | api-doc                |      2603 |       411
    3218 | subsite1               |      2603 |      3221
    3251 | subsite2               |      2603 |      3254
    4904 | blah                   |      2603 |
(9 rows)
In case it's relevant, this instance was originally installed from code checked out around Feb 4, 2003 (I'm pretty sure it was right around 4.6.1 beta 1).