I'm looking to upgrade to 9i this fall and in the spirt of changing everything at once I figured I'd upgrade to ACS 5 and AOLserver 4. So far it seems I may be the first to try this. My question is what modules do I need to build to support 5.0? From what I can tell the list seems to be
- AOLserver 4.0 beta 8
- tcl8.4.3
- nscache-1.5
- nsoracle-2.6
- nssha1-0.1
- tDom-0.7.7
I'm running Solaris 9 and AOLserver/TCL, nscache and nssha1 seem to build fine.
The Oracle driver is a mess. There are a couple of changes needed to compile with AOLserver 4 and 9i but even then it gets a few hunderd prototype warnings. I also can't link it but I think I've got a 32/64 bit compile problem. I hate to ask this but is anyone supporting it anymore?
I'm also having a problem with tDom. When I set --with-aolserver it complains it can't find ns.h.
I suspect this is something dumb but I'm curious if I have the correct versions or if I'm the first to try this?