Yeah, Dave and I have talked some about improving the attachments package so its simultaneously simpler (uses the existing CR mapping facility) and more useful (not tied to file storage, among other things, OF seemed to think that file-storage == content repository)
Tom ... the CR already has image, internal link (link to a CR item ala a Unix softlink), and external link (for URLs) types.
As Dave points out it makes it easy to store in either the db or file system, good flexibility to have (though I would assume most would store in the file system given the size of movies etc)
Also the CR allows for arbitrary mapping of a CR item to a given file, which means it could be used to map items already in the file system rather than make a special copy (static pages does this already)
So ... is there any particular reason you're not planning to use it? Any overhead due to the item-revision pairing of objects will be overwhelmed by the storage of a movie!