An update for others that may choose this path...
Both /usr/ports/www/pgdriver (2.0) and /usr/ports/www/nspostrges (3.0) are out of date and won't work with OpenACS 4.6.3. I built nspostrges 3.5 by hand with a fair amount of trial and error, serious investigation, and some minor hacking of the Makefile.
The error log isn't exactly empty, just unreadable. There are lines added to it, but I haven't figured how to read them. Neither console or remote ssh got me anywhere.
I finally got things running by using the nsd -f foreground mode which allows me to read the error log too. Haven't managed to get it running in the background yet which makes me think that I have environmental variable in regards to PG set while logged in, that isn't while daemontools starts the process...
I'll post back here with any tips or tricks. The good news though, is that it can be done. I've just run through the OpenACS installation process. The bad news is that it is far from a straight forward process.