Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Send me your home page

Posted by Mat Kovach on
Going along the same path, but maybe a different fork in the road I think it might be helpful to have a few people work on creating serveral type of packaegs (as Don suggested) but in the 'we are copy a popular website because we can' area.  Many of the popular slashdot type software (Post/PHPNuke, etc) were create to copy slashdot.  Why not create an out of the box OpenACS 'Slash' package (which would be simular to the dotVANITY package) or a OpenACS 'Fark' package or pick your favorite site.  Maybe writing a 'how I copied http://xxxxxx'; doc.

I think it could go a long way to showing people what OpenACS can do and be helpful for information on HOW to build sites with OpenACS.  It also could help people that want to learn about OpenACS but specifically about building with OpenACS and not as much building OpenACS.