Forum OpenACS CMS: Re: Top Ten (or Five?) Features you want in an OpenACS CMS

Posted by Dave Bauer on

Search support is provided by the search package. The improvements you suggest, if made to the search package would improve search sitewide, not just for CMS applications.

I am not quite sure how a GUI for template writing or workflow definition would work.

WebDAV support is somewhat in the works, with an effort to get webDAV support into AOLserver. Its not quite ready for integration with OpenACS yet.

Posted by tammy m on

A GUI for template building would basically let a user create content-types and basic/default associated templates from a web-based form. The content-types + templates would be usable immediately like in ETP. But instead of programmers creating content-types in code like

etp::define_content_type howto_article "HowTo Article" "HowTo Articles" {
    { author Author Authors string "cols=80" "" }
    { category Category Categories string "cols=80" "" }
    { desc_title "Description Title" "Description Titles" string "cols=80" "" }

Users could create content-types from a web-based form with pulldowns for each field/attribute that could be added, a text field for the attribute name, a pulldown for the associated default widget for the auto-generated basic template, etc. The content-type created is then available for all users to created pages from. Then the basic template generated could be copied and altered for more advanced users.

I have seen this functionality in other CMS's but of course now I cannot remember which ones.

There are lots of workflow UIs we could look at for examples. I know Stellant and Hyperwave have them but probably so do Midgard, OpenCMS, Typo3, etc.