Forum OpenACS CMS: Re: Feature List

2: Re: Feature List (response to 1)
Posted by Jun Yamog on
Hi Mark,

Thanks for putting this one.  Some comments:

- pdf and word can be treated similarly.  as in binary content.  We do have to check if we can convert them via inso filters.

- isn't inso filters oracle specific?

- "Every edit creates a new content revision" may not be that good.  This was what I did with modETP, it turns out you will get so many revisions in a single page.  The UI that I did for the client that used bcms.  You can edit the a page over and over, and you will have to say that I want a new version.  Of course there is a drawback that you will not track the all changes.

- regarding the parent and child stuff.  It easy to get and render it.  What is hard is putting inline content with an article.  We can use href, but then that is prone to 404.  I was thinking of implementing a tag.  Say cms id="123" for inline stuff.  Take note that this is a different issue for say article template with inline pictures, where in the inline picture is in the template and not in the content.