Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Spell checking

6: Re: Spell checking (response to 1)
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
In addition to the things mentioned above, I'd like to extend ideas on how to use spell checking effectively.

- You should be able to spell check and correct a whole document at once (done)
- You should be able to choose the language you want to spellcheck (done)
- You should be able to add words to your private spellchecking dictionary (for each particular language)
- A better solution needs to be found for words that you misspelled and don't show up in the dictionary. Currently the back button is your friend :).
- Instead of using the confirmation page for displaying the result of a spell check, you should only be redirected to a confirmation page if the result of the spell check returns an error.  The use of a central page for this would hopefully lower integration work in other packages than forums.
- You might think of having community based dictionaries as well. This e.g. could be extremly useful for acronyms used within an organization or if you talk in a community specific language (due to job requirements or just for fun).
- Integration of other dictionaries but aspell
- Integration with a translation service. What I have in mind is the following. You should be able to set your native tongue (somewhere in the system). Due to the fact that you do spell checking, the system can detect which language your text is. Now, if it does not recognize a word, offer the corrections as well as possible translations from your mother tongue. This would allow me to write "if you want to übersetzen your text, please hit bestätigen", and I would get the two german words offered as translations (translate and confirm).