There is a UI problem with associating bookmarks with a group. First, how do you choose the group? Users have to become intimately involved in the details of OpenACS Group management. Second: choosing bookmarks you can see. You would need to do a join to the party_approved_member_map or permission_p on each bookmark.
I have been looking at ways around these problems for a similar package that I mentioned a month or so ago called media. The idea of the package was to allow users to 'attach' media, being photos, word docs, links, to other database 'rows' and 'attributes'. The attachments could be private or public (and maybe approved/unapproved?). Still, absolute control over access to the media attachment would maybe not be possible in every case. Private media would be secure, but public media probably would only require read on the media package. This would allow media to 'show up' in context with everything else that inspired the reason to attach, maybe this is good, maybe not. The package would allow configuration on where media could be attached.