Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Admin abilities, handled on the same page, or on different pages?

Tom, I'd go about it the same way as with other Tcl code, I guess. Ask the user to describe what they did when something went wrong, what message they got (if any), what time it happened, etc., so that I could check the error log ... Then i would most likely put a debug statement in the relevant script and move it around trying to pin-point the problem. Of course, it gets trickier the more complex the code gets, but with sufficient commenting it shouldn't be impossible 😊.

Not to take anything away from Don, his ad_form is great, but, basically it's because the form builder is great to begin with ... Clever as it is, ad_form is primarily a wrapper and should "inherit" the functionality that the form builder is extended with. The core developers' eyes, at least, will probably be  looking more at the form builder proper, than at the wrapper. But for the package developers that aren't yet familiar with ad_form I would suggest to study the api-documentation for ad_form and to check out Jon's tutorial (somewhere over at
