Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: OpenACS / IPCop / Error: nssock: failed to listen on Cannot assign requested address
I set the hostname and address to within my sample-config.tcl file and found that I was able to browse to the homepage. (My sample-config.tcl file follows).
Hopefully I'll explain this clearly but let me know if anything sounds odd.
I have two machines. One is a firewall running ipCop and the other a redhat 9 linux workstation. My firewall machine has two network cards. One card links to my ASDL modem and the other links to my linux workstation.
I have ipCop configured for GREEN+RED interfaces. The RED interface is for the external network (internet access via my ASDL modem) and the GREEN interface is for my internal network (ie my linux workstation).
I set the GREEN interface address to
inet addr:
The ip address for my RED interface is set via DHCP and I set my DHCP hostname as ipcop.
The ip address of my firewall machine is supplied by my internet service provider. It's not a static ip address.
inet addr:
The ip address of my workstation is provided by ipCop. I enabled ipCop's DHCP server function - providing a range of addresses between
I defined the "primary DNS" setting on the "DHCP server configuration screen" as
ifconfig on my local workstation tells me that the ip address of my workstation is
inet addr:
# $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/nsd/aolserver/nsd/sample-config.tcl,v 2001/03/31 15:54:50 mayoff Exp $
# sample-config.tcl -- The AOLserver Startup Script
# This is a Tcl script that is sourced when AOLserver starts up.
# A detailed reference is in "doc/config.txt".
ns_log notice "config.tcl: starting to read config file..."
# Set some Tcl variables that are commonly used throughout this file.
set httpport 8000
set httpsport 8443
# The hostname and address should be set to actual values.
#set hostname [ns_info hostname]
#set address [ns_info address]
set hostname
set address
set servername "server1"
set serverdesc "Server Name"
set homedir [file dirname [ns_info config]]
set bindir [file dirname [ns_info nsd]]
set pageroot ${homedir}/servers/${servername}/pages
set directoryfile index.adp,index.html,index.htm
set ext [info sharedlibextension]
# nsssl: Only loads if keyfile.pem and certfile.pem exist.
#set sslmodule nsssl${ext} ;# Domestic 128-bit/1024-bit SSL.
set sslmodule nsssle${ext} ;# Exportable 40-bit/512-bit SSL.
set sslkeyfile ${homedir}/servers/${servername}/modules/nsssl/keyfile.pem
set sslcertfile ${homedir}/servers/${servername}/modules/nsssl/certfile.pem
# nscp: Uncomment the sample password and log in with "nsadmin", password "x",
# type "ns_crypt newpassword salt" and put the encrypted string below.
set nscp_port 9999
set nscp_addr
set nscp_user ""
#set nscp_user "nsadmin:t2GqvvaiIUbF2:" ;# sample user="nsadmin", pw="x".
# Global server parameters
ns_section "ns/parameters"
ns_param home $homedir
ns_param debug false
# Thread library (nsthread) parameters
ns_section "ns/threads"
ns_param mutexmeter true ;# measure lock contention
#ns_param stacksize [expr 128*1024] ;# Per-thread stack size.
# MIME types.
# Note: AOLserver already has an exhaustive list of MIME types, but in
# case something is missing you can add it here.
ns_section "ns/mimetypes"
ns_param default "*/*" ;# MIME type for unknown extension.
ns_param noextension "*/*" ;# MIME type for missing extension.
#ns_param ".xls" "application/"
# Server-level configuration
# There is only one server in AOLserver, but this is helpful when multiple
# servers share the same configuration file. This file assumes that only
# one server is in use so it is set at the top in the "server" Tcl variable.
# Other host-specific values are set up above as Tcl variables, too.
ns_section "ns/servers"
ns_param $servername $serverdesc
# Server parameters
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}"
ns_param directoryfile $directoryfile
ns_param pageroot $pageroot
ns_param globalstats true ;# Enable built-in statistics.
ns_param urlstats true ;# Enable URL statistics.
ns_param maxurlstats 1000 ;# Max number of URL's to do stats on.
ns_param enabletclpages false ;# Parse *.tcl files in pageroot.
# Scaling and Tuning Options
# Note: These values aren't necessarily the defaults.
#ns_param connsperthread 0 ;# Normally there's one conn per thread
#ns_param flushcontent false ;# Flush all data before returning
#ns_param maxconnections 100 ;# Max connections to put on queue
#ns_param maxdropped 0 ;# Shut down if dropping too many conns
#ns_param maxthreads 20 ;# Tune this to scale your server
#ns_param minthreads 0 ;# Tune this to scale your server
#ns_param threadtimeout 120 ;# Idle threads die at this rate
# Directory listings -- use an ADP or a Tcl proc to generate them.
#ns_param directoryadp $pageroot/dirlist.adp ;# Choose one or the other.
#ns_param directoryproc _ns_dirlist ;# ...but not both!
#ns_param directorylisting simple ;# Can be simple or fancy.
# ADP (AOLserver Dynamic Page) configuration
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/adp"
ns_param map "/*.adp" ;# Extensions to parse as ADP's.
#ns_param map "/*.html" ;# Any extension can be mapped.
ns_param enableexpire false ;# Set "Expires: now" on all ADP's.
ns_param enabledebug false ;# Allow Tclpro debugging with "?debug".
# ADP special pages
#ns_param errorpage ${pageroot}/errorpage.adp ;# ADP error page.
# ADP custom parsers -- see adp.c
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/adp/parsers"
ns_param adp ".adp" ;# adp is the default parser.
# Socket driver module (HTTP) -- nssock
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nssock"
ns_param port $httpport
ns_param hostname $hostname
ns_param address $address
# Socket driver module (HTTPS) -- nsssl
# nsssl does not load unless sslkeyfile/sslcertfile exist (above).
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nsssl"
ns_param port $httpsport
ns_param hostname $hostname
ns_param address $address
ns_param keyfile $sslkeyfile
ns_param certfile $sslcertfile
# Control port -- nscp
# nscp does not load unless nscp_user is a valid user.
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nscp"
ns_param port $nscp_port
ns_param address $nscp_addr
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nscp/users"
ns_param user $nscp_user
# Access log -- nslog
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nslog"
ns_param rolllog true ;# Should we roll log?
ns_param rollonsignal true ;# Roll log on SIGHUP.
ns_param rollhour 0 ;# Time to roll log.
ns_param maxbackup 5 ;# Max number to keep around when rolling.
# CGI interface -- nscgi
# WARNING: These directories must not live under pageroot.
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nscgi"
#ns_param map "GET /cgi /usr/local/cgi" ;# CGI script file dir (GET).
#ns_param map "POST /cgi /usr/local/cgi" ;# CGI script file dir (POST).
# Modules to load
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/modules"
ns_param nssock ${bindir}/nssock${ext}
ns_param nslog ${bindir}/nslog${ext}
#ns_param nscgi ${bindir}/nscgi${ext} ;# Map the paths before using.
#ns_param nsperm ${bindir}/nsperm${ext} ;# Edit passwd before using.
# nsssl: Only loads if sslcertfile and sslkeyfile exist (see above).
if { [file exists $sslcertfile] && [file exists $sslkeyfile] } {
ns_param nsssl ${bindir}/${sslmodule}
} else {
ns_log warning "config.tcl: nsssl not loaded -- key/cert files do not exist."
# nscp: Only loads if nscp_user is set (see above).
if { $nscp_user != "" } {
if ![string match "" $nscp_addr] {
# Anything but is not recommended.
ns_log warning "config.tcl: nscp listening on ${nscp_addr}:${nscp_port}"
ns_param nscp ${bindir}/nscp${ext}
} else {
ns_log warning "config.tcl: nscp not loaded -- user/password is not set."
ns_log notice "config.tcl: finished reading config file."