Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Project-manager integration with logger

Posted by Jade Rubick on
Thanks everyone for the comments:

1) Logging for tasks: glad to hear that this is in line with your vision.

2) Taking out logger_projects table and linking it to pm_projects: we'll have to see who can get to this first. I may end up doing it.

3) Good idea about minimum and maximum hour estimates. Making them equal to each other is a good idea. Yes, of course, using these is optional, and will probably be specified by a parameter.

4) Proposed solutions to circular dependency with packages:

a) split PM into data model and UI packages

b) integrate the two packages. Lars made a good point about retaining the flexiblility of both packages if we integrate them.

5) Malte: Linking logger with bug-tracker. Perhaps a more general question would be: is there a way logger could be extended so that it could act like a service, and any package could log hours? That's not a question for me to answer, I guess. My needs with project-manager are pretty immediate, however, so I can't wait for that to be developed.

6) Malte: Is project manager storing tasks its own way, or using bugtracker: I looked a lot at bug-tracker, and it doesn't really fit well with the project-manager domain. However, using workflow is definitely on the agenda, and I'll probably plunder heavily from bug-tracker when I put workflow in.

7) Malte questioned the need to rely on PM. You could allow it to check mounted PM instances instead of just relying on PM. However, someone will need to write scripts to transfer the projects back and forth. Not tough, just something to think about. I think this might be a good idea.

8) Peter said that he thought the hour estimates belong in the bug-tracker, where the tasks live. Since I'm not actually using bug-tracker, I'll take that to mean you think they belong in with the Tasks. This makes sense to me as well.

The question that remains for me is if the hours associated with the Task should be in the task as well. It should be an easy matter to compare real versus estimated hours. Many graphs and charts do this, for example.

If we keep the data in logger, then we need to make sure it can efficiently be accessed.

I'll need to do some more thinking about this as well.

9) Peter, the code has been in /contrib for a while now. Information on the project-manager, including links to the CVS directory via, are at: