Again, thank you for your answers. You are really helping me out. So far the packages installed are bug-tracker and its dependent packages and that is pretty much it. (other than openfts and search).
Thank you
PS: Also I understand to create a web page you need three files: -.adp, -.tcl, -.xql. I wrote my queries and wrote my tcl script but the variables I passed in to the adp are not working right. Are the files supposed to be compiled automatically?
These are my different scripts:
<property name="title">Congratulations</property>
<p>Today's date is @date@ and the time is now @time@</p>
ad_page_contract {
Main view page for one project.
@creation-date 2003-08-14
@cvs-id $Id$
-properties {
db_1row date_select {}
db_2row time_select {}
tcl file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="date_select">
SELECT current_date;
<fullquery name="time_select">
SELECT current_time;
xql file