Forum OpenACS Development: query that shows connection betwen objects...

I have an objects table that connects different objects with each other (columns: object_id_1, object_id_2), while it could be possible that an object_id_1 is related to an object_id_2, but the above object_id_2 is not related to the above object_id_1. In this case only one entry would exist. Whenever  two objects are related to each other and vice versa two entries would exist.

I am looking for a query that returns a list of object_id_2 that is related to one specific object_id_1, which is not that hard in itself:

select object_id_2 from objects where object_id_1 in (select object_id_2 from objects where object_id_1 in (select object_id_2 from objects where object_id_1 = specific_object_id_1)) and so on.

But I would additionally like to know how the objects are related to each other. For example:

specific_object_id_1, object_id_2, object_id_2, object_id_2

Any suggestions?

Posted by Tom Jackson on

How can you relate them and not know how they are related? There must be a process that causes the relation, doesn't that explain their relationship?

What is the data model? How does it differ from the intent of acs_rels + acs_rel_types?

Posted by David Kuczek on
Hey Tom, I am looking for a friendster style query that shows how one user (object_id_1) is related to another user (object_id_2) via my objects table (ala 6 degrees of separation)...

An example:

object_id_1  object_id_2
1            2
2            3
3            4
4            5

1 is related to 5 via 2,3,4...

Posted by David Kuczek on
Hey Tom, I am looking for a friendster style query that shows how one user (object_id_1) is related to another user (object_id_2) via my objects table (ala 6 degrees of separation)...

An example:

object_id_1  object_id_2
1              2
2              3
3              4
4              5

1 is related to 5 via 2,3,4...

Posted by Jade Rubick on
I really have no idea, not having thought of this before.

But my first instinct would be to use hierarchical queries of some sort. Would they work?

I'd also look into some SQL reference books, like SQL for Smarties, or something.

Maybe modeling graphs in SQL?