Great questions, Randy. I'm interested in any responses as well.
This post describes the install.xml file - it's a way to automatically install packages and set parameters at bootstrap time, rather than going through the tedium of the package-manager.
tclwebtest is a HTTP testing tool written by Til and hosted at sourceforge. The documentation is pretty good and it was pretty easy to get tclwebtest to automate an OpenACS bootstrap (basically: load the index page and click 'Next' a couple times).
I tried at one point to get my head around acs-automated-testing and failed. I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do with it. I also couldn't figure out how I was supposed to have tclwebtest interact with acs-automated-testing.
I'm sure you knew all this info already, so hopefully others will chime in. And if no one does, I'd be happy to cheerlead you as you dive through the source. 😊