Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Zip Code Discrepancies

2: Re: Zip Code Discrepancies (response to 1)
Posted by Jon Griffin on
I maintain ref-* so please email me in private and I will update the ref-zipcodes, as there is a way to deprecate reference data in acs-reference.
I think I was using 1999 data, but it has been a while.
3: Re: Zip Code Discrepancies (response to 2)
Posted by tammy m on

Has ref-zipcodes been updated and if so where can I get a most recent copy?

Also, any tips on how to implement a zip code proximity search for my website? Has anyone already done this with OACS that I could make use of?!


5: Re: Zip Code Discrepancies (response to 3)
Posted by Gilbert Wong on

Here's the plpgsql function we use. It takes two zipcodes and calculates the distance between them. You can find the formulas on the internet.

create function zip_distance (char,char)
returns float8 as '
    p_zip1              alias for $1;
    p_zip2              alias for $2;
    v_lat               float8;
    v_lon               float8;
    v_lat_ref           float8;
    v_lon_ref           float8;
    v_distance          float8;
    lat_rad             float8;
    lon_rad             float8;
    lat_ref_rad         float8;
    lon_ref_rad         float8;
    dlon                float8;
    dlat                float8;
    a                   float8;
    c                   float8;
    d                   float8;
    select latitude::float8, longitude::float8
        into v_lat, v_lon from us_zipcodes where zipcode = p_zip1;
    select latitude::float8, longitude::float8
        into v_lat_ref, v_lon_ref from us_zipcodes where zipcode = p_zip2;
    lat_rad := v_lat * 0.017453293;
    lon_rad := v_lon * 0.017453293;
    lat_ref_rad := v_lat_ref * 0.017453293;
    lon_ref_rad := v_lon_ref * 0.017453293;
    dlon := lon_rad - lon_ref_rad;
    dlat := lat_rad - lat_ref_rad;
    a := pow(sin(dlat/2),2) + (cos(lat_rad)*cos(lat_ref_rad)*(pow(sin(dlon/2),2)));
    c := 2*atan2(sqrt(a),sqrt(1-a));
    d := 3963 * c;
    return trunc(d);

end;' language 'plpgsql';

In your query, do something like this:

where zip_distance(:ref_zipcode,zipcode) <= $search_distance