Present: Don, Raul, Emma, Olga, holycow, partymola.
1) Valencia is running Zen on their production site successfully
-Emma will forward message to Mark
2. Release 2.3.1 (and merge...)
-Don testing now and will upload the tarball after
-Don will merge next weekend. Emma reminds:
. core 5.3.2 hasn't been merged --> Don will merge that first
. chat is the oacs-5-2 version, version on head is not finished (probably get rid of head version)
. Emma merged lors* sometime ago for the oracle port
3. .lrn 2.4.0 (next after 2.3.1)
-oacs 5.4.0 scheduled by nov/dec (clean-up with the new, rationalized template::head stuff) --> more details tomorrow in OCT meeting
.go on zenifying
.new master template stuff
.switch to html strict on a way to xhtml (Emma: mostly it's about attributes)
-status of the port of lors to oracle (started by Mario on head but not finished, broken on head) - when? --> to be discuss offline (Raul on the phone)
-notifications --> Malte proposed a while ago to localize them
.right now they go out in the language of the sender --> part of the core, so tbd tomorrow
Feel free to add or comment things.