Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Google Web Services & OpenACS

Posted by Andrew T on
No, you are right a general SOAP client would be a lot more useful. Unfortunately its out of the scope of my project and in addition theres no way i would be able to implement it in 5-6 weeks time. I have to produce something that works with Google... but thanks :)

what do openACS developers currently use to do SOAPS calls? should i look at tcl soap ?

Posted by Bruno Mattarollo on
I don't have any experience with TclSOAP, maybe some other person in the community has used it before and can give you some more informed feedback. I have used SOAP::Lite (perl) tough :)

To implement the simple HTTP transport layer for SOAP you could use TclSOAP (again with the caveat that I haven't used it myself) or Tcl + tDOM and start something there yourself. Probably in the timeframe you are mentioning it won't be easy to recreate the wheel :)
