Forum OpenACS Q&A: One to Many Relationship

Posted by Nathan Mickson on

  Does anyone know if its possible to do a one-to-many relationship in postgresql?

  I have a table of objects, and another table with a column that may refer to zero or more objects in the first table, sort of like a List in Java

  Is that possible?

  Thankyou in advance
Posted by Peter Marklund on
You may use a mapping table:

create table a_to_b_map (
  a_id integer references a_table(a_id) unique,
  b_id integer references b_table(b_id)
  unique(a_id, b_id)

This table lets you map one a object to many b objects.

Posted by Tom Jackson on

I don't think you need a mapping table for one-to-many.

create table types (
 type_id integer not null primary key

create table content (
 content_id integer not null primary key
 type_id integer not null references types

insert into types values (1);
insert into types values (2);

insert into content values (1,1);
insert into content values (2,1);

Now there is a one-to-many relationship beteen content and types, or a many-to-one relationship beteen types and content.

If you wanted to categorize the content, you might have a table of categories:

create table categories (
 category_id integer not null primary key
 category varchar(32) not null unique

insert into categories values (1,'good');
insert into categories values (2,'bad');
insert into categories values (3,'ugly');
-- and a mapping table:

create table content_category_map (
 content_id ...
 category_id ...
 constraint ccm_un unique (content_id,category_id)

insert into content_category_map values (1,1);
insert into content_category_map values (1,2);
insert into content_category_map values (2,1);
insert into content_category_map values (2,2);

Now you have a many-to-many relationship between content and categories.

You can enforce a mapping table to be one-to-many by setting a unique constraint on one of the columns.

Posted by Jarkko Laine on
Hi Nathan,

One-to-many (as well as many-to-many and one-to-one) relationship is a key concept of relational database design, so PostgreSQL like any other RDBMS can certainly handle those. You might want to read some intro (e.g. to this topic to get a deeper understanding of what they mean.

What Peter suggests creates actually a many-to-many relationship, so like Tom says, you don't need a mapping table for your task.

Tom's post explains very well how an one-to-many relationship is made in SQL, so I'll just point out that you don't use a list in table1's column but rather specify the relationship in every row of table2. One basic concept of relational model is that every attribute is atomic -- i.e. you only have one value stored in one column of one row. That means no lists as column values.