I've now taken a look and found the problem.
When you export the value, you export the { body format } list as the value of element "message_body".
But if you look at the source behind the edit form with the richtext widget, you see that there are two widgets:
message_body is the textarea into which the text gets entered.
message_body.format is the select box which lets you pick the format.
If you export the values the same way, it works:
set exported_vars [export_vars -form { message_id forum_id parent_id subject html_p confirm_p { message_body $content} { message_body.format $format } }]
Here's a complete patch against the version I have running here:
Index: message-post.tcl
RCS file: /cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/forums/www/message-post.tcl,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.13.2.6 message-post.tcl
--- message-post.tcl 24 Mar 2003 09:11:10 -0000
+++ message-post.tcl 1 Sep 2003 19:31:17 -0000
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@
# we use ns_queryget to get the value of html_p because it won't be defined
# until the next element -DaveB
-element create message content \
+element create message message_body \
-label Body \
- -datatype text \
- -widget textarea \
+ -datatype richtext \
+ -widget richtext \
-html {rows 20 cols 60 wrap soft} \
-validate {
empty {expr ![empty_string_p [string trim $value]]} {Please enter a message}
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
element create message html_p \
-label Format \
-datatype text \
- -widget radio \
- -value $html_p \
+ -widget hidden \
+ -value "t" \
-options {{text f} {html t}}
element create message parent_id \
@@ -93,14 +93,17 @@
if {[form is_valid message]} {
form get_values message \
- message_id forum_id parent_id subject content html_p confirm_p subscribe_p
+ message_id forum_id parent_id subject html_p confirm_p subscribe_p message_body
+ set content [template::util::richtext::get_property contents $message_body]
+ set format [template::util::richtext::get_property format $message_body]
if {!$confirm_p} {
forum::get -forum_id $forum_id -array forum
set confirm_p 1
set content [string trimright $content]
- set exported_vars [export_form_vars message_id forum_id parent_id subject content html_p confirm_p]
+ set exported_vars [export_vars -form { message_id forum_id parent_id subject html_p confirm_p { message_body $content} { m\
essage_body.format $format } }]
set message(html_p) $html_p
set message(subject) [ad_quotehtml $subject]
If you would provide a fix for this for 5.0, that would be awesome!