Forum OpenACS Development: Re: whole page caching using memcached

Posted by Tom Jackson on

Hey, this isn't necessarily an answer to your question, but I was looking at the new AOLserver 4.5 sources yesterday. There is a new filter point. It is called prequeue. Example:

proc ::prequeue {} {
    ns_log Notice "running ::prequeue"
    return filter_ok

ns_register_filter prequeue GET /* ::prequeue

Note that you don't define the proc with the usual 'why' arg. At the moment I don't know if the prequeue filters are run with their own thread, or if the driver thread waits for the prequeue procs to run, but it looks like you can prevent the whole connection from running any further. It looks like there is a callback, but anyway, it could be an inexpensive way to return cached pages without going through any of the request processor code.