Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Automated Install, Configuration, and Test

Posted by Vinod Kurup on

All this detail is really useful. Couple questions.

  1. Is it possible to install just a few packages, rather than all the packages? I would guess you could do this by using multiple <install> sections.
  2. Is the <text> section just for comments? Does it display in the browser?
Thanks again
Posted by Randy O'Meara on
1. You can mix-n-match... multiple 'action's are allowed, and the value is globbed.
  [glob -nocomplain "[acs_root_dir]/packages/[apm_required_attribute_value $action package]/*.info"]

2. The 'text' section doesn't show. If you're thinking that you need to display something, looks like you could put html or text in 'prettyname' and index.tcl will show it. Of course, index.tcl could also be modified to display the text section...


Posted by Dave McBride on
I have all of the functionality working for the site tester except the full running of the test file. It fails to find the proc 'http::config' when a do_request is executed inside a tclwebtest file.

The same test file works fine when I use tclwebtest standalone. I assume I have loaded the various .tcl files incorrectly when OpenACS starts up or some changes need to be made to make all this work well together.

Any ideas how to get this working?


Posted by Randy O'Meara on

What provides the http::config proc? Does it live in a package /tcl directory, and is it named something-procs.tcl? If not you may have to use the tcl "package require" command although I've never used it. Actually, I've never even looked at it.


Posted by Dave McBride on
It seems that the require statement is in the tclwebtest shell script. The tclwebtest starts out as a shell and is converted into a tcl shell. If I include only the tcl code from it, the require statement fails to find the http package upon loading. I looked around and could not find the http package.

If I run the tclwebtest standalone it now runs for http. I am working on https next.
