Forum OpenACS Development: FYI: Registration works again on HEAD

Posted by Lars Pind on
For a few days, registration and password recovery was not functional on HEAD. It's back in a working state now.

Apologies for the interruption.


Posted by Ola Hansson on
I'm getting nowhere when I click "Set System Information" on the last form during install.

Do you think it is related to your work?

Here is what I get:

[04/Sep/2003:16:15:40][1350.65541][-conn1-] Notice: ns_getform using encoding iso8859-1 for charset iso-8859-1
[04/Sep/2003:16:15:40][1350.65541][-conn1-] Error: Error sourcing /web/oacsdev/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer/site-info-2.tcl:
Selection did not return a value, and no default was provided
    while executing
"db_string main_site_id_select {
    select package_id from apm_packages
    where instance_name = 'Main Site'
    invoked from within
"set main_site_id [db_string main_site_id_select {
    select package_id from apm_packages
    where instance_name = 'Main Site'
    (file "/web/oacsdev/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer/site-info-2.tcl" line 40)
    invoked from within
"source $__file "
Posted by Lars Pind on
Oops, that's my bad, but unrelated. Sorry. Do a cvs up of acs-kernel, and reinstall from scratch. Sorry.


Posted by Ola Hansson on

It works fine now, no problem. Thanks!

I know you are working actively on stuff in this regard at the moment, so I don't mean to nag, but on the next page there was another showstopper: There is an inline error message in the "username" field when I hit submit that says " Error invoking the authentication driver." ... I didn't enter any username during install - only my email address, so I think I should use  the email as username when I log in. I did that yesterday, at least, and it worked then.

Besides, I think it may be a little hard for folks to understand that if they don't enter a username it is the email address that counts as the username. Maybe it should be explained somewher in the login box, or in the installation/register forms?

It is just a thought, though.



Posted by Peter Marklund on
I had the same error message just now and Lars fixed a bug in acs-service-contract, so update that package and try again.
Posted by Ola Hansson on
Everything works. Thanks.
