I don't think I understand where the "cascaded deletes" in question
are coming from here, I don't see any mentioned of them above. But
when it comes to
bug 234,
of course a cascaded delete there won't do the right thing,
it can't. AFAIK the only proper way there has
ever been to
delete an acs_object is by calling acs_object.delete() on the row.
Properly, any core helper objects, like permissions, should also be
deleted when acs_object.delete() is called, which is what the patch
for that bug fixed, basically by just doing "
delete from
acs_permissions where object_id = v_object_id
If you want "on delete cascade" to Do the Right Thing in general with
acs_objects (perhaps a worthwhile goal...), that's a different and
larger issue. AFAIK it is currently not supported by the
OpenACS object system.
On the the deleting groups problem above, yup, sounds to me like a
similar patch needs to be made there. It's the other end of the same
problem actually, when you delete an acs_object you need to delete the
permissions granted on that object. Likewise when you delete a group
which has permissions on some object, you need to delete those granted
permissions before deleting the group too...