Forum OpenACS Q&A: Spam Management

Posted by Randy O'Meara on
In an older AD ACS incarnation, I believe I saw a system for managing spam. I don't recall the exact capabilities but I believe I recall:
  • A UI to create/save/edit/revise spam message content including a special notation for embedding dynamic field content (e.g. {username} {email}, etc)
  • A UI to (recollection is fuzzy on this) dynamically "select" spam recipients, track non-delivery status (maybe by returned non-delivery response)
Does this, or an equivalent capability, exist in the current oacs?



2: Re: Spam Management (response to 1)
Posted by Tilmann Singer on
Did you try the spam package? It is still in the distribution (or at least in CVS), although the plan is to eventually replace it with bulk-mail.