AOLServer 3.5.6-2
PostgreSQL 7.3.4-2
OpenACS 4.6.3
In News/item.tcl, the following line seems to determine whether permission to display the comments and the appropriate comment link should be displayed.
if { [ad_parameter SolicitCommentsP "news" 0] &&
[ad_permission_p $item_id general_comments_create] } {
However, I want to give anonymous users the ability to add comments.
If I comment out the section where it checks the permissions, things display as expected. But, that doesn't appear to be the 'correct' method. If I leave the permission checks in place, adding direct permissions to the news or general comments module doesn't seem to make a difference.
Two questions:
1) Permissions
Inherited Permissions
* Registered Users, general_comments_create
* Registered Users, news_create
* The Public, news_read
* The Public, read
Direct Permissions
Unregistered Visitor, news_create
Unregistered Visitor, general_comments_create
The Public, general_comments_create
The Public, news_create
With the above permissions, comments do not display, nor is the public able to comment. What am I missing in terms of permissions to allow anyone to create comments?
2) If I read the if statement correctly, one that doesn't have permission to post a comment, also cannot see the comments posted by those that do have the correct permissions.
Code block involved:
if { [ad_parameter SolicitCommentsP "news" 0] &&
[ad_permission_p $item_id general_comments_create] } {
set comment_link [general_comments_create_link $item_id "[ad_conn package_url]item?item_id=$item_id"]
set comments [general_comments_get_comments -print_content_p 1 -print_attachments_p 1 \
$item_id "[ad_conn package_url]item?item_id=$item_id"]
} else {
set comment_link "$item_id"
set comments ""
In this case, even with solicit comments turned on, any permission failure would seem to not set comments properly.
Perhaps something like:
set comments ""
set comment_link ""
if { [ad_parameter SolicitCommentsP "news" 0] } {
set comments [general_comments_get_comments -print_content_p 1 -print_attachments_p 1 \
$item_id "[ad_conn package_url]item?item_id=$item_id"]
if { [ad_permission_p $item_id general_comments_create] } {
set comment_link [general_comments_create_link $item_id "[ad_conn package_url]item?item_id=$item_id"]
My coding style might not match those of whomever is maintaining the package.
Even with the code change, my original permissions problem still exists.